And in the end, it turns out I really was: The Idiot

>and in the end, it turns out I really was: The Idiot

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Other urls found in this thread:

What a fucking hack

No reddit-tier threads please

The idiot was a metaphor for Jesus right?

>Alas I guess the world was all along just Will and Representation

Still wonder why students prefered Hegel over him?

every time this thread repeats itself it reminds me of a restaurant table of chuckling publishing tycoons and pseud scholars you all so hate

>Maybe the real blood meridian, or the evening redness in the west was the friends we made along the way

What a hack!

>And so God twisted the plastic knob opening a small hatch on the back of the skull which revealed a tiny on/off switch. He flipped it on and unto Gregory was bestowed the entirety of the infinite. A million veils were lifted from his mind; the universe called to him. But one truth beckoned more powerfully than the innumerable rest and so he turned to receive it. It bathed him in its light allowing him to realize that the true untitled absurdist novella was the friends we made along the way.

>Finally! after all these years, we have concluded The Journey To The West
fucking hell

Kek and basedpilled

>And so Ulysses, son of Lartes, spoke to fair Penelope: Phew! What an adventure, what an Odyssey!

It's funny how plebs think there has to be some morale in the end of the book that will consolidate the whole reading experience for them.

>well Arkady, at the end of the day, we are just fathers and sons!
Literally stopped reading when this happened

>and then spoke high: there is a great deal to tell you about this, it truly is a prose edda
oh come on

I feel like I'm the only one in the world who has read op book and in the end did dnt understand a single thing. Is that the point of the book? Figuring out I'm the idiot?

>And, as I stood frozen in stark terror, the undulating sea crawled like some amphibian monstrosity from outside time and space. And then, from the precipice of that non-Euclidean construct, I heard something so beyond frighteningly cruel and cold: the unfathomable Call of Cthulu.

Jesus, Lovecraft

>One might say it was Much Ado about nothing

Shakespeare that hack did it again

feels good being russian

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>and in the end, the Crime and Punishment was the friends we made along the way

fucking hell user

>The real Odyssey was the friends he made along the way

>truly we are the brothers Karamazov
returned the book at store right there

Maybe. I took it to at least be showing how a pure soul couldn’t survive in the modern world.

>I guess the real sea with an old man was me and the fish all along
binned' it

>Then jesus said to Thomas: “Put your fingers through the holes in my hands, Reach out your hand and put it in the wound at my side so that you stop doubting and believe; for I have truly become The Bible"
a bit on the nose isn't it?

>It was done; finally Ahab had caught Moby Dick by Herman Melville.


>robby was in charge of the campaign computers, but he was so smart that in many ways, he was like a computer.

drop AK

Fuck, lost.

"and now" said dorian "wielding the knife I use to slay basil hallward, I will proceed to stab: The Picture Of Dorian Grey"
I want my money back

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Still can't believe Dickens ended the book with "Oh, I've got great expectations"

>And I said "Not bionic...byronic"
>roaring laughter

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That was. Also main character is a man who was in Switzerland on treatment but then he retunes to Saint Petersburg people around can`t understand his wise and kindness. They think he is a idiot

After all these years, I guess I really was just the old man and the sea.

>and in the end, it turns out that what really matters are the friends we made along the way

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>Once I used to believe I was such a great romancer
>Then I came home to a woman that I could not recognize
>When I pressed her for a reason
>She refused to even answer
>It was then I felt The Stranger kick me right between the eyes

Is Camus always this stupid or did I just buy the wrong translation?

>Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore; Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he; But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door. Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door. Perched, and sat, and nothing more, twas The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

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This fucking thread

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Best one in thread so far

>And I said "Not feed...seed"
>roaring chuckle

I’m in awe at how low Yea Forums has stooped. There is no difference between Yea Forums and Reddit now. Not a single post made here shows any sign of it having been written by someone with an above sub-Saharan level IQ.

>and I guess in the end, the phenomenology or spirit was in us all along

>In the end, it was all simply White Noise.
Just terrible.

>And through love, he had overcome his pride and prejudice.
Why do people read Jane Austen again?

>And in the end, I guess Yea Forums was just like Reddit all along...

>it turns out that the real high IQ thread on Yea Forums was the friends we made along the way

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a daring synthesis

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Eve: so did we lose?
Adam: worse.... paradise lost

fucking hell this is pathetic milton

Well, it's're expecting everything to end badly, 'cause it's not good, and so you think it can't come to good. You never realize that in the end it's all gonna turn out alright.

What's that?

Well, it ended well for Helena and now he's ending well for me, isn't it? That's about it. The truth is, since it ends well, you look back...well, you don't look back on it too badly, even though it seemed bad at the time. You see, truly, all's well that end's well!

Seriously, I hate when he does this. It's so forced

>And so, readers, this concludes our Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics.
Come on

>Through the death of Shatov, truly, us men have become Demons.


The Incel

>Despair is the Sickness Unto Death
what did he mean by this

>and after user typed this, he realized that he in fact was, the one who needed to; HAVE SEX™ by Yea Forums(nel)

Oh my god a gregory berrycone sighting

>Oedipa sat back and awaited the Crying of Lot 49

No wonder he disowned it. I stopped reading right there.

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>Finally, after all these years, you've come into your own, Julien Sorrel, as The Red and The Black© in iMAX™ 3D!

I believe hardcore christian boomers should read The Idiot.

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>If there is one fleeting lesson to be learned from my campaign of violence, it is that I truly am an American Psycho.
Ellis never wrote a good ending, and this one is quite ghastly even for him.

>About all I know is, I sort of miss everybody I told about. Even old Stradlater and Ackley, for instance. I think I even miss that goddam Maurice. It's funny. Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you’ll be The Catcher in the Rye

no wonder the book was on so many banned reading lists. fucking garbage