Describe her appearance in your best prose

Describe her appearance in your best prose

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wud fug

We ain’t playing this game with you lil brah, hop on out with this duck shit lil nigga, this ain’t no mothafuckin book on blood bruh, on my momma imma smack the shit outta you, this ain’t o Albert Camus nigga.

She was made up of a series of wavelets superimposed to produce a matrix of squares of varying colours.

Entitled smug used up roast with an over inflated view of herself

Another cuck on this board.

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who is she?

Kind of hurt to know I'll never ever get a woman like that in my bed.

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Titty fuckingbilly Ellish

Why? Just work for it

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Ecclesiastes 1:3

Decline of the West

Have you done it yourself? If not: your advice doesn't matter.

gross, haha

He is right, work on your confidence and appearance.


Uh.. Yeah! Here we go! Hit it!!
Mmm this girl looking good,
she cant see me under this hood!
Fuck, i need some food,
are you a dood?
This girl a dood fo sho,
i have to catch a show,
fuck this dood!

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100% based
200% based (as long as it is understood not as an indictment of women, who are victims of the system, but as an indictment of sex, which is a tool of the system)

>lmao just make yourself a more desirable commodity for the sexual marketplace then you will be happy and fulfilled
capitalism is evil and the cause of most of our suffering

She had tits that were almost naked but weren't. She had a face composite from Chinese and Italian shampoo ads, slightly rect-angled for character. Brown shampoo draped down to her tits, still naked they were beneath her clothes. She hooped her ears like a cow would nose. O roasted petal pink nippled flower thee

"You're breaking up with me because of something you read on the fucking internet? On Yea Forums?" There was an undertone of explosive anger in her voice, just barely held back by sheer disbelief. I explained to her that I hadn't come to the conclusion lightly. She knew I have difficulties with race-mixing. We'd talked about it many times. "I thought you were joking. I thought you said it was 'ironic'?" She emphasized the word as if to mock me. I explained that just because something is ironic, doesn't mean it isn't true. "So you're, what, you're a white supremacist, now? I thought you said that was 'Reddit'? You read some incel bullshit on the internet, and suddenly you don't find me attractive?" I confirmed that white nationalism was, in fact, fairly Reddit, but stated that mild ethnonationalism had become geopolitically necessary even if it meant associating with Redditors. I also denied finding her unattractive. "So if you still like me, why are you breaking up with me?" Of course I still like her, I said. She's very attractive, I said. "Then why are you doing this?" I explained to her that her racial ambiguity was attractive to a part of me that I had become resolved to slough off, a second skin forced upon me by my upbringing in a deracinated multicultural megalopolis. I explained that I found her attractive in the way that my brain found cotton candy delicious, despite the fact that it's fibreglass installation laced with Jewish corn syrup. I told her that when I kiss her now, I feel like I'm kissing a changeling, something sent to deceive me. Something artificially sweet, with an aftertaste of plastic BPAs, or overheated teflon. "Do you know how out of your league I am? I'm taller than you for fuck's sake. I literally can't believe this is happening right now. I can't believe I thought I should settle." I agreed that she was out of my league, but told her that I had been reading Hamsun's "Growth of the Soil," and that I wouldn't mind a harelip wife, provided we could start a farm together, far away from 5G radiation towers. I told her we could still be friends, and asked if she wanted to read Hamsun with me. After a few seconds she closed her Macbook and she left.

lmao this is how fascism actually spreads

she fine

user felt bad for not being able to fuck "a woman like that," and he welcomed advice for people who have fucked women "like that." How is your comment even relevant?

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She looks like her farts sound exactly like gentle blowing from one's mouth.

With beautiful eyes and nice hair
She is the epitome of beauty
With such nice, fair skin
Protecting her is our duty

In a world were ugliness is celebrated
She is the one to set us straight
For she is different from all other girls
That do nothing but complain and hate

There is just one problem that prevent her of being perfect
And from all the problems, this could not be bigger
The problem with this goddess in human form
Is that she only date niggers

>daily reminder that Im brazilian so my english is all fucked up.

He looked at her soft milk-white skin, her full red lips, and beautiful eyes, and had the profound realization that she will never see him the way he sees her. She will never look at him and feel any kind of spark, will never light up at seeing him enter the room. To her, he will always just be another body in the corner, a vague entity that is barely existing. Her beauty was destined for another, someone else's muse, and he was fated to search the warehouse for imperfection, mediocre beauty inspiring mediocre joy.


Not a chance white boy
You think I would actually date you?
I'm made for Tyrone only

fucking lmao, brilliant

my ex girlfriend is about to co star in a famous tv show.. wtf Yea Forums, we were together when she was a starving comedian now shes about to be famous. I learned about it yesterday; it hit me hard. she's literally the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I threw her aside because of pride. one of my biggestm istake in life honestly

It probably wouldn't have worked out dude.

>Jewish corn syrup
Lost it there, 10/10 pasta.

What shkw dog

it's not a matter of working or not working out. I don't plan anything either way. there was no future planned whatsoever. I'm an individualist to an extreme, and she's the only woman I've ever given time to. what fucks me up is pride. I threw her away because of pride and now pride is coming back to bite me in the ass because I've been riding the biggest downfall since jim morrison and she's about to be famous. I'll be honest it hurts.

dont want to give too much info but its a french show

pride about what exactly?

I need an audiobook of this.

Awkwardly relatable

Highly based and equally delightful to read.

This girl is a minor. Not acceptable.

You're absolutely right, user.

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Would suck tiddies

imagine thinking that the idea of becoming a desirable mate only emerged as a result of capitalism

Really cringe and I hope this has been written ironically
t. virgin that doesn't suffer from ressentiment unlike whoever wrote that garbage

if Jenniffer connely were a hapa

regular thot

>not liking jailbait
16 is legal in my state you fags


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