Trying to find one that has as little (((British))) influence as possible.
Whats's the best book about the history of the IRA?
Check the threads asking for nigger written literature, there might be an IRA history book posted there.
Fuck off Fenian scum
Thanks Abdul, a big salam alaikum from London, birthplace of Jewish finance.
>implying Dublin isn't pozzed and zogged beyond belief
>Whats's the best book about the history of the IRA?
das kapital
communist manifesto
British and Irish are both niggers, but the British niggers are definitely smarter and more successful niggers, or rather were.
correct answer here, OP
Lmao at all the seething yellow teeth cucks in this thread
the triggered bongs in this thread just prove that the IRA are based and can btfo any queencuck
Have a bump
Northern Irish blokes with dual citizenship in the darkroom in Tresor my dude. They tell you how it is and give you free White
You just have to say Cucky Urban and sing the sam song. I forgot. Sorry.
Surely there are some good books on this subject anons.
Check the archives filed under who gives a shit
Any IRA thread will be swarmed by shitposters, just look at /his/
Still, bump
>Just look at /his/
I know better
It beats most of the shitty off-topic threads on here that stay up for hours or even days
There's a guy on /his/ that is really well versed in Irish history, if you come across him then he'll probably suggest you some pretty good books to read
Here's a good book
>The Orange Order: A Contemporary Northern Irish History by Eric Kaufmann
You should invite him to this thread then instead of trying to keep bringing up the board /his/ for some odd reason.
Tim Pat Coogan's
Jews and the Eternal Anglo are no different from one another.
>Desperately fight to be free of England
>Immediately legalize abortion, import millions of shitskin Muslims into your country, and stop having babies so that you go extinct
There is a certain delicious irony to watching Europe get BLACKED. Every time I turn on the news and see another Swedish 10 year old girl raped and tortured to death, I can say "Thank God, if she had grown up, she probably would've been a Leftist."
Is this the Libyan shipment or the war in Algeria or the black panther costumes?
>more successful niggers
This is a literature board. Ireland pretty much won by the 1800s so they let Russia have a good century.
>>Immediately legalize abortion, import millions of shitskin Muslims into your country, and stop having babies so that you go extinct
Better than the English.
OP, get a secondary school history book from Ireland. The IRA started long before the Troubles (long before the Easter Rising and statehood), and during the Troubles there were many IRAs (one of which was the official militant wing of the Sinn Fein Party, which was basically the only party at independence in the south). To understand the very long history of feuds and splits, you're best getting a textbook.
For a history of Irish nationalism since Ireland was colonised (though I think it stops short of the modern Troubles) check out The Green Flag
Theres a good one by a PIRA supergrass called The Killing Rage by Eamon Collins. He was subsequently beaten to death so badly the police thought he'd been hit by a car
For the modern troubles in general, the definitive text is Lost Lives
lmao he asked for history, not fiction, TPC is the spike lee of irish history.
Guerilla Days in Ireland but it's about the revolution era IRA not the troubles IRA, written by someone who actually killed britoids as well
>Implying you aren't the biggest nigger of us all.
Sounds interesting.
I'm not that guy
He doesn't post much anymore since the mentally Scottish poster started ruining all his threads and spamming the board