How the fuck do I read more/faster?

How the fuck do I read more/faster?

I read every day, but can only get through like 20 pages before my mind starts to wander and I feel like I can't keep going. I also seem to linger on each page way too long, and find if I try to speed up I miss things.

I've tried "speed reading" techniques, but find my comprehension suffers greatly and it becomes tiring after only a few pages.

Any tips/ideas?

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Read Derrida.

I'm afraid this is an IQ issue, and can't be helped.

I have an advanced degree and read quite a bit, not going to pretend I'm the smartest person ever but Id assume it must be something else when soccer moms can crank through King novels in a week.

Having a college degree doesn't mean much. Everyone has one. Reading as a hobby still requires a higher degree of intelligence than that needed for graduating. I personally know STEM graduates who are just like yourself. You'll just have to live with it. Maybe read easier books.

I have the same problem with "easier" books too, the content doesn't seem to be the problem. After I've made it through the text I have no problem grasping the content.

I am a STEM grad as well, MA in Cybersecurty and I work as a network pentester.

stay every from technology.

>I am a STEM grad as well, MA in Cybersecurty and I work as a network pentester.
What a surprise, you a tech-brained retard, as I said just now:

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You sound kinda mad bro

you don't need to be mad to know that browsing internet and doing other computer activities rewires your brain.
I am on the path to recovery myself.

the original pic is way funnier if you've seen the video of him talking about it

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I figured you were projecting after your first post, but I didn't think you'd confirm it.

Read NGE.

god i wish that picture were real

i forget, which film is this again?

Stop trying to force yourself into an activity you obviously don't enjoy.

Go play video games

Smart people read slowly because they value comprehension. Select your books wisely.

I do enjoy it though, that's why i want to do it longer.

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murmur of the heart
he likes it because incest "is portrayed like a nice secret between mothen and son"

Maybe you are hyperactivity disorder.

That's because you are forcing yourself when you feel like you have more important things that you ought to do be doing instead. If you treat it like an obligation, it isn't going to work out.


>tech-brained retard
Yeah, man! Fuck these idiots with all of their logical capability and tangible success! I can read books where pseuds write masturbatory platitudes and pretend to understand them on the internet!

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>IQ can't be changed

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Don't go back and reread lines. Keep moving forward. Also if you find yourself getting bored and your mind wandering then get up and do something else for 5 minutes.


whatcha doing rabbi?

did you even read OP? ADD isn't your IQ

Forget speed reading, it's a meme
Pick up Finnegans Wake, read it out loud, and when you get stuck with an Irish accent you'll be reading 4-8 hours a day just to get rid of it

Read with your own tempo, it's not about a fucking contest.

Hahahaha you'll never escape

IQ is gimmick to make aspies feel superior.
>inb4 cope

read things that are very interesting to you

We live in a culture where speed is valued as "the best". Indeed, speed can be valued in the machines that I program, by human beings deserve, in my opinion, something better.

>I read every day
This is the best. Enjoy the moment. Read and taste the information you receive on your mental palate.

A good exercise for this is to read Borges' stories. There is no way for anyone to read quickly with him. It is necessary to stop at each sentence, to carefully analyze each paragraph. You won't notice the change, but it will happen.

Try the pomodoro technique, it won't help you read faster but it will help keep you focused on reading.