You do support libraries, don't you Yea Forums?

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I am lending 20 books atm. Sometimes I led the books pass the expiration date on purpose, so I support the library through fees every few months.

"I read books" - A nobody, Verified Account© 2019

Are u from UK or something? It's called borrowing

Libraries are shit. A controversial opinion but undeniably true. I can't think of a bigger waste of our taxes.

How did Amazon become one of the largest companies in the world selling books when supposedly you can get books for free at the library?

The answer is simple: libraries have an awful selection of books. They stock thousands of terrible books by literally who tier authors and somehow don't bother with the classics. Walk into your average library and I'd be surprised if you can find even half of Yea Forums's top 100 in stock, or a decent variety of philosophy, or must-read STEM texts, or anything else that actually matters.

So what the fuck is on all those shelves? Genre fiction. Shitty horror, sci-fi, and fantasy fills these buildings. And cookbooks. For some reason we need every country's dumb cuisine represented. Your average leftist argues that libraries are good because education of the public is important. Tell me exactly in which way reading this crap is preparing the next generation or educating anyone?

Second point: libraries are for bums -- homeless people go there to charge their phones and use the bathroom. With the price of books now so low, especially in second hand stores, only the homeless are poor enough to need libraries. Start an drug addiction help programme if you want to help them, don't give them a place to nod off when it's too hot outside.

Lastly, there used to be a good reason for libraries to exist. The law should be accessible to everyone, so a good place to store legal records and legislature was the library. But today with information being so easily accessible via the internet, why are we still printing and taking up with space with books? For octogenarians?

I hate libraries so Goddamn much.

Obviously, paper books are much better than reading from a screen and sometimes libraries are great place to build up community around.

Sounds like you live in a shite country rather than libraries being a bad thing.

>libraries have an awful selection of books.
this is true
>Genre fiction. Shitty horror, sci-fi, and fantasy fills these buildings. And cookbooks.
this is true
>homeless people go there to charge their phones and use the bathroom
this is only slightly not true in its polite omission of the worse ends of homelss activity in libraries; effectively this is true
>But today with information being so easily accessible via the internet, why are we still printing and taking up with space with books? For octogenarians?
this is true to a point. we need some physical copies of some of these things, but only very few, especially when printing itself is still incredibly cheap and easy

excellent work user, 10/10 post

Your problem is either a) or b) you're too stupid to ask the librarian to order in a book for you.

>But today with information being so easily accessible via the internet
reading on a screen sucks ass.

this tweet always pisses me off because all commodities cast a veil over naked commodity fetishism, that's one of the metaphysical niceties that makes a commodity what it is. It's like asking "what is it about Walmart hiring minimum wage workers that leads to the exploitation of excess labour value?"

Maybe a library that was made in recent years.
My library system has lots of classics, different translations, etc.

>do I support hobo daycare centers that only stock dan brown and twilight and are a taxpayer funded childcare center for lazy single mothers who can't be assed to raise their own fucking children
take a guess.
my mom took me to the shitty local library as a kid and i thought i hated reading for the longest time. turned out i just hated genrefiction.

everything in your post is beyond based. close them down, sell the properties, pay debts.

stop being a poorfaggot and get a kindle paperwhite. it doesn't hurt my eyes at all you faggot. and in 1/2 the weight of one book, i can tote around hundreds of books, so i can read anything i want, when i want. battery lasts like a month so you can read for a week straight and not worry about charging it. no bookmarks, or stinky old books, or worrying about saving your place. it knows where you left off. no piles of books cluttering my apartment. and? i can read ANYTHING, not just what you can buy in print. half the stuff I read is so obscure I couldn't buyfag if I wanted to.

stop being entry tier.


>so i can read anything i want, when i want
stopped reading right there. If you're going to shill for shitty companies, at least be subtle about it. I'm gonna keep buying second-hand paperbacks and there's nothing you can do about it

>stop being a poorfaggot and get a kindle paperwhite.
Why would I do that? Fuck you, fuck your advertisement and fuck your modern bullshit.

Eh, Norway. english is my third language.

