Experienced user Philosophers

Those who've really dug deep into all aspects of philosophy, who've read the side literature to know more about the main text, how has your character changed since you started the journey?

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They aren't here. They're all in a mental hospital now.

I'm a lot more chilled out now, never really stressed
>the liberation of not being concerned with outcomes

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nigga what

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I'm now 100% sure that God exists.

I feel sorry for you.

t. have also read some philosophy and am still an atheist/in the truth

I had a few friends who got deep into philosophy and just became an Antisemite. None of the philosophy I read made me hate Jews.

Did I do it wrong or did they do it wrong. My one friend still is mad that Jews killed Jesus

I'm now 100% sure your IQ is below 90.

Which books/thinkers convinced you?

>started 8 years ago
>already read/skimmed through everything important from the greeks to nick land
>read some oriental literature, Arab poetry, Gilgamesh, hinduism
>realized nothing is worth it and it's meaningless and stupid to bother yourself with something as small as an atom but we can't because our brain keeps nagging to make it release its heroin

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Went to a psych ward. Now getting a psyd. Makes me skeptical of enlightenment / non-materialism.

The Bible.

Shankara and Gaudapada

I’m 100% certain God wants me to fuck you in the ass for a good 30min

They are dead.
Death is the ultimate revelation.

>My one friend still is mad that Jews killed Jesus
>So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying "I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves." And all the people answered, "His blood be on us and on our children!"

Me and Nick land are among the few individuals to fully understand the implications of Deleuzean thought and achieve the BwO. It is no coincidence that we both went insane soon after. Six visits to the psych ward later after deterritorializing myself with hardcore psychedelics, I have now returned to the fold of Platonism. The ethics of difference, it would seem, end only in a padded cell or a coffin. For my mother's sake, I now adhere to virtue ethics. Kinda miss fucking bipolar scene sluts but then again that's probably how I ended up with HIV. I only hope my future wife can forgive me my immature philosophical infatuation.


legit became deranged shut in

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ITT: low-IQ pseuds.
An actually experienced philosopher will become high-performing and social.

My consciousness has expanded, I experience less existential angst, I'm much more loving and social, I've started hearing voices after my last ayahuasca experience and overall making wiser decisions in daily life