Why do women authors write about sex so much?
Why do women authors write about sex so much?
name 20 books where this happens
That's all they write about:
History of sex
Economy of ex
Psychology of sex
Anthropology of sex
No matter how "intellectualy inclined" a woman can be, it will only serve her inquiries into the nature of sex.
You are a product of the way others treat you
I’m reading a literary journal right now and ALL the fiction by women relate to sex or reference it throughout
>le evil men
That's why I like Woolf. She's above that kind of thing
women are obviously very conscious of their role as the gatekeepers of all things sexual and reproductory
If a man has sex with a woman he is being allowed it is a privilege granted to him and this is how most men fully complicit in this norm and women both very commonly see things
As such it only seems natural that women would develop an ego around this and thus attempt to assume a position of authority in which they are granted clearance to lecture and explain on the subject
The other key factor is their strict belief that they see all of these things in a very different light than men and more importantly the perception that men do not fully understand this thus the desire to explain is born
Women are actually taken to do this with several subjects but sexual things are a very prominent sticking point due to their aforementioned level of influence in this realm
To put it more simply you could think of women like professional breeders something a man can never be and what else do you expect a professional to write about other than their field of expertise
Because their lives revolve around sex. You should read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger
because they get it, unlike you, you gay bitch
What would actually be helpful is if we accepted and espoused women’s ego issues not feminism. Instead of “they are just like us inside, we are all equal” it should be “they are just like us inside, and it fucks them up that they aren’t like us on the outside beware”
>Why do women authors write about sex so much?
because they exist to breed, it's why they are born. literally no other reason. they are like cattle, but -- being human -- they despise the connotation and must intellectualize their predicament and call it oppression. the only woman worth reading is paglia and she's practically a man.
Most authors are pseuds. Pseuds exalt the banal as spiritual. Thus women write variations on "muh breeding" while men write variations on "muh hunt".
because women exist only to have sex and breed children
related question, bros:
what the FUCK does a student do if they are uninitiated in the sexual arts? how am I supposed to be able to think about their works which I have been assigned if I can't actually relate or really understand the implications of sex because I haven't ever schtupped
Women think everyone has had sex by 12 because all women have had sex by 12. You're supposed to fail and be mocked.
reminder otto was an KHV teenager-turned-21 incel writing about something he had no experience of, and he killed himself because he couldn't get his oneitis
this is not someone to read for insight about women
It doesn't matter, all degenerate work for people with no meaning. Sex was a matter of joking or casual mention in most literature for most of human history, not an emphasized theme. It is today because of capitalism.
I have had sex with multiple women and it satiated and pleased me but didn't improve my understanding of literature. I have converted to Islam now though so no more sex until I get a dowry together. No kissing or holding hands before marriage either.
I can absolutely confirm that women have no idea that there are differences between genders, or between people of different levels of attractiveness, in how easy it is to get laid or get into a relationship.
I am not joking. They literally do not know, they need to be TOLD, actually CONVINCED, that you as a man don't have the same fundamental experience as them of opening up Tinder any time, getting 50-100 matches, and deciding "who you like best." It's not that women consciously think this out and delude themselves. It's that they just never think of it, they only ever process it unconsciously. So they just assume life is life, my experience of life is "normal" so it must be the default, so men are basically experiencing the same thing with minor variations.
I've actually seriously depressed ex-girlfriends and female friends by explaining to them that when a 5/10 guy is "deciding" whether to date them or not, he's weighing that decision against the possibility of not even having another shot at pussy for several months. They did not believe me. They genuinely thought a 4 or 5/10 guy can get at least a good handful of dates a week, like they can. When I told them that I have good friends who are tall, white, half-decent looking, and who have prestigious jobs, but who haven't been able to get a good rapport going on a dating app or get a date in general in 2 years, they were baffled. You have to PUSH to convince them that this is a thing. Otherwise they will handwave it away by saying "well something must be really wrong with any man who can't get laid at least once a week with women on his level."
Think about this, really think about it. Women DO NOT KNOW that your experience of dating is different from them. One of my female friends actually told me to stop telling women about this shit because she said it is depressing as fuck once you realize it as a woman, because you suddenly become aware of how desperate and "strategic" men are about women.
>There's way too much babbling to decode the roastie. You get used to it, though. Your brain does the translating. I don't even see the babbling. All I see is "I have holes," "I won't give you my holes if you think that," "I bet you can't get my holes and that's why you think that."
>mfw these hos are dating and bedding different men every WEEK and i haven't had a gf in five years
>"well something must be really wrong with any man who can't get laid at least once a week with women on his level."
>One of my female friends actually told me to stop telling women about this
>because you suddenly become aware of how desperate
Notice that even while trying to grapple with understanding the experience of another they keep running the standard mate-selection scripts. It's fucking uncanny once you start noticing it.
