Why haven't you read it yet? What's stopping you?
Why haven't you read it yet? What's stopping you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would I read shit, when I can read good books?
>hasn't read it
>considers it shit
>is extremely offended
Ignorance is stopping you, ok
There's so little time and so many books. Knowing what's shit without reading it is a crucial skill.
shoo shoo, antisemite, go back to with the rest of the retards
enjoy your ban
Opposing jews is a priority. No other race has evolved by aligning with evil in such a way.
>No other race has evolved by aligning with evil in such a way.
White people have.
Not true. Stop blaming others for your ills.
Circumcision aka. baby torture is a foreign concept to us.
*unplugs router*
Circumcision is nothing compared to the evils white people have commited throughout history
>npc lines
open yourself to the truth user
So the only reason for reading this book would be if you already have preassumptions about le jews and reading it would only further those preassumptions. Got it. Are you sure you are on the right board though?
So it's gonna be perfect for you, cause you don't
Your "truth" is merely baseless bigotry and antisemitism. Your only claim on truth rests on your preexisting prejudices. You should be embarrassed.
>Circumcision is nothing compared to x
Wrong. Baby torture is the worst of the worst. You can't get worse than that.
I presume you're talking about these:
>Vast majority of the slave trade of niggers was committed by Jews.
>Muslims/Arabs/Turks had millions of Europeans and Africans traded as slaves until 19th century
>Jews have been genocidal throughout their history, far beyond anything Whites have done; Native Americans almost exclusively died to lack of disease immunities
>War of Iraq, Libya and other humanitarian catastrophes were orchestrated by jews through their slave nation; the Americans
>The Crusades!!1
>The Jihad, the Maccabean revolts, the Bolsheviks
Why do you lie? Why do you protect those savages who tormented you when you were but a baby? You're not getting yourself intact, ever.
How about white people's industrialized animal holocaust that's going on right now as we speak? Are you sure that's worse than cutting up baby's genitals that only mildly hurts for like 5mins. Or are you one of those "people" who insist animals don't have feelings, even though they display them regularly in the most obvious of forms.
I'm uncut though, I just don't see it as a big deal.
>How about white people's industrialized animal holocaust that's going on right now as we speak?
They are all kosher and halal, except the pigs.
damn user why are you being anti-white, that's merely baseless bigotry
It causes permanent brain damage and is used to enforce brainwashing through trauma.
>All those evil opponents of us in the who made us
It causes the perpetuation of the opposition of humans vs jews.
I don't fucking care, they are all morally reprehensible without exception.
>that's merely baseless bigotry
it's not though
>Are you sure that's worse than cutting up baby's genitals that only mildly hurts for like 5mins
Circumcision cuts the area with most nerves in a body, competing with fingertips. Cut your fingertips off, it'll only hurt for 5min.
antisemitis isn't baseless bigotry either, see what happens when you can't make an argument?
>I don't fucking care, they are all morally reprehensible without exception.
This is the most desperate attempt at a moral high ground I've seen.
Wonder how large of a percentage of the meat industry is in jewish ownership...
That's the point, Jews are such a small group of people and need to be protected. It's easy to attack minorities because majority is predisposed to disliking and being suspicious of minorities that are different. All your "arguments" for antisemitism crumble at their feet when you start examining them.
can you stop talking about the dick skins already? You seem obsessed.
The entirety of judaism is leeching off others, tormenting them, scapegoating their own evil ways onto their victims, then killing them and their culture in a ritualistic manner.
fucking based.
Hey jew famanon, read the book, it's part of history with valid points and arguments, you won't be an antisemite if you read it, just a history connoisseur
Cut off your fingertips and post pictures first.
>We all agree that baby torture is wrong
Isn't this how every secular/diplomatic ethics discussion starts?
>samefagging in a thread with 6(!) posters
Not a jew and not a female. God you're so bad at deduction, no wonder antisemitic conspiracies attract you lmao.
>80IQ master race
Who else has an interest in defending jews, when truth is so obvious?
>They just control the information feed, definitely not using it to brainwash people, rule them with guilt and artificial historical narratives
>>We all agree that baby torture is wrong
Isn't this how every secular/diplomatic ethics discussion starts?
It would be wrong if it was torture. But it's not, it serves a specific function independent of pain.
Even if you considered it to be torture, the animal holocaust is 1000x more reprehensible than circumcision and should be dealt with first if you are to claim any moral highground.
>It would be wrong if it was torture. But it's not, it serves a specific function independent of pain.
The function is to produce enough pain to create a permanent subconscious trauma.
>Who else has an interest in defending jews, when truth is so obvious?
Rational people, precisely because the truth is so obvious.
>Even if you considered it to be torture, the animal holocaust is 1000x more reprehensible
Based on what?
>burnt offering
Yawn. It'll come for you kikes, don't worry.
>It'll come for you k*kes, don't worry.
As I explained before, I am not jewish. Not only you're extremely bad at deduction, your memory is shit too. No wonder you got so memed by the retards on
Be rational and look for the truth, you can read and fact check. You probably prefer jew owned media to tell it to you
>As I explained before
You were probably lying, as is customary and taught in the Talmud.
