Is it possible to be a writer and gamer at the same time, Yea Forums? I feel like You get sucked in by videogames too easily and it cannot be controlled.
Is it possible to be a writer and gamer at the same time, Yea Forums...
Give up gaming.
Just limit your video game consumption
Video games are dangerous. I try to limit any and all consumption unless it’s something cerebral or some intensely social game where I know people.
I avoid MMOs, BRs and open world games like the plague.
quit cold turkey
Quit vidya already. It'll be the best decision of your life
Games can be a great recreational activity; much less passive than just watching something. You should use it more as a reward, though.
And, I should follow my own advice.
The best path is to play only games that require intense concentration/ability, much like books. Don't play degenerate AAA crap or mediocre movie games, play games like Touhou instead.
Impossible. When gaming, 90% of my time is spent on it, while I write for maybe 30mins.
My Xbox one and my PC broke 2 years ago... Since then I've been eager to play some Vidya but I'm too poor to buy a new PC or console, I became so bored and so lonely that the only thing I can extract some pleasure is by reading, fuck man... I wish I could play some Vidya, especially the new RDR2, and I miss playing the Witcher... Feels bad man
I can only play MMOs. I was about to quit Vidya for good then a year ago they announced classic wow...
GET WRITING, don't worry about the video games... You'll get less obsessed with them in time
I guarantee you that's more than most. If you're doing that everyday you're fine, man. Don't dip below that. And, stop playing so many damn games. It's hard, because that shits fun. But, how often have you taken something with you afterwards? Rarely have I been moved by a mere game. They're a distraction; we need that sometimes. For some reason, a lot of us resist the things that are good for us; myself included. I'm still kind of a shit writer, but I have to keep doing it. Even if I just fill notebooks that don't go anywhere: I know it's something I'm supposed to do, and even when I'm in the darkest of times: reading and writing get me through it. Games just aren't quite there yet. I'm sure they will be.
Hell, write scripts for games. I might try that, too.
you need to be at least 18 to post here
Cunt are you regarded?
My greatest accomplishment in life is that I was at best average at the multiplayer games I played. I sucked at LoL, was average in Counter Strike, sucked at Dota and only fooled around in WoW. I was recommended to go play Garry's Mod.
The last game I played was Fallout: New Vegas last year. I loved it but I never looked back once I left gaming for good.
You could emulate old consoles.
take the Ted pill first
Ive read Ted already.
This is the most demonic image I have ever seen
Im gonna try 1 week vidya, 1 week writing and so on and so on
noticed as a non-gamer that a childhood friend of mine who is heavily into video games seems to have gone a bit eccentric because of it. I only see him a couple times a year now which depresses me considering he lives in my road
he’s a gardener and as far as I know, gets drunk on TeamSpeak every weekend. I have not hung out with him sober in fucking years. When I asked if he wanted to grab lunch or go to the cinema or something normal he said he “isn’t a sentimental person” and views it as a “chore” to do things like that. a couple times when I’ve run into him sober, say when he’s on his way back from work or something, he’ll suggest we do something non-alcohol related one weekend but tends to ghost me on the night and then apologise about it when he next sees me (drunk)
cause I’m at college I basically never see him, when I ask him to hang out he basically says “nah I want to stay in and watch Netflix”. I’ve also noticed he seems to have a lot of false memories of things that never happened that he tells me about when drunk, or for example will talk about something we did together years and years ago but think we did it like one year ago and be adamant about it
I had to quit gaming while working on my MA (wasting too much time, deadlines approaching) and I never went back, If I do play a game now, it's a dumb little offline Angry Birds/Super Mario type-thing for a few minutes: no online crap or community/team junk that pulls you in. Nothing against games, but I'm only awake 17 hours a day and I have shit to do. The internet's bad enough.
I only play single-player games, occasionally, then take brakes, these days I don't even have a desire to play anymore.
removing games from your life is sort of like cutting down on soda, fatty foods, junk desserts, etc. all that stuff tastes great and theres a temporary payoff, but in the long term it only hurts you, not only from a nutritional aspect but also a habitual one. once you go two weeks to a month without a soda, a big mac, whatever, you feel the cravings less and less until you don't actually need them at all. it's the same with video games. if you're booting up your PC right when you get home from work regardless of if you really want to play anything or not, you probably have an issue.
everything in excessive amounts is bad, playing games or drinking soda once in a while wont kill you. Mindlessly consuming will.
agreed, nothing wrong with sugary stuff every once in a while. thought it would be a relatable analogy.
No, gamer is a cringe term, don't ever call yourself that, it's utterly pathetic.
only play to socialize with people you know irl
I play games and read books, because I'm not a retard and I can control myself, and I was never prone to playing 7 hours straight anyway, but I would definitely advise not to play games that don't end, like open world and multiplayer. Those are unambiguously wastes of time. I suppose having one open world game that you do plan to eventually beat and that is particularly good is acceptable, and so is occasionally playing multiplayer with actual friends, but if you're asking this then you clearly can't control yourself and for the moment you need to only play games that you plan to beat and be done with, until maybe you decide to replay it. Now in the pool of games that do end, cut out AAA movie games if you play them. They are the equivalent of capeshit. Just in general don't bother playing all the new releases, because most of them are worthless and you know it, just have a fairly small pool of games that new games might enter but don't by default. I'm currently playing Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and it's fucking great, but I didn't rush to play it even though I love Igavanias to death.