>man possesses sexual organs; her sexual organs possess woman
it's their programming. that's fucking shitty though. "don't tell us about your experience because it changes our perceptions of men, complicates our idea of them if we let it, and that makes life harder for me." fuckin yikes.
this user is 10/10 spot on
I really dislike books like that. They are just based on personal experience, there is no objective truth in them.
They are like Yea Forums posts, just better written.
become a cute girl
It depresses them because that's what their future looks like, and they know it on a instinctual level.
Sexual objectification isn't inherently evil. Many people are better and happier as objects to be acted upon than actors.
The woman is a walking sexual organ
It is somewhat true but not entirely.
The issue here is that women are the pursued gender while men are the oes who have ti pursue. So while a woman can get dates by just being passive, men have to actually initiate it, thus if a man doesn't put much effort he is likely to end up alone.
>lol just disfigure and castrate yourself bro, you don't have to procreate
Sex for a woman is like food and water for first worlders, they treat it as granted and never think about the difficulties
>tfw too low iq to become trans
>much effort
what about this guy? does he just need to "put in some more effort"
Something can be evil while making somebody happy
Observe that complaint is actually a statement about the woman's comfort with her tribe. The idea of so many male members being less suitable mates than she otherwise assumes( as "proved" by their sexual conquests or lack thereof) is, in a sense rightfully, disturbing to her. If the men in her community are weak and unreliable, then she is in danger and must turn to outsiders(a massive risk in itself) to continue her search for a strong mate.
Now we ask the question: which class of people exactly is the most in favor of open borders and mass immigration? What opinions of men do they usually hold? :^)
There are women who are exceptions to this and I've met them, but they are vanishingly rare. In general, it's mate-selection all the way down.
It does beg the question: is there an equivalent script male behavior reduces to?
I always explain the male/female experience of sex to women like this
For a woman, sex is like their favorite food. But they live in a home well-stocked with normal food, and they can eat and be full any time they want. They still obviously prefer to have their favorite food. And they can go for long stretches without having it. And they can even sometimes get really in the mood for it, like "FUCK I need some of my favorite right now, so bad!" But fundamentally, they're never just plain hungry. Their baseline condition is at least having normal, decent food, even if that can get boring sometimes.
For a man, sex is not like their favorite food, it's just plain food at all. A man craving food isn't like a woman craving her favorite food as a treat, it's a starving person craving an end to his hunger pains.
The difference between female vs. male with intimacy is the difference between "man I haven't had Chinese food in soooo long!" on the one hand, and on the other, those stories you hear about starving soldiers who go insane from hunger and start eating the leather in their boots and saddles.
>The issue here is that women are the pursued gender while men are the oes who have ti pursue
I believe this is false
if you have good qualities in their eyes women will aways approach you
this is some BS the media invented so beta males spend a lot of money in parties and restaurants just to get friendzoned later
Chads have literally zero effort and don't need to talk at all
Any substantial arguments as to why it's evil?
Immanuel Kant, Metaphysics of Morals
Because women are unironically perverted and spend a considerable portion of their mental energies thinking about sex.
Pic related.
I don't know what his situation is.
Is he approaching women? Does he have social activities that allow him to be in contact with women?
>It does beg the question: is there an equivalent script male behavior reduces to?
I'm sure there is, but it doesn't matter in 2019. Grugs are outlawed, and grug-like thoughts should they be expressed are grounds for academic/professional discipline and forced counseling (ie, re-education).
1. I have never seen a woman who wasn't absolutely drunk initiate anything with a man.
2. Most men on this planet have or have had relationships and tgey aren't "chads"
>ravagement fantasies are weird
user, the 1980s called and they want you to examine the covers of pretty much every cheap romance novel (commonly known as "bodice rippers").
It is well known that women want to be "taken." But that is an extremely risky proposition in today's world, and her giving very explicit consent removes much of the thrill.
>something a man can never be
Until artificial wombs cause women to lose their monopoly on reproduction.
erotica literature turns them on
most, if not all posters on this thread don't have a clue why
I had a friend who was a model, several women approached him.
I dont think that will do much good. Most young men dont care about having children, they care about sex.
Same thing goes for men. They oppose immigration because they fear competition, in the case that they don't it is because they think this is a good way to virtue signal and thus get pussy.
All male activities could be reduced to ways of acquiring resources and or status which will increase their ability to get a sexual partners.
sure, but young men are idiots. can you imagine a wealthier older man who wants heirs but doesn't want to suffer the indignity and financial burden of keeping a wife? artificial wombs are going to boom, i promise you. the past two generations are children of divorce. just the ones who are hesitant about marriage will be enough to support the industry.
women are over.
