Why would god make such a ridiculously vast universe that we'll never explore, if we were so important to him? Why are we such a miniscule point, and not the center of the universe?
Why would god make such a ridiculously vast universe that we'll never explore, if we were so important to him...
God has children across the entire universe
Prove it
>Thinking a center is anything more then an abstraction
Anyways, God treats us as he would himself HINT HINT.
He has us, which is himself, as a project trying to figure this shit out. We are the aspect of god which tries to figure out what he/we are.
To do that we're gonna have to go through every possible timeline and reality.
To declare his majesty if you want a scripturally supported answer
Availability of habitable planets and vastness of universe
>God isn't omniscient
why even cling to the idea of god at this point?
We must expand to know it! Such is our covenant. It is the majesty which demands awareness even without divine mandate.
Why do you assume it's trying to figure it out? I think it's just going through every possible timeline for the fun and experience of everything. Perhaps the universe was just created to be a reality show.
>that we'll never explore
>God is a hedonist
you think it exists only because you were told it does, yet you have no proof of it
Bruh, there's stuff so far away the light it emits will never have time to reach us, what with the rate of the expansion of the universe. We can't go faster than light, so how do you expect us to travel distances it can't?
>that we'll never explore
Not with that attitude.
read Job. it answers this question (and many like it).
Humans will NEVER reach faster than light travel. We'll die way before the sun expansion or the heat death of the universe.
Has to be weighted against the odd of producing life capable of enjoying it's life conditions. UNfortunately we can't estimate those odds so the question isn't settled.
It's not hedonistic as the suffering would vastly outweigh the pleasure
Even if humans somehow manages FTL travel, the human body is not meant to be in space for long durations.
The best means is to send technology into space that can handle the trip and back.
>We can't go faster than light
How could you ever know that
basic laws of physics; doesnt mean we can't get around this limit in other ways though
>basic laws of physics describe the entirety of the universe perfectly
The vastness of creation is clearly meant to proclaim Man’s insignificance in comparison with the creative power of God. Of course pathetic atheists somehow manage to flip this around and get all whiny about it, “WHY CAN’T I JUST KNOW EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW, I MUST KNOW EVERYTHING :((((“
>moving the goalposts as soon as someone disagrees with you
Are you mentally okay?
The search for planets, and use of such is foolish. A ship capable of taking humans to another star is, a ship capable of holding life indefinitely; a ship where the problems of space for life have been resolved. Humans could expand through the oort clouds and never return to the glare of stars but as a comet passing through.
Genetech is way more likely than FTL
That has nothing to do with what I said; he asked for proof that there is life on other planets. I'm arguing from habitability/amount of available planets. Even if the odds were extraordinarily small, it is nearly impossible that we are the only life in the universe.
but what about resources? where the fuck would they get their food from?
there may be life in the universe, but what about intelligent life? we're the only thing intelligent in this planet, and that's because of extremely random and specific enviromental pressures. no other species needed to evolve that much intelligence like us, and they survive fine. add that to the pressures from history that comes with civilization and you have an even bigger number for the probability of intelligent life in space. for example, if europeans didn't exist we would still be africans who didn't even invent the wheel or writing after all these millenia. and even then, most of the significant technological advance we see in our age comes from an extremely tiny number of anglos and other europeans from the 19th century. if we depended on the average 100iq normie then we would still be africa tier.
what i mean is that life on another planets may be possible but it's very very improbable that there is intelligent life like us.
Rare earth hypothesis, we could easily be unique in the observable universe. But sorry, I didn't read the whole chain, or all the screaming here distracted me.
Make it. You just need energy and the elements. Vat grown meat is already almost commercial. The oort objects will have a mix of all the elements, especially hydrogen which will give you fusion power.
it doesn't answer anything