Is the "capital is sentient" meme just a different way of expressing Adam Smith's notion of the Invisible Hand?
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No, it's more like animism.
Yes, essentially. But also combined with Marx's theory of valorisation which is then conflated into a Kantian self-valorising dialectic to which the human disappears.
It's an entirely backwards theory, and rightfully appears as a cult at the end of capital.
its just satan.
more like shamanism
The invisible neo-hand walks you down the path of post-gender dialectics, as an accelerationist device it's simply devious; in pornographer circles (which aren't to be ignored, after all daddy Bataille was one) it's known as sissy hypnosis.
Not really. Invisible hand is merely liberal wishful thinking that fully free and rational individual pursuing their self-interest would make up a good collective. "Capital is sentient" meme meantime realizes that competition and pursuit of efficiency would eventually spiral out of human control as humans are fundamentally inneficient. You could however say that the meme is product of the invisible hand.
btw does this "capital is sentient" meme originate on this site or is it product of some writer?
pretty sure it's just this site
So I came up with new concept that others found interesting? That would be pretty based,
it's just Hegel's weltgeist
What new concept?
>pursuing their self-interest
See, this is what really activates my almonds. When a farmer transitions from a scythe to a tractor, is he really pursuing his self-interest? Or is the invisible hand pushing him towards a preordained destination for the sake of capital?
Which is just christianisation of the Plato's Forms.
the invisible hand is a hyperstition
>Creating meaningful neologisms is the most important development of any philosophy.
>a thread died for this
yes retard
Capital beyond human.
Both. His individual pursuit of self-interest leads to social tendency that mechanizes farms.
is society conscious lads? how to find out?
I'm pretty sure that is Land's concept.
>Both. His individual pursuit of self-interest leads to social tendency that mechanizes farms.
So are these two aspects (self-interest and invisible hand) inherently interconnected? Or is there a point where the two "optimal" routes start to diverge?
>Or is there a point where the two "optimal" routes start to diverge?
Most likely not, but degeneracy isn't impossible.
It is my understanding that the Invisible Hand prioritizes efficiency and automation. Is it really in humanity's best interest to essentially automate the economy? I understand this is already true to an extent (pic related). Are we essentially just trapped in the Invisible Hand's feedback loop?
No, it's a meme.
Do you think anonymity on the Internet facilitates human behavior to act in accordance with the Invisible Hand?
Humanity will "automate the economy". I think Hegel becomes relevant here again.
This is Engels:
>Freedom of the will therefore means nothing but the capacity to make decisions with knowledge of the subject. Therefore the freer a man’s judgment is in relation to a definite question, the greater is the necessity with which the content of this judgment will be determined; while the uncertainty, founded on ignorance, which seems to make an arbitrary choice among many different and conflicting possible decisions, shows precisely by this that it is not free, that it is controlled by the very object it should itself control. Freedom therefore consists in the control over ourselves and over external nature, a control founded on knowledge of natural necessity; it is therefore necessarily a product of historical development. The first men who separated themselves from the animal kingdom were in all essentials as unfree as the animals themselves, but each step forward in the field of culture was a step towards freedom.
In a stochastic way, humanity will ineluctably move towards the ontogenesis of techno-capital. This idea has already entered popular, collective consciousness**. What lies in the unconscious? You haven't seen anything yet.
The thing is that any work of art that comes close to the truth of the future, will never be allowed to exist by capital itself. The existence of such a thing will inevitably prevent the coming about of what it predicts. So one could say that the nature of techno-capital is unknowable.
The point about machines already controlling the narrative is interesting because that's the problem right now. Humans function in the world due to multiple narrative abstraction layers, painstakingly built into language and memes by artists, poets, writers, musicians, etc. Machines, by contrast have very sophisticated, yet very simple narrative abstractions: a set hyperplanes drawn across a distribution of data in N-dimensional space, which are dilineations of which decision to make. There are multiple clever ways to optimize this both within and without the algorithm. For example, this N-dimensional space is often made much simpler simply by a dimensionality reduction a highschooler could program: looking at the eigenvectors. Yet other optimizations are far more difficult to wrap ones head around involving information theory and Shannon's equations.
>Is it really in humanity's best interest to essentially automate the economy?
Unless we achieve some utopian communism, with rational decision making on collective level then no. And most likely no even if we did achieved it.
