If you're so intelligent, why can't you get a girlfriend?
C'mon, Yea Forums, you probably understand women more than the average Joe in the streets. Then why can't you get a top tier girlfriend?
If you're so intelligent, why can't you get a girlfriend?
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Because I would be a low tier boyfriend.
I'm unpleasant and socially inept.
it is because I understand women that I no longer want one
getting a girlfriend is easy user
maintaining a healthy relationship is the hard part
Don't lie to yourself.
I've read Sex and Character and I still want a girlfriend (or female affection) because loneliness is killing me.
If you are so smart why aren't you rich?
Because I'm too lazy to apply my ideas in real life.
It's not because you don't have a girlfriend no one on this board has one.
haha! what a LAZY coput indeed
But your girlfriend is ugly.
Laziness is the oldest excuse in the world, you are just intellectually inferior and deep down you know it.
I dont give a fuck
I've been with my girlfriend for 5 years.
Well, I think it is my intellect that scares, that is to say intimitate, female normans. And, alas I say, it is my detachment from popular culture - very vulgar indeed - that makes for a difficult road onwards to a girlfriend.
You see, I need to stimulate my intellect, and I do so by reading philosophy and evolutionary biology and so forth. Have you met any of the opposite sex, ah the female, with whom you could converse on diffficult and stimulating subjects? I think not.
The bitter truth is, that, the majority of females are indeed weak minded. Yes indeed, it is not that I don't have a girlfriend because they would reject me, but I reject them, because me and my time is worth more. That is how it is.
yikes, I come here to hide from those facts
Then so are you because you're not rich also.
I'm not lying to myself
>it is my detachment from popular culture - very vulgar indeed - that makes for a difficult road onwards to a girlfriend.
This can be the only answer.
I'm actually a millionare, see ya later brainlet
because money means nothing to me
God deserves your love less than a female does.
>healthy relationship
Doesn't exist
i'm uninteresting and of average intelligence with no wit or humour and im quite ugly to boot
There is a chapter in one of taleb's book titled like this. Intelligence is not an indicator of wealth. It doesn't matter if you are a 500+ IQ if you get shot at a favela when you are 16 lol
Also the need to be able to relate to people
IQ and compatibility. The smarter you are the less likely you are even able to communicate your ideas, form cohesive teams, etc
Autism. You can only be so so smart without it damaging your social skills. It's a fact.
1. Knowing the nature of women, one would be inclined to reject the thought of being with a woman
2. Ignoring the nature of women, by fooling yourself in perpetuity with 'love'
3. Finding the few women out there that this strategy is applicable
So far i'm like 2/40+
God deserves more love than I am capable of giving him
I don't need a superfluous amount of money, I would never spend it
Actually I'm dating someone. Pretty but not very smart. The perfect girl doesn't exist.
If you are smart you would make money even in a favella, our ancestors literally created society out of nothing and technology.
Stop making excuses for yourself brainlet
Yeah that sounds about right. Its way better to be well connected than smart for wealth. In fact professionals have networking parties, so they can build relationships and guarantee mobility or backup employment.
You need social skills if you want to make money in the third world. Intelligence is irrelevant.
t. third worldler
lol okay brainiac.
I don't meet women lol, that's pretty much the only reason.
I have no trouble attracting them, sometimes they even come up to me in public to try and get my number or "insta"
I am still very sad and very lonely
I do have a girlfriend and women love an intelligent man, as long as the man is a generally respectable person. I had issues with dating in the past but it was really because of overthinking and low self confidence. I'm not attractive at all honestly, maybe even ugly. I think most 'incels' have critical personality flaws which they refuse to acknowledge and instead blame everybody else for their problems instead of sucking it up and growing as a person.
>sometimes they even come up to me in public to try and get my number or "insta"
Social skills are linked to intelligence, only retards are shy and autistic
If you were smart you would manage social interactions easily, don't fall for the smart autistic neet meme
80IQ post
Because I'm unironically ugly
Post proof
Make a valid point retard
>I think it is my intellect that scares
Sounds more like narcissism than intellect.