You're even worse than the radical feminists complaining the STEM fields are dominated by men. If you don't like it, go change it, don't just sit there complaining.
Why would I even lie about being a goy? G*d your worldview is so warped.
>You seem obsessed
lmao someone got the tip of their dick cut off when they were younger
>But it's not, it serves a specific function independent of pain.
so does cutting the labia
>radical feminists complaining the STEM fields are dominated by men
Those radical feminists are all Jewish lol
>But it's not
According to what? The Talmud?
[citation needed]
Yes, but the sole purpose of FGM is to reduce the sexual pleasure of a woman, which is why it's much worse than MGM.
As I explained before, I'm an uncut gentile male.
Henry Ford was a rational person. So was Disney. So was Hitler.
Soviet Union was (initially) run by jews, when it was the evil genocide machine.
Not complaining but doing something about it and raising awareness. Jews are really good at censoring and building a wall of law to protect themselves from criticism under the disguise of antisemitism. People end up in jail, imagine if you talk about whites as you do and everyone does in public but they get put in jail
No, according to the argument I made right after making the claim. God you're retarded.
Isn't this a lame attempt at Chutzpah, the evil form of arrogance?
>Henry Ford was a rational person. So was Disney. So was Hitler.
There are no rational people, just rational arguments, dumbass. It's impossible for a person to act rationally consistently for the whole of his life. A lot of high IQ people make a lot of stupid irrational mistakes, that's life. You need to get out more.
Criticizing whites history is perfectly justifiable and historically accurate though, meanwhile antisemitism is largely based on irrational fear and debunked conspiracy theories.
I own the book and I honestly don’t see what is anti-semetic about it. Henry Ford actually speaks out against anti-semetism in the book. I think the reason why it has been slapped with this label is because it addresses the JQ. Any willfully ignorant people here who are claiming to be too intelligent or whatever to read this book should consider that Henry Ford was a genius whose vast impacts are still felt around the world today. At the very least, how could you not be curious as to how such a brilliant mind could end up being (supposedly) anti-semetic? Just remember that being ignorant is never epistemologically sensible.
All this tells me is there are a lot of feminists, which I already knew before.
It's American
>There are no rational people
So no one has an interest in defending jews according to your argument.
just go back to already, the bastion of rationality.
It's been a boring place after 2014.
>All this tells me is there are a lot of feminists
You're intentionally failing to make the distinction between a feminist and a Jewish feminist
My advice, OP, is to ignore all the less intelligent replies and stick to discussing points in the book. None of the people here spewing fallacies are remotely as intelligent as the author of this book.
>Very early in the Jewish story we discover the tendency of Israel to be a master nation, with
other nations as its vassals. Notwithstanding the fact that the whole prophetic purpose with
reference to Israel seems to have been the moral enlightenment of the world through its agency,
Israel's "will to mastery" apparently hindered that purpose. At least such would seem to be the
tone of the Old Testament. Divinely ordered to drive out the Canaanites that their corrupt ideas
might not contaminate Israel, the Jews did not obey, according to the old record. They looked
over the Canaanitish people and perceived what great amount of man-power would be wasted if
they were expelled, and so Israel enslaved them -- "And it came to pass, when Israel was strong,
that they put the Canaanites to tribute, and did not utterly drive them out." It was this form of
disobedience, this preference of material mastery over spiritual leadership, that marked the
beginning of Israel's age-long disciplinary distress.
No, I meant that if there are a lot of feminists, of course there will be a lot of jewish feminists, as well as white, asian feminists etc.
low IQ post.
>If there are a lot of film executives, of course there will be a lot of Jewish film executives, as well as white, Asian film executives etc.
>If there are a lot of bank executives, of course there will be a lot of Jewish bank executives, as well as white, Asian bank executives etc.
>If there are a lot of billionaires, of course there will be a lot of Jewish billionaires, as well as white, Asian billionaires etc.
Spoiler alert: jews are the Canaanites of Christians who inherited the title of Israel.
>Jew has not seemed to care to cultivate the friendship of the Gentile masses, due perhaps to the failures of experience, but due more likely to his inborn persuasion that he belongs to a superior race. Whatever the true reason, he has always placed his main dependence on cultivating friendship with kings and nobles. What cared the Jew if the people gnashed their teeth against him, so long as the king and the court were his friends? Thus there was always, even through most of the severely trying times, "a court Jew," one who had bought by loans and held by the strangle-hold of debt an entrance to the king's chamber. The policy of the Jews has always been to "go to headquarters." They never tried to placate the Russian people, but they did endeavor to enlist the Russian court. They never tried to placate the German people, but they did succeed in permeating the German court. In England they shrug their shoulders at the outspoken anti Jew reactions of the British populace -- what care they? Have they not all of lorddom at their heels, do they not hold the strings of Britain's purse?
The Hebrew bible names them as slaves
The name comes from Canaan who was Noah's grandson, from Ham's side. Canaan inherited his name from Cain, but from his mother's side (aka. they are matrilineal).
That's correct. He appears during the narrative known as the Curse of Ham, in which Canaan is cursed with perpetual slavery because his father Ham had "looked upon" the drunk and naked Noah.
