Yea Forums humour

Yea Forums humour thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

humor? what about that pic?

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Still one of the funniest things I have ever read in my life.

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This reminds me of that one story by Junji Ito: Human Chair.

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Did this ever get finished?

Can't decide if this is loss or a political compass.

why dont brits brush their teeth ffs

>defending Nick Land
that's gonna be a yikes for me dawg

Make some room, the Boss is coming through.

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even better

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>You got a pussy in the thing?

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>1488 words so far
sieg heil dude

Is it bad that i want to fuck the one on the left? She's really cute

>is it bad that I want to fuck a qt blondie with giant tits
not if you're a heterosexual

the one on the left is richard dawkins.

But he aint a her

You sure about that son?

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Me too
>tfw no cute new atheist gf

dawkins was still getting cute fangirls in his 60s
should call him dawgkins
ba dum tsss

he deus vult now

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Left is cute

nah, he knows the worse is worse than bad

Good manga

those girls look ugly and crusty

>by Junji Ito
It's an Edogawa Ranpo story hombre

seen your own face lately roasty?

Imagine not wanting to hang out with the busty Dawkins fangirl on the left, playing video games together in her basement during highschool, flirting hard and saying things that make her blush and feel pretty, before absolutely destroying her pussy in the backseat of your Honda Accord at night in an empty parking lot after you drive her to sonic for dinner, then making fun of her in front of your friends the next day at school when she tries to talk to you knowing full well that she's gonna spend third period crying in the girl's bathroom

Neither, you idiot. Its more like the nihilism meme. There's two ways of looking at technological acceleration

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>tfw you missed out on teenage love

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it's about technological acceleration? damn I guess accelerationists really can't meme

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Nietzsche thought it was the most awful thing we have ever done and says there isn't enough water in the seas to wash the blood from our hands kek

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why are you so threatened by the new and upcoming zeitgeist?

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I haven't even read Land, not even the slightest soundbite and even I understood the nature of the joke. You are just a brainlet

i just have a sense of humor about the things i like, calm down m8

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Butterfly finally made a good post

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Good image

>le Nietzsche was a sekrit christian mem

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He’s an annoying atheist, not a retard, he’s not going to pretend that Islam isn’t far worse than christianity

jesus christ you absolute idiott. yes thats what meant, totally

Left is pure butter

who is this cutie pie

gucci with chinese characteristics

>Anse "New teeth new wife" Bundren

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Oh thank you!

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I acc met dawkins once, and at the time i was a fan.
>mfw he's an absolute autist and a dickhead

at least keep it vaguely Yea Forums

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I saved it from here, so it was in my Yea Forums folder

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you know its true

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Based Varg

the >95 guy should be shaking hands with the midwits. 145+ people are literal autists.

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Not you, the post. Typical narcissistic woman.

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reminds me of end of evangelion

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and but so

No, I just see how they're being portrayed as attractive and I don't think they are. They both look unhealthy and yeasty; the one on the right has an unsightly schnoz (and a hideous smile) and the one on the left looks like an utter nonce. Sorry to ruin your wet daydream

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But the one in the middle is just right.

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this pic blew my mind

>Member for 26 minutes

what about 130

i actually have a physical copy of this book. It has two pages dedicated to measuring your dick, length and girth. It's very in-depth. I can't tell if it's a joke book or an autism book.

King of brainlets tier

but that's 120

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She's got nice tits but everything on her face below the nose is just blegh

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Attached: Mario Incandenza’s First and Only Even Remotely Romantic Experience, Thus Far .Around 7 pm one day (1334x750, 3.43M)

Jesus Christ, there's a difference between believing in God and believing in religion you knuckle dragging retard.
Nietzsche knew nihilism would be an absolute bane upon humanity and he was right, which is why he went insane desperately coming up with new, 'better' morals to give humanity meaning again.
'God is dead and we have killed him' was a warning, not a celebration, and yet all the trench coat wearing fedoralords call themselves nihilists because that's what Rick and Morty does.


