Itt underrated writers

itt underrated writers

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Poet but whatever, point stands.

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Crazy french symbolist man

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underrated quadroon.

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not underrated they are very well known

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The Count of Monte Cristo is my absolute favorite book and it’s not even close

Bruno Schulz

Nigga That’s HP lovecraft


did you post that on /fit/ a month ago?

those are famous as fuck. Rimbaud even has a biopic starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Dumas has dozens of adaptations, even by fucking Disney, so kindly fuck off,

i thought we were talking underrated on Yea Forums

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about fucking time. this guy was brilliant.

Not funny. My brother died that way

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Hardly underrated. Fucker has inspired the entire Surrealist movement and even has a Pleiade volume dedicated to him.

What are his best works?

me tbqh

moon and the bonfires, the nyrb selected works, dialogues to leuco, and the business of living diary which i heard was great but is out of print and expensive to buy and there is no pdf online. i want to read it so badly.

About to start reading his Beautiful Summer, what am I to expect?

t. non-Frenchie

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