Lets make a doomer-core book list
Lets make a doomer-core book list
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Also that damn book cover is pure kino.
>abridged edition
Should one read Spengler's unabridged or abridged version?
read the two volumes
and then man and technics
I went into a serious depression for like 2 weeks after i read this. Every day i wanted to quit my job and move far away from everything. I'm out of it now but no book I've read so far has ever affected me in this way.
nice trips
Also, how's it compared to his other book?
You won't get the full meaning of man and technics if you read it on its own, Spengler inverted his philosophy of history in his later life revealed only through his unpublished private writings. Man and technics is just a glance into his second philosophy of history. John Farrenkopf's book Prophet of Decline explains it very well
Myth of sisyphus isnt doomercore its bloomercore you retard
Technics is different from Decline. It's more pessimistic (contains the famous 'Optimism is Cowardice'), and it focuses more on the metaphysics of technology, which was influential on people like Heidegger and Wittgenstein. Spengler predicts that, unlike his previous assessions, Western civilization will be the last civilization, because its material consumption and ubiquitous spread will decimate the earth itself, causing species extinctions and ecological collapse.
The sun always rises in the East and sets in the West
>The Man Outside describes the hopelessness of a post-war soldier called Beckmann who returns from Russia to find that he has lost his wife and his home, as well as his illusions and beliefs. He finds every door he comes to closed; even nature seems to reject him.
Jung? More like Dung.
Why do you self hate so much
That's actually a good example on how China is now also Western/Faustian and set to decline with it. This infinite exploratory desire was also common in the West when Spengler wrote decline, and he saw it as the prelude to Caesarism.
I wonder what happened
It's over
These are good posts, fully agree with them. You seem knowledgeable on spengler, any other recommendations( not per se by spengler himself)
is 'mein lieben' worth the read?
thats not qwhat depression is
Extrapolate, sounds familiar. Have bad memory.
If you haven't read Wagner, what have you read?
wagner's autobiography
Oh, yea definitely. Honestly preferred Wagner nights but it's still a worth read. Wagnerian?
not especially, but i read nietzsche's complete works last year and a bunch of hitler biographies this year and wagner came up so much in what i read that i have begun looking into him as well.
Thanks for the book recommendation, I've already read most of Spengler's works and I'm looking for those kind of analysis books about him.
Also whoever is familiar with Spengler's work should check The Hour of Decision, one of my favorite Spengler's essays.
From Dawn to Decadence
The Culture we Deserve
Fire in the Minds of Men
The Great Leveler
The Uniqueness of Western Civilization
The Idea of Decline in Western History
The World of Yesterday
A View from the Year 3000
Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty
A Farewell to Alms
The Righteous mind—and—Predisposed
Rules For Radicals
Democratic Faith
The Enigma of Reason
The Faith of the Faithless
The Quest For Cosmic Justice
Legality and Legitimacy
The Biocentric Worldview
Wasted Lives: Modernity and its Outcasts
Faustian Man in a Multicultural Age
Ethnic Conflict and their Biological Roots in Ethnic Nepotism
The Empress is Naked
Fools Frauds and Firebrands
The Camp of the Saints
Men Among the Ruins
On Overgrown Paths
The Menace of the Herd
The Rape of the Masters
Revolt Against the Modern World
The Aphorisms of Nicolas Gomez-Davila
Paved With Good Intentions
Democracy and Its Discontents
The Consequences of Equality
IQ and the Wealth of Nations
Against Democracy and Equality
Why Race Matters by Michael Levin
The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul
regarding Wagner its fascinating to see that his writings are only published by small publishing houses in Germany (checked amazon.de). Really makes you think.
Yea Nietzsche got pretty bitter, don't get me wrong Nietzsche was still a genius but I'd still have to agree with Hitlers view. Wagner of course being the greatest artistic genius to ever of lived. Just don't reject Wagner because he loved Hinduism, Christianity and Schopenhauer (Hegel too). I find people become too boxed in, such as "I'm a Nietzschean" so they must reject Christianity. Or "I'm a Wagnerian" and so they must reject Nietzsche or collective identity. Both missing the actual core essence of the other.
I remember a hilarious story of when Nietzsche first saw Wagner's Parsifal (given its ultra Christian themes). Nietzsche reportedly had a sudden migraine of extreme pain, he couldn't handle such overt Christianity, the pain was too much and he started screaming, then limping as he got up and running to the door screaming holding his head.
It definitely happened but of course the reasoning for why he received such a burning ache is of course unknown and so the given explanation should only be taken as a joke.
Add The Rising Tide of Color to that list
gl witht he rest of highschool
>regarding Wagner its fascinating to see that his writings are only published by small publishing houses in Germany (checked amazon.de). Really makes you think.
Kek yea, really surprising. One would think such writings from the peak of art would be more popularised but of course the stick of Judaism in Music has never gone away.
youo need a dictionary?
good luck? But confusion was more from you saying high school. I'm 38 desu.
Is it true that these translations by Ashton Ellis are awful?