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Based Hitchens

Nietzsche skipped shoulder day

Nietzsche was feeble and weak. He suffered prolonged bouts of sickliness yet continued writing with devotion in order to bless future generations with his genius. Over time his ailments chipped and weathered him, until he was but a shell of his former greatness; his sanity lost, his ability diminished, and the thread of his fate hanging between the sisters’ shears.

Now post your body or fuck off.

Damn I remember being in the SA thread where people were making these.

I would be upset that this LOLMEMES.COM sites is Fark'ing it and taking credit for it, but that faggot piece of shit Lowtax would make everyone put his watermark on their pics anyway. The hell was that about? Pill popping tranny befriending gookwife mail ordering faggot.

not lit i just like it

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The genetic suicide of disgusting atheists is a sort of sacrament to God.

I sometimes masturbate to the thought of left-wing atheists having their skulls crushed with pliers in the womb. I hope that the soul is real before birth, so that they can slide directly into the screaming pit of flaming, flesh-shredding knives that waits those with left-wing genes.

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>Actively fight to destroy your own culture
>wtf why is my culture dead and Muslims are everywhere

Ahhhh. Justice.


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>Pill popping tranny befriending gookwife mail ordering faggot.
Those were more innocent days friend. Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka was just a guy running a comedy forum with some vague ideas about advertising on the Web.

>a subversive Abrahamic cult that rotted out one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen and was then forced upon the native populations of Europe, Africa, and later Asia and the Americas is England's "own culture"

Ahhhh. Christcuckery.

This just made my night user.


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Is this meant to mimic a newscaster? Or it is supposed to be Trump? If the latter it's a pretty weak imitation

True, didn't even have the "Sad!" at the end

Sometimes the simplest jokes are best

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How nice of him. I wish I were American now.

i bet that the lady in the pic is his mom

that's a nice bait


>Yea Forums reading


the actual version

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>arguing with a meme

it's instant enlightenment
they want to feel smart without doing any thinking


feel like stirner fits better

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Why is this funny, am I missing a reference? t. zoomer but an oldfag


>posting your own waste of time

What are we looking for here?

are you contrapoints?

Just a reddit account I found while trying to track down the source of the image.

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ask me how i know you've never touched a history book with a 10 foot pol

>mfw this is how Yea Forums majors view STEM majors
Reminder most 140 IQ people choose STEM because $$ and autism, not because philosophy is harder.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-17 lit - stop being a web addict or you're not gonna make i - Literature - 4 (473x203, 9K)

u.s.s. millicent kent lookin quite skinny

What are they shaking on?

Fuking ito can never wrap up his stories well. still nice to read one from time to time.

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I don't get it.

Browse the catalog


kek i took that screencap and made the thread

wait, am i suppose to laugh at the guy for being a pseud or at the other person for not understanding? I'm genuinely confused...

>Reminder that what i did is smart thing to do and everyone here is dumdum
if you cant think of better bait just stfu

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Maybe I'm just that dim, but I'm not seeing anything related in the catalog and can't be bothered to skim through randoms threads.

Truly one of the last men
(only real Nietzscheans will get this post ;^P)

>didn't start with the Greeks

>zoomed but an oldfag

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>forward tilt
>looks straight ahead

In a graduate level political science course I was taking for fun, I cited de Tocqueville during a class discussion. No one else in the class (which was at least 90% poli sci doctoral candidates), including the professor, had ever read him. At all.

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The classic...

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Attached: Goethe stridechad.jpg (524x489, 51K)

Is he aware of this meme?

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I love how Ikea shelves Swedish translations of book for their display units. If I were Swedish I'd know where to steal 'em- they've got pretty good taste too.

Is he imitating Debord on that pic?

You've got any evidence for your claims?


