Good book covers thread

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Contrary to the popular belief, book should always be judged by the cover.

If a writer is serious about creating a masterpiece, he will spend time to bind the book in beautiful cover and maybe slipcase which will create uniformed, coherent release. If you write something good and then decide to cheap out on cover and hire some Deviant Art retard to screw some 10 min Photoshop shit on top of it, your book sucks and I will never read it.

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Here, fixed it for you

Attached: 03002687-00-00.jpg (389x600, 12K)

Also I forgot to add, fuck softcovers.

>Contrary to the popular belief, book should always be judged by the cover.
Absolutely this, ever since my primary school librarian told me this as a very young kid I intuitively new it was bullshit. "But isn't the cover made to tell the reader what type of book it is?" I would say.

Even worse.

>Also I forgot to add, fuck softcovers.
Mostly yes but what if you cannot get a hardcover?

Captures the feel of the novel very well imo.

Attached: 220px-Never_Let_Me_Go.jpg (220x355, 16K)

love this one,are the other 2 books in the trilogy worth reading?might just get em for the covers

Attached: neuromancer-cover-art-Daniel-Brown.jpg (1000x1534, 550K)

quick rundown?

Yes. I find these to be the most appropriate covers the Sprawl trilogy has received. The appeal, at least for me, has always been the sensation evoked of hyper-urbanism as a disorienting fever dream, and not future-man with gun and cool jacket.

based and reklampilled, germanophones will cherish

Any book by Adelphi has always beautiful paintings on it.

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I really like this one

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based Guénon, and absolutely red-pilled cover

you win


>The Celtic Race
Cringe. There is no such thing.

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The only good covers are dark classical ones. God tier aesthetic.

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Penguin is always kino

I really like suhrkamp's minimal cover design, it's a shame my German is not good enough to read most of them.

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Their design is so simple and clean. It's mature. They also always choose good art.

Literally just a green background with some text and lines. Could be made on paint. It's meaningless. Minimalism has to have something appealing... This doesn't.

Swedish translation of the Grundrisse is based

Attached: grundrisse.jpg (201x297, 9K)

I don't blame you for not getting it, you have to feel the texture of the book to understand.

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Collections Libertés of Pauvert. A weird pocket format, mostly for famous pamphlets, from the 1970s. It's still referenced to this day by new collections.

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your post is literally just a blue box with some words in it. its meaningless.

>Assuming I'm some random poster on an image board that's famously anonymous...
Fuckwit, I uploaded the two Penguin books.

theyre literally just photos on the cover of books. meaningless.

I prefer the new edition cover.

t. fellow italianon

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This one, I think it captures Bateman's character - seeming human but something's off.

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very nice

I'm not a fan of the one I own (pic rel) at all, but this is really off-putting.
I know this is a good covers thread so I will post a good one in a sec

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Vintage Contemporaries was fucking great.

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Any book cover by Orthotes, Italian publisher.

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Do you have the quote from that chap that was like "anyone not wanting to be niggerfied is a fascist to be hung" or something like that. I want to know the source too

this cover is absolute kino considering the content and author

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is this a good introduction to philosophy? I am already familiar with many concepts

top tier shit

no, just read articles on SEP instead. Durant's shit is hopelessly outdated and his writing is insufferable.

The Gallimard Tradition line created just for Guénon has the most kino covers and are the critical edition to get

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This one is great because theres another giant red swastika on the side

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