Mfw excited to be starting at a world-renowned university in a Theology program

>mfw excited to be starting at a world-renowned university in a Theology program

what books should I read, Yea Forums? I'd especially love to hear about works of contemporary fiction that meditate on themes of Christianity (esp. Catholicism)

Attached: apudancinginnaclub.gif (718x404, 66K)

>I'd especially love to hear about works of contemporary fiction that meditate on themes of Christianity (esp. Catholicism)
The prologue to The Elementary Particles (aka Atomised) mentions that Christianity was a metaphysical revolution that remains unsurpassed and that the next revolution is...

>wasting your life philosophizing about something that is not even real

you sound pretty based

yea man. Aristotle. what an idiot.

go on...

no u


The OP is deeply ironic on multiple levels: using a nihilistic image on a nihilistic forum to celebrate the material/personal gratification of studying god-stuff at a prestigious university, when the subject of study is ostensibly supposed to transcend and negate all such considerations.

The fist-pumping of the animated .gif puts the central lie. May you live long enough to have a useful trauma which causes you to lose faith (if you even had any to begin with) and thereby to actually be in the truth, OP. No, you, and no, no other Christian gets to excuse themselves about man's fallability/hubris. Least of all in this especially hypocritical scene.

Aristotle believed the unmoved mover to be a contradiction in terms.


>t. not studying seriously, not putting tens of thousands of dollars into his passion to help others... just a LARPer singing hypocritical paeans to his own righteousness
never EVER gonna make it

(unless you ask Jesus for help)

Enjoy your seminars on queer chicano theology.

>Taking theology

Why don't you just set money on fire?

You called Apu nihilistic. Now look what you've done; the poor lad is crying.

Attached: d0a.jpg (680x973, 49K)

>Implying Apu knows what nihilism is

He doesn't but at least he is honest about the fact, unlike the entirety of thisboard

he doesn't need to know, the word just sounds scary

>Aristotle believed one of the main things he argued for to be wrong

isn't theology simplified philosophy for the masses


>its ironic
fuck off retard your brain is fried

it's a category of philosophy, concentrating on divine metaphysics and in Christian tradition focused on an absolute morality that is both revealed by scripture and reasoned by philosophers.

Not everyone shares your francophilic, smoothbrained obsession with defensive irony. That particular rendition of pepe is just as often used to express child-like earnestness or vulnerability.

>Gets into world-renown theology program
>Wants to read fiction with Catholic overtones
What the fuck dude just read theology texts. Read the church fathers, read Denzinger, read Ott. Read Aquinas. Read Garrigou-Lagrange. Don't waste your time on juvenile fiction.

I've read most of those already for fun.

I'm asking for contemporary fiction recommendations because that will give me a view of the Christian lit market that I don't have, and help me determine how to proceed with my magnum opus and best make it stand out. Gotta pay off school debt somehow.

>Gotta pay off school debt somehow.
lol ask the church

Paradise Lost is the best Christian fiction.
Aquinas is a textbook and valuable as such, but he's wrong about a lot of stuff, because the Church has been wrong about a lot of stuff, and the idea that we should follow the divers and strange doctrines listed by Aquinas instead of the simple Gospel preached in the NT is a huge mistake.
Is it a mistake that Chaucer, Shakespeare, Tolkien and Lovecraft all used English? Before them, Homer and Aristophanes used Greek.

Lovecraft's writing is philosophically antithetical to Christianity.