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Eh, it's worth a try

>I think constricting anus 100 times and denting navel 100 times in succession everyday is effective to good-bye depression and take back youth. You can do so at a boring meeting or in a subway. I have known 70-year-old man who has practiced it for 20 years. As a result, he has good complexion and has grown 20 years younger. His eyes sparkle. He is full of vigor, happiness and joy. He has neither complained nor born a grudge under any circumstance. Furthermore, he can make #### three times in succession without drawing out.In addition, he also can have burned a strong beautiful fire within his abdomen. It can burn out the dirty stickiness of his body, release his immaterial fiber or third attention which has been confined to his stickiness. Then, he can shoot out his immaterial fiber or third attention to an object, concentrate on it and attain happy lucky feeling through the success of concentration.If you don't know concentration which gives you peculiar pleasure, your life looks like a hell.
It's real


Who's at the bottom?


I dislike Peterson and even more so his enablers, but that is not a forward tilted head, as the other user pointed out

/pol/ is literally the opposite of knowledge. I doubt the average poster spreading his infographs and useless bait has read a book in the last 3 years actually.

very based


Fucking kek

actually good (unlike the rest of this thread)

Ignore It's Hegel.

Thank you, this is one of my favorite things from this board.

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Plato is right desu

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you just KNOW

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did kubrick intend for these shots to be comical

This hurts for some reason

Same, this explains a lot of things about my inner life.

Whoever added the two bottom tiers made this picture worse. The first three are funny because they're from actual books, whereas people saying retarded shit online is a regular occurrence.

Oh good the meme critic is here. Comedy is subjective you nerd, have sex.

True but you're retarded if your take is that because their parents "gave them everything they wanted" that means they should be grateful rather than that giving in to your children all the time and being a "nice" parent fucks them up in the long run and severely impairs their ability to form a secure ego

you guys take this joke picture really seriously

Those collages aren't really jokes tho

not if you take them as seriously as you are. you're seriously acting like the image posted in the 'humour' thread wasn't meant to be taken as a joke



your edit subjectively sucks and you're subjectively not funny

i didn't ask

who is this defiant looking yet charismatic gentleman?

I don't get it.

jesus christ this image is literally 6 years old
what the fuck am i doing with my life
why can't i leave this shithole
why do i alienate people that want to be my friends to actually opt to spend time on fucking Yea Forums
why do i keep a journal
why do i abandon every writing project ("novella" lol) after drafting and ~70 pages every six months and then feel too dejected to even salvage a short story out of them when writing is the only thing i'm good at besides self-sabotage but even still only my bullshit non-fiction gets published and i don't want to be a goddamned teacher anymore jesus christ

I’ve had a couple moments like that. Unnerving.

Didn't work out as you planned, eh.

The figure of Nick Land's teleoplexical subsumption to g/acc.

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Araduate students even at the highest level in US academia are far more likely to be "specialists" ignorant of their general field than not. I put scare quotes around specialist because obviously it's necessary to specialize, but this is a specific kind of specialist that basically bullshits their way through undergrad and then hyper-focuses in grad school, taking endless topical and thematic courses that don't require them to link things together or have general knowledge.

You'd honestly be astonished at some of the shit I've seen. And it's the norm, not the exception. I was talking to my departmental administrator recently about the general knowledge of other people in the PhD program, and she was pretty candidly telling me that it's outright embarrassing. I won't say where this is, but let's just say it's not a place you'd expect to have this problem. Maybe one of the last places you'd ever expect.

And remember: We're the ones grading your papers. I bet I've graded at least a few papers written by other people on Yea Forums by this point.

The post isn't claiming it's harder, but it's still the case that a lot of stemlords are ignorant when it comes to philosophy.

Is this the "Synthesis" I have been hearing so much about?

we really in this bitch

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fuck, I was recently at Ikea and to my surprise I also found books in English, including one trigonometry text book back from the 1880s. No idea how it got there

Jews are trying hard right now to make an enemy out of arabs, and so are their iraq war supporting minions

Fucking cringe Reddit meme bro

I haven't actually read Sophocles past the first Oedipus one, but it's some scene from one of his plays (or from Plato or some shit) being played out in some text messages, presumably fake.

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spoken like a true npc

only funny posts itt

I don’t get this lady with google glasses meme?
Can someone explain to a faggot?