>In the Book of Joshua, Canaanites are included in a list of nations to exterminate, and later described as a group which the Israelites had annihilated. The sixth book of the Hebrew bible.
Your attempt at making the jews poor victims by saying they were the enslaved Canaanites was very funny
Israelites and Canaanites were basically the same people, ethnically and culturally. It's like if Australia invaded and wiped out New Zealand.
It's more like Greeks and Turks who fucking hate each other
Why would I need to read it? I already know what he says.
Why should I read this brainlet Amerilard, when I can use that time to read Kant, Marx, Heidegger, Deleuze, Ted Kaczynski and/or many others.
They're just the biggest pawn in Jews game
In other words, any book not authored by the names you’ve mentioned shouldn’t be read until after the entire works of these authors have been read. Best of luck.
Also, Ted was an American and Henry Ford was a literal genius (unlike you).
>Ted was an American
few of the good ones
>literal genius
Ford is the individual most responsible for nihilism and the loss of identity and purpose in the US. The assembly line effectively and effortlessly deactivated man, turning him from human to machine. Indoingso, man began to compete against it's own creation but the battle was over before it started. Machines are much better than humans at nihilism.
Capitalism, accelerationism -- the assembly line was and always will be the most effective method for turning a profit at the cost of those who implement and support it's use. "Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?" Fisher answered this question with physical suicide. Others may choose metaphysical suicide. And even others pine for a return to the past.
But there is no going back. One can only blow up the assembly line with an incessant fear that we are doomed to repeat this again. Fear not, because it will be come again, and we must always be ready to drive it out.
Why not read Marx’s On the Jewish Question since you’re so interested in Marx? Maybe after you’ve done that, you’ll be able to intellectually grasp the topic outlines in Ford’s International Jew. Good luck dipshit.
The assembly line was also what allowed the average person to be able to afford an autimobile. Should we revert back to horses and buggies? Man, that will certainly show those greedy capitalists! Also bear in mind that America is vast nation. The automobile is what allowed for people to escape their family farms that they otherwise would have never ventured more than 30 or so miles away from.
>Why not read Marx’s On the Jewish Question
I already did. I just don't think reading American industrialist is something I should do in my spare time.
>The assembly line effectively and effortlessly deactivated man, turning him from human to machine.
Ford was being guided by The Invisible Hand, the sentient force that facilitates the creation of capital.
Either you’re interested in the JQ or you’re not. There aren’t very many books pertaining to the topic, but International Jew is one of the better ones. It is especially interesting to read because it gives insight to the world’s perception of Jews just prior to WWII.
Since you’ve now answered OP’s question, I give you permission to fuck off.
>That which we call capital here in America is usually money used in production, and we mistakenly refer to the manufacturer, the manager of work, the provider of tools and jobs -- we refer to him as the "capitalist." Oh, no. He is not the capitalist in the real sense. Why, he himself must go to capitalists for the money with which to finance his plans. There is a power yet above him -- a power which treats him far more callously and holds him in a more ruthless hand than he would ever dare display to labor. That, indeed, is one of the tragedies of these times, that "labor" and "capital" are fighting each other, when the conditions against which each one of them protests, and from which each one of them suffers, is not within their power to remedy at all, unless they find a way to wrest world control from that group of international financiers who create and control both these conditions.
>It is especially interesting to read because it gives insight to the world’s perception of Jews just prior to WWII.
The holocaust seemed like the perfect happening to silence every single JQ, forcefully through laws and by guilt tripping the gentile population.
The impact the automobile had on society is undeniable but to ping pong the pros and cons of the automobile is a distraction. The assembly line as perfected by Ford is the Dr Frankenstein and the automobile is just one of his monsters.
Muh assembly line? What? It's just an much more efficient way to create anything, there are still people working on the assembly line, half of them assemble, other half create it, manufacture robots materials, creating them, coding them, maintaining.
The invisible hand may encourage self-interest on the part of both the producer and the consumer but it does not dictate the actions taken by either party. In other words, there are multiple ways to compete in a market but the methods use end at the individual. Under no circumstances can Ford's agency be absolved in the matter.
>a book criticizing jews
>the little "copyrighted material" on the top
oh the fucking irony
I’ve yet to give Ted a thorough read, so I am ignorant to his anti-industrial arguments.
Have you ever lived in a remote or rural area? Have you ever done large scale farm work without a tractor? While I agree that technological advancements have occurred without contemplating the impacts on humans, I disagree with the sentiment that all technological progress (such as the assembly line) is inherently bad. You ought to come to my family’s farm. We’ll give you a 15 acre patch to maintain. No automobiles, no tractors, no internet, no electricity allowed. You can have your paradise. We’ll see if you can make it to harvest season without hanging yourself.
>Vast majority of the slave trade of niggers was committed by Jews.
But that just false and this whole retarded theory come from the Black Israelite (or that Islamic american cult). It's a bunch of crazy darkies but suddenly they shit on the jew and they're correct?
>stop blaming others for your ills
>because the Jews are to blame
You absolute fucking mongoloid.
It's about the ownership of the companies, ships and training centers.