Fuck off Pajeeta
Fuck Marxists

Fuck blue checkmarks but she has a point. Unless you really need to have something forever, why buy it if you can borrow it instead? That's just wasting resources.

Yeah, I love libraries. Walking along shelves full of beautiful old books, some well known to you, many not, knowing you can pick them up and read at any time, completely for free, is fucking magical. I feel really bad for people with shitty libraries.

>excess labor value
Doesn’t exist

Even top tier libraries like the New York Public Library are scum. I have a card there and get spam email from them urging me to “renew” my membership with a cash donation before it “expires,” even though membership is free and doesn’t expire.

>So what the fuck is on all those shelves? Genre fiction. Shitty horror, sci-fi, and fantasy fills these buildings. And cookbooks.
fucking BASED post, someone screencap and send it to that library broad

>One library serving it's local readers
>One electronic device per individual
Economically speaking library seems more efficient.

>tfw a (probably) cute girl held the same book more than 20 years ago

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>tfw I was a high school freshman then
she was probably fat, user

I love handing the government a list of all the books I read

No. I like property. I like owning things. I don't want other people touching my things with their grubby disgusting hands.

Give up your toothbrush guy

This but unironically. Better the gubrment than the private sector.

People are not clean at all, my guy. I don't want to read books with dorito ridden pages.


They aren't, libraries are horrible inefficient, like with museums it's hidden, you don't see it.

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If libraries were part of the pricate sector they would have gone backrupt, just like Blockbuster.

Libraries need to change, they need to adapt.

Redditpost as much as you wish, but goverment has less incentive and more barriers to abuse your data than the private sector.

>read Turner diaries
>get arrested for being a fashy goy

Museums aren't meant to be efficient. I'm talking about efficiency of distributing literature.

>Extreme, untrue example
nice try faggot

>shows how it could be used by the government against private citizens
>nuh uh red flag laws don’t exist
Go to Connecticut sometime

I'm not even a part of my local library but I did give them like 12 books the other month I never plan on reading again, I figured that could be my good deed of the month.

>shows how it could be used by the government against private citizens
I'm talking about the big picture, not anecdotes or possibilities. Plus even the private sector would know relay your shit taste to the gubrment.

>Go to Connecticut sometime
Going to muttland would be the last thing I want.

>implying the big picture does not involve anecdotes or possibilities
>implying the private sector would give it up without direct threat of action from the government

I wouldn't mind going to the library if it was silent and comfortable there. In the ones closest to me there are always unacceptable noise levels. Kids playing, old ladies chatting, personnel working loudly. Also it's just a fine waiting to happen, because i'm such a degenerate.

>shill for shitty companies
more than one company makes e-readers you humongous cumstain.
>waaah mommy MOOMMMMMMYYY i don't want to buy $50 upfront to save $10,000 over a few years mommy moooom mooommmmmyyyyy waaaaahhhhhhhh
get rekt

Libraries in my city are nice. I can go to a uni library where they let enter anyone who remotely looks like a student. It's free, I cans tay there from 9 am to 8 pm most days of the week, there a literal metric tons of academic material available. For instance just cheking out a random shelf on the third floor I saw a good translation of Critique of Pure Reason, some works by Kojeve, and Feyerabend's Against Method.

Libraries are nice, you just live in bad places.

>talk about Turnier diaries on Discord
>get you data turned over to the ADL
wow, thank you private sector, very based

>hiring an entire staff to serve the maybe 10 people who use libraries for actual books
>paying those staff 40k-60k a year every year
>letting those 10 retards either buy their own books or catch up to 2019 and buy an ereader
yeah. do me a favor, don't try to start a business anytime soon. you can't into economics.

>implying the government care or has time to check everyone's borrowing list.

Eh, I wouldn't worry too much. Also in any half-decent library you can read for several hurs straight without being bothered. That's enough to pick a book, finish it, and replace it where it was, no records left.

Why would they any incentive to do that?

>be carver
>spend a month carving 100 wooden dolls to sell
>someone breaks in and steals them all
>phew, good thing all that excess labor has no value or else I might be upset

Uh, what? they already do.

>implying the big picture does not involve anecdotes or possibilities
Do you suffocate when mouse farts? Big picture involes the anecdote, but it also includes so much other factors that the anecdote becomes irrelevant.