>The unharmonious divorce between the sciences and the humanities is a uniquely 21st century phenomenon

jesus christ butterfly you're so fucking stupid

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I think the girl with the smart-glasses represents silicon valley techno optimism; or atleast the attempted proliferation of their ideology.

bro, 90% of pol posts are generated by markov chains

I'll start posting this on Yea Forums. Thanks.

He's not anti-church enough for American Universities

The Chad Goethe vs. The virgin Schiller

Kys fag

Okay but as a matter of fact indian civilization has always overshadowed the chinese. The chinese mostly follow an indian religion.

if you think thats what nietzsche wants you are a fucking moron

because he gave the worst take possible?


(i havent read tacoville)

lmao, holy shiet I read it 2 months ago and already miss the fuck out of IJ help me ;-;

Maybe he should have thought of that when he was trying to destroy the foundation of western society.

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I understand that but still think all knowledge can be secured empirically

think about it logically

damn they really did that

>all knowledge secured empirically
>think about it logically
Fuck me that’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all day

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The best critiques of reductionism are analytic

Continentals just make everything gay and useless

I don't get it. Can anyone explain?

It's just a funny passage with exquisite prose. There's no reference you're missing. Now, when you see someone on Yea Forums say "NIGGERS COULD BE HERE", you'll understand what they meant.

somebody post the version without Nietzsche and Stirner please

I'm a real enlightened theologian and in here to tell you that we are all enlightened in the light of our lord Jesus Christ and we are all his children, and we all experience his love and learn his wisdom through his word the holy bible.

Woah look at me guise. I use a feminine symbol, but in reality im just a broad-shouldered tranny. Hehe xD. Look how insightful I am. I'm sure I'll get alot of reply's not because what I have to say is interesting, but because you incels think there is a chance to have a connection with a woman.

Someone gets it. Jews like Christianity now since they've transformed it from what was once the most anti semitic religion to "Judeo Christianity", it's followers likely to fight for zionists.

Now the only significant enemy jews have left is Iran and other Arabs/Muslims. Roths and their puppets including these degenerate atheists and BBC have been doing good with that agenda.

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>This is what some anons actually believe
The average male plays one of those sports games on an Xbox and watches wrestling or some stupid shit like that. Since we're on the topic of reading, the majority of readers are women.

Guys the void guus

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Ah, but what if we remember genre fic doesn't count.

They are mutually recognizing the pointlessness in engaging in conflict with one another.

He's a 50 year-old menopausal lesbian tranny


It's an image from a facebook page called "Nietzsche Internet Defense Force", and the main admin seems to have a social darwinist reading of Nietzsche.

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Can somebody please post the on with "Hillary Clinton's algorithm", in which she kills a cow thief because "the algorithm said to"

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>isn't illusion a a state of consciousness?

no, illusion precedes consciousness

What, that he’s gay or that he would like to bang them?

big if true

They're agreeing desu, both say that if you like traps but not women, you're not attracted to feminity, which is certainly gay

But that was the funniest post yet.

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Buddhism was entirely metabolized by the Chinese philosophical tradition in its Chinese reception. Chinese Buddhism (and hence the Buddhisms of Japan, Korea, Vienam, etc.) is largely a permutation of Daoist metaphysics and Confucian ethics.

This one's my favorite, but it has nothing to do with the question. It's just the expression on Diogenes' face, combined with the glowing eyes.

You can tell they were the kind of teen girl who just got off watching Foamy the Squirrel on while signing a "Bring Back Invader Zim" petition wearing a Jack Skellington hoodie and Happy Tree Friends tube socks purchased at Hot Topic during an Emily the Strange buy one get one 50% off sale where she discovered Serenity Rose from Slave Labor Graphics Comics while her overbearing but loving father restricts her from going to the My Chemical Romance/Limp Bizkit concert with a 5-years-older-than-her boyfriend that constantly IMs outsourced stolen Pom and Z comic art over a 56k Modem America Online trial discs on with a Top 8 consisting of Tim Burton, Jack Sparrow, Eminem, Jesus Christ, and whatever angsty band is the hit new thing on Disney Adventures magazine and spends all day filling out "What Kingdom Hearts Character are You?" quizzes only to complain she didn't get Riku and is unable to watch the 2003 MTV Music Awards because her deadbeat older brother is always hogging the living room TV playing Tony Hawk's Underground on his Halo Edition transparent green Xbox using third-party Mad Catz Air Flo controller with a busted analog stick constantly leaning to the right making anti-Semitic remarks about how Eric stole his wicked McTwist over the helicopter in Hawaii footage.

