I have just gotten my book published. I published it via my own pocket and ordered 100 books to sell...

I have just gotten my book published. I published it via my own pocket and ordered 100 books to sell. The service I paid for will see to the selling of the books. I just realized that no one will probably buy it. Its pretty expensive since self-publishing is expensive and it only has around 40 000 words. And you know what? Im fine with that. Im fine that no one will buy it. I have included my email in the book so if one person does buy it I will probably get an email. Dont think that will happen and thats totally fine. Im done with self-publishing. The process was a grueling. Im just happy. I am happy because i just found out my book will be in a library. That is just very exhilarating. That makes me happy. Just wanted to tell this to someone. If you read this far thanks user.

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Other urls found in this thread:


If I wrote a book I'd self-publish by just leaving copies around wrapped in brown paper bags neatly and hope people pick it up

What did you write about? You could probably donate copies or leave a copy here or there in one of those "community library" things.

You shouldn't give up on writing either. Lots of people didn't succeed on their first book or even in their lifetime. Or their first book was great but wasn't discovered until way later. You should keep being open to new ideas and inspiration.

>tfw the bomb squad keeps controlled detonating my fucking magnum opus

Congratulations, my friend. It clearly means a lot to you, and I'm very glad that you're happy :)

Hell yeah fren!

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surly you should be doing some marketing on social media

Yea Forums has charts for nearly every genre of books, so I’am sure there are charts of books for marketing strategies. Maybe you should check it out if it exists.

thanks user. This was a very personal one. I was depressed and I kept reliving my school days. I went to a shrink and I freaking hated it. It just felt very disconnected. So I decided to write down my feelings and thoughts and have myself as my own shrink who followed up with questions. After I had done that I just wrote more and made a story around it.

Im working on a new script actually. This time Im trying the fantasy genre and is kinda trying to create this world and a conflict. But its going really slow and i lost motivation a couple of months ago. Right now I feel like wanting to write again so Im going to pick it up where i left of hopefully

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Thanks user. Means a lot. I dont really have any friends. I have one friend I consider a true friend. We hang out probably once a month or something. It never get weird around him. Even he dont know.

I thought about it but I really dont know. I thought about paying some influencers or people with a following to read and review my book but I dont really want to. I will lose more money than a gain so yeah.

Will look into it user.

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How much does this cost?

I bought a service and they take of everything. They but up my book in every major site that sells books in my country and they are the ones putting my book in the library and what not. My books are also stored in their storage. It cost me a total of 969 dollars

congratulations user, you're immortal!

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If you give me a link I will purchase a copy.

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Thanks user.

I really appreciate it user. I wrote this in my native tongue so its not in English.

Fun fact: I wanted a pseudonym and asked Yea Forums for one. Whoever got dubs decided. One user got double dubs so my pseudonym became John J. Johnson. I decided to go with J.J.J. So it says "written by J.J.J."

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proud of u bby,
im glad that ur glad :)

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Good job, user. I am proud of you. as long as its not furry erotica

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Thanks user. Nope. Who think people actually would pay for that?

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Congratulation, you have basically achieved something comparable to what Gilgameš did. You have in a way immortalised yourself and your story.

Thanks user. Yeah. Words never die. Dont really think my work is anything special. Its special to me and maybe it will be to a few

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Share it with us, user. NOW.

Publish on Kindle.

You can do it for free.

And chances are more people will see it that way than via hard copies.

Good luck.

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I'd love to read it, fren. Can you link the book, or give me some way to contact you and find it?

Congrats user

>probably get an email
Yeah, from AI advertisements.

Thanks user. I would do that but since its in my native tongue I dont think it will really fit in on Kindle

Sure would user. I would link it to you for free if it was on English.

Thanks user.

That would suck.

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What language is it written in?

Swedish fren

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Well, I can't read that, but I'm still proud of you, fren.

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I could read it fren, skicka en länk.

I'm never gonna make it
No, I'm gonna make it

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Very groovy!

