Reading your classic books is a waste of time. Do something useful instead, like working. Before you say, "But we need art and culture in our lives too! We're not robots!", no you don't. culture is, for the most part, useless. Only raising a family and having a good social life is what a man should materialistically aspire to do.
Reading your classic books is a waste of time. Do something useful instead, like working. Before you say...
>But we need art and culture in our lives too! We're not robots!"
Art and culture is important, books are useless and irrelevant today tho
Ok faggot thanks, looks like we should drop everything, and choose prescriptive methods, such as yourself. "You should do this, you should do that".
How about you go fuck yourself
What a bugman, are you Chinese like the people in your picture?
You do realize you can read classics and still work a 9-5 you micro brained dipshit
The world would be meaningless without art and literature for me. And I perfectly do both.
>tfw work as a security guard
>tfw get paid to sit around and read/write all day
i beat the system
Reading classics with deep meanings won't make you a better person. You are just desperately trying to prove that you are not boring and have good taste. In reality, you're not more interesting or smarter than those people you call bugs.
your post reminds me of pic related
Cringe and bluepilled. Not even sure why you guys are on the literature board, maybe /sci/ is more your culture.
Ok I guess I'll go maybe.
this reeks of Marxism and its "everyone who isn't expressly and exclusively productive to society deserves to starve and die" mentality
There is nothing wrong with enjoying and loving your work. Only people who don't like what they do try to paint work as hard and boring. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with reading books, just remember that they too are just a slightly less vapid form of entertainment. People who look down on others for their reading tastes or for that matter any taste are the worst.
never mind you're based
What if I already have a job and a girlfriend?
>People who look down on others for their reading tastes or for that matter any taste are the worst.
I look down on people who read pleb fiction like James Patterson and Stephen King because I unironically don’t find that stuff edifying, interesting, or entertaining. It’s not inventive, insightful, or original. I find it all so predictable and cliche. Stupid people enjoy those things like a child enjoys reading books with extremely rudimentary plots. It’s just on a less extreme scale. I look down on you and you can’t stop me.
>culture is, for the most part, useless
okay retard.
Okay. Tell me a single consequential thing culture has accomplished? Totally none, unless having a good work ethic counts as culture. It might look good and feel good but that doesn't mean it's important. You only ever think about your own culture in respect to other ones, otherwise you never think of it at all. Most of the time, it's just a tool to identify yourself in a multicultural world. It's just a habit or a way of doing things. And if you glance at some African customs, you'll realize culture isn't always so pretty.
Ever notice Wilde kind of looks like Blavatsky
Are you American by chance? Culture is your everyday life, which you cannot escape unless you move somewhere else, in which other cultures then take over. Food culture is something that has kept humans alive since the dawn of time, and the destruction of it is what is killing so many people in America. Over thousands of years, we found foods and developed meals that would keep us alive and feeling well, and now all of that is being ignored for the quickest and easiest things to grab. Also, religion is one of the most important aspects of culture, and saying it didn't accomplish anything is ridiculous.
I don't mean this in a mean-spirited way, but were you born and raised American? I've found that many Americans have trouble understanding the significance of culture until they've stayed in a country which is filled with history, such as London or Japan. It's a common thread that affects every action you do and how you interact with the world, and it brings everyone together. When culture is strong enough, you don't feel like the people around you are strangers, they're simply people you haven't met yet.
What do you think she's studying? Is it language, hence her speaking aloud?
>Tell me a single consequential thing culture has accomplished?
It’s what you use to justify your life. Yes, work ethic is culture, retard, by definition, your relation towards material circumstances and values (such as wanting a family) are culturally influenced.
On the grounds of pure logic and reason everything’s meaningless, including (especially) material wealth and prosperity. Culture is what generally defines a people’s relations to these.
culture is a natural result of society. without society basic stuff like medicine or food wouldn't be handled and you would be a dying in a ditch. culture may provide an uptick in morale, it provides a reason to live and work. without culture why wouldn't you just kill yourself the instant you could?
>And if you glance at some African customs, you'll realize culture isn't always so pretty.
I stopped by Africa Fest in my city the other day. Had some fried chicken and plantains. Fucking delicious as hell
I always see this argument pop up every now and again. They always fail to understand that the argument they make exists within a culture itself - and thus is a culture, with its own benefits and disabilities. OP is also usually genuinely autistic or aged 14 or something. There's no way anyone is stupid enough to not understand the social benefits of art or culture, or the impossibility of living in a cultural vacuum unless you have a brain disorder that messes with your social skills. Of course there is also the far more likely option that this is bait, which is probably more likely considering the retarded arguments OP is spewing. DESU i hope they keep these bullshit threads going so eventually they can be classed as 'debates about art' and get sent to the future philosophy containment board.
