Essential literature to understand transgenderism?

Essential literature to understand transgenderism?

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Feminist Baby

They myth of mental illness

Men Trapped in Men's Bodies and The Man Who Would Be Queen

Transexualism is anti materialist and therefore anti marxist

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Butterbitch - The Collected Posts


Deleuze and Guattari
Nick Land
Judge Schreber

The Book of Romans

Whipping Girl by Julia Serano
Also literally all the neuroscience literature

Double retard

The whole thing reminds me about a story about how the first Chinese Dynasty ended.
Not exactly about transgenderism, but about how the media views it:

>>Zhao Gao was a man who was hungry for power. After declaring Huhai Qin Er Shi, he decided to control the entire government. The man brought a deer to a meeting. He showed that deer in front of the emperor and the officials, and said it was a great horse. The emperor, who regarded Zhao Gao as a teacher and therefore trusted him completely, thought it was a deer, and many officials thought so too. Some were afraid of Zhao Gao, but seeing that Qin Er Shi also regarded it as a horse, said nothing. Others agreed to its being a horse. Zhao Gao murdered the officials who remained silent or called it a deer.

>Also literally all the neuroscience literature

why are most people who claim to be transgender also 'on the autism spectrum'? obviously modernity, technology and breakdown of shared culture play a role. many people are poorly socialised and unsure of their place in the world.

For unknown reasons, liberal society, as opossed to christian society, unexplainably and bizarrely, values self expression, specially sexual self expression above all else, above faith, charity, prudence, magnanimity etc. a whole series of virtues which have fallen into disuse. It's like people have forgotten how to feel shame. Familial authority has collapsed, but that just makes adults dependent like huge children on globohomo inc. social liberals are also pretty militant when it comes to pushing their very detailed byzantine architecture of gender roles, consent, pronouns, identities, polyamory and whatnot, which is part of a general trend to keep classifying human behaviour and sexuality. very Foucaultian

I think what people really want is a Church and a God who can subject them to divine law. French philosopher Jean Baudrillard wrote about the transgender phenomenon back in the 90s, way before it really exploded as a mass fad or subculture, but you can see its part of the same transhumanist and nihilistic continuum, man's desperate quasi-spiritual struggle for transcendence, and total self determination from the pill, to beverly hills plastic surgery, to hentai, and women in the workplace. but there is nothing but flesh. Baudrillard said we are all to a certain extent transexual, and that transexuality has become the reining model of sexuality along with pornography, citing Madonna Michael Jackson and Cicciolina as examples of a wholly artificial and inhuman sexuality, which if it's femenine it is an image of the femenine actual woman would ever by her own volition embody or assume, a fantasy, the carnivorous ideology of the transexual. I mean Baudrillard would definitely be ''cancelled'' if he were to be held to the standards of our age- further proof the inmates are truly running the asylum. In this day and age children learn about gender roles from pornography, anime and videogames, which is fucking terrifying obviously.

If anything I think transgender people are wasting their potential by aspiring to normality and attention whoring on the internet instead of creating great art out of the anguish of their condition.

This (statement. Donno the book)


>It's like people have forgotten how to feel shame
People never had any shame, not in the West at least. The West has always been a culture of guilt, not shame.


The Bible

still, people had shame and guilt but now they feel neither shame nor guilt, they shove their weird sexual fetishes in peoples faces and try to force strangers to be complicit in their perversion, this is why transgender fundamentally freaks me out, that and that they are unanimously strange and rather abrasive people its a strain to pretend they are normal and you think because I feel alienated by 'normies', no nothing freaks me out more than people who are weirder than me

she was briefly married to artist jeff koons

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>As a young boy, I was sexually assaulted.... But by no one in particular
I hope you aren't recommending that shit heap sincerely

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[My diary, kid.]

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Unironically my diary too

read and listen to terre thaemlitz

start with midtown 120 blues

trans theory is not one thing -- I would agree with you as regards essentialist "born this way" trans ideology, but there is definitely a strong tradition of leftist materialist non-essentialist trans theory, that understands transitioning as a political act

I'm honestly not particularly against transitioning in itself, and I am very sympathetic to some people's motivations towards transitioning. I just think it's silly to act as if liberal gender ideology is in any way the result of real marxist influence.

>Transexualism is anti materialist
how exactly?

>transitioning as a political act
Wouldn't this rather upset the trannies? That you're reducing their internal struggle and belief in who they are to its political effect?

TS is based on the idea that there's a subjectively experienced gender separate from the biological sex of your birth which is dualist, not materialist. It's why they frantically search for fMRIs and shit that confirm the different in brain signals in TS. Otherwise it's pretty incoherent outside of like full transitioning through surgery.