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I don't know if Sweden has these, but in the US we have little "take a book leave a book" free library stands. If you put one of your books in there, and it eventually disappears, someone is reading it.
Congratulations on your dedication user.

That's pretty fucking cheap dude. Less than $1000 for a hobby is cheap as fuck.

user. I have a dare for you. Take a copy and send it to the Swedish Academy. Just do it.

You are in the top 1% of Yea Forums posters by virtue of this accomplishment alone. Congratulations, my friend.

Congratulations Swede friend

Write a blog about your experience with writing it and publishing it. Would read that if it was in English.

congratulations my friend for you have done what i have failed to do in utter years

I send you my regards, lovely almond.
These are exciting times.

What the fuck is wrong with all you people? How is this something to be proud of? Self-publishing just means that you actually failed. Paying a 1000 bucks to publish your "book" is not an achievement at all. Fuck you all, faggots

Tack user. Det värmer att du vill läsa den.



The language is pretty crude for one of the characters sometimes. I feel very childish for writing like that but since the character is a teenager I think it fits in. Sorry about that.

Believe in yourself user. You can make it. Its just publishing it which is the hard part. But follow through!

I feel groovy when I think about it.

Thanks user. I dont think we do. Well it has been a long time since I went to the library but i dont think we do. Will look into it.

I guess so user. It felt pretty expensive to me since im still a student trying to graduate and only have a part time job.

Lol i dont know user. I dont think this is their sort of book. Dont really think its unique or anything. Plus dont think they offer their hands to read your book voluntarily since everyone would do that if they did.

Thanks user. It feels weird since no one really said "lets publish this". To be fair I sent the publishers a rough draft and not the finished product which I regret over. Oh well. The rough draft was pretty bad. I cringed when i proof read it and corrected some things. I made some major changes and know I think its good. This is pretty exciting times.

Maybe I will do that user. It will be good to vent. Should I use wordpress or another site?

Sorry anons for late response. I got tired and went to bed. Thought this thread would be dead when I woke up. I have gotten so many heartwarming comments from you anons. It really makes me happy. And Im happy that I have some awesome people I can share this to :)

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>vanity press self-publishing

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At least he did something man

.........hur gammal är du

20. Det märks va. Jag vet att den är barnslig. Men jag behövde bara släppa ut saker

Den biten jag har läst var faktiskt bättre än förväntat, bra jobbat

Tack user :)

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Nice one fren. Have you considered publishing digitally (e.g. google play books are something now). My favorite local writer was once a small time writer in local newspaper, writing his thoughts on certain hot subjects. Now all his books are published digitally.

It's on digitally user. It's just in the swedish market. I paid for a service. They took care of everything.

self publishing means failure. gtfo this board.

jag förstår user. är svenska ditt modersmål? vissa bitar har en märklig uppbyggnad, men det kan också bero på att man fått hjärnan stekt pga vuxit upp på internet och blandat svenska och engelska under tonåren. jag har samma problem

de två första kapitlen är de (överlägset) bästa, särskilt det första på svenska. det är ett helt annat driv i språket, fritt från guppiga utfyllnader som:
>Jag tar upp telefonen, tar ut hörlurarna från väskans ytterficka, sätter den vänstra öronsnäckan i vänsteröra och den högra öronsnäckan i högeröra. Jag sätter hörlurspluggen i hörlursuttaget, går in i musik-appen och öppnar ett album.

det där första kapitlet har något! likaså början av kapitel 12, det om flickan. stilen påminde om en roman jag läste nyligen, älskaren av marguerite duras. om jag fick ge dig ett råd vore det att försöka förfina och utveckla detta

berätta user, vilka är dina favoritböcker? och vilka är de klassiker du ratat enligt efterordet?

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Helvete user, har du läst hela! Jag är född och uppvuxen i Sverige så svenska är det språk jag kan bäst och jag ser det som mitt modersmål. Som du har förmodligen insett är jag inte etniskt svensk.