Also hilarious they posted the oscar wilde quote - i'd say confirms the bait theory or we're hitting spectrum levels never seen before - even the most shitslinging of the retards could understand that irony. Actual top tier bait however, compliments to op.
That's all well and good and you people would have been right... about a century ago. I don't know what culture you follow but it's most likely a yearly costume party or whatever. Also "Without art and culture life has no meaning"? Lol. So you think reading books written by mouldy old crackers and paintings of Renaissance penises gives your life meaning? You people couldn't name a single thing you would have done otherwise if it weren't for your "culture". People carry on with their boring lives like they have since the dawn of civilization; and the only time people "use" culture nowadays is as a sort of inheritance from their ancestors to feel unique in a world with is quickly being globalised.
based and Phaedruspilled
>obvious bait thread
>up for 20+ hours
The world is built. The work of a tractor does the work of a thousand men. Too many work as it is. You wish for a dystopia.
That's Taipei
How can you raise a family or have any sort of social life if you don't have culture? Culture itself defines the values one has. Are there no shared values within a functional family? Are there no shared values in which a social experience can be crafted? Can you throw a random Arab and Brazilian who speak the same language into a neutral situation and expect them to get along? No, because culture dictates how they are as people. Culture defines who the person is and how they interpret experiences. Even if you were to somehow strip away culture from all human beings and allow them to grow and develop on their own terms instead of someone else's, they would still develop culture so that they may better understand the experiences that they have in their life.
Thanks Tao Lin.
do security guards need to look buff? I want to do this, but i'm not big or muscular. btw your job sounds great user
Why are the /sci/ bugmen on the board?
Please exit back to your containment board.
Imagine uncultured people trying to raise good families and having good friends hahaha
So... what I'm saying is, you'll have some kind of culture whether you like it or not. Harping on about it and glorifying it is a waste of time, if not outright detrimental. So... those people who think they're smarter than you just because they read some classics? Okay. But better than you as a person? That's where we have a problem. Many things define a person and reading Moby dickbutt is only a small part of your person. Why, those girls who read YA whom you guys love to hate are better than you, at least they don't judge.
culture isn't a set of factoids and conversation starters you carry in your back pocket, and the fact you think it is makes me wish the Yellowstone volcano would just blow already.
Africa has no culture, has no technology
Isn’t that explicitly a capitalist thought?
true, but guys like Baudrillard think Marxism is just as complicit as reducing the human being to a unit of production as capitalism
>Tell me a single consequential thing culture has accomplished?
Natural slave mindset. If everything is life has to be a means to an end, then there's no actual ends.
I read for pleasure. You're right that people who judge others for not reading or for reading pulp are dumb (they're fucking themselves by isolating themselves with elitism), but when a book sticks around for centuries or even millennia across cultures and is respected and influential by other greats, then that means it tapped into human nature if it work across cultures. It means it's lindy, not a fad.
Yes...EXACTLY! Culture is a way of living, which becomes as ingrained in your daily life as the way you walk or the way you talk. You CANT escape from it no matter how much you try. In a similiar vein, saying your culture is important is like saying breathing is important or blinking. You don't have to think about doing either of those. So trying to be more "cultural" or calling someone uncultured is quite useless and rude. The people who do the latter are mostly people who are stuck in the past, who think of themselves as "noble" or "traditional" and who cannot move on with the times. Sadly, these are usually also the people who harp on about their redaing of the classics.
I'm a skeptic but your post helped me to realize something:
Reading classics actually does make you a better person, and not just because "I want it to", or similar. You just denied reality.
>culture is useless
>w-well culture is always there, b-but talking about it is a waste of time
>arrogant people are arrogant, but cast aside culture because it is one of the tools they use
>you can't escape culture
>culture is a way of living
I surely hope you aren't the same poster, but my intuition tells me otherwise.
Good, now shove it up your ass and get out.
>he thinks he is the arbiter of what the market determines has value
You must be so mad there are people that get paid to do something you consider to be a waste of time.
>Do something useful instead, like working.
Do I need some stranger to tell me what to do and what is useful for me? No. Fuck you.