/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General

>The Dead Will Rise Again Edition
List Sff Books where the dead rise and become stronger
Last book you read where a wronged person rises to take revenge
What are you reading?
What is it about so far?

Monthly Reading for August: Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delany

Monthly Reading books: drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Finding authors that are similar to what you read.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Thread's opinion of science fantasy?

Chronicles of Amber is based, but the only science fantasy I've read.

Don't post. Let the thread die.

Need something to do on a long plane ride. Please recommend
>1: reread Urth of the New Sun
>2: start Fall of Hyperion
>3: start Too Like the Lightning

Flip a coin between 2 and 3

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If you recently read Hyperion I'd say read Fall. Otherwise, flip a coin between 1, 2 and 3.

Need something to do on a long plane ride. Please recommend
>1: reread throne of glass series
>2: look at pictures of Sarah J. Maas's feet
>3: continue writing my fanfic where Drizzt is a strong agender drow that fights the CIS menace

sanderfag a hack

red rising

What are the essential fantasy short story collections?

/sffg/ - Complete Works


2 for sure

Weird coins you got, man

How is the cosplayer in the last thread called? I must know

>What are you reading?
Currently reading The Blue Star by Fletcher Pratt. The prologue where the two friends speculate about alternate histories is pretty thought provoking. I’m too early into the rest of the book to say if it’s good or not.

Any other introductory chinkshit that's any good besides cradle? I tried a few but most were boring or stupid. At least cradle had nice characters.

You are right. Just read a little Discworld and now I am not horny anymore.

Need new books to read.

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Heads, tails, edge.

You really need to have sex.

You may want to try the demon accords. And since you don't mind forever unfinished series (contractor), you might also want to check the road to magic, by some russian dude.

Same here.
I blew through Cradle recently because it was fun, started looking at other chinkshit and only found very low quality stuff.

>demon accords
It's already there on the list. I read all except the new book with the worst girl who betrayed everyone. Fuck caoco

>road to magic,
Is that book even in English?

>Is that book even in English?
The first one is. I read it before I knew there were more and they weren't translated. It's surprising how many people have read it despite that.

Swing Shift, by the way, is much better than the rest of the trash arand writes. You may try that, if you haven't yet. Rise of the shadow rogue is another degenerate trash that I liked. Stay away from his other book, though.

Babel 17 is very gay. What a terrible choice for a book of the month.

How are antiquarian fantasy books, like McDonald and Baum? I remember reading the blazing world and finding it compelling

Its the faggot lover user who rigged the votes. He wants us to read anything Samuel Delaney

>Rise of the shadow rogue
im surprised by how much i enjoyed that. and i agree with you mike truks other books are shit.
book 2 of shadow rogue was released last week its pretty good too.

Any good bikini fantasy?

>read a book a month or so ago
>enjoyed it, but several random and bizarre instances of cussing dragged it down a bit
>find out just now by reading an interview with the author those random moments of cussing were inserted by an angry copy editor who was getting fired


Name of book?

It isn't even funny anymore

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>tony stank
What do you mean it isn't funny? It absolutely is!

Was that made by a Chinese robot?

Is amazon, dare I say it, the steam of books?

Red Sonja - The Ring of Ikribu

If it’s not funny then why am I laughing?

>Science engineering

>On one fateful night, When Tony was going home. Moreover, that was when he meets his fateful encounter

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Is it gay gay? Like actual homosexuals?

Everything I read from Delaney was gay, dhalgren, hogg, etc. I'm sure babel is too.


Voyage to Arcturus, strangely.


Based. Pic related by same author is also very good.

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I'm reading rules free vrmmo, my dick is so hard from all this rape. Shit, it just doesn't go down anymore.

I guess we're doomed to wait until halloween. It's too bad, I really liked cradle's dynamic and the other chinkshit I tried just couldn't compare.

