ساده استی. ایران معاصر گه است، و نمی تونی آن رو با ايران باستانی مقايسه کنی. ۲.۵ هزار سال طول کشيده و تو هنوز اسبانی می شوی که هرادتاس نظرات منفی رو داشت بر عليه يه کشواری که وجود نداره ديگه.
What are some history books that everyone interested in history should read?
Plenty of aspects of the Pre-Islamic culture still persist, you Google translating using faggot. Stuff like festivals (Nowruz, Yalda, Mehregan, Charshanbe Soori), literature (Shahnameh, which details Sassanian kingly lineage well in third portion), and more. Even Before Revolution, less than 10% of Arabic loanwords were used. It is as simple as saying "darood" instead of "salam".
You are an insulting and narcissistic faggot, butthurt that I pointed out the flaws in your beloved Herodotus. You don't give a shit about real history.
You can’t get that good through google translate bud, especially with all those colloquial misspellings. We still use the justice system derived from Babylon’s Code of Hammurabi, doesn’t mean we’re fucking Babylonian. I get that Iranian like to think they’re Achaemenid, because that was the last time anything that said “Persia” was at all great, but it doesn’t change facts. My job is literally a Dari translator, and I gotta be honest, Afghans use a hell of a lot less Arabic loanwords than Iranians, and it’s still around 40% of the language. That’s why learning it is so easy when you know the roots of an Arabic loan word you can guess the rest. Also, my Persian teachers cried about Arabs and Alexander the Great every single fucking day, you’re just a faggot like they were. I give a shit about history and also unbiased facts. For example, third word countries like Iran love to say they “captured CIA spies” just because they don’t want both their own people and other states to know that they have domestic anti-state actors in their own country. CIA agent is the easiest thing to say. Just like when Khomeini killed thousands of people from the moderate political rival factions, he said they were CIA spies to justify their executions. Get your head out of your koon, kooni. Bedrood
>I get that Iranian like to think they’re Achaemenid
If you had any reading comprehension, then you would have seen I said most of Achaemenid culture was lost. Not even Sassanids probably knew Achaemenid culture well. In fact, I made it clear I think a lot of Sassanid culture was preserved. Most of Achaemenid culture was lost though and even the Shahnameh barely mentioned them.
I am just saying Herodotus isn't reliable when it comes to knowledge of Achaemenids. Also...
> third word countries like Iran
Then why don't you guys have the war and get it over with? Iran has constantly been threatened over nothing, yet when push comes to shove, USA + Israel do nothing. It is getting tiresome.
I don't agree with what he stood up for. I would prefer Iran to become Zoroastrian and close itself off to the West even more. You people are extremely arrogant and confrontational for no reason.
Alright, big guy. You spent 24 hours arguing your case, and you just won.
Nobody gives a fuck what you think. You have given nothing to support your statements other than muh feels.
Just because I voiced some criticism of Herodotus doesn't mean I think Greeks were savages or anything like that. I like much of the literature, philosophy, and much more. How did people respond to my meager criticism? By yelling sand nigger and acting like narcissistic faggots.
I argued here:
He gets copious facts wrong, such as Cyrus' ancestry, and I don't think he even described the religious climate well. There's nothing "muh feels" here, faggot.
I'm starting the 5th volume about the renaissance soon. Durant's writing is so good, would highly recommend.
1177 BC: The year civilization collapsed and The collapse of complex societies