What can you read to save your heterosexuality if you constantly writhe around in bed wanting to get fucked/feminise yourself? Preferably novels which allow me to appreciate women again romantically at least and not let me self insert as them
What can you read to save your heterosexuality if you constantly writhe around in bed wanting to get fucked/feminise...
good bait
Try fanged noumena
You’re a reprobate bro. It’s too late.
The Idiot
What kind of books does she read?
Stop Jacking off. Try to compete with men (i.e. lift, fix your sleep schedule, become chad)
Erotic thrillers.
Move to better porn. Abandon the 3D. Your body and sexual ideals are separate. Being a tranny cannot make you beautiful.
Stop watching the same kind of porn and try to watch solo stuff with women that don't have the features that you desire in a self insert candidate.
Masturbate less and try to find new ways to get happiness. Stop watching porn.
thanks, on a public wifi rn
turt heute um 10:18 Uhr
You have to put down the dog who has tasted blood
I wanna tie her down in my shed and let a honey bee queen build a nest in her pussy. Then i'd sell the pussy honey for 1k a jar on the Chinese black market
This WHORE is culturally appropriating Asian culture.
Also, the camera guy cum-blasted her face later in the evening after this photo was taken.
I culturally appropriated your mother i.e. the place you came from, I came in.
holy shit dude, you might have serious mental problems
Wat if it was consensual? Do you feel humanity should have this?
>creative entrepeneurship = mental problems
you fucking slave
I used to think I was gay but then I realized that every other man is gayer than me so I couldn’t be gay for them
I have two dads faggot
>What can you read to save your heterosexuality if you constantly writhe around in bed wanting to get fucked/feminise yourself?
Maybe Hemingway, he had the same problem.
They your moms now I finished with them.
dude what the fuck
stop watching porn
Just transition idiot, good luck I hope you have good genes. Kek.
>What can you read to save your heterosexuality
back issues of Playboy Advisor and Penthouse Forum from the 1970s.
H.P. Lovecraft
Clockwork Orange
Podkayne of Mars
Sex and the single girl (so you know what not to do)
Seven Samurai (1954 movie)
Mark Twain's Joan of Arc
Quo Vadis
Beren and Luthien
Replace the perversion with more proper romantic love. is also good.
orbiting like the cucks you are.