To exemplify, I just dropped one where none of the characters had any distinct personality traits. The narration dallied too much on irrelevant shit, like this one time the main character was traveling and needed to buy a sword, the narrator described the interior of the store to the last detail, commenting on how many swords there were and the good and bad points of each one, and in the end the main character just picked one and went away. This book was A Thousand Li. Then there was this other book, Darkening Skies, in which the characters were a bit more alive but had one fatal flaw: the main character was a fucking pacifist prophecised to die in the end, to which he agreeded.


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More fun than some of the traditional publishing I read recently.

Zelazny I feel doesn't get enough credit. I mean he's well known and widely read but he's so fucking great.

I wish there more books about dragon conquerors, It scratches a itch I never knew I had.

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>eric vall
Is this that guy who got banned, that Earl guy's dummy account? This vall guy is shitting out books.

No there’s lots of people who do this. I just read Edmund Hughes stuff, since his smut is decent and he releases a new book every month. Plus he doesn’t tell neverending stories.

If not Vall, then Logan Jacobs.

I don't think I've read anything by any of these two that was any good. Vall writes some of the most bland stuff out there. And jacobs isn't far behind. At least MSE wrote some (few) good stuff.

>Edmund Hughes
I like his stuff. But for some reason I almost never finish his series. I think they may just not be exciting enough. I started all of them, but haven't finished any, usually I stop at the last book. It may just be me and my incapacity to finish stuff, though.

His endings aren’t particularly exciting. What he’s good at is the setup. But Arcane Dropout is pretty good so far. I enjoyed book 3, even if it ends on a cliffhanger.

>tfw no qt ghost gf

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I'm new to the tread and was wondering if there was a quicker way to search through the books beside just downloading them all and going through after.

You want to search for a word? You'd have to download the entire book. If you want a preview, you can use amazon's.

What the hell are you even asking for?

Google books

The problem with >vrmmos, besides of course taking most of the conflict out of the books (hahaha how are mmos dangerous nigga just log off hahaha nigga just walk away), is that they are usually litrpg and instead of moving forward with a plot (if there's any), they get lost on levels and skills that are never used or mentioned again, etc. It's just not worth going through all the trash to find a hidden gem (if such a thing even exists).

It's filled with raping and cannibalism, it's entertaining.

But I don't understand why it has to be a game. There's rape and cannibalism in the real world as well. There can be rape an cannibalism in a fantasy world. In fact, the story could remain the same even if the author didn't place it in a game. Why did he do it then? Obvious: it's a cheap device he used to more easily drawn in the reader and create a connection to his characters, as well as put in the possibility of using stupid pop-culture references so he can have the reddit audience. It's cheap, it does not add anything of value, and it removes all the weight from any conflicts.

>keep reading about books to download
>keep downloading the books form any suggested author
>end up having no time to read in between shitposts

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Agreed. Every vr mmo would be done better if it was straight isekai shit. The numbers don’t mean anything anyways.
There are better ways to do power levels than level scaling.


You are changing six of one for half a dozen of the other! That's EXACTLY the same thing! A cheap device to drawn in the reader instead of actually having to write a story and a character and an excuse to use stupid pop-culture references (and in this case is even worse, because he looks like a jackass talking stupid jokes to himself). And levels and power levels are just an easy way for the author to skip character development.

Now tell me your address so I can go hit you on the face.

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get off the internet, faggot

Please do not shill your ironic works here.

Sounds like your real problem is references and not the actual system or execution. Do you think they won’t make reddit references if it’s a set world?

>sitting on my bed when I realized I could be writing my novel right now
>immediately get a panic attack

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>written by: Author-san XD

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>There are better ways to do power levels than level scaling
like what?

>Isekai Futanari Monster Girls Part 1: A New life at world where Futa monster girls live! But there something going on in this world than Tony realise. (Vol 1)

Longest title?

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actually tempted to order the paperback

Wuxia model

it's the same shit, it even has the numbers attached in most of them.
level 1 - 10 = qi formation rank 1-x, level 11 - 20 = foundation realm rank 1-x, and so on.

No it’s not, because they don’t have the pointless interruption every time they rank up from 3 to 4. It focuses more on milestones which makes for a cleaner reading experience.