Jag har försökt läsa igenom den och jag kan inte. Du har helt rätt. Den är märkligt uppbyggd. Jag skrev den här för två år sedan. Direkt efter gymnasiet var klart. Det kan vara anledningen då jag känner mig mer mogen och mindre utbränd både socialt och med skollivet.

Jag skulle nog säga att jag lider av det också. I barndomen och i tonåren den främsta media som jag använde mig av var på engelska. Svensk media jag använde mig av var böcker och nyheterna som Svenska läraren tvingade oss att titta på. Jag slutade läsa böcker typ under hela gymnasiet och försöker läsa mer idag.

Hahaha, jag håller med om att hörlurar meningen är konstig och alltför detaljerad. Det var dock meningen. Vet inte varför jag skrev sådär.

Kapitel 12 om flickan var ganska känslosamt för mig då det var en tjej jag faktiskt kände. Jag ville att boken skulle vara mer dialog-driven och jag anser att det gick bra ändå.

Mina favoritböcker borde vara de som har fått mig att reflektera över mig själv. Det här kommer verka weeb-aktigt men jag läste Welcome to the NHK och älskade det. En annan bok borde vara Om en pojke som jag hittade på bokhyllan. Den tredje är ännu en weeb-aktig bok och det är en svensk utgåva av No longer human.

För några månader sedan försökte jag läsa räddaren i nöden och jag absolut kunde inte fortsätta läsa den. Den var i mina ögon så himla tråkig och presenterade inte en självreflekterande aspekt i de 3 eller 4 kapitlen jag läste. Det jag har förstått är boken känd som en bok som relaterar till tonårs-frustation. Så det var en besvikelse.

Jag försökte också läsa Franz Kafkas Slottet. Den var enligt mig tråkig men jag förstår att det är en klassiker och Kafkas stil är en smak man måste vänja sig med.

user det är så himla coolt för mig att du har läst boken. Jag kan inte läsa den. Jag försökte läsa den igen och hela min kropp försökte pressas samman till en ärta. Jag vet att det finns rum för utveckling men jag tänker bara släppa det. Ingen mer självpublicering för mig. Nu ska det bara vara en hobby. I dagsläget läser jag om Djingis Khan erövring av Kina. Sen finns det en bok till om erövringen av arabvärlden. Efter det ska jag nog hitta mer självreflekterande böcker att läsa igen.

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Sold 3,000 copies of my first book in the first month lol

Damn user you must be well off. So a publisher decided to go with it? What is it called?

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På ett sätt ville jag hjälpa mig själv. Ibland önskar man att man visste det man vet idag under tonåren. Så jag skrev med den mentaliteten och presenterade musik och tankar som har hjälpt mig

My Swedish is pretty bad so I probably won't be able to finish it successfully, but I'll still give it a try.

T. finnjävel

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Tack finnanon, skäms lite över den. Har ganska barnsligt språk

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Såg att du redan gjort det. Ska åtminstone skumma igenom den.

Where can I read it?

Tack user. Hoppas den inte lämnar en dålig eftersmak.

Sorry fren. Wrote it on swedish. The prologue is in English tho. But it's more my thoughts and less about a story

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Good job user. I will not think of suicide today because of your blessed post. Thank you.

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Thanks user. It has been really heartwarming the congratulations I got from all of you. It feels good to have people acknowledge your accomplishments.

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You kind of have already by talking about not doing it artemis user, but whatever.

Congratulations, user. It's not small deed to self-publish a book. Hopefully it sells well so you can at least get your investment back. However, don't give up on writing if it doesn't; you can say writing is a gift in and of itself. Best of luck with your next work!

Thanks user. I'm very humbled by you guys. Have already begun my next work but it's going very slowly and I think of it as a hobby :)

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Maybe leave copies in cafes and stuff if you visit there.
People are more likely to read them there.
Donating to libraries helps as well since people can request books by an author at a library.