I can't get enough of this fucking book tf is wrong with me, I'm not a pedo but it's all that I fucking think about...

I can't get enough of this fucking book tf is wrong with me, I'm not a pedo but it's all that I fucking think about. I'm a fucking addict to this book but I'm not into children.

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Shut up cunt

she's like 13 when they fuck. perfectly legal in some countries and not against nature.

Degenerate novel.

A girl I went to high school with was obsessed with this book and she tried to pass it off as an enlightened love of higher literature, but everyone knew she just fantasized about being fucked by old men.

Is this another way of saying your raped her?

Yeah, I still don't get how there are so many WOMEN who are so much into the Lolita stuff. It's fucked. They all must have some really bad incesty Electra Complex thing.

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based cunny poster

Lolita is gateway pedo literature.

Not really all that surprising. It's almost exclusively older women who self-insert as the loli and fantasizing about how they were leered at in their teens.

No? How did you get that from what I said

Nabokov's fancy prose is addictive.

I hear it's all the rage amongst teenage girls with daddy issues.

spotted the pedo

In fact it's called hebephilia, and no, I don't like that. I like adult women. Just saying it's not as fucked up as people think it is (13+ yo)

>It's not PEDOPHILIA it's HEBEPHILIA learn the difference!!1!1

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Would Humbert Humbert be a cunnyposter ?

Well, it is. And no amount of wojaks would make a difference. Women are fertile at around that age. It's nature that's fucked up.

Spotted the pedo- sorry, hebephile.

I hate pedos. Hebes I can understand. Overall I like adult women, though.

Friendly reminder that adolescence doesn't end until 21 approx for females and 25 for males so if anything females are the pedos due to male adolescence lasting longer. That and females enjoy having babies suck on their breasts but men as well. Should be banned to be honest, breastfeeding. The age of consent should be not batshit random though.

Learn to meme you stupid nigger. Being a pedo might be many things, but it's not onions.

Unironically hate everyone who likes this book.

Are you cunnyphobic?

I unironically launched a geyser of semen into your mom's ass

No I love performing cunnilingus on your mother

she's ashes now. enjoy it, I guess.

Do you honestly think anyone cares about being called a pedo on Yea Forums? They're still different things

Fucking kill yourself degenerate

Not saying it's morally right, just saying it's legal and natural.

This has to be bait holy shit

>Kept getting erections as I read

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Not a pedophile but that's hot

Are you fucking retarded? You don't have to be a pedo to love this book, nor does it gratify pedophilia in any way, so what gives? If anything, the book is quite scary in the second half.

Tried any of Nabokov's other work? I liked Invitation to a Beheading

If one imagined her as a prepubescent child and got a thrill from it, then they are indeed a paedophile. However, if she was being thought of as a biologically developed - but very young - woman, then I see nothing wrong with it, despite her being nominally around 13.

>not against nature.
You're not wrong but that doesn't mean it's good. Other things that are natural
>shitting in the woods
>dying before 30

don't worry, even a US president was flying on a plane called LOLITA express, keep dreaming, it just hurts you.