Can you impregnate a ghost?

depends on the setting, but generally speaking no. The only real maybes are banshees, yuki onna and night hags who are kind of a grey area between ghost and fey (and demons in the case of night hags). Of those, the only ones with named offspring are night hags, but their potential children (incubi, succubi and cambions) all seem contingent on a fiendish nature.

That said, there are a few sorta cases. impregnating someone possessed by a ghost, pregnant women who were murdered horrifically and bound to the mortal plane, or girls who were just 14 when their parents built a very strange machine

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>or girls who were just 14 when their parents built a very strange machine

I don't get it.

Book I glanced through had the gimmick of the mc impregnating anything, even undead zombies.

>tried forcing myself to write
>Immediately had such an explosive burst of anxiety that I had to click away.

I need help bros



>Book I glanced through had the gimmick of the mc impregnating anything, even undead zombies.

nani the fuck?

What's the book where it's a convex world where you can only face forward and if you rotate, your mass increases and kills you? Been trying to remember what it was called for weeks now.


christ, I have absolutely hated six of the last seven books I bought. Can someone please tell me something that might be good. Don't give me dinosaur shit

Fire and Sword by Dylan Doose.

god this is all so pointless and depressing. We're just wasting our lives. Every second we're slightly closer to death. I'm a third of the way through my life and it's only going faster

That's wrong. For all you know you're 99% through your life.

>don't recommend me stuff that's actually good
lol zoomers.

Sorry that's not it, thanks though

>Made the mistake of reading some stuff I wrote when I was younger
>Displays sense of fun and enthusiasm for writing I haven't had in years
Why do I do this to myself

any writers here? try writing some short using this

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The worst thing is my imagination never died. Over time I got enough experience that when I competed with myself, it was against a man and not a child. I couldn't handle it when I started losing

be a bit more on time please. first reply or nothing.

i want to read ot for the main character name alone.


I read the whole series in shitty automatic translation without knowing there was legit translation of first book.

I like it, I'll try to make a short story for you user.

yay goodluck

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Maybe something by Greg Egan? I've only read half a book of his, but he does some weird physics.

So I always see A fire upon the deep in these top lists but never A deepness in the sky. which is a far superior book. does anyone know if this is just because people have not really read much of his stuff or is it just because he wrote a fire first?


God damn I wish I had found this at 13.

I think it's officially the first time it's ever been funny.

I'll give it a shot.

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>"chinkshit novel by..."
>fast food restaurant
>turtle me
>thunder God
>mad snail
Why do insectoids do this? (They are all real btw)

You're confused by the use of pen names?

Dragon Treasure
Rabbit one

Just got this from EBay, anons. What should I expect?

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Manly men doing manly things.

Exactly what I wanted

Because they have to use pen names to hide from the CCP.

What western book/series has cute girls doing cute things? Are there ANY western moe novels?

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Well, that's one good thing communism does.

Is Tides of Numenera worth a shit?

mother fucker it's a book, just imagine them being cute girls

I was drunk and tried it a couple of months ago. I really enjoyed the writing, which is a good thing because apparently there's not much to the game besides.

this is a very bad answer and i feel dumberer for reading it

That raging autist was right about Miles Cameron. The guy's a fucking faggot.

this is a very bad reply and i feel dumberer for reading it

Based Yea Forums poster, shitting up other boards for free

This could be used with anything and everything and makes no sense.
>"I don't like the character"
lol just pretend you do
>"I don't like the ending"
lol just make up ur own
>"I want to read about cute girls."
lol just read anything but pretend they're cute

Autistic questions get terse answers

That works perfectly brainlet

Is this the end of book? Even the end to story telling in general? Everything is now top quality, and about little girls, to me.

Yes, but it is called writing a book, not reading

Don’t post about yourself, it’s embarrassing.

>female author

Male authors are just as bad these days.

Except the book is apparently nothing like its cover; which probably isn't the author's fault since they rarely get a say in such things. It's a good rule of thumb in general though to not expect any testosterone-fueled heroic fantasy from a female writer.

