I'm gonna write a book for the reddit audience

>I'm gonna write a book for the reddit audience

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I can't remember if Weir did this as well, but the guy for Ready Player One used reddit as like his focus group while writing didn't he? So that's peak reddit surely?

Wasn't it originally just a writing blog project?

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What are the traits of such audience and why does the book cater to them?

Scientist or very smart character that the redditor view as an extension of himself. Nerdy humour that is just a cover for signaling intelligence. Superficial pop-sci explanations of science that allows the redditor to maintain the illusion of scientific literacy

I read both of those in the hospital in Seattle which is the case for reddit

we live in a disgusting era if an author wants his book to be accessible and entertaining, reddit is to blame for this, obviously

>I'm gonna science the shit out of this.
This one line would make anyone on Yea Forums throw the book against the wall, and everyone reddit do their specific gaping mouth faces.

are you that desperate for a sense of community that you would type this cringe?

wouldn't really say so, Ernest Cline is peak reddit. Weir is more like peak soulless person who reads his books because they want to seem like a person who reads regularly.

for me? it's neal stephenson, the best reddit author.

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>point out the quote that best encapsulates the reddit-ness of the book and compare the reaction of the two forums
>here comes the foaming at the mouth autist who contributes nothing to the thread except screeching
Made me chuckle though.

I really don't care how you want to justify it, my knee-jerk reaction was valid; it's pathetic to cling to this "reddit = boogieman" meme while also seemingly trying to score in an anonymous community

feel free to exaggerate my post again, though

Funny you should mention justifying since that's what you're pathetically trying to do with your autistic outburst.
The only exaggerated thing here was your screeching reaction.
Also chuckled again at:
>my reaction is valid. I validated it!

So how would the Yea Forums version of the book be?
>Be me
>On Mars
>Left alone
>Oh fuck oh fuck
>Get into a lotus stance and align all my chakras
>Remember that all planets have life we just can't see it
>Suddenly, everything gets green, birds singing, flowers blooming, water flowing
>A bird lands on my shoulders and sings me Holland 1945
>See Krishna himself mediating together with me, happy that a human finally managed to escape Kali Yuga
>realize that the true path to happiness is not to want to escape Mars, but to become part of it and learn more about God with the help of it.
>Realize that the Jews are space parasites that will go for Mars next once they destroy Earth, realize my destiny.
>mfw I'm the chosen one

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why'd you remind me

words don't work to benefit you, there's no justification in my post as much as you wish there was, you're only cementing this troubled mind you have further by bleeding your inferiority complex more

you're taking this very personally instead of reading your original post, but I denied you that relief and now I'm your worst enemy but it doesn't have to be that way

would read this

So Gravity's Rainbow?

lol unironically streamed the movie in my head. still better than any recent capeshit.

Why do peak reddits post in this forum. Find your upvotes somewhere else

cause they perceive Yea Forums as the thinking man's Yea Forums

what's wrong with reddit

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Nice bait

>and have it made into a movie and be successful

Stephenson is a man who struggles with the reddit worldview, although I wouldn't call him irredeemably reddit.

>reddit worldview
>irredeemably reddit
what the fuck are you even talking about

cryptonomicon and anathem are modern classics

imagine being so absolutely obsessed with this vague idea of 'reddit'

>not knowing about der Redditweltanschauung
Next you'll be acting surprised about the twittergeist

Pretty cringe post seeing as how the martian uses extremely believable science and is the definition of hard science fiction made by the kid of two scientists who researched the fields relevant to the book for years to write the thing. Im convinced that this board is the actual reddit since none of them can actually use their own brains and would literally never be able to figure out what makes a book good or well written unless someone older and more acclaimed than them told them what to think. The martian is one of the best genre pieces in a long, long fucking time and maybe one of the better ones ever made even if the main character is annoying


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the martian isnt about science, it uses hard sci fi to make the story of being stranded on mars work. grow up, take a shower and then kill yourself

It’s honestly the worst book I’ve read in a long long time. Absolute drivel

>it uses hard sci fi

If you think it sucks, care to list any hard sci-fi that you think is better?

>I'm gonna science the shit out of this.
Is this an actual quote from the book? Holy shit, this is so far beyond cringe that I feel enjoyment.

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The majority of those words definitely appear in more or less that order.

Yeah, it should be a reading for a first year engineering class, but it's not a good book.

> but it's not a good book.

based on what? because some autistic toddler posting anime images on Yea Forums thinks "reddit likes it" as if that meant literally anything?

>Yeah, it should be a reading for a first year engineering class

Well, yeah?

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i find your explanation both succinct and pedantic

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Don't get pissed off just because nobody here likes you, respects you or values anything you say.

You certainly took a lot out of his post, but from this independent party, it looks like you're taking more from your own life to try to form a null argument.

You're just as confused as the post that started this, and the anger you took from the call-out is even more telling than the orginal poster.

>implying that isn't a real thing