I don't blame jews for things I do.
Knowingly or not, you're arguing a straw man. Again my contention is not with automobiles themselves but the process which enabled their production and the harmful effects that process has had society at large. We still suffer from those effects today.
It's as if you're implying that such an invention is only due to the assembly line. While it's true the assembly line helped produced the automobile at a higher rate and in a higher volume, my position is that it has been at the expense of the individual. I don't know why you need 15 acres of land but I personally wouldn't impose such a problem.
I'd like one of the antisemite in this thread to explain why there is so much lie being spread around in the antisemite sphere. For exemple, the Protocoles of the Elder of Zion, commissioned by a russian noble to show the evil of the jews (and the freemason, but it was dropped later on when they fell out of style). The book was then spread by people like Ford himself. Reading it is very weird too. It is basically a monologue, told by some unknown vilain, gloating before what one could assume to be some kind of helpless hero. It seems to me that only someone very naive could believe the Protocol to be real, yet the antisemites, who often accuses other of their ignorant blindness to the true nature of the jew, readily believed it (and some still do). And this include Ford.
Another exemple of deception would be pictures like this(sorry for the bottom part, I just took the first exemple from google). One could believe this man is hypocrite, yet when you read what this jew has written, it becomes evident that he always looked down on muslim immigration, even to european countries, and that his refusal of multiculturalism for Israel is perfectly logical since they're surrounded by muslims willing to immigrate.
Anyway, I just want to know why, among a community stating that they want to expose truth, there seems to be a lot of deception involved, both toward other and the own members of said community.
>Physical labour is s-so hard, waaah!
>I supposedly came from farmer family, but I'm not accustomed to everyday work without all the conveniences of modern day life, and I'm a weak cuck faggot.
>It's about the ownership of the companies, ships and training centers.
Yes and that still bullshit. tabletmag.com
Why do you want to believe such lies so badly?
That's not sourced by 'black israelites' or any such group, but by a Historian. Watch the video.
You're talking about a different group altogether. Nation of Islam is a whole different matter.
Early childhood trauma leads to narcissism leads to antisocial behavior leads to judaism.
Probably the book is a theory by someone observing the actions of the Jews, If you look at the Talmud, his wasn't far off
Could be written by a jew (swiss imigrant to russia?) to delegitimise the JQ and attach crazy schizo conspiracy theorist label to the person reading it. I don't know
Prior to the assembly line, and the industrial revolution for that matter, most people were poor farmers who lived and died on the farm. The assembly line, for example, is part of industrialization that allows for society to sustain a plethora of white-collar indoor jobs that we see and hold on a pedestal today. To take away the assembly line would mean that the population would significantly decrease and most people would have to revert back to primitive methods of farming. So I guess my question is, do think you would be happier farming land with oxen as opposed to working in a modern white collar job? There isn’t a correct answer, I just am curious. That is why I asked if you’d like to work on a farm. Since you have stated this type of society (void of industrialization and assembly lines) is superior, then why would you not jump at the opportunity to live in a replicate lifestyle? My argument is, at least in modern society, we can consent to either method of living.
Yeah I mentioned it here I didn't remember which crazy insane black american cult was behind this.
>Watch the video.
Oh yeah that's a different guy. Anyway, I'm not watching some nigger lying for two hours, just give me some of his biggest evidences.
>In June 2002, Martin presented a talk entitled "Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"[37][38] at the 14th IHR Conference sponsored by the Institute for Historical Review (IHR),[39] in which he accused Jews of being the principal actors in the slave trade.
>Could be written by a jew (swiss imigrant to russia?) to delegitimise the JQ and attach crazy schizo conspiracy theorist label to the person reading it. I don't know
>Realizing this in fucking current year
>Probably the book is a theory by someone observing the actions of the Jews
No it's a copy of a french book shitting on corrupt politicians and some other stuff which I don't recall.
>If you look at the Talmud,
What part exactly? Last time someone told me t o check the Talmud it turned out the quote he had given me was entirely made up.
>Could be written by a jew (swiss imigrant to russia?) to delegitimise the JQ
Then it just make antisemites look like dumbass because as I said, you have to be very naive to believe in such theatrical writing.
You are painstakingly retarded. Manual labor is manual labor. My complaint isn’t against it. My complaint is, if I am going to expend a certain amount of energy performing manual labor to grow/harvest crops, why would I chose a method that yields less? If all farmers were forced to use oxen instead of tractors, society would require more farmers and thus would be unable to sustain retarded NEETs such as yourself.
>No it's a copy of a french book shitting on corrupt politicians and some other stuff which I don't recall.
>He's fallen for the Eco's fantasy bullshit.
You do know the Nazis were literally the first people to come up with animal cruelty laws, right? That's what they were famous for before the war. Besides, you should watch footage from a kosher slaughter house sometime, I've been watching snuff films my whole life and I have to say the way they kill animals there disturbed me more than ISIS execution videos
>Mass torture of infants leads to literally every male in society having some form of chronic PTSD
>Get over it sweetie
Have sex, dilate, and have children
Oddly enough this was invented by Hobbes and used as a hazing ritual by the Royal Society in London
To suggest that the only alternative to the assembly line is farming is a trap. Why does the absence of the assembly line as perfected by Ford result in a life of primitive farming? This is an assumption to the extreme.