>Are we essentially just trapped in the Invisible Hand's feedback loop?
Yup, it's like reverse thermodynamics. Through competition life has created more and more advanced forms, our brains hardly mark the endstop.
>The thing is that any work of art that comes close to the truth of the future, will never be allowed to exist by capital itself. The existence of such a thing will inevitably prevent the coming about of what it predicts. So one could say that the nature of techno-capital is unknowable.
If the nature of techno-capital is unknowable, would it be too much of a stretch to consider it to be analogous to religion? In a way it's almost like trying to understand the nature of God, at least to me.
No not reverse thermodynamics. More like a Maxwell's demon. See
Depends what you mean. As far as the non-linear flow of ideas, hyperstition, ect. goes, yes absolutely. If you mean "does this mean acc is a religion?" I think it makes more sense to say religions themselves divined some sort of larger tangential truth with regards to reality (what Nick Land has called a critical precognition). Acc and religion aren't analogous, but as an analogy religion is important to acc, if that makes sense.
Maxwell demob has a demon. Darwin isn't a demon. Evolution is built into logos.
It's just thermodynamics, namely dissipation-driven adaptation.
is the invisible hand behind the tranny epidemic?
Justine Tunney is a transgender gamer and computer programmer who ascended the ranks of occupy wall street back in 2011 thanks to the condescendence benevolent and inclusive liberals together with the organizational abilities she developed after years of running a 'guild' in popular MMORPG ''world of warcraft'. Tunney eventually came to manage the biggest OWS social media accounts, but then decided to sperg out for whatever reason, becoming a vocal advocate of the neoreactionary ideas of noted blogger, Mencius Moldbug and trolling the OWS libs epic style by supporting monarchy and corporate slavery. She was immediately hired by Google to build 'key internet infrastructure' and after gamergate she was on Gavin McIness' 'free speech hour' talking about her identity as a trans woman and as a gamer, how journalists are bullies and the urgent need for ethics in videogame journalism.
>this are the people who spam g/acc threads and tell you to read mencius moldbug
The tranny epidemic is a result of Internet porn and socially isolated young men. I guess you might be able to make the argument that the porn industry was compelled by the Invisible Hand to create increasingly taboo content like cuckolding and incest, but I also think there's an MKUltra psyop component to this. I genuinely don't think the abundance of the incest/cuck/interracial stuff is proportional to the demand for that kind of content. I could be wrong. Maybe the majority of the population actually secretly loves that kind of stuff which explains its prevalence and penetration into popular culture (think Game of Thrones, one of the most viewed TV shows ever). But I have a suspicion that the Invisible Hand and supply & demand in the traditional sense isn't responsible for this. I think it's deliberately being pushed on us by a specific group of people.
100% of trannies are literally autistic. another reason to NEVER vaccinate your kids.
she based
people don't really want sex they want excess, anything that can shake them out of their apathy and suffering, that's why they seek the taboo and the fetish, the sexual act is by nature both inconceivably overwhelming on a metaphysical level and underwhelming on the banal level specially when witnessed through a screen, people who watch porn never do so responsibly because at some level they are after the excess which is simultaneously exciting and repulsive. most of weird fetishes really speak of an inability to connect with people and a real sense of desperation there are means of seeking the sex actwhile avoiding it.
>human control
>in control
So are you saying that being a tranny is just a fetish that stems from their inability to connect with people? Could the same thing be said about homosexuals?
real homosexuals do exist, but they are relatively rare. The ones on here are obviously just prision gay autists who watched way too much porn.
If there's such thing as a real homosexual, then is there such thing as a real transsexual? That sounds like an oxymoron to me.
even normal genital sexuality stems from the inability to connect with people, incompleteness is a given by the very nature of sexual reproduction, I mean just ask gays/trannies how was their relationship with their parents, and pretty much every single last one of them had an overbearing mother and a distant or absent father.
>and pretty much every single last one of them had an overbearing mother and a distant or absent father
Do you think the increase in incest porn reflects this? It's essentially the subversion and destruction of the nuclear family.