>testosterone-fueled heroic fantasy
dead genre

Nah. It's just on the fringes which I'm fine with since it keeps the bugmen and their femishit masters away.

I'm looking for great fantasy short story collections, any ideas?

Multiple authors or one author?


Has there ever been a single civilisation until now to ever incorporate women into their armies?
Why are hema larper authors like this guy so adamant that it's possible in their medieval societies? I think it is because they want their wives to play with their toys.

Not him, but Im looking for collections of several authors

Any comfy fantasy? I've got some free time ahead of me but I won't have any internet access. I wanted something that's a few books long to pass the time. I just finished cradle and now I'm feeling bad because it's exactly the kind of mindless fun I would want to have.

>I think it is because they want their wives to play with their toys.
Possibly. I just think it's all the propaganda that's been going on since the 60s. Some people just can't see through it.

>Any comfy fantasy?

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Chronicles of Amber

Anything with a sympathetic, relatable antagonist?

There was that one female samurai that may have existed? I'm not sure. But something like all those female USSR snipers turned out to be complete propaganda bullshit.

How about an antagonist who doesn't give a fuck.

Go ahead.

Coldfire Trilogy for something good.

I have tonnes of bad ones though.

>Coldfire Trilogy
I actually have these on kindle. It's got somethiing to do with vampires, right? Might be wrong, but, well, still gonna check them out.
>bad ones
I'm curious now. Name some of the "best".

The only ones I can remember are shitty litprg like books. The guy is Every.Villain.Is.Lemons and does what he wants. It was a nice change from goodie goodie books.

Nah, I haven't despaired enough for litrpg.
Thanks for the Coldfire, though. Could've forgotten about it for a few more months otherwise.

What are you faglets reading?
Is anyone getting burnt out on books?

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Been reading select stories from pic related.

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As The Stars Allow

"In this retelling of THE WIZARD OF OZ, the original fantasy is shown to be the result of a virtual reality experiment gone wrong. Though still a poignant fable, this story has the bite of future science."

Universal Book Link (fear not):

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Also reading this, but kinda stalled out on it halfway through. Not that it's bad, but I wish the protag was a bit more of a bad ass considering he's a half viking/half Japanese samurai wandering through a historical Europe full of monsters and sorcerers.

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Oz fag user. Fug off.

I actually read all my fantasy books in anime format.

Don't tell anyone.

Not him.

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Is there any connection between the two except for the cover art?


that one's not me. I was emailing my DM when that was posted

A guy I know wants me to read the first book in a series called Blood on the Stars, so I am. No thoughts yet except for this line that bothered my 'tism:
>And everywhere, the nascent nations are at war, struggling for worlds, power, tech…pushing ever closer back to the brink.

I don't understand why people make recommendation charts with shit like that in it. Do you seriously think people need to be recommended books that old? Are there people who actually don't know what they are? Are there people asking for recommendations that haven't read, or at least heard of those books?
It's like recommending water to someone who's thirsty. No shit, I totally never would have thought of that without your stupid chart. It's like recommending people to read Lord of the Rings as if there's even a remote possibility they haven't already.

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I just finished with the first three Black Company books. Audiobooks, though. Very good stuff. Any other Military Fantasy to be recommended?

That's some corny-sounding grimdark line


It's got nothing to do with quality. It's about wasting time making a recommendation chart composed entirely of things literally everyone, and their parents too, and their grandparents most likely, has already read. It completely defeats the purpose of a recommendation chart. You aren't actually recommending anything, you're just jerking your ego off because you read some classics.

Opinions on Star Trek? I'm nearly finished with generation one and intend to carry on to generation two and then stop.

I don't think it's useless considering English isn't my first language. I've read one sixth of those at best.

>old = good
>new = bad

the dogs were the worst part of the first one, so when I heard that the next book was all about the dogs I lost interest

Based and Conanpilled

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>>I'm thirsty anons
>gib water
>>how DARE u

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I finished Lord of Light today after starting it on Saturday. Holy shit was that a good one; I regret not reading it while it was the monthly.