seems accurate

What are the 10 deadliest siege engines

Lol I made this, thanks for posting

>he also can have burned a strong beautiful fire within his abdomen. It can burn out the dirty stickiness of his body, release his immaterial fiber or third attention which has been confined to his stickiness. Then, he can shoot out his immaterial fiber or third attention to an object, concentrate on it and attain happy lucky feeling through the success of concentration

His bowel movements have reality bending powers.

Freud is bullshit but I am occasionally reminded of the fact that some people really are incredibly fixated on their asshole and lower intestines, and not necessarily in a sexual way either.

Constipation is the number one reported medical affliction in the Western world.

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>illustrated by Junji Ito
At least click on the link, nigga.

no you didnt, it was me

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Thanks for explaining user.

Niggers could be in this thread right now

The thread "define 'based'" thread () got deleted while I was writing this up, so I guess I'll just post it here:

You ask a curious question, user.
For what does it mean for one to be based?
It’s given me something to ponder on.
How can we tell, in this irony-laced
Hell, whether it means favor or distaste?
It was at first a term used by Negroes--
As far as its lineage can be traced--
What it means, only the utterer knows.
Because we want to keep you poor plebs on your toes.

Are you cringe or are you based? Or maybe
Those two are more similar than they seem,
Only that the latter means we agree.
It signifies that we’re on the same team,
Or just experiencing the same dream.
In an anonymous environment,
It’s not that easy to judge your esteem.
Simple signals are a requirement,
Words and images that are highly virulent.

I’m sure in a few years the word will fall
Out of favor and be replaced by one
That doesn’t illicit the same sour wrawl,
Though that would mean the Discord trannies won.
So for now I’m fine using it for fun,
Even if it doesn’t mean anything.
Instead it will be infinitely spun
To mean in equal measure “Yas, slay King!”
And “Your post isn’t e'en a fit place for pissing.”

I somehow doubt you were browsing here when you were 2.

i make money and you don't, faggot. There's my evidence.

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fuck reviewfag

He ditched us like a roastie even though we gave him his fame

Oh my.

Switch the two on the left and it's perfect

jesus christ it's the socratic method you dipshit

Go to bed, BEE

He can't, he's all coked up and Tao Lin keeps DMing him ideas for American Psycho 2.

More like Alice Munro and Norm MacDonald keep DPing him on twitter cause he's an American psycho

Send this to some decent director or producer known to get funding even for weirder and potentially offensive projects and I feel like this might actually hit the theaters.

Anyone got the Duffy Duck version of this?

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I would probably fuck either. Definitely the one on the right. She’s the type that looks unattractive until she’s naked.

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Oh shit guys, look, look, it's the guy who made this picture here in our thread! Where do you live? If you're less than 4 hours drive, I'll go and suck your dick, no homo.

post jolie fille #17

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i still dont get the shakespeare one

Just watched the new contrapoints video for Men and this got me thinking

This is what happens when lit majors don't understand engineering


Don't take away his small superior joy. It helps him bide the refractory period.


What do you mean by npc? An obvious person? A stupid or unimaginative one? A pure-reflex consciousness with no self-generated thought?

I will consider this if you do not identify at all as Indian.

this actually sounds like fucking Peterson but he's too much of a pussy to record and audio like this, what the fuck is going on

Attached: tenor.png (500x486, 287K)

Right. Zero evidence.

Don't stop. Keep going. Shit is so cash.


jews are the ones pushing islam in the first place

Attached: 6ee.jpg (600x600, 55K)

holy shit

it's an AI imitating his voice, see