Too On the Nose
>Is it true that these translations by Ashton Ellis are awful?
No idea but they are the main translations so we have to go with them.
Confederacy of dunces and the trial are two I can think of
Is there an unabridged English version of DOTW that's still in-print?
based dubuposter
read industrial society and its future
Yeah there are still various editions from what I can see.
Is this book good?
As opposed Diamond's "Collapse"—yes. Although I guess it's a bit outdated, but not wrong.
The entire section on surrogate activities is a huge asspull though. I couldn't take him very seriously anymore after reading it.
I love Nietzsche despite all of his flaws. His distaste for Wagner later in his life reached comic proportions for sure.
Reminder that doomers are depressed low-IQ LOSERS. It's scientifically proven that depression is positively correlated with low IQ. All doomers should be frowned upon and made fun of them for the losers that they are. Spit on the doomer.
yeah nah cunt
What's doomer about Jung? He's almost annoyingly optimistic
Glad someone else feels this way.
Humans milk the power process via surrogate activities because their biological needs are provided for, perhaps too readily and without much autonomy.
Okay, sure. Why is this bad? Because some surrogate activities lead to the perpetuation of the technoindustrial system.
Fine! But what of the others? It seems like he makes some allowance for art because the expression of emotion falls under his definition of true need.
What about intellectual life? Skrbina has an answer to this, but I am not sure Kaczynskyi does.
I can't follow the step from "surrogate activities fill the gaps where once we struggled to meet our needs" to "therefore we should reside at the local minimum where we are constantly struggling to meet our needs and little is left for other pursuits."
I mean, Kaczynski wrote and read a lot. Would he give this up? I am curious.
All that being said, I think the surrogate activities section is beside the point of his broader critique, so he's answer could just be "We'll figure it out after the revolution," as it is in so many other cases. I guess I'd be fine with that.
>read industrial society and its future
implying I havent read it already, kek
reading Ellul and Kacynski made me quite depressed and fatalistic tbqh
And in the end I wont change my life anyway. The power of convenience is just too strong. And using my Xiaomi Mi 9T feels comfy.
How am I supposed to be a Dububro without streaming Dubu fancam videos from youtube?
Not him but surrogate activities/power process confirms Ted for pseud midwit.
The real doomer tech book is Gravity's Rainbow.
you didn't even read the first chapter did you ?
Spengler is pretty Doomer, especially in Man and Technics. But yeah, he's more nuanced than just 'it's fucked'
it's more bloomer to tell young men to get off their ass and do something productive desu
>Implying Stalin was the ideal communist
Lenin would've been pretty disgusted as well
>read the decline of the west thinking it's another egalitarianism bad, reactionary wankery that tries to invoke emotion and sense of belonging by worshiping words and idols
>it's actually an anti eurocentric analysis of the history of civilizations
>read the decline of the west thinking it's another egalitarianism bad, reactionary wankery that tries to invoke emotion and sense of belonging by worshiping words and idols
Why would you think that famalam
because he's a brain diseased rich kid who listens to his professors at coolitch
>implying spengler is anti eurocentric
you missed the point of spengler's morphology
My Kindergarten teacher asked us this question in 1995. Most of us said astronaut, policeman, fire fighter, or baseball or basketball player. Vloggers and youtubers didn't exist then, but nobody in class ever said movie star or actor.
My kindergarten-ish age kids just said banker and urologist. Though technically the later was "penis doctor".
Based and Cliopilled
Spengler was a bit of a larper, he could never reconcile his interest in politics with the fact that his philosophy amounts to apoliticism
politics isn't what /pol/ tells you it is user.
The fact that he believes that the course of human history is completely unalterable makes him more doomer than 90% of collapse predictions.
That's not necessarily doomer, it's a "brave pessimism" as he describes.
What is the best edition of the two volumes to buy?
Albert Camus was all about living, enjoying, and having fun in life, in the face of adversity.
Put this down about 5 chapters in because it was too depressing
Lasch is an interesting writer to be sure. I haven't seen anyone else dismantle critical theory with its own jargon so successfully.
Shitty meme faggot.
Go back to the zooomer sites.
Funny you say this because I just finished the 5th chapter. But I understand why, I was tempted to put it down for good while reading chapter 4. I figured it's only ten chapters anyways and full of good observations.
The hardcover version published by Borzoi Books. It comes with a few charts on spiritual, cultural, and political civilizations.
Great book
There's already a chart user
The West will colonize other planets and mine asteroids first.
this TBQH
Blood Meridian. The kid is the West. The judge it's spirit and true future.
I remember Jung once saying something along the lines of: "Nietzsche was a tarp blowing in the winds of both Angels and Demons"
No idea where I read it from though, and of course Jung originally would of said it much better.
His entire Analytical Psychology, being optimistic genuinely doesn't negate the archetypal doomer. Rather if enforces him by the modern predicament of man. Jung wasn't "optimistic", you just mistake the acceptance that one does not know the future with that.
Nah mate, the only doomer work by Camus is The Fall
Not to mention it's also his magnum opus