Books about taking down the tasteless pedophilic bougeois elite?

Books about taking down the tasteless pedophilic bougeois elite?

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age of consent is 15 in denmark. what is the problem, people are fucking

Yeah that's not pedophilia, pretty stupid to claim that it is. Dershowitz is a cretin tho

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lmao lost

Yea Forums: Epstein is in Tel Aviv

Its sex slavery, moron. Its not okay even if they are all of legal age.

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No he waant dumb goy

What does the correlation between intelligence and pedophilia look like?

Oh wow he really did do it, huh?

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The few pedophiles I've met were all retarded man-children with emotional issues.

Suspected as much. I read a theory somewhere about stunted mental development being a direct cause of pedo tendencies, but I doubt the relationship is well-understood.

this might be a shocker to you but the body swells after you have been dead for a while.
he has all signs of strangling that might be from hanging or a god ol' rope from the back and the elite probably wouldn't leave a loose end

>Implying the blue field are claiming it was murder

>He thinks this counts as valuable data

The House of Asterion by Jorgé Luis Borges

all of /pol/ thinks it's murder

Never said it was the case, I know I'm giving a very subjective observation.

The body swells for like a few hours only and even then it won’t change ear shape.

t. Picked up the dead

>people are fucking
speak for yourself

The retardation is why you know they're pedophiles.

Honestly, sex with people younger than 25 is pedo. They are not fully developed and you are taking advantage of their inability to consent

Nice try but you’re not getting the aoc raised even more feminist

Kids fucking each other is different from a disgusting incel oldfag trying to grope new flesh. It's not pedophilia, it's just gross.

The problem is the whole idea that sex is okay if it's consensual, instead of caring at all about its telos. If women can't date seriously until 25, well, they're having downies at 35. 16 year old women should be marrying 20 year old men with careers, but men are tied down in school until 25 and 28.

>new flesh
It's our obsession with novelty. Get on with the times.

On a related note, was there ever a calculation or simulation regarding the age at which people have children and the average aging of the population?
Like if people only have children at let's say 30, will society grow older and older as a result?

AoC (marriage without parent's consent) used to be 21, and in certain places they were as high as 24 or 25 at times. It's not a feminist thing, but puritan sects in america one.

It's somewhat ironic, as it was originally intended to prevent brides running away and letting parents to marry em off at 14 to 40yo geezers.
200 years later, now the same geezers got bit in the ass by law they've invented which got perverted into "think of the children" tardiness.

In the 1600s, peasants saw the way that corpses change after death and deduced that the person must be a vampire

In the 2000s, they see the way corpses change after death and deduce that they must be alive and hiding in another country

people like you are why I blame the media for focusing so hard on the pedophile angle, rather than the fact that these were hundreds of sex slaves he was abusing and coercing

Is there literally anywhere on this planet I can go without people whining about the same five political events or incessant moralfagging about rich guys getting young pussy?

>In the 1600s, peasants saw the way that corpses change after death and deduced that the person must be a vampire
No they did not you utter fucking cretin, stop trying to sound intelligent. The cartilage of the ear and nose doesn't suddenly change once you die.

It's 14 in Germany. and like 12 in Netherlands. Contemporary English speaking countries are strangely passionate about that one law compared to the rest of the world and history.

Yes Humbert Humbert was a man child. Nice try user.