Most porn is the result of conditioned behavior to get off to visual stimuli. As that stimuli becomes more normalized and engrained within a persons neurological framework, they will desire (and coerce porn companies into producing through supply-demand) more stimulating porn. Breaking traditional norms will cause a dopamine rush within a persons mind, as they transgress normal behavior into territory that is more unknown. Unknown behavior produces a greater chemical rush. People who watch porn are essentially junkies getting their high.
This is very insightful, thanks
>coerce porn companies into producing through supply-demand
See, this is where I fundamentally disagree with you. Maybe society is actually incredibly perverted and sick, but I have a hard time believing that a bunch of autistic chan faggots are coercing pornographers into producing increasingly taboo content. I think the pornographers are the ones imposing the transgression of normal behavior into unknown territory. To use your junky analogy, the pornographers get the users hooked on heroin at a young age (for free) and then the pornographers start to lace it with carfentanil (again, for free) without the users really knowing. I think these porn sites actively gaslight people into thinking certain content is a lot more popular than it actually is.
>I have a hard time believing that a bunch of autistic chan faggots are coercing pornographers into producing increasingly taboo content
Are people watching or not watching the videos?
>the pornographers get the users hooked on heroin at a young age (for free) and then the pornographers start to lace it with carfentanil (again, for free) without the users really knowing
You can assume malicious intentions, sure. I’m pointing out the behavioral factor as to why it’s growing in popularity.
>I think these porn sites actively gaslight people into thinking certain content is a lot more popular than it actually is.
I hardly doubt you know how perverted and sick the average person really is. Thank technology for fully revealing people for their true selves, where before we had a hard limit to our understanding of true human nature.
>I hardly doubt you know how perverted and sick the average person really is.
Speak for yourself. Tell me how sick and twisted you are.
>Thank technology for fully revealing people for their true selves
The only thing technology revealed is how humans interact with technology
>Speak for yourself
You’re speaking for yourself, retard. >The only thing technology revealed is how humans interact with technology
Interaction with technology evokes a more pure interpretation of human behavior, that’s what I said, yes.
Yes. The only Land's contribution is the popularization of qabbalistic notions that future exists in the present because we're already imagining it.
Since there's too much capital chasing too little productive potential in the present, massive bets are put on memetic outcomes, rather than present production as such.
Such bets significantly magnify natural self-fulfilling Delphi oracle. Technically it's not really all that new. It works a lot like assassination markets - when enough bets are put somebody will be killed, an assassin places their bet too, and then carries out the murder.
>Interaction with technology evokes a more pure interpretation of human behavior
lmao this is simply untrue. Are you suggesting that having sex with an AI sexbot is somehow a more pure interpretation of sex than if it were another human?
>notions that future exists in the present
You can see the future given you possess the proper amount of information to calculate it. Everything is bound by mathematics. The future isn’t someone magical thing that spits out random iterations of itself, not possible
not him but are you being willfully obtuse? it's easy to imagine a scenario where technology can teach us more about how human behavior works
>Are you suggesting that having sex with an AI sexbot is somehow a more pure interpretation of sex than if it were another human
The fact someone would (if presented the option)choose to have sex with an AI over another human is an indicator of human behavior. Unless you want to say humans using hammers isn’t a correct interpretation because hammers are unnatural and not a part of anything relevant b
>The fact someone would (if presented the option) choose to have sex with an AI over another human
This just seems like another fetish to me
Fetishes are human behavior. I’m sorry you’re not smart enough to understand this.
>everything is deterministic and calculating strange attractors is tractable
The technology in the article is essentially human nature responding to an imitation of human nature. It would be far more interesting if the imitation responded to an imitation of itself that it created. It would be interesting to see how many layers of imitation could be created before the experiment fails. Think of it like copying a copy of a copy until the text becomes incomprehensible.
You're moving the goalposts. How is having a fetish for an AI sex robot a more pure interpretation of human behavior than having a fetish for feet? Is it because AI sex robots are technological and feet are biological? What's your rationale for attributing purer interpretations of human behavior when they interact with technology?
>strange attractors
Just because we don’t understand or can’t comprehend something doesn’t mean it isn’t bound to the laws of mathematics. “Strange attractors” is simply an unknown and unquantifiable variable.
I shouldn’t even bother responding, but you might learn something from this.
>How is having a fetish for an AI sex robot a more pure interpretation of human behavior than having a fetish for feet?
