William Faulkner

How did a drunk rednick hick write better than anyone else has ever on the planet (except maybe Shakespeare)

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What do you think?

Doesn't change the fact he's a white guilt faggot, and any author that has had their books in the Oprah Book Club has lost any credibility they may have had.

Argh fucking gross

He never drank while he wrote, incidentally.

This feels like reading those AI-generated texts that just string random words together

your mind feels like one of those AI-generated cess pits, that just string random experiences together and call it a life

>any author that has had their books in the Oprah Book Club has lost any credibility they may have had.
He predates the show, though. He even predates television. Not his fault he has the universal appear of a great writer like Shakespeare.

I love Faulkner. I think he and Melville are the true great classic American writers. I also love him because he dropped out of college and got Ds in English, and wrote As I Lay Dying while working as a janitor, so it gives me hope, however falsely, that if I just try really hard I too can write something pretty good someday.

I want to read more of him, hopefully everything he wrote eventually.

Also he was aesthetic despite being a manlet. Great hair and good facial hair.

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at some point you must have realized that reading comprehension isn't one of your strengths. my question is why, at this point, did you not decide to stop making banal comments on universally acclaimed pieces of literature that you simply don't understand?

>a writer's work speaks to universal themes and can be appreciated beyond his place and time
>therefore he's bad

God I hate what Yea Forums's become.

I think on some level he was just a savant, but his willingness to constantly experiment with language, style, mood, and structure- even when using the same setting and even the same characters over different books- is really what set him apart. That and the fact that he never wrote novels to sell, get famous, or please any audience except himself.

As I Lay Dying is miles better than any other novel he has wrote, prove me wrong.

Gonna hafta defend user here, Faulkner (or Fucknerd as I like to call him) is pretentious shit for pretentious plebs.

he's not a white guilt faggot you faggot

This whole page is pretty powerful, I always thought Faulkner's stuff flowed so well and felt so natural if you can just read it out loud and get what he was going for, especially the harder parts of TSATF (Benjy and Quentin's sections). It's a shame so many people find him intimidating, the parallels I can draw between what he writes about and just being alive are staggering; he really is like Shakespeare in that regard.

Try reading him

>posting shit like this

>white guilt
Faulkner was a Dixieboo who hated niggers. You are delusional

Faulkner didn't hate blacks. He did like the Confederacy in the sense that old family tales of the Civil War influenced him in his writing.

He was a Dixeboo who was also sympathetic to blacks. His kind doesn't exist anymore which is another thing that makes his writing valuable.

bump for faulkner

google dot com slash url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=typeofwords.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/4954_FAULKNER4.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjQprGC3JLkAhXSVN8KHU7JBTcQFjABegQICRAB&usg=AOvVaw2bUjTx5cJPJT8LqUKiNcZ0&cshid=1566347752239

Here's how he did it

So which book of his should I read?

you're the type of person his books are precisely about

Pretty mediocre and not that entertaining. Next.