Personally it seems absolutely soaked in self loathing and bitterness. It almost seems as if he had no real imagination outside of his own life experience yet his works tend to be enjoyable as they take a viewpoint seldom seen in literature. His poems are largely run of the mill but some stand out such as The Secret of My Endurance, Blue Bird, and The Genius of The Crowd
Overall can't quite get a feel on where I stand on him. Seems pretty popular overall. So thoughts?
He's entertaining, nothing serious. Like Tarantino's movies.
Xavier Adams
shit. you just summed up what i feel about buk and tarantino
Wyatt Harris
You hit the nail on the head when you described him as "soaked in self loathing and bitterness." He does those two concepts really well, as well as a few other things, but like the other user said, he's not too serious. He covers a very specific portion of the human condition that artists and creatives identify with, which is what makes him so popular among the literary peoples.
Nolan Torres
mr "Like a fox I run with the hunted man"
pretty based
Aaron Campbell
I thought much the same until I watched some of his poetry readings, I think he just hated the pandering he got from fans, the unwillingness of them to confront or contradict him on anything. In his poetry readings he spends the first half or so just egging on the audience and hating it, but once they start to question him, to challenge him and hit back, he comes alive and really seems to be happy and to enjoy himself. I think he was missing something in life because of the passive agreeable nature of society as a whole, he wanted his ideas to be challenged and questioned, he wanted people to tell him he was shit and most importantly tell him why he was shit.
He was certainly bitter, not sure if he was actually self loathing though.
Thomas Reyes
I like reading his stuff when I am in a certain mood. As another user said he focusses on a specific part of life, so at some point it can feel a bit repetitive. Overall I am a bit surprised that the view on him here seems to be positive, I would have thought he will be dismissed as being "reddit"
That obnoxious Hanz Zimmer bullshit makes nothing better. And it starts to drown out the words towards the end.
Julian Martinez
Feels more impactful with music to me. I might just be a brainlet tho.
Connor Roberts
That's assured
Juan Ortiz
I mean it's not for no reason that films use music to emphasise dramatic scenes. It has the power to affect us on a primal emotional level. I suspect you're too big brained for that though.
Adam Harris
I love him even though he's not necessarily the greatest author. He's funny, sincere and an alcoholic pessimist that hates work so I relate.
Kevin Rivera
I accidentally stole a book of his poems from a girl I was talking to before I met my girlfriend. I read like 2 poems and put it down.
Andrew King
Just finished factotum which was both funny and depressing. The last line hit me super hard (no pun intended) hehehehehehebebbehehehehehhehehehe
Logan Brooks
His highs are really entertaining and humorous, his lows are full of bitterness and self fellation where he punches Hemingway in the face and fucks a hundred women. From time to time, there will be a page or two where he starts to ponder into some deeper stuff that will hit you right in the feels. But right afterwards he'll go back to drown in alcohol and fuck trashy women; I guess these bits are the purest reflections of his life.
He's good, but can get repetitive.
Colton Morgan
I'm not American so I am not interested in Bukowski but Yea Forums used to call him the ICP of literature.
John Hall
saying bukowski is fine is how you know nobody on this accursed board reads books
>peepee poopoo sex bagina whisky cynicism fuck wagies his prose is the worst i've ever read in my conscious life
Ryder Lewis
A lot of redditors flooded this board, Bukowski appears to be a genius when you have only read Harry Potter and Game of Thrones
Luis Ortiz
so I started reading Women... ----------- I wanted to watch her buttocks. She strode up and down that old coffee table. Then she danced. She waved her arms. The poetry was terrible, the body and the madness weren't. Lydia jumped down. "How'd you like it, Henry?" "What?" "The poetry." "hardly." Lyndia stood there with sheets of poetry in her hand. Peter grabbed her. "Let's fuck!" he said to her. "come on, let's fuck!" I unzipped my pants. My cock was as ready as his. ------------- what the fuck is this
Jose Green
I liked Postman where he rapes the mentally handicap girl