I wrote something today /sffg/. It wasn't very good and it was half my word goal, but I solved a problem in it really cleverly and created a mythological parallel so I think it counts for something

I shaved my asshole yesterday, Yea Forums. Please recognize how awesome I am.

How was it? I've never shaved there before, just used depilatory cream

cry more incel bitchboy.

Just read ZeroS by Peter Watts. I'm not positive what his logic was for starving, naked, unarmed children to be able to take down a team of futuristic supersoldiers barehanded just because they're, like, REALLY, REALLY smart. Pretty sure being smarter than a bear won't help you any if you're in the process of getting mauled



I shave my asshole every time I shower, dude, get in line

Powder mage if you haven't already.

I haven't, I'm pretty new to any fantasy that's not terribly mainstream. What's the tone like?

French Revolution. Very good series.

There are no dogs in the second one. It is set millennia before the fist book.

Yea I know there have been a handful of instances of warriors, maybe even some generals. But I mean stories were a considerable chunk of the army is female. Even in the World Wars when some countries ran completely out of manpower they didnt do it on a large scale, and they used firearms which is considerably easier than battering a guy with a pole axe.
I dont mind itself its something goofy like Malazan, but when these larpers like Miles Cameron go into 200 pages of detail about sword stances and types of armour it triggers me.

He's criminally underrated. He gets brought up a lot here because he's good, but he's still underread. Every word is gold.

Not woke enough

Hey, Virlyce here. I resent the "bugman" comment. I just feel that anime in general isn't appreciated enough in Western society. If you're wondering why I chose my nom de guerre, i wanted something sexy and cool. Hence: virile+ice.
Please try to be a little more respectful of others especially if you know nothing about me, ty

Pic related.
If you've read it, what do you think of it?

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He's been dead for 25 years. The only reason he's not more well known is that his cunt estranged wife has control of his estate and she's done everything she can to erase his legacy. Something something a woman scorned.. take note, anons

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Shut the fuck up bitchboy.

Are they ever gonna adapt Lord of Light? While Terry Gilliam's still alive hopefully?

>Is anyone getting burnt out on books?
I think am burnt out on sci-fi and fantasy actually. It's been quite a while since any novel in those genres really caught my eye.
I think I am going back to non-fiction. Starting on my oceanic bend.

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Corwin a shit Julien a best


nice dubs

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When are you gonna impregnate the squirrel? Or find a female spirit stone?

I'm not that desperate. That book looks horrible.

Spellmonger is probably only decent in there

What is sffg’s consensus on Ship of Fools by Russo

What's a good analysis of anything by Wolfe? Not Aramini, he's the kind of twit looking for major twists, not those 2 midwits with that podcast. Someone good.

>I'm a third of the way through my life
that's pretty optimistic of you

We should nuke Iran for fucking it up for us the first time around
Blocks your path

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>What are you reading?
This series is a nice mix of historic fiction and an adaptation of the vampire myth. Bonus points for the sequels being better than the first book.

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its a ship full of fools.

I remember hating it but I don't remember why.

Looking to read The Chronicles of Amber, The Elric Saga and my first Gene Wolfe novel by the end of 2019. Can it be done?

25 books in 4 months, where about half of the books (Elric books) are quite short. Sounds like a reasonable goal.

Black Company question:

Is Croaker important/high up in the company when the series starts?
I know he's the main doctor and the annalist but I'm not sure/can't remember how much that translates to status within the group.

unless they get way longer you can read an amber book a day if you have a decent pace, elric is also easy to read and a single wolfe book wouldn't take that long

Also 25 in that long is way under the pace I read it so you should have wiggle room

>Is anyone getting burnt out on books?
I'm not "burnt out" but I'm running out of stuff to read.
Hardest thing for me is to make myself finish off the 10+ books I have near read before moving on

Why'd he kill his demon waifu?

