Does anyone actually understand what these guys are saying?

Does anyone actually understand what these guys are saying?

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No and they don't either.

You have to think about what they're not saying.

“We live in a society”

yes, Guy Debord is fairly easy to *get*

who is between deleue and debord?

Baudrillard even more so

Reminder to post names along with your 3x3s


Roland Barthes

The only one of those I find hard is Derrida

thanks i didn't recognize him

Derrida is a fucking nutjob

Derrida is generally easier than Deleuze and Lacan

Yeah his concept of psychogeography is really compelling.

Revolutionary for his time, but now death of the author is used by feminist English seniors and grad students to get offended by everything.

Foucault's IQ was 125
Guattari - 130
Derrida - 145
Lacan - 125
Baudrillard - 120
Bataille - 125
Deleuze - 140
Barthes - 135
Debord - 115

How even? I still have no fucking clue how he manages to relate Walter Benjamin's political philosophy to "deconstruction"...

completely disagree with you, Lacan is pretty easy with guidance viz. secondary sources
Derrida is just too much for me
how do you know this?

Well, they're all saying different things to begin with. . .

>understanding anything

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