Just like enjoy life lmao it's not hard, stop being a nihilist lol

Just like enjoy life lmao it's not hard, stop being a nihilist lol

Life is great and full of adventure, just put yourself out there haha, like just say yes to parties and pick a career that's something you love lol

Attached: 39303031-multiracial-group-of-friends-taking-selfie-in-a-urban-park-with-a-blonde-young-girl-in-fore (1300x867, 183K)

Attached: basedmonk.jpg (640x640, 77K)

off yourself loser

What's the matter user?

Are you upset someone is making fun of your childish view of the world? Are you butthurt you actually fell for the kneejerk wagie response to "but why?" because they don't actually care they just say whatever the first thing is that pops into their heads?

>lmao it's not hard

yeah when you're 22

most of life is watching yourself decay, younglings stfu

All the human beings in that photo are on anti-depressants.

Saddest part is that it's most likely true.

I unironically agree with most of this. Career bit seems unrealistic, though- better to learn to live with a job you don't love.

I don't want "friends", I just want a girlfriend to cuddle with.

Attached: 3C61BBA3D6234B3BAC17E698726CB88A.png (740x768, 560K)

...oh, and
>it's not hard
seems presumptuous. I don't find it hard to enjoy life, but if you don't I imagine it's hard/impossible to will yourself to do so

What's that nigger doing there?

Well what I am supposed to do then? Everybody is a expert but nobody has an answer.

>get qt gf
>she is not a cuddler

put yourself out there ya dip

>tfw you will never be Chad or Tyrone

None of those guys are Chad or Tyrone. Those are orbiters or orbiter+ at best.

get yourself a good antidepressant b

>filename says multiracial
>token non-white guy in the background
umimpressive, stock images

this but unironically

I imagine you're probably someone born into a well off or wealthy family if not a troll. Or a corporate shill.

no, buzz off

>Well what I am supposed to do then?
Nothing. Do nothing. Then do whatever the fuck you want.

There is no answer, nothing will fill your soul. Consciousness, Technology and Civilisation are tormenting your mind and there's no escape so just find a cope. I like drinking whiskey and coke and masturbating to slutty loli doujins.

Attached: 9861d119cef1d5d5e19397dd5698b7d8.png (800x907, 374K)

God will fill your soul
why mix whiskey, be a man and drink it neat or on the rocks

Need me some antidepressants then.


>God will fill your soul
God isn't real, it's a story idiots like you use as a cope.
>why mix whiskey, be a man and drink it neat or on the rocks
>b-b-be a man!
I'll drink it however I want to drink it, I don't care what you think

Books are gay, who even reads books in 2019?

they look beta as fuck lmao

why are you here then?

Shitposting about philosophy

I know this life you talk about exists. I know there is a great world full joy and wonder. A world replete of soulful people, travel and great adventures. I have seen it yet every time I try to grasp it, it disappears like a mirage. I was born to the wrong people in the wrong place. My fate is to be behind the counter. Serving them food. Cleaning their mess. Making the things they love. Sacrifing my youth. Facilitating that life, for those in the right place and time.

>God isn't real, it's a story idiots like you use as a cope.
You're not even trying
>I'll drink it however I want to drink it, I don't care what you think
I hope you're buying really shitty whiskey then

I’m with you friend. I also dream of that place.

>You're not even trying
Everyone who isn't part of your stupid little club laughs at you for being a retard who believes fairy tales.

>Just like enjoy life lmao it's not hard, stop being a nihilist lol
the word you were looking for is "misanthrope"

based holy monk. begom.

Godliness is being able to be thankful for the good things that you do not have, but that others do.

Attached: space.png (680x545, 133K)

None off those guys are white. Both girls are, but neither is blond.

>dude everything is cope there's no answer
>me? I jerk off to children

lmao every fucking time

Thanks for the hot take pedoshit

You're welcome, enjoy your busted up old slags

Clever. How does that work out for you, being clever?

>You're welcome, enjoy your attraction to women your age

Thanks boss I will