But men can fap so your analogy doesn't make sense
You could've just typed "no" and saved yourself the trouble. Kant doesn't address the specific subject of cooperative objectification.
What does NTR mean?
Netorare. Essentially the Japanese version of cuckoldry.
It will be illegal to raise a child by yourself as a man
As it should be.
You should not build your understanding of normal dating life on rare exceptions such as famous actors, singer, models, etc.
Yeah because single mothers are excellent parents
I am a heterosexual male and erotica literature turns me on too.
But not in Thielantis, which also trades in paparazzied DNA of hollywood beauties and clever jewesses for the man with bitcoin to spare
Roasties sre retarded
Nobody said single mothers are good either, retard.
Single father
He was not famous, why would a famous guy hang out with me. He just did some modeling for small cataligues, but he was very good looking.
You said women never approach men, not even Chads, while I know for a fact they will approach you when you look good enough.
Pretty sure single father kids turn out better than single mother ones on average
Single farhers are proven to be much better than single mothers.
But what were the males researching?
And? Women get it in domestic violence too, unlike men, who are in turn privy to things women are not, like Henosis. This is not proportionally found in either's writing.
Single mom: Psycho
Single dad: Pursuit of happiness
Hahahaha the gender that has evolved to be child bearers and child raisers isnt as good as the gender that has evolved to do the labour and providing hahahahha sounds like you two have sour grapes over a dead mommy. If only she stuck around you wouldn't be wasting your time on this site making retarded claims like this. Youd be successful! Oh well!
Simone de Beauvoir actually writes this somewhere. She says that women raised by single dads are better off than women raised by single mothers because women raise women to be women, meaning they raise them to be coquettes with internalized madonna-whore complexes, whereas men think of people as people, so they raise their daughter basically the same way they would raise a boy into a man, namely to have dignity, autonomy, and self-respect.
based and accurate posts.
I said that i have never saw that happen with my own eyes.
That being said i saw men approaching more or less directly women and managing to find a partner, it could be the case that some very attractive or famous men get approached by women, that doesn't change the fact that for the majority of men this isn't the case thus they have to take action.
This. Women's bar of initiating is a little higher than men, but they do initiate.
Reddit is two blocks down
This whole thread should have sex
Where does she say that?
Human body is disgusting, indeed all biological matter is.
I wish i could transcend it.
Women can parent but they cant write. Citations like this are as worthless as citing reddit posts.
Fuck you, leatherman
Alright, bend over.
>very good looking
I'm a 5'8" manlet with bad-ok face genes. Women approach me from time to time. Attitude and confidence are more important than looks.
I really doubt it. Fewer and fewer children are born, especially in white and educated families. Even from those few children some will be accidents, some will be a symbol of love for your partner etc. I dont feel like most men really care about children.
A man who would use an artificial womb would also have to be pretty calculating and removed from nature in a way, I doubt such a man will care about children, except in rare cases where he has lots of money that he wants to pass on.
This is also my personal experience, I am in my 30s and none of the men want children, most women dont either, but unlike the men there are at least a few who do.
In my experience sex and intimacy are what men really want.
>symbol of love for your partner
>the moron believes in love
Opinion discarded
>Attitude and confidence are more important than looks
What does that even mean?
Being this fucking retarded
No refutation, shocker!
>A man who would use an artificial womb would also have to be pretty calculating and removed from nature in a way
>implying this is not literally every seething incel zoomer male addicted to his phone
Women has to know you first to see your attitude and confidence, how do they approach you before?
But do most incels really want children? Most want sex and relationships I think. Even if you feel an abstract desire to have children, the incel lifestyle is incompatible with raising children.
AI sex robots would be much more useful than artificial wombs.
you don't understand incels. they want companionship above all. the pseud-rapist vibes you get from many of them are just bantz. they want a fulfilled sexual and romantic life, they want the nuclear family dream they were promised but which boomers and the sexual revolution destroyed. it's a conservative reactionary movement that is already revolting against the immoral and illogical authorities of this land.
Mother and father>>>>>>>>>>>>single father>single mother>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>two fathers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>two mothers
How you project yourself mentally/emotionally is more important than what is projected by your outward appearance (although a decent outfit can help depending on the woman). Women are looking for overall value, which is more than your immediate sex appeal. Also, ideas like magnetism, seemingly grounded in pseudo-science, hold weight. There is a Hermetic order to things. Nature is drawn to things that can resist it.
I've been at social gatherings/parties where it has happened, but even picking up groceries women have occasionally stopped me and struck up a conversation. The important thing is to not even be slightly perturbed by women, never talk quickly, never let them cause you to lose your footing. Guys who are always snapping their necks to get a glance at some ass give up too much power too easily.
