I eat.
I read.
But most importantly.
I do not breed.
I eat
have sex
I write to be written,
I read to be well-read.
I like to wipe my arse
until I’ve bloody left it red.
I love to be smitten,
I fuck to be well-bred,
Sometimes I hose the urine off
some old geezer's hospital bed.
I watch TV to be placated,
and I watch porn just to protest.
I want to be a girl sometimes,
if it weren’t for the hairy chest.
I can’t stand to be humiliated,
But I won’t sit to hide the shame.
Oh, would you look at that,
Tom's gone and pissed himself again!
Though, despite the smell,
it doesn’t (that badly) stain.
White or whole wheat?
Anglofag confirmed
I bet you feel nice for getting attention
I will be your pity gf as long as you come to Chelsea sometimes and recite love poetry with me to Margaret Thatcher’s grave. Ovid’s Metamorphoses is preferable. Amen
I masturbated to your pics.
>butterfly is outside of the empire
Imagine my shock
She's fuckable
I wouldn’t go near it save to shit on it. Filthy dumb bitch.
...I have to beat a guy up at Marx’s grave sometime btw. Hmmm
I recite (copy/paste) The Golden Age here every Saturnalia
How unfortunate for you.
Times up
You forget where you are?
show tits or gtfo
yeah i'm sure you're posting your pussy on accident
how horrible for you
So butterfly is confirmed tranny? Hahaha, I knew it. Fucking dumb freak.
She's a straight, cis woman who also happens to be my dearly belovèd.
A marriage of convenience to hide our homosexuality, Pope?
If only the butthurt would end so easily
Look at that tight little bod
Jacking off rn
Butterfly is a tranny.
What even is that
That, my friend, is a 50 year-old menopausal lesbian tranny.
who bitch this is?
imagine being this basic
At least they're not sour.
rude question but i feel like bf wouldnt care
does she have a moustache?