>I need to stimulate my intellect
Holy shit, is this a satirical post? Good job, man.
Explain Tesla and Newton fag
Schopenhauer and Otto Nigger say that women don't care much about looks. They do care about physical strength and height though.
We all stand on the shoulders of giants. No one man no matter his IQ can function effectively. Was Von Neuman overwhelmingly rich? IQ is correlated with success but it's not an effective measure. It's like saying athletes are 'smart' because they have a lot of money. You could argue that they have a type of intelligence in a given sport but it has more to do with habitual skill, practice and genetics.
The average Joe takes whatever scraps he can get willingly or unwillingly it’s unnerving to possibly fake a persona just to have company or be so complacent and cheery
>physical strength and height
Part of looks.
Strong wide jaw is considered physical strength
Wide deltoid is considered strength
Height is considered strength
My face is repuslive in pictures too so I'm fucked
I don't want to waste my free time with some woman who probably won't relate to my hobbies and tastes
Yeah, better waste your time posting on Yea Forums and reading fiction books.
What is intelligence?
It is the ability of your brain to process information and solve problems.
So if your goal is to make money, one of the most important factors is having the intellectual faculties sufficient to do so. Now of course there are other factors involved in economic success, such as having some talent and or connections, and being interested in making money in the first place.
But if you are intelligent enough and you want to make money, you can do so in almost any context.
>If you're so intelligent, why can't you get a girlfriend?
Because most of them are thots like your pic: a malnourished simpleton bored by everything. I'd rather be alone.
Making money does not make one rich, wealthy or successful. Perhaps the intelligent man is content with his lot and leads a humble and minimal life, taking from the world its vast wisdom to find fulfillment.
Unironically better time spent.
2 smart 4 girls.
is she supposed to be attractive?
>A person with an IQ of 130 is "compatible" with about 14% of the population
So this explains my shitty life. I'm too smart.
>The smarter you are the less likely you are even able to communicate your ideas, form cohesive teams, etc
If you're smart, you should be able to manage that.
Unironically the case for me too. And when you think about it, it makes sense. Girls give their pussy to Chads because they are as stupid as them and can relate to them better unlike to intelligent men such as myself.
I've figured it out but it took me my whole life. Don't scare people with how smart you are, don't overburden them with facts or plans, don't let them know how far ahead you're thinking, and of course don't speak in purple prose. Having some life experience in the Army helped a lot. No one in my town could relate to me, for me "managing" this problem was like trying climb a vertical wall then.
based intelligent man
It's all about self-confidence. The "averange Joe in the streets" doesn't thinks too much about everything and doesn't worries too much about everything, he hasn't too much doubts about everything - too much doubts about himself, too much doubts about a girl and her thoughts, too much doubts about a place, too much doubts about his actions... He is confident af.
I wouldn't call Joe confident. Would you call any un-thinking dog confident?
Truth be told I would have a girlfriend if I didn't only attract art hoes. I prefer inceldom compared to taking pills for my HIV infection.
I hate talking like this. If you assume you're intelligent, that brings all sorts of problems and fallacies to the fore. Every time I try to admit to myself that I'm at least above average in intelligence I have to write logical proofs of it for myself.
I mean assuming you're some superb intelligence sounds nice, but I wonder how much of that is literally a coping mechanism to deal with ostracism. Thus I assume nothing, because it's my honest belief that assuming anything about one's self is the path to delusional thinking.
However that brings up the point that how much of this logical analysis is 'virtual signaling' myself to believe that I'm intelligent when I'm in actuality, not so. I run circles around myself sometimes...
She (mais qui ?) is absolutely delightful!
Im sorry but, as a female (yea btw in a girl :-)) why would you think that intelligence is a great trait for attracting women, or people in general?
