Has there ever been a single Chadder philosopher?

Has there ever been a single Chadder philosopher?

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maybe Camus

A talented writer but in the field of philosophy a total fraud.

I don't get the deal about Camus. Can somebody explain it to me?


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The French Bogart. Pushed his philosophy as far as it could go without becoming Nihilistic. Better writer than philosopher. Cool as fuck.

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Renzo Novatore of course.

Socrates. The rest are just tryhards or copies.

Socrates didn't even exist though


He just had a lot of pussy and is known for it.

The physics equivalent is Feynman, who did math in strip clubs and fucked his PhD students wifes

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>The physics equivalent is Feynman, who did math in strip clubs and fucked his PhD students wifes
Allegedly. What everyone else says and he occasionally admitted to was he was pretty unsuccessful at bars and picking up and got really salty about it, and also had really really bad personal hygiene. The guy had rotten teeth because he thought brushing was a conspiracy and refused to wash regularly.

>worked in a hospital; went about suggesting that people not take their pills
>viewed a professorship as marginally better than an internment camp
>told established philosophers that they were wrong, they agreed
>engineered an early version of the jet engine
>after each of his works, he rejected his thought and pursued higher, more truthful truths
>enlisted in WWI due to his desire to be of service to others
>wrote about the poor living conditions in the military
>wrote about the poor military equipment
>goes on to win multiple medals for bravery
>while working in a hospital, revolutionizes treatment for "shock"
>told medical professionals that "shock" shouldn't doesn't exist because if everyone has it, nobody has it
>aimed towards the highest philosophical good; did his all to implement such changes in accord with this good during his life

He may be as close to Socrates as anybody has come since Socrates.

Why the fuck the tractatus is so hard man?
Every fucking time I thought I got it, I realize that I didn't get shit. Jesus this book is Wittgenstein at full force.

It's very disjointed. It jumps around from concept to concept. If you can draw connections between the ideas in there you're in good shape.

You need to read introductions and other books ABOUT the Tractatus to understand it beforehand. If you just jump straight into it you won't understand a damn thing. You need to be acquainted with Frege, Russell and the thinkers of the time, otherwise you won't get anything man.

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Read Subahibi

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Frege came up with his predicate calculus around 1870 and Wittgenstein wrote 50 years after that. Most of the formal logic in the book is canon now (truth tables, concepts like logical tautologies etc.) and you best learn it not from the 100 year old book. Here's a great modern intro to mathematical logic

You can still go back to the Tractatus - and I was impressed when I read it the first time 10 years ago - but I doubt it's value. (t. I do math foundations most of my free time)

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>He may be as close to Socrates as anybody has come since Socrates.
This literally is the comment made in a Strathern book about Wirtgenstein.