Why do people feel they /have/ to be useful for society...

Why do people feel they /have/ to be useful for society? Why do some people even get anxiety for "waisting their time" with fun and entertainment? Do they hate their enjoyment and themselves or something?
Any books that might explain this mindset?
I've never felt guilty about playing videogames or reading fiction or just spending an entire afternoon in my room or in a public park just thinking. I don't get it.

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We evolved living in small tribes where everybody knew what you were doing and if you weren't useful you'd get killed.
This is probably the origin of their anxiety.

>if you weren't useful you'd get killed
Do anthropologists have any accounts of Indian or african tribes killing their useless?

slave morality

Democracy is to blame. It gives plebs a taste of the good life, but they'll always be plebs, so they squander it—and even hurt themselves on it.

Almost everyone in history died as small farmers or pyramid block movers.

Not everyone is a great man. And most discoveries in science are not by 'great men' but just as a result of being alive, not genius. Creating a door is not genius, nothing physical is genius. I wouldn't worry about 'wasting your time'

What's interesting is that this perfectly captures what the dialectic of enlightenment is about. We started out in primitive cohabitation where utility was everything, became self-aware through rationality and aesthetic refinement, and have now arrived at a point in time in which everyone can see and hear about what you are doing through social media and data, so in a way you have to offer some kind of tribal "value", even if that value is purely aesthetic, or pointless. If you're not contributing to the collective, you're not fulfilling your "duties". But these measures of success are ultimately worthless– what matters is how much you hesitate when saying if your life was worth living.

i don't have any contribution to make to your post, but nice post

Because they're not hedonistic scum. They may even understand that such frivolous pleasures are not the way to make the world less shit.

>Why do people feel they /have/ to be useful for society?
Agreed. They don't and indeed shouldn't.
>Why do some people even get anxiety for "waisting their time" with fun and entertainment?
Disagree. You should be productive for your own self. In fact, these frivolous quick, easy to eat distractions are what the wagie and consumer craves. It's low IQ and requires no effort to do them. You want to be at home all day, only to waste it.

The vast majority of people who "have a purpose" aren't improving the world either. Wageslavery is just consumption for masochists.

he doesn't realise that the Self cannot be individuated without reference to its intersubjective context

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Someone needs to make meme images with the new Char.

>new Char

From the newer series that came out not that long ago genius. You'd know if you were familiar with the image in OP's post brainlet.

Modern capitalist thought has thrust this need to be productive at all times upon us. Ancient tribes and civilizations did things for a multitude of reasons because they knew that life wasn’t about just being machines. For example, the pyramids, symposiums, tribal rituals, etc. Even Marx, as far as his writings are concerned, was completely obsessed with production, meaning that he was still indoctrinated by capitalist thought. Bataille used the imagery of a star to describe this using of energy without a productive goal in mind, he said that, in essence, man was a star and that a star burns with no purpose in mind other than to be. And that man should live his life with no ulterior motive than to just be. (While I don’t necessarily agree with this 100%, it is a good insight into the nature of man)

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Gundam Narrative/Unicorn? Are you talking about some Char clone? If not, you and him don't make any sense.



the perfect bugman mindset

I like helping other people, even if i'm just a little cog in the machine. If I do my job good, someone elses day gets a little bit better.

you be a good nigga now boy.

Do you feel guilty when you sit and relax in your couch after lunch on a Sunday because resting is less important than doing something work-related outside work hours?

People under the capitalist system cannot think outside of the motivation-demotivation binary, and believe that 'wasting time' is congruent to dejected apathy. If you're not working, then you're lazy. The response to this narrative is, 'No. We are not lazy." This is correct. But the response to this is always, "Then why are you not working, why are you apathetic?"
Now the modern man accepts the form of this argument implicitly and without question, thus accepting the motivation-demotivation binary. Paraphrasing Zizek: it is easier to envision the end of the world than the end of capitalism.
But Capitalism doesn't need productive people. It really doesn't. But in order to maintain itself, the rules of its system, that is, without exposing its own contradictions, it requires people to 'earn' money in order to consume. Thus the ultimate aim of consumption is served.
The guilt is not in the consuming, it is in the enjoying. This is where we have accepted that the only way to assuage this guilt is to work, for having excess pleasure in our lives is immoral. It is a neurotic's frantic action as a defense against any real change. Those who would not do this, which is an unforgiveable offense to capital, are made to go to therapy. "Mental Health is important!" Here I speak from personal experience: you are skillfully steered away from any real self awareness by being offered a simulacrum of it instead. It's a morbidly obese person treating themselves to McDonalds not even for getting on the treadmill that day, but for paying for a gym membership.
You still can't deal with it? Here's some Xanax. Now fuck off. There are another 20 people crammed into the waiting room for their refill.