You seem to have a very utilitarian vision of intelligence and that's fundamentally wrong. Nietzsche and some other 2edgy morons were of that idea but most intellectuals would agree I think on that intelligence is not something that necessarily has to reflect in a socially convenient way, its more about just being able to grasp stuff so why would you assume that would help you get stuff like a gf lol
One thing is intelligence and other thing are social skills and being able to talk about things that would be interesting for someone in a certain context. The second could get you girls indeed, but intelligence alone? Thatd be if all girls were sapiosexual or smth.
I think surely some may be I personally am attracted to men I consider intelligent but you have to have something else. Be hot.. Ehm lol
If it makes you feel better I am the first and last poster you quoted. I was mostly being facetious, but only because there's a similarly shaped truth beneath the joke.
>Im sorry but, as a female (yea btw in a girl :-))
>bad punctuation, bad grammar, emojis, need to exert her bona fides she did nothing to earn
0/10, dropped.
>If you assume you're intelligent, that brings all sorts of problems and fallacies to the fore.
>I wonder how much of that is literally a coping mechanism to deal with ostracism.
>assuming anything about one's self is the path to delusional thinking.
Based. This phenomena is easy to see when I observe the socially retarded gamers/redditors who I have had to share my classrooms with. They believe they are intelligent solely because they are socially retarded, the truth is that they are both socially and intellectually retarded. Yea Forums 'incels' do the same thing, only with additional mental gymnastics.
Just admit you want a savage/barbarian man to rape you, whore. That's all you women want. You're nothing but your sexuality. Dumb roastie.
There's no question that this was written by a guy.
If Kendall Jenner approaches to Joe and starts flirting, he wouldn't have a doubt that it's unusual and he doesn't matches her. That's confidence.
>can't get girls because I'm 2 smart
Stop coping incel and get off your lazy ass. I graduated Harvard and how did I celebrate? By taking part in a gangbang (4W 1M) and taking cocaine. Stop coping and have sex. Here's a pic of me btw.
now post the real pic of yourself
I'm commited to chastity and abstinence. Finding a woman similarly dedicated is not an easy task.
Nigga I have 0 interest on writing perfectly on a shitty imageboard
Also english is not even my first language, how many languages do you speak/write? I think I can write relatively good for someone who wasnt born in an anglo country huh
But k have fun dropping me as if I had wanted Your gross micropenis
I was just being honest dude you should apreciate my insight
That's total bollocks
Me on the right btw.
Problem is I keep proving myself right. I just dunno dude(s), intelligence in general runs in the family, but also in a large part, mental illness. It's hard to see one for the other, and it just seems so arbitrary.
I know I shouldn't be preoccupied with my intelligence so much, but fuck me if it's not all I have in the end. Looks and fitness fade, the mind remains until finally, that too dies.
Believe what you want homie.
Im a girl but not gonna post titpics so its up to you to believe. I know Im likely to be questioned about having a vagina everytime I post here but that just makes me feel better in a sense as it means I say stuff a normal woman wouldnt say
Post an ideal male you'd date, now.
But I do.
Thats another thing you have wrong, you think all women seek the same and thats really not true at all
I mean we could agree that looks, money, social position are the things that could attract most but theres really more than that I mean idk how you can think theres a definite formula or smth
I personally would date musicians from bands I like, I feel most attracted to guys who make music but thats just me. All my exes have not been really very handsome or wealthy but we had similar music/book tastes and that made the trick lol
Post picture of your ex
>Yes indeed, it is not that I don't have a girlfriend because they would reject me, but I reject them, because me and my time is worth more.
No. Looking for pics. I’ve read too much of these kinds of threads.
You learned to read, you have to learn to talk, and act in such a way as to impress *people* with your kindness and intellect, from there you will find a woman. Take the fucking effort or shut the fuck up.