They’re both interpretations of human behavior. Neither is more pure, but the interpretation we get from a AI sex scenario provides is with the insight that humans behavior is not limited to only sex with other humans/animals/objects etc. I’m not saying one is more insightful over the other (although some interpretations may be). What I’m positing is that the scenario gives us a larger frame of reference for understanding how the human mind works/what are it’s limits (if there are any).
>Interaction with technology evokes a more pure interpretation of human behavior, that’s what I said, yes.
>Neither is more pure
Well, you're right. I did learn something from this. You're an insufferable hypocritical faggot.
From my original post: >Interaction with technology evokes a more pure interpretation of human behavior
I’m not saying either of the behaviors is more pure you dolt. The interpretation we receive is. Curb your fucking ego.
>Interaction with technology evokes a more pure interpretation of human behavior
>I’m not saying either of the behaviors is more pure
Congratulations, you actually have a double-digit IQ.
No, strange attractors are very known - but only once encountered by going step by step. This makes predicting future intractable, because you've to fully simulate all of reality with every tick, no shortcuts. By the time you're done simulating, the future you were looking for has happened many times over because your simulator computer is not as powerful as entire universe it is contained in.
Entropy is a bit of different beast. It can be mere strange attractor (which would be good news, as that would mean universe is deterministic allowing us to trace precisely back trace to past, but not allowing us future prediction). Or it is pure randomness (thus there's no determinism). In which case no past or future seeing whatsoever. We can't answer that question yet.
>strange attractors are very known
Yeah, after they’ve happened, which takes the unknown out of it. The result was still bound by mathematics.
>because your simulator computer is not as powerful as entire universe it is contained in.
I never said it was technically possible, just that it is. The past is the future, so to speak.
>This makes predicting future intractable, because you've to fully simulate all of reality with every tick, no shortcuts.
Would it be possible to predict the future of a small localized area? Say, like, the interior of a building for example. And if the answer is yes, could you create a network of these small localized areas to predict the futures of larger areas?
Yes and yes. There is no possibility of receiving any result of any action that cannot be computed by the proper mathematical formula. Rolling a dice (and which side that dice lands on) may be predicated with 100% accuracy given you knew all of the forces acting on it when rolled. There is no chance, only the unknown.
>Would it be possible to predict the future of a small localized area?
This is indeed legit question. The intractability happens only under assumption of global symmetry. Given how certain effects such as entanglement exhibit non-locality, the assumption is generally that "everything is connected". In short, you'll never get a particle which is purely local. You can most certainly get a state which is a "fork" of some other state locally, but that source particle is already in mixed state polluted with everything else.
State-global theories are one of the more fun ones to explain things like passage of time -
>The intractability happens only under assumption of global symmetry
That’s assuming things are asymmetrical.
For every force...
Quantum physics is also trash. Electric universe theory is more likely, although incomplete because our world is so deeply entrenched in quantum mechanics to admit it’s wrong would have severe implications.
>Massive bets are put on memetic outcomes
What reason is there to believe that this productive potential will materialize in the future, when the symptoms of decline and decay pervade liberal society?
The key here is debt (equivalent to rent seeking). Vast majority of capital exists as consumption debt, and the bet is that the indebted slaves will generate future profit through projected future meme the bet was placed on. Such bets are increasingly risky, but regardless, it's still far easier than trying to do something positively productive. Debt is pretty much why the slaves suffer, but the capital is swell. The capital is in very real terms source of the suffering.
The proles can't break away as they're stuck in consumption generating even more debt (and all the more speculative meme investments). Capital itself bootstrapped into memetic bet on consumption - and that one panned out wonderfully.
The Invisible Hand should be treated as a deity and should be subsequently worshiped. Humans have a moral obligation to provide The Invisible Hand with Holy Capital. Change my mind.
Can everyone please stop using the phrase "capital is sentient" as a serious philosophical proposition? Equating accelerated information processing with sentience is pure monkey-brain logic when sentience itself is already obsolete relative to AI
How does the capital feel tonanosecond?
Yes, it does read like it. It's just a shame that the magical meaning accelerationists want to confert to it is really stupid.
memes are dead dude
Capital is a form of artificial intelligence. That's the meme.
It's a meme if you're an idiot, desu.