Since I got into other things the pool of games I want to play has significantly shrunk, but now when I do play them I actually like them a lot more often - and I do think that some games have made me feel the aesthetic emotion, even if it's just the feeling of playing a perfectly designed game like Super Metroid or Resident Evil 4. My main thing I like is platformers that are difficult and/or Metroidvania, and I also like games like Shadow of the Colossus and Silent Hill 2 and Papers Please and Antichamber that use the medium to its fullest extent, so virtually all of the games I still want to play (which isn't many) are those types, with occasional exceptions like Thief II.
Also, do not have video games as your thing that you want to do every day. For me, I read every day, and then if I have time I also watch films or anime (which I have cut down my backlog for in the same way), listen to or play music, play games, etc. Set a certain amount, rounded depending on chapters, to read every day, and do it until it becomes routine. You will be happy that you did. I personally read at least around 30-35 pages each of two books per day if I have a lot of free time and one if I don't. That is the most important thing each day. I will never feel bad because I didn't make time to watch YouTube, but I will feel like shit if I got distracted from reading one day and lost my imaginary streak. Routine is easy to build up and make you terrified of losing.
Bloody hell I feel like Jordan Peterson.
This for multiplayer but there are single player games worth playing. The medium is young and many companies use it in genuinely evil ways but there are already some gems.
That has nothing to do with gaming, he is just an alcoholic.
what's wrong with gaming?
I raid in a top 50 US wow guild and basically, I'm better than you
I defend gaming but WoW is complete cancer, fuck Blizzard in general.
stop playing video games, stop being so weak-willed
honestly describe your average day
no, you won't have the ability to focus on reading for hours on end. video games are parasitic on your leisure time.
Quit video games. it is worth it.
it consists of reading, drinking and writing
>friends play lol and fortnite
>not playing feels like rejecting them
find better friends, or become friends with your loneliness
Video games are literally for losers and make you a loser. Quit before it's too late
>I raid in a top 50 US wow guild and basically, I'm better than you
The added benefit of this is that you the amount of time you can keep up the concentration to play said games is far less than mindlessly grinding on an mmo
Don't play multiplayer games, they are poison to your mind. Play single player games but only those that are tighly done (eg. Silent Hill, Doom, Max Payne). Most modern (and open world) games are just designed to waste your time doing repetitive shit for tens of hours, avoid that.
ervything is possible dickwad ,also im fucking ur mom
Only play single-player games and local multiplayer, no open-world, no MMO, no online. My best experiences were on 11 hours long indie games, and I find games from the pre-HD era to be more rewarding because their goal was not to be time-consuming. RPGs are an exception, but even then it's better to play Fallout 1/2 or FF7 than modern open-world garbage. There are too few exceptions to make it worthwhile.
Moreover, the gaming milieu is obsessed with what is new. Don't let it fool you. A game being older than you does not mean that it can't be enjoyable - on the contrary !
Finally, don't make it your main hobby.
>And, I should follow my own advice.
giving advice you know you can't even follow yourself... time to admit you should give up tvideogames
play grand strategy games
Only if you don't take any inspiration from games. No game has a good story, no matter what gamers say. Planescape Torment is to gamers the pinnacle of interactive storytelling... Games have no worth as a storytelling medium. They just don't.
Most gamers have never read quality literature so they think thinks like Planescape or The Last of Us qualify as god tier storytelling.
There are games that you want to play. There are games that they want to play.
If you have solid and honest relationships, you take turns playing games that interest the others, and they with you. If they won't play your games of interest, they have no right to ask you to play their games of interest either. Don't underestimate how selfish people can be. Find friends worth gaming with. If you stick around with subpar friends, you'll always be feeling dissatisified. It's their weakness, not yours.
Cringe and bluepilled
I quit video games now I post on Yea Forums all the time
do you enjoy your time spent playing video games? then keep doing it. If you dont, stop.
this same concept applies to literally everything. no one knows what the fuck we're doing here, why should feel obliged to be productive if it's not what you're drawn to doing
The greatest writer ever is both a gamer and a writer. His name is AuraChannelerChris and he's written The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest, with over 4 million words. He's a genius.
I like openworld RPGs because I can roam about and relax. Actual gameplay, story, and quests are always shit but they pad that core experience well enough to serve. Think I've spent more time finding nice places to read ingame books in Skyrim than actually playing.
OP here. Thought the thread died.
I really do enjoy vidya, good Vidya that is, not this capeshit bullshit ultracolourful RJG lootbox shit.
My worry is just that I've written a lot, but never finished anything. I dunno.
do this op
I can play video games and write at the same time, no problem.
I cannot read and write at the same time. I'm either reading, or I'm writing, but in any given week I am not doing both.
Gaming stops being enjoyable while sober at some point in your twenties.
OP, stop smoking weed.
Fuck you for exposing me
Like knows like, sadly.
Ah, that makes me feel a little better. I've been trying to quit weed; harder than I thought it would be. Definitely became more habitual than I ever intended it to be. And, I want that REM rebound, son.
I do both, but tend to specifically play games under the whole "90s FPS" (Wolfenstein 3D, Build Engine games, Doom, Quake) category. A large extent of my interest is generated upon level design, textures, et cetera; playing anything later on feels useless.
Fuck are you playing.
>they are poison to your mind
single player games are for fucking nerds
Moderation. You can play them, but do so in moderation.