If every society collapsed tomorrow in an apocalyptic event...

If every society collapsed tomorrow in an apocalyptic event, and the only written literature left was copies of books you own, how would post-apocalypse society fare?

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they would be based and redpilled, have a ton of esoteric knowledge, but not much practical knowledge to go on besides a calculus textbook

Pretty well, considering my collection was made partly in preparation of this event.

So you mean to say that they would probably be too busy discussing philosophy to realize they are all dying of sickness and starvation?

they would be racing towards the future without a moment's consideration for the present

Pretty well if they actually read them.

full speed ahead facing backwards

we'd probably be nazis

>Catastrophe and ruin will come; disorder will triumph, but order will too, from time to time. Peace will again establish itself between two periods and there regain the meaning which we have tried to give them. Not all our books will perish, nor our statues, if broken, lie unrepaired; other domes and pediments will rise from our domes and pediments; some few men will think and work and feel as we have done, and I venture to count upon such continuators, placed irregularly throughout the centuries, and upon this kind of intermittent immortality.
- Marguerite Yourcenar (from Memoirs of Hadrian, the best book that none of you dumb fucks have read)

>If a book is lost, then someone will write it again eventually. That should be enough immortality for anyone
-Jorge Luis Borges

It wouldn't

Gah! And I have done her a disservice by copying and pasting that quote uncritically from some idiot who incorrectly typed it out into Goodreads.

It should read
>Catastrophe and ruin will come; disorder will triumph, but order will too, from time to time. Peace will again establish itself between two periods of war; the words humanity, liberty, and justice will here and there regain the meaning which we have tried to give them. Not all our books will perish, nor our statues, if broken, lie unrepaired; other domes and pediments will rise from our domes and pediments; some few men will think and work and feel as we have done, and I venture to count upon such continuators, placed irregularly throughout the centuries, and upon this kind of intermittent immortality.


probably not too bad, I have some old science textbooks and philosophy

They would know about the dangers of communism and the Zionist lobby, the foundations of politics too. So a pretty good start imo


Don't worry lads, Shakespeare's safe. As is To Love-ru.

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>A bunch of books on urban planning and urbanism
We'll have a passable idea on how to build cities assuming the same local government structures, economic models, similar technologies and the same culture whereabouts a thousand years after the apocalypse. Until that happens then they are pretty much worthless.
>A few books on ecology and environmentalism
Probably the only thing that could actually be helpful as a grounding for civilization.
>A field atlas that's only about geography and ecoregions
>The same fiction as most other anons
>As far as religion and philosophy, we might be able to use my copy of the I Ching and the Dhammapada.
>Everything touching the Abrahamics is going in a lock box only to be brought out when they are an ancient novelty and can't ruin everything

The only other thing I got is a book about Tlingit food traditions so unless everyone's ready to go to the Alaska Panhandle and beg for sanctuary, I'd say we're pretty fucked.

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Envious brainlet detected

I'm sitting on some decent medical literature. I guess that would come in handy.
Apart from that I have a bunch of science fiction, some dictionaries in various languages, a Bible, some Joyce, collected Shakespeare, and Tundra and Hypersphere.
Toss the Bible and humanity might have a pretty decent second start I'd say.

Pretty good, but not as good as this dude.

Are you underage or a high-school dropout? How do you not know about the applications and practicality of calculus?

Is this hoarding behavior?

I would say yes.
It's better than hoarding plastic bags that you shat into, but it's still hoarding.

They'd be fine, because i have pic related

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They would turn neo-feudal with complete devotion to chivalric ideals found in Arthurian romance.
So the best possible outcome.