Also, while you're right that it's within the realm of possibility to choose between both in modern society, it's not so easy given the times we live in as well as the context I grew up in. It's not the same as being born into a family of farmers in the early 20th century.
Why lie about that?
See, this is yet another attempt at deception. Why only show single passages out of forgotten books written by literal nobody (and in that case, something not written for the public it seems). If the holocaust was a shame wouldn't attacking actual scholary atricles and books a better way to do it?
The assembly line means that goods can be produced at low costs. These low costs are then passed to the consumer. Take this idea and apply it to all products, not just tractors and other farm equipment. When the cost of everything skyrockets, life as we know it will be unsustainable. Production aside, the tools and machinery we use for logistics would skyrocket in costs with everything thus exponentially driving the cost of everyday goods through the roof. When this happens, more families will need to turn to farming in order to sustain. Think about how things were before the assembly line. Think about how things are in underdeveloped parts of the world. This is not an assumption, but an empirical observation.
Why is it not easy to give up your life of modernity? Are you afraid of what your family will think? Are you afraid you’ll end up being jealous of your peers? Its never easy to give up a vice, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Its a small price to pay for the ability to consent. Just find some tomboy chick and pop out 5 kids to help on the farm. You’ll be too busy to worry about others.
Nonwhites have proven themselves to be brutal savages regardless of environment. If you can argue they haven't committed acts of evil on the scale of whites it's only because they aren't intelligent enough to do so.
In his private diaries, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels described Hitler as a vegetarian whose hatred of the Jewish and Christian religions in large part stemmed from the ethical distinction these faiths drew between the value of humans and the value of other animals; Goebbels also mentions that Hitler planned to ban slaughterhouses in the German Reich following the conclusion of World War II.[6]
>Doesn't fit the narrative does it
Had all traditions, arrangements, creeds, societies that men ever instituted, sunk away, this would remain. The certainty of Heroes being sent us; our faculty, our necessity, to reverence Heroes when sent: it shines like a polestar through smoke-clouds, dust-clouds, and all manner of down-rushing and conflagration.
please fucking come back
You are a Jew that can't form an argument, kys
You still lied about germany having the first animal protection laws
>b-but hitler was a retarded vegan
Doesn't exactly make him look better.
In my experience, it is when your ilk ressort to calling your opponent jews that ypu have run out of argumented retorts.
But I'll give you another attempt. Please tell me why I only see the same five extract from the same five books about the holocaust and never anything else?
The point of the passage is to show that nothing is too holy or sacred for the tribe to not make a quick buck from a sensationalist account on.
The first laws against vivisection. Okay maybe not the first laws in the history of humanity, but they were the first political party to have enough of a parliamentary majority to make significant gains in animal rights. The RSPCA preexisted them but they didn't have the reins of power like the Nazis did
*Kind of like how America is considered the first liberal republic even though the idea had been floating around for thousands of years
The answer is simple, go and try to publish a book addressing the JQ. Those that do exist are heavily censored and burried.
In user's pic, an example of holocaust exaggeration as is the whole holohoax, one big exaggeration.
In my country there's laws against holocaust questions, let alone books about it
The assembly line created a requirement that can only be filled by the assembly line. It's recursive in nature. For example, the automobile 'allowed' people to travel but it soon 'required' people to travel. A housewife could buy goods from the local grocery on foot but the assembly line enabled the production of goods at a rate local stores couldn't compete with and lost to bigger enterprises that could afford to produce high volumes of "stuff".
You mention underdeveloped countries as if to say some of these places were saved due to the assembly line. But that perspective is one dimensional. Case in point, a lot of those places might still be underdeveloped and others may be underdeveloped due to the assembly line which enabled other more developed countries to take advantage.
>To take away the assembly line would mean that the population would significantly decrease
This is not inherently negative. Furthermore, if there are less people, then there's less of a need to produce such high volumes of "stuff".
>Why is it not easy to give up your life of modernity?
I haven't seen my family in over four years. I left the country as soon as I finished college. But this is besides the point. Anyway I'm assuming you say this in a mockingly tone because starting a farm with no prior knowledge is a meme and having kids just perpetuates the problem at hand.
1)The book is not for sale
2) I doubt a man called Jon Evans is a jew
I don't know if it's dishonesty or plain retardation at this point.
>The answer is simple, go and try to publish a book addressing the JQ.
It doesn't tell my why you people keep using the same """testimonies""" from dubious sources over and over again when there is probably thousands of them.
>In user's pic, an example of holocaust exaggeration as is the whole holohoax, one big exaggeration.
Yeah, by some random shmuck. If your goal is to point that the holocaust is an exaggeration why not attack actual scholary work done on it instead of books published by litteraly who? It's just dishonest, and do nothing to prove your point. Is the roman empire false because a bunch of people wrote bullshit facts about it?
>In my country there's laws against holocaust questions, let alone books about it
You people are robots jesus christ. It doesn't even answer my question. Are you defective?
