Philosophers literally can't argue against this

philosophers literally can't argue against this

life is nihilistic by nature

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can you fucking believe how god damned self centered people are?
the men and women in the generations before this chick worked dangerous jobs from sun up to sun down for literal cents, only to have drinking shit beer and fucking their ugly wives as leisure activities and took the mere fact that they were alive as a sign that everything was okay, and this cunt who admittedly spends loads of time listening to podcasts- free entertainment just available to her because- and her biggest complaint is she doesn't have ENOUGH time to push out some bullshit novella?
just end it already. we need more mass shooters.

look at her self-centered self-aggrandizing barely concealed, jesus. fourth or fifth novel! i wrote about this! i write! link to my patreon!

women are fucking scum

>aren't we just our commodified existence?
no, read marx

Their beer was better than ours.
And much cheaper.

just look at this self-centered condemnation of a person they have never met!

btw i didnt read op's pic

What she is describing is a deep-seated existentialist disgust with consumerism and capitalism, not life itself. It isn't a nihilistic observation.

remember to wrap your books in PVC i got the most CRISP looking library paperback today

any reason you say that
filtration technology has only gotten more efficient as time goes on, not to mention general refrigeration and sanitation
also you can get a tall can of malt liquor for under two bucks, so it's not like alcohol is that expensive these days

You're right user, why should we attempt to improve things when we have the capacity? Let's just torch all medical science and electricity and bring back slavery and indentured servitude and The Inquisition while we're at it.

Also nobody gives a fuck about little coal mining children in the 20s, everybody gives a fuck that their grandfather in the 50s was able to afford a two story house and full health insurance for his entire 4 child family while his wife stayed at home all on an easy 40k a year job that now pays 20k a year with no benefits.

>general refrigeration and sanitation
>malt liquor

Retarded spooked boomer

Yes they worked hard to have the things we have. And now we have those things and they're not really that great. Human progress is one giant rat race.

This is from Theodor Adorno's essay on the subject. It's called "Free Time"

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>this desperate to rebutt
how about just bitch about the things that are actual problems? like why would you bitch about not having time while you're wasting time tweeting?
also if you really think that living in the fifties was just like entering a raffle for free shit your a mindless fool, all economic prosperity aside
ungrateful child
I'm just a millenial who works manual labor and is sick of people who wouldn't dare ask their local mcdonals for an application talk about how hard it is in the modern first world
the things are still pretty good dude, you'll be ok

Life consists of all metaphysical realities, nihilism is just one. All metaphysical realities are a particular of actual metaphysical reality and reality is of all physical and metaphysical

I'm not saying people got free shit and didn't work in the 50s, they just got way more FOR their work in the 50s.
Same with my parents and older brother. College was literally 1/4th the price it is today.

This. Humanity is over. Pray for nuclear holocaust everybody.

so higher education has become a ripoff- i don't disagree
however this coincides with the rise of the internet. incalculable amounts of nearly free information/entertainment available from machines most people keep in their pockets
sounds pretty damn incredible desu

it would be if you could have health care and a place to live

you'll get that and then you'll be complaining about not having free transportation and education
which desu, in a few decades I would imagine you'll be getting all of the above if things keep moving at the current rate. sorry you weren't born in the future i guess

Nah man I can afford transportation. Health care housing and internet is all that's needed.

They had hope. We have none temporally

Everybody I've spoken to like this always had an expensive hobby they don't really enjoy any more but still participate in so the time they invest feels wasted, video games are the absolute worst for this, the amount of people I know who purchase a new game, play it for an hour and then spend the next 6 looking for something new to play hoping to recapture their teenage years of actually enjoying games.

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This persons life seems to revolve around food and her pet dogs.

I’ve basically quit video games because everything that comes out these days is so fucking shit. Also Netflix ruined films and tv because now they cater to people with ADHD exclusively, if you ever try watching Netflix try counting how many cuts there are in a scene.

i work manual labor as well and you're still a faggot. if you take pride in being a laborer, you are slave-caste. i'm ashamed of my scarred hands. a man like me shouldn't have to work at all, and i'm basically a slave right now. there's nothing wrong with being a lower caste, but don't be a fag about other people having a higher calling that they're unable to answer.


Is it ungrateful to not be satisfied in your life? Is being alive worth it on its own?

She's making observations about life based on her experience and questioning. You're just projecting. Engage.

>you are slave-caste
you must be an unskilled faggot- in which case, yeah you are a slave, but still a very well off slave, all things considered (read a history book lol)
get skilled in a trade, and I'm not talking about welding. tile-setting is pretty nice desu, I work basically only in rich peoples air conditioned homes. also I'm applying for law school so this is just a back up. don;t take me for someones proud house nigger. I only mention manual labor because it seems to shock zoomers who have never used a shovel
>a man like me shouldn't have to work at all
hahah grow the fuck up. you are a slave permanently in your mind if you think you are above work. even regardless of society, you are a piece of meat. you think your upkeep just comes from nowhere? srsly, i know i'm going to get rekt with le epik boomer memes, but grow the fuck up

>Is being alive worth it on its own?
hard to say, but what I'm realy getting at is if you have access to the material wealth available in the first world (as evidenced by bitching about listening to podcasts) you could at least bitch about things other than your lack of free time and immediate existential fulfillment


I'm not for sale, or purchased into this. Cumming, eating, and blasting a fat log feels good and I'd like to do more of it

i'm 21 and an apprentice electrician, not some landscaping mexican. you are just a lower being and i don't respect you.

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Are wh*Tes really learning catalan?

So, hedonism?

Or living for the sake of being alive.

oh so you're just a whiny defeatist bitch then?
good to know, I also don't respect you ;)

>a man like me shouldn't have to work at all

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I'm very reluctant to try anything new theses days, every activity I've tried getting into has more problems than a leper in India; people just ripping each other limb from limb for saying the wrong thing, overcommercialization absurdity where they start censoring the absolute shit out of everything to appeal to sponsors or just the sheer mass hysteria caused by a relative popularity.

these plebs just don't get it.

Exactly as written. Enjoyment of the life cycle. Try to fit shitting into a definition of hedonism

it's been movies, video games, comics, all of this shit I used to love I cringe every time I even think about them
everything turned to shit. all we have is books by dead guys

Hey, some people get off on anything.

Are you enjoying your life, user? I envy you.

>we need more mass shooters

How the hell did you arrive at this conclusion?

She seems to find plenty enough time to whine on twitter. Bitch just needs to find a sugar daddy.

casual misanthropy?

You sound like a bourgeoise (aka MERCHANT caste) faggot. If you were of royal- or warrior caste, you know actual nobility, you wouldn't be complaining about having to work. Hard work is precisely how a noble lineage earned their god-given position.

>the men and women in the generations before

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its not the work, its the goal of the work. personally, i see it as a sin to work for a man who works for his own self -interest and not for God, but my priest says otherwise. this is why i feel disgraced.

Cumming is not an anything that people get off on. It's at the top of most people's list. I gave 3 easy to understand examples.

I enjoy life presently along with you in like measure. There's a small pleasure to being responded to. Add it to our list

So why do you work at all? For self interest? Become a ascetic if you're really so committed (you're not at all)
Also don't listen to your priest. Chances are he's molested a lot of little boys.

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Based reflexive monist


>neurotic birth control enthusiast feels bad