Ethics of reproducing in a climate changed world

Climate change is going to start destroying the world already in a decade or less. By 2030 everyone can see that there's a 5% drop in life quality in general everywhere and that is gonna snowball. I can't bring my children into the world at this rate.
Who would want their children to live in a world where their childhood is literally plagued by the apocalypse? When they ask you exactly when the world will collapse every day at the breakfast table
>daddy how many years do we have till the world is destroyed? Where will we go?
>don't worry, maybe Russia, I'll buy some land there I guess
>daddy will I be able to become a data scientist before the world is destroyed? Can you be a data scientist in Russia?
>I don't know buddy I hope you can

Yeah I don't think it's ethical to bring kids into THIS WORLD.
Do you?

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I think we all die in 2028. I dunno just feel it.

Notice how it is only affluent white people who think anti natalism is the answer to global warming? Pretty weird huh

Well only rich people think overpopulation is the issue because they’re the only ones who will be hurt by a larger population everyone else is used to shit. Most whites just want to get away from you and can you really blame them?

>I can't bring children into this world because it's a fucked-up world
One of the most childish arguments. You bring them into this world, educate them, raise them well, and hopefully, they change our world for the better.

What's funny is that it used to be only rich affluent people with big estates and a bunch of serfs who started large familes in the past.

How could you deprive your children of the opportunity to experience a time of great change and instability? A lot of the greatest writers, thinkers, leaders, etc. came about and were inspired by the greatly shifting world around them. Sure, life may be less comfortable, but i think it is in uncertain times there is the potential for the human spirit to burn the brightest.

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That’s not true at all lol poor people had as many kids as possible, and as nations have developed their birth rates have dropped suggesting wealth doesn’t beget having children. The left makes up the world as they go along.

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OP here. I'm not white.

>how could you deprive your children of suffering
Is the right to suffer a human right?

They don't owe the world anything. If anything the world would owe them. I don't want to bring them into existence so the world can leech off them

>it's fucking nothing
dude you need to calm down

OP, if you got laid you wouldn't be so histrionic.

Getting laid you say?

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Ayo fuck bitch ass antinatalists. I wanna mate with women and love my children, fuck you loser your ideology is deadening and unsatisfying to human beings and most of all to me, someone who isn't so reduced and neutered by civilisation as you. Drop your infantile abstractions and climb a tree.

Yet I don't like this world. Being a STEMgod, what's the best way I can destroy the world boys? Sometimes I dream of sabotaging space operations, destabilising political systems, culling the elite, spreading deadly diseases, starting regional or global conflict in any way possible, etc. On one hand the world is boring as fuck and so lame that most people unironically spend half their life gossiping about ecelebs or whatever on social media. How fucking shit is that. On the other hand everything about modernity is so sickening and degenerate that some it and its retardation getting dabbed on would be delicious.

>I can't bring my children into the world at this rate
you can't bring children into the world even if you wanted to

pic related sums up antinatalism

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>Yeah I don't think it's ethical to bring kids into THIS WORLD.
HAHA you idiots wouldn't bring a kid into ANY WORLD because you're lazy and selfish, you want to watch anime till your 70, its all about you, that's all there is to it.

Lmaoing @ all the well off white women thinking 1 less child will have any impact at all when brownskins will multiply the problem tenfold.

Just more excuses to be a lazy degenerate...

>Yeah I don't think it's ethical to bring kids into THIS WORLD.
Of course you don't you lazy female/shitskin, in reality bringing more white people into the world is the most ethical thing one can do. That literally solves 99.9% of the problems we face.

I can bring children into existence soon see

I’m not even white dude. What’s up with you

>Mommy knows best

What are you Yea Forums people doing to stop climate change? Are you making dumb people do something, right? You know the best way to express a message, right?

Yes goyim dont reproduce. Mmmmmm yes.
Also wrong board retard.

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Is that Popular Mechanics?
That’s wonkier bullshit than the OP image.

There’s easier ways to grow faux meat I hear.



naah even the closest prediction is around 2050. however it would not be catasthropic. The creator race still want us to toil and suffer here.


because even in bad times, people can still have a life that is worth living
but this isn't Yea Forums, you have not mentioned any work of literature to discuss
Here's some work we can discuss then

sun goes down on a saturday and now its kosher to post this garbage.

consumerism is the biggest reason for the inefficiency and unsustainability of modern human life and consumerism how they cope with the existential dread.
what are other solutions or approaches to cope with the existential dread that can be applicable to everything/one from an elderly japanese woman to a 1 years old colombian child? not academic philosophy

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There is no reason to act individually on climate change because we are each only a drop in the ocean.

Tabloid pieces are not literature.

Prove the following:
>life is suffering
>suffering is bad
Then I'll start taking 90 IQ antinatalist arguments seriously.

I've never seen one able to answer these two questions, nor the good old 'why haven't you killed yourself yet?'
Truly the most brainlet philosophy.

>Can you be a data scientist in Russia?

Attached: content_1.png (800x739, 944K)

>Python developers aren't paid well...
>Become a data scientist, like me!
>You'll develop AI and get paid 300k per second
>Buy you're just randomly picking coefficients until the cross-validation yields a reasonable result
dank Russian memes

Why is this board getting so Reddit?
>climut chain
>da worl owes u!
Holy shit r/politics is just a few clicks away dude

lmao, is Russian really that anglicized?

>I’m not even white
worse, you're black

IT slang is more anglicized than language in general, but yeah, there are lots of loanwords.

Can whoever is making these climate change threads stop.

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LOL do these niggas really have a backwards R in their alphabet???

Climate change is always an issue championed on the left, yet every “solution” equals less children, less meat, less travel, more tax and a whole lot of guilt for the average citizen.
Why are people happy to accept their lives must be reduced to cul-de-sac genes and a lesser standard when it’s the corporations that are mass producing everything regardless. Retards think they are saving the planet with a “smart” meter for their electric etc, no dumbass, you’re just getting billed more accurately, it’s not like they ever stop producing the electricity. And that’s the problem. Production is waaay more and always will be more than consumption but guess which one bears the brunt of the tax and the guilt?
Eco fascism is unironically the only way to actually change this.

Meme ideology is meme

define "the left"

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