>strong tradition of leftist materialist non-essentialist trans theory, that understands transitioning as a political act

so basically it is really an extreme form of 'virtue signalling'? I think transgenderism banal and played out really, it doesn't shock anyone anymore, it is barely even edgy transgressive or 'punk rock', all corporations support you and your lifestyle. if you make it into a 'political act' just like registering to vote, doesn't it take the sovereing excess and the thrill out of it? In the near future it wouldn't surprise me if people start getting transed as a means to social climb in leftist ngos or academia. I think being a true libertine preclude by necessity any sort of moral or political motive, that's why the lgbt movement pisses me off, these people seem to be intent in sucking what little joy remains out of sodomy and degeneracy

>that's dualism

the Bible
>So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.!mxvabIoSIE/order/asc/

>facts are retarded
No wonder nobody likes troons.

Trannies can't even understand their own batshit insanity, do you expect to be able to understand it yourself? Bold move.

Pseudcore album

read Judith Butler's essay on de Beauvoir

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Goddamn it. Why are all trannies used to goods?
How will I find my qt3.14 gf if they're all used goods with roastie buttholes


Kuklin is Jewish?! The propagandist writing mouthfucking tranny pedophile porn for kids is Jewish?!?! How is this possible!!! I can't believe this is fucking happening!!!

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This is (((their))) master plan

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>Judith Butler
>de Beauvoir

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Butler is shit, Beauvoir is based

I also like to groom little girls for french gremlins

Wots the difference

It’s technically a mental illness with the treatment being gender-change operation. But it’s totally irrational to discriminate towards disabled people.


The Elementary Particles


Since this thread was deleted: How many of these hormone therapies and operations are decided by online posting and who pushes it in the person's social circle? Why are they going to Thailand for an operation?

Just some basic information.

OP is a discord tranny named Chijo whos little group kept on posting pink pill/HR tranny threads all over /r9k/ /pol/ and /cuteboys/. Was homeless, cut himself frequently, never passed 4th grade, extremely (as you can tell) mentally ill, and always savored for attention, especially from this side named Foxworth and another tranny named Noun. Here's a picture.

Would feel bad, but hes an attention seeker with a terrible personality.

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The Satanic Bible


the discord post log


Orlando, maybe?

lol retard

Actually gender is based is based in the material conditions of patriarchal division of labour, reproductive and domestic labour. Read Caliban and the Witch.

the silence of the lambs

The Bible

Why is it always (((them)))

Hammer aplied to the forhead

Damn, you're all failing.
g/acc is the answer to all your questions, even beyond this thread.

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>but you can see its part of the same transhumanist and nihilistic continuum, man's desperate quasi-spiritual struggle for transcendence, and total self determination from the pill, to beverly hills plastic surgery, to hentai, and women in the workplace
What exactly is "total self determination from the pill"? And not sure if the last bit is banter but how are hentai and women in the workplace part of the "transhumanist and nihilistic continuum"?

As a repressing mtf and a crippling anhedonic, I came to conclude my wanting to transition as an elusive grasp for vitality and could relate for most of what you wrote, but I don't know if I'm interpreting it correctly.

This is a gem

Culture Body Text

>erases your weird fetish cult

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Anything on Blanchard's typology

Kaczynski was literally a repressing MtF though. His writings and biographies are worth a read.

>Kaczynski was literally a repressing MtF though.

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The Koran has some fantastic wisdom on this subject. By travelling the highest heighs, one may find the truth on the ground.

>Whipping Girl by Julia Serano
Oh no no no no

What the fuck are you trying to say?

If you're implying it's a false flag -- as a high IQ autistic schizoid EECS major whose life resembled much of Kaczynski's, I feel I am qualified to make that judgement more than you do. I realize it's more fuelled by Houellebecq-esque inceldom and not genuine gender dysphoria, but doesn't change the fact that he was repressing and partly motivated his going monk mode.

Siege is an incredibly important work on this subject, I would use Mein Kampf as extra reading, use the Original German copy if you have one.

>Not even Archived
>Admitting to being a complete autist
user, please be a bit more subtle next time

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You can kys now.

My issue is that you are not archiving these shitty rags you fucking idiot, I'm not touching these sites with 10 foot adblocked pole.

I can instead refer you to my autism specialist.

Get the fuck off my board Richard Stallman.

Shame is what you feel in regards to yourself, guilt is in regards to others. If you fail a test you will feel ashamed, if you promised your parents to ace it and not tell them you failed you will feel guilty