I'm the epitome of a shut-in. I haven't left my house in a month. I dont really enjoy my hobbies. I think I have SPD...

I'm the epitome of a shut-in. I haven't left my house in a month. I dont really enjoy my hobbies. I think I have SPD. Any books a loser like me might relate to? I'm not really looking for normie self-help "just go to the gym bro!" material. Just things that will help me further understand myself, the nature of my condition, and maybe offer some enlightenment.

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try 6 years

nice get

brothers karamazov

The Book Of Disquiet my man

>I'm not really looking for normie self-help "just go to the gym bro!

You say this because you know it's what's good for you. It's a reason to get out of the house and no matter how much you believe you despise going to the gym you will thank yourself later for going. Same applies to going to church and other social meet-ups.

If you deny the importance/don't find yourself capable of doing these, then at obtain a goal. find some kind of project to work on and stick to it. Work. The only way you can further understand yourself is through getting out of your comfort zone.

Also, Brothers Karamazov

I'm good. Nothing is gonna motivate me to go through the hell that is other people. I've had enough of being misunderstood, looked down upon, mocked, laughed at, despised. The outside world has nothing to offer me. I've been stabbed in the back by my family and my closest friends. The local police have made an enemy of me. I've been shunned by entire communities. I'm through trying. My only wish is to be left alone.

I never go out in general, only for uni classes and exams. This since I was 18 and I'm 27 now.

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Should I see a therapist if this picture was a touch too relatable?

Start with an online self assessment and make an appointment with a mental health professional if your results are worrying.

doesn't fix it user, any improvement needs to come from you.

Nice battlestation user

Also Book of Disquiet by Pessoa is the *Definitive* book on Schizoid people. Really prescient stuff.

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He can also just do cardio at night, to avoid people.

/nightwalks/ lmfao I couldn't believe this was so widespread

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This picture(at least the left part part) is too damn accurate.

For schizoid pd, Lowen's "The Betrayal of the Body"

I’d say Notes from the underground is a better choice than The karamazov brothers. Also, his early novella ‘White nights’.

Read the book of disquiet if you seek to deepen your solitude. If you want something to pull you outside, read a volume of Walt Whitman’s poetry or perhaps any short novel by Cesar Aira.

What's that map?

you may be a shut in but your desk is rad as fuck

what kind of hobbies do you have? you seem really scholarly


Never self-diagnose, most of us probably fit the criteria of that chart.

Hail, Athena. Very blessed work desk, user.

>that pic

Well fuck.

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>Should I see a therapist

Forget SPD, you sound like a full-blown schizophrenic. Get help soon.

>nobody could possibly have a more interesting life than mine!!! you must be crazy!!!!!!!
Low IQ post user

No, they are frauds.
Plus SPD is just a personality not necessarily a disordered personality.

you schizoid fucks are just narcissists with a sliver of self awareness, I dont trust you fuckers for a second, I know you secretly think youre better than everyone

oh man that pic describes me to a fucking T. what the fuck am i supposed to do? i'm not meant to be here.


>you secretly think youre better than everyone
Not anymore than normal people think that about me, which is say not really.

i mean, this all seems to describe me to a t, but so do many of the "symptoms" of other personality disorders. I therefore conclude they're mostly a meme. Some vague imaginary label pseudo psychologists use to categorize very general groups of people who deviate slightly from the norm. But then again, every person I've ever met displays at least some of these supposed symptoms. Maybe they're just inseparable from the imperfect, human mind we all share.

Isn't that the most pretentious wankery you've ever heard? personality "disorder", as if some idiot decides what's supposed to be a good and a bad personality. That stuff gets me really worked up, maybe they're the ones with the disorder, who knows.

It's just vague enough that it applies to pretty much everyone, especially if they're relatively introspective. I wouldn't worry about it much. A therapist would probably ignore any discussion about disorders and help you about specific things on that list you think are holding you back, but no one is going to really prescribe anything or consider you to have an actual disorder. You aren't mentally ill.

huh I guess I have this personality disorder. THANKS

ikr, all of this applies to me, but then it said the schizoid avoids social situations out of genuine disinterest, whilst the avoidant does it out of feelings of incompetence, which his also very much the case for me at times. Then I read the page for covert narcissism, and that also applies to me more than 60%, as well as asperger's syndrome, ADHD-PI, OCD, schizophrenia, depression and probably some more as well. Psychology, especially the DSM, is bogus in my eyes

>brainlet gets worked up over unfalsifiable disorders

Every guy has that it's a dumb article

it's not an exact science, but it works well enough to be able to predict patterns of behaviour and intervene in them effectively a lot of the time. That's all that matters in the end.
To really understand human consciousness I think we'll need to look to neuroscience though.

I don’t know, should you start following astrology because your sign is just like you?

>1 month
Nigga I have spent 4 years in this room by myself, just reading and occasionally browsing reddit and Yea Forums. 1 month is not even a rookie number

wait for my book. I'll explain the phenomenon of a chan shut in completely, maybe you'll laugh a little bit.


Very comfy.

I have Winnie ille pu also; unfortunately my Latin has not yet advanced to the point where I can read it easily

I would LOVE to not leave my house for a month.

You are a narcissist. Enjoy your ban, it will be good for you.

What would I be banned for?

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More of a "what the fuck am I reading AHAHA"
with some elements of "lol what an incel"

Not OP but I was diagnosed with SPD this year and I didn't know about this book, thanks.

book of disquiet

I always wonder what you shut ins do to make money. If I could pay my rent and food bills without leaving my apartment I would. Advice?

have concerned yet unassertive parents to look after you.

Missed the boat then.

Literally me. Thanks Mom

This, gonna need that in the future, when my parents die.