I actually understand that. I am incel myself, although at this point I no longer care. I was just going along with the stereotype because it makes no difference to my argument.
As you say incels want a family, sex and companionship, an artificial womb will not give you that.
All of those are after a conversation starts rolling. The move of coming up to you and initiating conversation is rarely done by them unless you're good looking
>incels can't have nuclear family dream
>in the future they will resort to artificial wombs to create their children
>"but an artificial womb will not give you companionship"
You are watching the disintegration of the human race.
Not him but you are just projecting your own preferences on them.
Also, there is a large number of mgtows, incels, faggots, lesbians, trannies, infertile women or women that could have a risky pregnancy, who are very interested in this technology.
one of the most based posts I've read in a long time, and not just because of the dubs
Kant only had so much time to spoon-feed retards
your companionship from Siri like joaqim phoenix. your sex from VR+fleshlight. your kids grown in vats combined with pirated emilia clarke dna. what else could you lack for
I can't cope with books anymore. 25 and KHV. Goodbye friends.
As an incel i would prefer a virtual reality in which i can have a relationship with anime girls but the problem is that we don't have the technology yet to create touch sensations.
I also would rather create a clone of myself rather than mixing up my genes.
Do not kill yourself. Now I'm going to have to pray for you and I always feel gay and insincere when I pray. Prick.
Just approach women
women are like equines, the females approach the dominant male and not the opposite
Very nice. Bet that makes you feel better for your ESL levels of reading comprehension.
I won't kms. I'll probably live as an hermite once I get enough money and forget society.
>t. I'm not ted k
Bullshit fuck off
Honest question here, what do you think will be the role of women once sex robots and artificial wombs become a thing?
Will women become obsolete?
>Kant doesn't address the specific subject of cooperative objectification
No, but he walks close enough to it to convey the gist. Use your brain.
I fucking HATE this place. None of you have read a single female author, have you? Wait I forgot you're all LARPing.
Those technologies will be available only for the rich for a long time.
But things will just continue degenerating for both sexes and i suppose women will have chadbots and artificial insemination with ultrachad seemen.
>I fucking HATE this place.
Then fuck off back to your female erotica
Yea Forums? Feel free to leave then
Single moms capitulate to the whims of males they are interested in and subsequently expose their children to much higher rates of abuse from step-relatives than blood relatives.
Single moms also literally get a boost in testosterone without the moderating effects of oxytocin they'd get from having a mate around.
Have you been around single moms? Some of the most selfish degenerate pieces of shit around. There are good single moms but in our society and atomized families, it gets fucked up.
Stop being butthurt faggot, i have read multiple female authors who didn't just talk about pussy, though this is a phenomenon common enough to be a meme.
Advice on projecting mentally and emotionally?
What else do they have?
You write about your life experiences. A woman’s only inherent value is sex. Of course they’re going to talk about sex
>Also, ideas like magnetism, seemingly grounded in pseudo-science, hold weight.
and then
>There is a Hermetic order to things.
>Have you been around single moms? Some of the most selfish degenerate pieces of shit around.
Bro I can’t even believe how terrible they are it’s crazy. Multiple times I have seen women yanking their misbehaving kids over to sternly remind them that they were worsening mommies anxiety. I just want to fucking behead them.
Esther Villar
most of the hysteria is driven by feminists, who are ignored/rejected by the men they are attracted to. Most women remain happy to be approached, complimented, and pursued, so long as the man meets their standards. It's just that feminists are a very loud minority because they are so unhappy, while you never hear from the women who are actually fulfilled and happy with things
you're a pebble brain for dismissing one of the most fundamental aspects of human nature...
also woolf wrote about sex, you just weren't paying attention
>Others are responsible
>Everybody is 'other' when it comes to alternative perspectives
When is the 'same/self' going to act or change? After all, it's the only way for 'other' to change.
Because they are usually insane leftists believe that being a whore and writing about muh vagina make them extremely rebellious and freed from muh patriarchy, when in reality they’re just one of many busted sluts who think ducking Chad makes them great, when in reality Chad has already fucked all of her friends and family.
unironically a lot of based wisdom in this thread. As expected, pretty sure it comes down to
1) Biology - women are the biological reproducers, and the gatekeepers to sex, which in turn gives them a sense of power and an unintentional fascination with the act of sex;
2) Feminism - as noted, they think they're freeing themselves from patriachal bonds when writing about sex, when in reality it outs them as the sex-obsessed fiends they are; and
3) Experience - authors write what they know, and sex is an integral, and enjoyable, part of every female's life.
>This is how cumbrain actually think
They hoes
T. Cumbrian
Fuck off, roasty
>implying isn't a primal object of desire