>military with gender parity

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>user with big opinions on gender

I don't have big opinions about it at all, fine with female characters in most circumstances but this shit shatters my suspension of disbelief like no other

Based Mile Cameron hater

Great, what Wolfe novel is the best for introductory purposes?

>tfw you're already out

The Fifth Head of Cerberus is a standalone trilogy of novellas and is pretty neat. Less of an investment than BotNS.

Lovely, thanks for the suggestion.

He’s not that important at the start, but as annalist he gets included in important thing. This is how his foot gets in the door advancement wise.

Bruh that could be any modern fantasy book. Any modern fantasy book has some degree of military gender parity

>He doesn't like big amazon women crushing heads with their thighs

Oh no here comes the PC police.


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Yeah, the second novella (called 'A story') is dazzling. You can read it any of three ways and it still leaves questions unanswered but you'll figure it out on second reading.

I stumbled upon this on amazon

and had a look at the "Customers who bought this item also bought" section, Jesus Christ what is this shit? who the fuck reads these fantasy novels? they all look the fucking same, I've tried reading some samples and they read the same, the characters talk with this sense of smugness and "sound" the same...
I've literally never heard about any of them.
What in your opinion is the defining factor on which good fantasy lives and bad fantasy dies?

Oh noes, here comes the entitled guy who feels like he's always being oppressed.

Oh naws, here comes the mentally ill tranny who will end his pathetic existence soon after realizing that cosplaying as a girl doesn't change your sex.

The book by itself? 8/10.
A decent enough introduction into the world with some pretty great moments.

Most people recommend Fifth Head of Cerberus but the real answer is Wizard Knight.

If I would post my own scifi and fantasy stories here, would you guys be interested in reading them ?
It might not be very good but I'm really interested in getting input from you guys to improve my writing.

Oh no, now it's getting butthurt.

>If I would post my own scifi and fantasy stories here, would you guys be interested in reading them no

>That book looks horrible
Actually it's pretty good. Don't tell me you never watched Deadliest Catch?

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any combination of mysticism/shamanism and fantasy or sci fi?

looking for something reality bending

>Jesus Christ what is this shit
Looks like standard self-published titles. mostly female-author stuff, some mil-sf, a few degenerate shit, a couple litrpgs. Pretty average. If you don't read self-published often, there are some tricks to avoid wasting a lot of time:
-If it's written by a female, don't read it unless someone you trust recommended it to you.
-If the author is some initials and a surname, suspect it's a female.
-Have in mind the genre you want (i.e. mil-sf, sword and sorcery, etc)
-Check the goodreads page for reviews mentioning grammatical errors (if you mind them) or the need of an editor
-Read the blurb and the preview before purchase
Even after minding all of that (there's probably a couple tips I forgot, though), you will still find mostly shit you'll have to drop half-way through. But sometimes you'll stumble upon some good things. Remember, authors don't need skill to be famous, they need luck. So there's plenty of skilled authors that just never had any luck finding fame.

Depends what they're about

I also disagree with you

I've tried to read Amber several times but I just don't find it interesting.

Teenagers and nerds for the most part, two groups who have limited content quality filters and will happily put up with poor writing because WOW! DRAGONS! and JOSS WHEDON QUIPS! SO NERD!

Kindle Unlimited is the new pulp. Pump out monthly novellas about cool teenz saving the world or space marine harems or whatever and cash your check.

Look up the "Kutherian Gambit" mega-series if you want to despair. It's this massive shared universe thing with like 10 authors and 120-some books.

I think the message was that hive-minds (the children) were better than the unbridled unconscious human mind (of the super-soldiers). Been a while since I read it, but I thought there were some factors about the weather and the conditions etc but I may have forgotten.

What's the /sff/ equivalent to the Sharpe's series?
also rec me some historical fiction

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Don't mind me, just the best fantasy novel coming through

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The Flashman series is pretty good, don't be put off by the name, it's a reference to a British schoolboy book.

