Just finished pic related, and it was excellent. Are there any other books that articulate the causes of America's decline.
Just finished pic related, and it was excellent...
Hillbilly Elegy (not the best but it does provide a ground-level view of Appalachia in terminal decline, though its ultimate message is "it's complicated")
Alienated America (what is the situation like in those municipalities that chose Trump over 16 other primary candidates?)
Leviathan and its Enemies (long, dense theoretical work by the late paleocon Sam Francis, proffers a theory of petit bourgeoisie alienation in the heartland as a consequence of dysfunctional trade policy, corporate consolidation, and bureaucratic overreach on the part of a hostile managerial elite)
Why Liberalism Failed (philosophical assault on classical liberalism and Lockean property theory, traces atomistic individualism to its final expression in decadent hedonism, conspicuous consumption, and the erosion of community and family)
The True and Only Heaven: Progress and its Critics (traces contemporary social and economic dysfunction to the mystification and worship of capital-P Progress, long discussions of various continental and American critiques of progress and the lessons we might learn from the pursuit of it, similar discussions of managerial liberalism )
read the rest of Murray too. There's plenty more out there than what I listed here
Is suggest reading The Fall of Public Man, by Richard Sennett
I was reading the preface for that a while ago. It sounds ridiculously inverse in its reasoning. I couldn’t proceed
Probably meant Charles Murray, author of The Bell Curve, but more relevant here is probably his Coming Apart: The State of White America
Oh fuck that charlatan
Yes, he’s a douchebag. I personally don’t have a problem with his work on intelligence and race- uh, I mean “class”— but he’s a libertarian fag who makes a fetish out of work, and I am an aristocratic aesthete who ain’t got no time for that.
> durr poor people are poor because they won’t work 80 hours a week
Plus he glorifies the most insufferable people ever, viz wealthy white urban bohemians.
>America's Decline
that book is great, but you're a fool if you think that decline is restricted to Murrica.
i wouldn't bother restricting yourself to works only focused on america's decline, for the same destiny is shared with all western countries
democracy: the god that failed by hoppe
a critique of democracy by anissinov
industrial society and its future by kaczynski
more advanced:
anything spengler, evola, guenon
Read Putnam's recent work on why immigration is bad, and then read his cope.
Well, of course, but I think it's particularly felt in America because there used to be such a feeling of greatness which is now disappearing, if not gone already. I suppose it's the West in general, but America was the leader of the West after WW2, and it has found itself with nowhere to go.
What's The Matter With Kansas and Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City are good reads as well
Culture of Critique
Wow butterfly, I can't believe I'm still surprised at this point though.
The only book that matters. This along with after liberalism by Paul Gottfried.
Pic related is really good. It highlights the rise and death of Anglo Protestant america.
It seems like he hasn't published anything since E Pluribus Unum. Unless I'm being an idiot and can't find any of his newer works.
Read Carroll Quigley.
Yeah he's also given some recent talks and other things you might want to look at. I'd be interested in hearing more about his recent cope though.