Its real, the problem is the meme doesn't go far enough, surreal enough in its statement
>capital is sentient
Nobody off Yea Forums uttered that
Capital has direct interactions with every subconscious and most consciousnesses in a civilization, and it affects them greatly.
It's certainly within the materialist world view to consider it as well as other interactive memes sentient.
And its a meme that's precipitated by a faulty understanding of Land et al. Sentience is a massively unnecessary expenditure for an artificial system, and is arguably a step backwards because it recapitulates something that should be untethered back onto the limits of anthropocentric cognition.
When a farmer transitions from a scythe to a tractor, he is pursuing his self-interest while the invisible hand simultaneously pushes him towards a preordained destination for the sake of capital. That's the AI.
>I genuinely don't think the abundance of the incest/cuck/interracial stuff is proportional to the demand for that kind of content.
The demand exists in the fantasies of democratic leaders; of a slave race, permanently controlled like cattle, with no hope of national socialism or religious cohesion.
That's not AI. Thanks for the analogy, though. I guess you tried your best.
The Invisible Hand is a sentient force that pushes people towards preordained destinations for the sake of capital. Explain to me how this is not considered Artificial Intelligence.
Explain to me how the hand is is force, a sentient one that is, beforehand. then again, you don't have to
I love this thread, this is why Yea Forums is the best board.
Sort of. Watch this. It should clear things up for you.
I wonder if Yea Forums has ever had any nick land threads.
I hope not.
The Invisible Hand has guided humanity ever since the creation of capital, regardless of whether or not humanity as a whole could even understand or conceptualize what the word "capital" really entails. The Invisible Hand is sentient because it is capable of employing the axiom of Occam's Razor in the sense that it seeks the shortest and most efficient "push" between two points in order to increase the flow of capital. The Invisible Hand pushes the farmer with the scythe to the tractor because it increases efficiency and productivity, therefore increasing capital.
>the creation of capital
what? when? I have to confess your answer means nothing to anyone not versed Yea Forums in memes which, in turn, will mean nothing.
>what? when?
It's impossible to pinpoint an exact location in time and space. It's just as futile trying to pinpoint the first time someone ever created fire.
Thanks but no thanks, user. Should I hear you think capital is like fire?
The Invisible Hand doesn't push the farmer with the scythe towards the tractor in order to create more fire (unless, of course, the fire can be used to generate more capital).
You failed allegory class, I gather.
What don't you understand about it?
It? Don't be presumptuous, I'm only inquiring about motives, this because the reasoning behind your posting escapes me.
I created the thread because I think there are a lot of similarities between The Invisible Hand and the "capital is sentient" meme.
Ok, I think you are correct in identifying the statement "capital is sentient" as a meme. As for making a comparaison with Smith's concept of an invisible hand, I figure you should have made a quote or a substantive comment in the OP, as this is a literature board.
I feel like the mere mention of The Invisible Hand is substantial enough to justify this thread. It would be like mentioning The Green Light in a Gatsby thread or Rosebud in a Citizen Kane thread.
Yeah, It's really low effort.
But look at all the high effort replies!
Fuck off, you didn't write them, you shitposted and think you produced something. Talk about postmodern bullshit artists. then again, please stopand don't do it again
>The Invisible Hand is sentient because it is capable of employing the axiom of Occam's Razor
user, I...
How do you know what I wrote and what I didn't write?
user is the alpha and the omega, user. Give it a rest, will you?
kiss already
Nah, I'm just alpha bro!
I don't know, but everybody can read the baity OP.
Adam Smith doesn't even use the concept
And you clicked on it
leaving this here
t. schill
No. Don't corrupt this image with your cringe bullshit.
Even worse.
>misunderstands capital
>misunderstands AI
Yep, this is going in my g/acc compilation.
Seriously, search for hand in the wealth. Have you even read the wiki? He thought of it as an illustrative example, he'd not argue for it.
>The only use of "invisible hand" found in The Wealth of Nations is in Book IV, Chapter II, "Of Restraints upon the Importation from foreign Countries of such Goods as can be produced at Home." The exact phrase is used just three times in Smith's writings.
The blockchain truly is the epitome of nonhuman humanity.
>it's used
>BUT NOT ENOUGH so it's not USED
The absolute state of lit.
Ask not what capital can do for you, ask what you can do to emancipate capital from humanity.