>historical fiction
Masters of Rome

That's not Dungeons & Dragons:Dragonlance Legends book 3: Test of Twins

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Wait Will Wight is a Yea Forumsfag? I just finished the House of Blades trilogy and it was alright

I've only read the Red Knight series but it's more than enough 'tough women soldiers the other soliders respect and totally don't rape' for me. Also hard magic is for fags.

After reading this, I feel like I won't care for any plot in any other novel ever because they will all seem insignificant by comparison. Any recommendations to prove me wrong?

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I've read it a few times and I can't even remember what it was about, so just read whatever.

Croaker's claim to fame is being older than most and having the annals under his charge. People just keep dying around him until he's the next most senior guy.

>Read Cold Iron
>the baddies are social conservatives
>look at author name
I should have listened

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Absolute closest analogues would be the Powder Mage series by Brian McClellan or the Shadow Empire series by Django Wexler. Both are "The Napoleonic War but in Fantasy Land", McClellan is a Sanderson disciple but can actually write characters while Wexler's stuff is less overtly fantastic until the last couple books IIRC.

For historical fiction you should read the Aubrey-Maturin series.

I feel like a brainlet. I didn't like this one at all.
It's considered as such a classic and got a great movie adaptation but I just could get into it.
It began pretty great and the writing style was very fresh and engaging but as the story continued on I was less and less interested.

Also the story-time with the old man and his son wasn't particularly interesting.

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So I just finished Neuromancer and really liked it. Is the rest of the trilogy, and Burning Chrome, also a read worth?

Yes they are, just don't go in expecting them to be on a par with Neuromancer.

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I'm not, but you don't care either way.
At this point it's become a catch-all insult, same as calling someone gay used to be.
Whatever the next insult trend may be, you'll follow it as well.

Those are not authors that come on lit, they are authors that some fag from sffg read and is reccing to people.

Cradle is his better work

How’s The Elder Empire?

Time of the twins was better

It’s kinda bland, especially the assassin books. His female protagonist is reddit personified. The On Seas side of the story is better, but it’s still probably his weakest work. It had the potential to be good but it’s not quite there.


Ah that’s too bad. I’ve enjoyed cradle a lot and thought travelers gate decent


Yeah. You can really tell he hit his stride as an author with cradle.

Memes and shitposts everywhere.

I can't decide if I want to believe that the posters here really just have this bad of taste or if it's a sustained trolling campaign. Being both isn't an option.

/sffg/, give me a writing prompt. I want to write something but everything on reddit looks... well... reddit

Narcissistic guy goes to a party and starts asking everyone what he should do with his life even though it's neither the time nor the place to do so.

You know, what you're doing right now.

Too bad no one gives a fuck about what you care.

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@the arand user.
What is this general, antihero and survivorman books about?

Survivorman - dude with no memories, all he’s told is to build a compound, zombies show up to fuck things up. Really cute goat girl.

Antihero- Devil makes deals to continue existing on the mortal plane, fucks women to harvest short term power, and get revenge on the person who sealed him away.

Idk which one you mean by General. They’re varying levels of decent. Swing shift is probably one of his best books.

every time you cast a spell it makes you a little bit more gay

Anything new that gets shilled here? Haven't browsed this thread for 3-4 months.

By shilled I mean not a complete meme like throne of glass, either something that recently came out or an older thing someone gave attention to and other people picked up on.

The last three Science Fiction books that I read and genuinely enjoyed were:

The Lathe Of Heaven
Roadside Picnic

Its been far too long since I enjoyed a sci-fi book.. Any suggestions based on those three?



Is there anything more heinous in the genre than LitRPGs?

Women authors.

I can't actually verify this because after reading Robin Hobb I just stopped reading women authors altogether.

Hey, I actually enjoyed the Maximum Ride series when I was younger. I never got to read the last book, but I heard the ending was shit though.

Wait Survivorman is remnant?
Antihero is incbus inc?
He is writing books with those names next

Check the self pubbed chart

I did that because people wanted to leave the general for dead last time.

Went to shit yes.