Oops I mean "when there is probably thousands of better sourced testimonies"..
If you were to only read one book to understand our times it should be this one.
At least post the original instead of fanfiction.
I don’t understand your point, you think people should read your lefty crap instead? The protocols detailed our world today 100 years ago
The protocol was plagiarized from which is a book that deal with corrupt governments. No shit you'd feel it is relevant.
As stated earlier in the thread, the Protocol also read like a vilain theatrically gloating before an helpless audience. You're a doofus if you believe them.
I’ll chew on your points about the one dimensional perspective.
Not mocking. Might seem like it to you if you’re living outside America. I’m living in IS midwest and there is farmland everywhere. Would be very easy to go down this path around here. I intend to strike a balance, personally. I’m trying to determine the positives and negatives from both ways of living so that I can strike a healthy balance in the near future.
This was how you politically attacked things in the turn of the century culture, you’d know that if the left read
*US. Fuck I’m tired.
You are acting like there is some fair ground, no censorship, no propaganda, no nothing and you can just talk about, discuss it, with lots of available materials to research. As some user said, you will literally go in jail for questioning the holohoax. All that is left is to flip through some material that the Jew forgot
They don’t care, they are literal non thinking npcs.
>As some user said, you will literally go in jail for questioning the holohoax.
Not in the US, which still hasn't produced anything resembling an evidence that the holocaust is false. It is also illegal in my country, yet several people managed to produce quite a bit of writing and videos like Faurisson.
>All that is left is to flip through some material that the Jew forgot
Can you prove those exemple were written by jews and then forgotten?
Honestly it seems you believe in the holohoax out of emotion and not logic. It's very womanly of you.
>Maurice Joly
Wow, so this is the power of /pol/ish intelectuals...
>gas chambers destroyed and rebuilt after ww2 isn’t proof
>delousing material isn’t proof
So to avoid being an NPC I need to believe your assertion without any proofs?
>believe human lampshades and soap, death roller coasters, and electric floors defying the laws of physics
You need to show you give a damn about good points. Instead you just pretend we didn’t say anything. The left tries to avoid actual discussion as it’s lifeblood.
>Honestly it seems you believe in the holohoax out of emotion and not logic
That's literally the case with all the conspiracy theories. When you deny legitimacy of academic research you can belive in pretty much everything.
(((academic research)))
>gas chambers destroyed and rebuilt
So I guess the Khmer rouge didn't kill anyone then, since the Vietnamese rebuilt and preserved some Khmer facilities and documents after taking over Cambodgia.
>delousing material isn’t proof
Why? It kill a room of humans in 20 minutes and they were already importing severals tons of the stuff they only had to make a few more tons. Do you think Zyklon B is harmless to human?
Yup, with this kind of attidute you can belive in flat Earth and there would be no possible way of providing and argument that would convince you otherwise.
yes, in asia and in white countries there are lots of those things
it's only non white countries like america that there is a problem
Unbelievable. Is this an actual jidf is that why you don’t care about plain evidence of zionism and instead believe this bullshit
>human lampshades
Proven false by one of the nazis trials but then retarded anglo made it into a rumor anyway
WWI rumor that resurfaced during WWII, there is no historical documents accepted by historian involving jewish soap
>death roller coasters, and electric floors defying the laws of physics
Here's my answer >If your goal is to point that the holocaust is an exaggeration why not attack actual scholary work done on it instead of books published by litteraly who? It's just dishonest, and do nothing to prove your point. Is the roman empire false because a bunch of people wrote bullshit facts about it?
Kek, he just proved your point.
>Instead you just pretend we didn’t say anything.
Please show me ITT where you stated good points
It's also funny because when I point antisemites lie, I only get silence. Why are hypocrite?
>kill a human in 20 minutes
Do you even listen to yourself, that is ridiculously inefficient, they should rather have invested in a vacuum.
Name an antisemite lie? What do you say about the protocols detailing a jewish domination plan that came true?
>WWII, there is no historical documents accepted by historian involving jewish soap
Wrong. Nazis made testing batch and decided it's inneficient. However there is surviving speciman that was confirmed to be of human origin by chemical analysis.
Also why don’t you hate the jews? They are the richest race making them the worst offenders of wealth inequality, they established an ethnostate colony where they are genociding the natives in a similar fashion to america, they’re the fathers of modern banking. Whether you’re a lefty or a nazi you should hate the jews, meaning you must be either conservative or neoliberal trash destroying the world, explain yourself now
to correct myself, it's not specifically "jewish soap", but human soap. We of course don't have technology advanced enough to tell Jewish soap from Russian soap.
The fact that you speak so confidently of anyone going through official, recognised path to get to the truth, like academic research, writing a book says a lot, either you are oblivious to jewish influence or you are here to deny it.
Simple examples, telling your coworkers, doing academic research, posting to your FB friends, trying to publish a book, saying something on twitter, posting on youtube without getting banned or fucked over by algorithm, try any of these and more and see what happens
>The U.S. State Department recently revised its definition of anti-Semitism. The previous definition of anti-Semitism, issued in May, listed 10 examples. The revised definition includes “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
Either you are a complete retard or JIDF paid t o go against jew threads
>room of humans suddenly turn into a single human
Kek, and you guy shit on the jews for exagerating the number of victim
>what do you mean pellets of Zyklon can kill a room full of people in 20 minute?
