Is he right, Yea Forums?

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cool anime shirt

no youtuber is ever going to be right, no youtube watching bugman is ever going to be relevant, don't kid yourself

couldn't care less

>dealing with Lovecraft's racism
By realizing that racism is a meme

I think you mean *a spook*

I wish I were born in 1920

oh noooo some dead guy was racist nooooo what am i to do aaaah

How many social credits does liking Lovecraft cost you?

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Me too. I would've loved to fuck your mother.


why are people so sensitive to racism now? what's the big deal

I'm half nigger and call people nigger all the time.

The arc of history bends towards justice user. Don't you care about racial justice and promoting inclusion and socio-economic equality for black folks?

Because whites have it better than POC and it's unfair.

That would be fine if it were being done in a Just way. But its not, its completely antithetical to what Justice is. Its actually tyrannical.


>The arc of history bends towards justice user
Biggest meme I've read all week

it's a waspy/anglo thing. protestants have always been into cringy moralfaggotry and virtue signaling.

hurr durr why Jessica a thot