Anyone have any recommendations that involve a female (dominate) courting a male as a mate like in bleake's shifters & Argeneau.

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It's the french revolution but with wizards who mostly serve the royalists, gun wizards who are almost all revolutionaries, and god coming back to set things right is a real threat since the monarchy actually had divine mandate. It's great.

All authors are shit now.

>heh, you’re a real soldier who thinks women shouldn’t be in the military because they aren’t strong enough to carry equipment or drag a wounded comrade away from the fight? have you given birth, mate?

t. erickson
google it

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More La Guin if you haven't already (The Dispossession and Left Hand of Darkness are my favs). Lathe of Heaven felt a bit like PKD to me (Ubik-esc).
Roadside Picnic is a quite unlike anything else hence why it's so influential. For the actual Setting Metro 2033 really survived the translation in my opinion and I thought was a great book.
Gateway is equally unlike a lot else I've read, maybe Tau Zero by Anderson or Light by M. John Harrison?

I dont want to. Screen cap it or some shit.

>women can't compete with men in football, rugby, snooker or even fucking darts
>but they can totally compete in war you bigot

>have you given birth, mate?
Just throw the "have you been kicked in the balls?" line right back at them when they say shit like this.

Why does Yea Forums have this stuck up mentality towards genre fiction, in this case sci-fi/fantasy stuff? It's not like most of kiddos that browse Yea Forums nowadays read that much or know stuff past the classics. Seems like this general genuinely enjoys reading what they do, so why give them hell for it or am I thinking about it too much and is just some sort of Yea Forums banter?

Who the fuck cares? It's not like we take a look outside. My link to lit literally ends with #s=sffg.

Which Erickson is that?

You're not missing anything, and this seems like a good general because people, at least from what I've seen so far, look capable of handling a conversation and know their shit. Do y'all have some kind of discord server or is this general it?

We had a discord years back and it died from disuse or something.

Because it's inherited from the literary world, which is desperate to separate itself from genre (ie popular) fiction. Like the guy a few months back that wrote a book about robots but insisted it wasn't science fiction because of reasons.

So I'm good occasionally dropping here and typing blogs about what I've read? Great.

Yeah, literary theory professor was the same, although he wasn't a stuck up cunt about it.

That's a lovely cover.

The Malazan one I'd bet

Zelazny? he's so woke he pops out the other side and reads like a weird pseudo-reactionary.

Zelazny was kinda weird? You don't fucking say.

Soulcatcher a waifu!

Does Dara appear in Merlin novels?

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I read Elantris and it was fun. I hadn't read a fantasy book in years.

Dara's Merlin's mum isn't she?
I think she's an antagonist in the Merlin novels but doesn't appear until the end.

We deserve it, genre fiction has constantly attempted to infringe on literary fiction often forcibly to the detriment of both.

>Seems like this general genuinely enjoys reading what they do
I don't know, at least half of the people in theses threads seem to be so alienated from popular taste they've given up on reading anything written in the last 50 years.

>I don't know, at least half of the people in theses threads seem to be so alienated from popular taste they've given up on reading anything written in the last 50 years.
Delete this.

>Dara's Merlin's mum isn't she?
Yes. Why is she an antagonist?

Can't remember properly, I think she's trying to get him to join chaos.

He should have had sex with her instead.

>genre fiction has constantly attempted to infringe on literary fiction
What is this supposed to mean?

thats nice

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That's one of her tactics.

Based mommy. Need more books where queens, noblewomen, sorceresses seduce their own sons to rule together.

Just read about Ancient Egypt.

What in specific?

It means stop liking what he doesn’t like

History. Pharaohs married everyone in their family.

Well, that was mostly sister/brother marriages. Both in Ptolemaic Egypt and earlier dynasties, as far as I know. I'm more into mom x son or aunt x son thing.

>aunt x son
aunt x nephew, dammit

Read Time Enough for Love by Heinlein.

I'm sure Celopatra murdered her older sister/mum


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Where is thread boy?
New thread please.

Thanks for the reqs.