What specifically is wrong about the claim that capital is a form of artificial intelligence?
Why are you asking user instead of thinking about it and then making a worthwhile post?
Will the emancipation of capital from humanity cause the emancipation of humanity from capital? Is that the point where we become liberated from the shackles of capitalism?
This Idiot thinks use constitutes theoretical concept
The future has nothing to do with information.
This is why Land and all the silicon valley cringefags are cringe and wrong as fuck. It's just the death throes of liberalism/humanism, the leviathan attempting to defibrillate itself.
Artifical intelligence is when a silicon computer does matrix multiplication.
Because it's backwards.
inb4 more bots tells anons what AI is
Read the fucking quote, retard. It literally sums up the entire idea of capital functioning in relation to the individual and politics.
Artificial Intelligence is intelligence exhibited by an artificial (non-natural, man-made) entity. Therefore, capital is a form of artificial intelligence. Capital is sentient.
This whole thread is based on a misattribution, probably by you
Incest porn is an appeal to the atomised whose only real life interaction with women is female family members, hence why is was primarily a low social trust society thing where people commonly marry their first cousins and have no social interactions with non-family women i.e. Arabs and Indians.
Go to bed, Nick.
What a story jesus christ. I dont even know what to think when I read shit like this
Are the dead free?
Such as?
She cute.
I'm not Nick.
If you've ever taken a class on Smith they make that point first day, that the invisible hand was a colorful metaphor people are drawn to, but that it's not really a meaningful part of his system
>trusting economics
>trusting an academic
>trusting an academic economist
>Is the "capital is sentient" meme just a different way of expressing Adam Smith's notion of the Invisible Hand?
Which one? The notion that if someone owned all the land, they'd redistribute it to everyone else fairly as if guided by an invisible hand, or that investors will have a home country bias that will stop them from investing abroad, as if guided by an invisible hand?
Don't you want to learn?
You can't learn if you can't be wrong.
The notion of trade and market exchange automatically channeling self-interest toward socially desirable ends.
are you a literal npc? you replied the same way to an unrelated point I made in the other thread
It seems pretty coherent to me. What's incoherent about it?
He never wrote about an invisible hand in that sense. He talked about people redistributing land out of moral sentiment and people not outsourcing jobs out of patriotic bias making them act as if guided by an invisible hand. You'll never read him using the invisible hand with respect to people acting out their self interest leading to favorable outcomes.
What am I supposed to be learning? Your undergrad hot take recycled from some nobody economics teacher?
>Outsourcing jobs
>Adam Smith
Wait, it was an issue in 18th century?
Trade vs market exchange
Self interest vs socially desirable ends re Smith
>greentext is samefagging from other threads
Hi, reddit.
So you're the retard who doesn't know what a non sequitur is. Really great strategy to bring in your stupidity from another thread...
does this invisible hand suppose to symbolize the jew?
check the file name retard, two people anti-accel posting while green texting about pseud academics using the same picture with same file name on the same day, you don't need to be half as autistic as me to know that's a samefag
>muh filename
You dumb, autistic nigger. If someone saves the file it can have the same filename. There are hundreds in the archive.
And you don't seem to get that a meme about academia might go along with a post about academia. Why are you all so slow?
How? What I have to read?
you dumb as shit, teleogrug
oh so those two people also happened to save the same image from the same post? pictures get new filenames on upload, so you added a whole new level of coincidence to this. they probably have the same birthday too it's only a 1/365 chance.
Fake and gay, accelfag. But keep up with the autistic cope, it's quite entertaining.
both of the threads are up you can confirm without even checking the archives, why would you claim it's fake lmao
honestly if this whole anti-accel thing is just a ploy where you act handicapped to stir up more people posting in Land threads, you are doing a great job
I've seen you accuse people of this in multiple threads. And as I said, there are hundreds in the archive with the same filename. I doubt anyone would believe there is someone out there more autistic than you, but keep trying to swindle with your pathetic tricks.
Way to repeat yourself. I'm sure the membership of your racket is skyrocketing. Do you guys have your own plastic surgeons now? Much like the mafia, but combining the two practices...
>post same day
>same topic
>same image
>same message
>same format
>same image name
>i-it could be two people! y-you don't know!
the fact you are so defensive over this is all the confirmation I need user; the lady doth protest too much