These 'highly intelligent, highly motivated' people: I've seen them everyday for the past four years. They sit and they discuss the best strategies of spreading their ass so that Daddy Google and grace them with his dick, while the one person in the room who has actually used their brains to accomplish something admirable, the professor, tries and fails to actually teach them something.
The dream is not to make people's lives better by being a cog in the machine or progressing humanity or whatever. The dream is to found a startup that gets bought buy Alphabet inc. so that you can buy a house in California, a girlfriend who's an aspiring actress or model, and snort coke and smoke weed while playing League of Legends. You enjoy that weed, you earned it.

People don't actually want to be useful to society. They want to be seen as such. As said. Except under he current state of affairs, you are not afforded the luxury of a self. Being rich is never going to fix this. You are allowed an identity only insofar as it encourages you to consume.

Both Heidegger and Hegel were correct in noting that man does not simply 'be'. Living is the process of becoming. Capital stops this flow and attempts to freeze us in time.

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Books for this feel Spongebob?

Heidegger: The Question Concerning Technology

Thanks. I'm looking into what edition/format of it to get. If this thread is still around tomorrow I might ask you when I get back on. Night friend.

This is not the only one you should read, but I believe it is a good starting point. You might also be interested in the Frankfurt school, though I'm not quite familiar with them. You can transition Kant->Hegel->Marx->Delueze into accelerationism if you so choose. Mark Fisher is light reading.
My reading is more on Nietzsche/Heidegger.


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They ignore reality.

I have a friend who I would say is reasonably intelligent. Doesn't buy into the bullshit, good job, nice money, just wants to keep busy and put money away for retirement. But even though we can discuss things and share a lot of the same ideas, he seems to have a filter running 24/7 that protects his mind from the things that made me just check out of society completely to be a NEET. It's like his mind has a physical barrier and any thought that would lead to contradicting the life of a wagie gets neutralised. He can understand the idea, he can reason it out and fully get it and agree with it but it has next to 0 effect on him because his mind just shuts down at a certain point. It's very strange, he's a pessimist through and through but he's always on the lookout for a better job, better money, better work. And he gets it, and then a year later he's unsatisfied again and moves companies. He's 28 and making money most men don't make until they're in their mid 40's, but he's no better off in his mind than I am in mine as a NEET. Sometimes we go out to eat and I'll say to him "You were a bit cunty to the waiter" and he not only isn't aware of this, he wasn't aware of the waiter being cunty back to him. In his mind that was a normal exchange, nothing negative happened.

People who "succeed" in society are just very good at ignoring the negative aspects of reality.

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> Why do some people even get anxiety for "waisting their time" with fun and entertainment?

I too get anxiety from "wasting time" but this is not coming from a capitalist paradigm, rather, this is coming from a spiritual paradigm where I feel as if no growth is being made.

When you lead a meaningful and full life you will inevitably be good for your society. Good in the moral and spiritual sense, not necessarily utilitarian.
When you lead a pointless, selfish, or atomized life you will not bear much fruit, for yourself or others.

>I've never felt guilty about playing videogames or reading fiction or just spending an entire afternoon in my room or in a public
Those things are not bad in themselves, but remember all actions have an opportunity cost.

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oh, a reasonable post after a sea of >muh capitalism faggotry.
It's obviously this, humans want to grow. They want to reach new hights. If you don't, you are the same as a brain dead peasant in the middle ages. Or a kongolese tribesman. A state of mindless repetition for hundreds or tousands of years.
Humanity is more than that

you sound bitter as shit mate.

t. doesn't understand nietzsche

I suspect it’s largely the fault of the “Judeo-Christian” worldview, moreso even than capitalism. The problem that leads to this mentality is the linear, progressive view of time. The ancients you mention had a cyclical view, a natural view (insofar as nature works in cycles that return unto themselves). Nature repeats itself, returns to its own origins, its purpose is itself, a year passes by and we are back at the we started at.

Protestant Work Ethic

Don't talk to me brainlet, go back to your can on Stella Artois and the norf f.c. match