Post feet and face.
hard truths, but it's very true. There's no secret to socialization -- most people get it instinctively, some of us are cursed/blessed by being something _other_. Thus extra effort (a whole fucking lot of extra effort) becomes necessary to meet the par of basic socialization.
Discovering how to act human was an interesting few years let me tell you.
>Discovering how to act human was an interesting few years let me tell you.
Spill me the secret so I can hide my autism better.
You guys know it's not a butterfly right, it's a pair of lungs.
Because he's a fucking windbag
Yuck. Now post picture of you
I do impress people they just don't want to go out with me or love me or kiss my penis. Also, kill yourself butterdyke.
I thought it was a splayed pussy
Still not perfect, and by no means done but I'm no longer dangerously autistic. Most of the time
>Eye contact, smile
>Gesticulation to seem like less of a robot.
>Sympathize even if you don't care
Even with these I still haven't found a way to force myself to pursue other people. Thus it becomes necessary to force yourself into situations where you'll meet people. i.e Work, school, roommates, etc.
It's slightly harder in my case because I'm very much not normal physically. 181cm and getting more and more in shape is kinda intimidating to some people. Thus I'm trying to go for the shy, nerd look and it seems to be working.
You’re getting rejected by people who don’t like your nasty attitude, no doubt. Stop being an asshole. EXTRA effort on your part, butterdick
You just got baited
It's especially because I understand women that I want nothing to do with them.
But women prefer assholes.
fuck you I'm in the first week of college and guess who all the girls look at. The same skinny gym twinks with the cool hair and tight shirts and shorts and bored looks on their faces.
>the mind remains until finally, that too dies.
Except there exist neurological degenerative diseas, so if you're unlucky even your intellect will be null pretty fast
I have a lovely attitude, I just want you dead like most normal human beings
How much because I can't lift or run for medical reasons
Enough to be not fat? Idk I'm working on it but it's been a slow journey. Also it helps to not be mentally ill which I had going for me.
Because getting a good gf is 80% pure luck
>I'm not intelligent, that's something you're born with, and reading so much only made me aware of my retardness.
>I'm a mestizo with non white facial features.
>I'm in the shorter side of the spectrum.
>I'm socially inept and probably mentally diseased (it's a mix between OCD and borderline… with a touch of paranoid).
>Due to life experience, predisposition and spending too much time here I've became an actual mysoginist.
>Due to said mysoginy I don't care about women anymore and have to navigate my life faking that I enjoy speaking with them.
I think those are the core reasons why I don't have a gf. Not a KHV though.
Well I'm not fat, but got depression, SPD, IBS and hyperhydrosis.
I'm on the cusp of skinny fat
Good taste in art.
I don't understand how people can never have been huged by a member of the opposite sex in their life. I literally avoided almost all social interaction with it and never even trier, but still got fucking huged. It remains a mystery to me how anybody who actually wanted to get hugged couldn't get any.
SPD huh, I'm fairly certain I've got that as well. Cheers I guess. I caught it early and I've been trying to counteract the major symptoms and get real with self improvement. It sucks because I still want nothing to do with people, but it's becoming slightly easier.
Who knows, one of these days I might even go out on a Friday night.
is your friend; sorry if I didn't like that right in advance.
>inb4 newfriend
You probably are not ugly and socially awkward to the point you're creepy; I actually had to work hard to get my first kiss, and hug and sex. So I understand men who just give up completely.
t. the mestizo guy
I've always had an aversion for physical contact as well. That said, before 16 or so I was relatively normal-ish so I had a couple girlfriends, and some experience in non-serious relationships.
I've no idea where this complete disregard for human warmth comes from as I wasn't abused or whatever as a child. Fucking peculiar.
loved that episode of batman the animated series as a kid
Hi would you like to meet up and have coffee sometime?
Women don't select for intelligence unless they themselves are very intelligent, which is rare.
there is a study where IQ directly conditioned to wealth, People just cope the shit out of this lol is very problematic as race and iq
Is that necklace... Africa?
It’s a shoe