Was he right about God?

Was he right about God?

Attached: spinoza 2.jpg (200x248, 10K)

might help if you posted what he said

I would hope everyone here already knows

Not everyone is here for the same purpose or has the same background in reading.

I particularly don't care much for philosophy.

Cool. But hope is for shitheads and pseuds. So post the quote or kill your thread.

No pseuds

I'm not OP

Well, you and your chosen author are pseuds. So you broke your own rule.

Whatever, it's your thread.

Quiet brainlet, adults are talking

Spinoza believed that God is “the sum of the natural and physical laws of the universe and certainly not an individual entity or creator”
Sounds like ASS. Guess you're a fag OP and these people are right for not reading him.

But you are since you are one and the same samefag.

>is data correct
>you pseud
>no you pseud
Impressive adultery you got there, faggot.

>Spinoza believed that God is “the sum of the natural and physical laws of the universe and certainly not an individual entity or creator”
There we go. See OP, was that so hard?

Instead of acting like a pseud, OP, and engaging people in your thread, you chose to act like a faggot.

then don't reply to the thead, asshole.

How not to make a thread and keep it alive: 101
You're a faggot, retard, pseud, and worse than the Christcucks, accelerationists, and MODS!posters.

No, the universe itself is not God, but is only an appearance witnessed by God and this appearance itself has God as its underlying substrate, in reality God is immutable and unchanging, He does not transform into objects and the like

Now you're just being rude

>the pseud is the one who hasn't read spinoza
Why are you still responding, brainlet? Did I really embarrass you this much?

cringe. go back to whatever meme general you crawled out from. this thread is for discussion.

As would I.

No, OP, of course he wasn't. The god stuff was the unnecessary and inadvisable substructure which he felt obliged to build in order to get at his true and interesting observations concerning human nature.

In another context, Marx made a similar error, by stressing the wrongheaded doctrine of historical materialism as a peculiar justification for the practical elements of his philosophy, which he could and should have simply rephrased in normative terms. This, because it would have been much more honest (in Marx's case however, the remaining philosophy, although intellectually strengthened, would still have been false).

>God is an anthropomorphic being

>I don't care much for philosophy
>so explain the most complicated theological theory ever created to me real quick so I can tell you what my meaningless opinion is
every time

good thread

>All these pseudo-intellectuals in this thread

That doesn't follow, I'm afraid. if God is "immutable and unchanging" (which incidentally is just saying the same thing twice) how can he witness things that, while existing outside of himself, are nevertheless emergent properties of a strata that is also himself?

>God is an abstract anthropomorphic being
Yikes, and wrong to start with, jump-to-conclusions-fag.

Yes, in a way. The phrase "God, or substance" precipitates a judgement, but Spinoza effectively withholds his own. the radically agnostic indeterminacy of his project was almost unheard of at the time.

>doesn't follow the thread chain
>reddit post
every time

>That doesn't follow, I'm afraid. if God is "immutable and unchanging" (which incidentally is just saying the same thing twice) how can he witness things that, while existing outside of himself, are nevertheless emergent properties of a strata that is also himself?

Attached: 1566063699950.png (740x724, 37K)

Not even once. It’s basically atheism.

No. But he was right about the basis for government.

Attached: soifallacyfallacy.jpg (1597x459, 187K)

>how can he witness things that, while existing outside of himself, are nevertheless emergent properties of a strata that is also himself?
Because God is pure consiousness, the things witnessed are not outside of God but are beheld within His consciousness; hence even though they have no fundamental/absolute reality in and of themselves they are still witnessed, similar to how one witnesses dreams which appear as real despite the dreams content not being real

Leibniz was better but he's fine too I guess.

Attached: gottfried leibniz4.jpg (1000x500, 125K)

Nice wig, faggot.

Reminds me of your mom, Sissy.

Actually, it was panentheism

If God is infinite, he cannot have boundaries; everything is part of God, all is one.


why so many samefags now?

>the things witnessed are not outside of God but are beheld within His consciousness
But if that's the case then he cannot also be creator, no? to "witness something" is to passively accept what is presented to you, to imagine or to dream is something quite different.

>But if that's the case then he cannot also be creator, no?
Correct, nothing is actually ever created, there is in reality only God