>that's ridicule no gas can kill a handfull of human in 20 minute!
>here read this infographic showing how it's impossible for a human to die in only 20 minute by inhaling zyklon!
>hell my uncle himself once got exposed to Zyklon B for AN HOUR and he was perfectly fine afterward.
Here you go
If you don’t hate jews you have to explain why your views are valid, anyone with political beliefs has jews as an enemy.
I mean yeah, but the rumor was aimed only at jews.
>they’re the fathers of modern banking
Actually, you're thinking of Italians now
20 minutes is still ineffecient brainlet. Is this really all you jews can hope for? Rallying the idiots to your side?
You still haven’t refuted the protocols coming completely true.
Look into who those (((italians))) were
The US State Department is being pressured primarily by evangelical Christians in the Trump administration (i.e. the main supporters of Israel in America). A bigger percentage of domestic evangelical Christians in America support the current government in Israel than do domestic Jews.
>The fact that you speak so confidently of anyone going through official, recognised path to get to the truth, like academic research, writing a book says a lot, either you are oblivious to jewish influence or you are here to deny it.
You are derailed, but I'll try again if there's some bit of brain left in you. If you disregard academic research, media and historical consciosness of people living here in eastern europe, where the thing happenedl; how can you pretend you are operating in the field of falsifiability?
A lot of cope itt, desu.
>hurr durr that book is retarded even though I have never read, but trust me I know
Maybe in the US, where you folks forgot that vast majority of people murdered by Nazis were not Jews.
The propagation of double entry book keeping was thanks to Italians. A lot of supposed "Jews" were actually even crypto-Italians in this early period to get around the whole usury being unChristian thing.
Eh, they were really murdered by jews
Transparent cat is smiling at you.
>20 minutes is inefficient
How? You kill rooms of hundred with that. 20 minutes was the time used to make sure everyone was dead too.
>You still haven’t refuted the protocols coming completely true.
I have. It was first a book about corrupt politicians before becoming a book about jews. Of course it came true because corrupt politicians and leaders have existed for quite a while now.
Do we say that is soldiers today were murdered by arabs? No we say they were murdered for oil. I guess we don’t say murdered by oil, so really, americans were murdered for jews
>If you disregard academic research, media and historical consciosness
Academic research = jew influenced
Media- Jew owned
Historical Consciousness - Gruilt tripped people with heavy propaganda
I'm frznch I don't think we had the lampshade or soap rumor. At least I never heard of them before Yea Forums.
Yes, but maybe if you cleaned that ink your breath wouldn't smell so bad.
20 minutes is a long as time to kill people, look at you fucking floundering.
>muh more at once
You can do more with something better than fucking 20 minutes, holyshit just use plain smoke.
So you are not even pretending that you are operating in the field of falsifiability. OK.
Jews owned again. Face it you’re evil.
Why is there a traffic cone on your head?
>says this while questioning the holocaust is against the law
>they have no arguments
? Can show how much more cost and time effective it would be to kill someone with carbond dyoxide?
In Turkey it's illegal to assert Armenian genocide, in Switzerland it's illegal to deny Armenian genocide.
Does it mean that the Armenian genocide is in quantum superposition of both true and false?
kikes with no arguments, if it was real it wouldn't be illegal to question it
bruh 20 minutes is like a fucking year are you stupid???
Lmao do you not realize what fucking slime you come across as, why don’t the atrocities of the jews mentioned itt anger you? What are your beliefs? Do you have any?
I've looked a bit more into it and it's 20 minutes for room with close to a thousand people in it. That's pretty good.
Armenian are hyper-lizard from Atlantis, so it's possible.
>Lmao do you not realize what fucking slime you come across as,
Bruh, if you're going to say that to him then don't change the subject immediately after.
in most countries it isn't
in the countries that have specific laws against holocaust denial, most of them also have laws against denying the crimes of the communists
perhaps they weren't real either
schrodinger's genocide
imagine thinking antisemitism is a pre-existing prejudice among white americans in 2019. my life would be so much easier if id never opened my eyes to the truth
>still doesn’t explain their beliefs
The amount of people in the room couldn’t possibly matter, why are people who don’t believe it’s the jews so retarded?
my mommy buys all my books and she won't let me read this one
What belief?
>The amount of people in the room couldn’t possibly matter,
Well then show me a better solution.
What the fuck are you single digit iq retards?
Why didn’t they respond to this?
So you can't answer then alright.
Because it's retarded. Should we also ahte the indianamerican because they are among the top of ethnicities? And there's no palestinian genocide.
I haven’t read it, though I’ll put my opinion on the Jews right now. The Jews are a strange people, a people that are generally greatly disliked throughout the centuries, wherever it be by the Egyptians, the Romans, the Christians and so on, so do Jews have a certain negative that makes them disliked? Perhaps, because anti-semitism is one of the most practiced forms of hatred on Earth.
I am skeptical on the idea that Jews control the west, but I am certain that they have influenced it. Here’s an article I like that demonstrates the Jewish power nymag.com
In this article (that is not anti-Semitic) it shows us that Joe Biden accidentally (whilst on a philo-Semitic) speech, actually told us many things on how powerful the Jews are and how much they have influenced the West. Overall we can determine that Jews have played a critical role in degrading and degenerating America. Nowadays, America is divided, ethnically and ideologically, a shadow of its former self culturally, and as we know from history, it is tradition and culture that guides a nation.
“Think behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good.”
-Joe Biden
Like all other narcissists, the jew will gladly accept these claims - granted they are "positive feedback". However, they will absolutely attack any who imply that it is negative in any way, usually by claiming that they are 'insane'.
As if disagreeing with them is a form of insanity!
>However, they will absolutely attack any who imply that it is negative in any way,
Well, yes, you also see many pro-white claiming white did only good across the world and then fight any accusation of "white" actions being evil. Like, just go to /pol/. Are they narcissists too?
>gives insight to the world’s perception of Jews just prior to WWII.
I wouldn't call American richfag a good representation of the world. Besides I've already read Mein Kampf. Nobody should waste their time reading retarded shit like the book you're shilling
Of course, but that does not change anything.
>Well, yes, you also see many pro-white claiming white did only good across the world and then fight any accusation of "white" actions being evil. Like, just go to /pol/. Are they narcissists too?
Every single one of them has been forced to say all kinds of vile shit about their people throughout their time in school, uni etc. Give 'em a break.
200 years together is an actually good book, written by Solzhenitsyn who got the literary Nobel, though I suppose that doesn't mean much.
was meant for
Yeah but it isn't nearly as antisemitic as /pol/ think.
Yes, the Israel lobby is very real and overwhelmingly backed most vigorously by an evangelical Christian power block in government. Moderates are pressured by lobbying but it's not like there doesn't exist a constituency who wouldn't voluntarily hand over state secrets to Tel Aviv.
I also think it's bad.
But think about logically, if it's some jewish conspiracy why are jews doing it to themselves? It's just religious stupidity, not some plan.
Any uneducated amerimutt with a m16 can kill dozens of people in a matter of 2-3 minutes or even less. Are you telling me the SS wasted their time willingly ?
You don’t have a stance
I'm saying there's literally millions of people in America who support Israel unconditionally because they believe in end time prophecy bullshit not because Jews are paying them.
because it's tl;dr
>To learn who rules over you, simply ask who you are not allowed to criticise
Ok retard
It took the las vegas shooter 10 minutes to kill 50 people, at the cost of 1000 rounds. The Orlando guy took a similar amount of time.
How is it more practical to have a team of 20 guys firing from portholes in a concrete box than spend a couple hours building a fake showerhead.
>INB4 why not just kill everyone on location?
Why didn't the Soviets, The Ottomans, and Khmer Rouge just kill everyone on the spot? There's clearly some value in having a way to have discrete killings.
Plus, Himmler worried that constant mass killings would have a toll on his mens Psychological health and they had experience with gassing people in the t4 program.
As a side note, while I stick by the above points, "Why would a military bureaucracy do something wasteful and stupid?" is probably not the knockdown argument you think it is.
Children with Leukemia?
>Take for example, the persecution which Jew merchants once suffered in England. In older England the merchant class had many easy-going traditions. One tradition was that a respectable tradesman would never seek business but wait for it to come to him. Another tradition was that to decorate one's store window with lights or colors, or to display one's stock of goods attractively in the view of the public, was a contemptible and underhanded method of tempting a brother tradesman's customers away from him. Still another tradition was that it was strictly unethical and unbusinesslike to handle more than one line of goods. If one sold tea, it was the best reason in the world why he should not sell teaspoons. As for advertising, the thing would have been so brazen and bold that public opinion would have put the advertiser out of business. The proper demeanor for a merchant was to seem reluctant to part with his goods. One may readily imaging what happened when the Jewish merchant bustled into the midst of this jungle of traditions. He simply broke them all.
In those days tradition had all the force of a divinely promulgated moral law and in consequence of his initiative the Jew was regarded as a great offender. A man who would break those trade traditions would stop at nothing! The Jew was anxious to sell. If he could not sell one article to a customer, he had another on hand to offer him. The Jews' stores became bazaars, forerunners of our modern department stores, and the old English custom of one store for one line of goods was broken up. The Jew went after trade, pursued it, persuaded it. He was the originator of "a quick turnover and small profits." He originated the installment plan. The one state of affairs he could not endure was business at a standstill, and to start it moving he would do anything. He was the first advertiser -- in a day when even to announce in public prints the location of your store was to intimate to the public that you were in financial difficulties, were about to go to the wall and were trying the last desperate expedient to which no self-respecting merchant would stoop
I'm uncut, and those statements are incompatible.
This is just another reason why our Ford is the one and only true god!
this is a mod
they are paid to stay here and disrupt conversation with tax money that trickles through a kikish complex of 'advocacy groups' and government institutions
quote it because they're about to wipe my posts after their current frenzy of sanctimony
I have read it.