>implying the private sector would give it up without direct threat of action from the government
Private sectors gives about 0 fucks about your privacy. It operates within the legal form, it's going to abide the law. Don't understand why does this even make sense, if you read books this bad you should act with enough prejudice not to trust either state or those who operate in it's framework and instead use encrypted internet communication or friends.

I don't know, you tell me. All I know is that they've done it for the SPLC already.

Your entire arguments rest on the pre-assumption that only 10 people are going to use the library. Do me a favour and try to think before you post.

No, capitalism is the only thing that supports literature and there for your shitty library, and no, i dont want to share my books with a greasy poorfag.

I could download those in 5 seconds without needing to put my shoes on.

I have a fulltime job and shit to do. there's a reason only stay at home mothers and welfare recipients use libraries. the rest of the world won't spend 3 hours to maybe save $5, assuming the shithole even HAS what you want in the first place.

I can spend 2 hours of my freetime going to a library and gambling whether they have my shit or not. Or. I could go online and simply download what I want in less time than it takes to load the library catalog site.
>forcing taxpayers to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars a year is more efficient than forcing 3 dozen people to spend a hundred bucks of their own money
why don't you wander over to /sci/ and borrow a maths book one day, son?

>top tier libraries like the New York Public Library

NYPL is absolute shit, a decaying corpse of what it once was. I was in the main branch literally 2 hours ago, and every time I’m amazed at what I see. Every single support staff is some obese fob African or Haitian that can barely speak English. Every single one. There was a shirtless crackhead sleeping on the ramp outside. Building falling apart. They can’t have comfortable places to sit because said crackhead would be there instantly. But at least there’s pride flags everywhere. Priorities.

And the branch libraries of NYPL are even worse. Like the user said, hobo daycare centers.

libraries have been pozzed with political agendaism. they now function as a slush fund to keep useless diversity hires and "library science" majors employed.
>people arguing b-bub-but university libraries are nice
those are paid for by the university. so, close the publicly funded libraries.

Library books are filthy. The books smell like mildew, must, and cat piss because people who rent books from libraries tend to be filthy scum. I instantly get allergies the moment I open a library book

Buy a book brand new from bookdepository

you sound like soiboi that actually should read them to boost your immunity system, tbeh

Prove it
>anecdotes become irrelevant
>getting murdered is irrelevant because you’re such a small factor in the system
Isn’t /sci/ full of liberals though?

Umm do you realise amazon became the giant it is today by initially selling books? People haven't stopped reading, they just stopped using libraries.

>huff cat piss and mold to be more manly
this is what libraryfags believe

Both my uncle/auntie work at the local library. That's the only link I have with libraries.

Blow off grammarnazi.

That's how your body works bubbleboi.

There is ZERO future in brick-and-mortar libraries, far less than there is a future in brick and mortar retail stores. Anyone clamoring for libraries evidently doesn't have to pay for it, or they would hold their tongue on advocating such a money-sink.

You would need to be aware that they exist in the first place. I didn't even know who Feyerabend was until I stumbled upon that book on that library.

It's also more pleasant to read a physical book in a place dedicated for it.
Lastly, I don't see why "not even having to put my shoes on" is an advantage. If your purpose is to waste away at your computer and feel miserable, sure, but going to the library is the occasion for a nice stroll. You can enjoy the anticipation of the books you will read on the way to, and think on what you've read on the way back.

You can also have a stroll without reading anything, it is still nice. But having to do a stroll at all is not a problem imo.

>I have a fulltime job and shit to do.
So do I, but weekends and holidays are a thing. And if you're working a lot a trip to the library on your day off is a nice way to clear your mind. Really I doubt you're so time-constrained you cannot afford to spend an afternoon at the library every other week, if nothing else because unless you read very little you're already spending a comparable time reading on your own.

> the rest of the world won't spend 3 hours to maybe save $5, assuming the shithole even HAS what you want in the first place.

In an earlier post you mentioned 10000 lost over a few years by not buying an e-reader (or maybe that wasn't you?). And now it's only saving maybe 5 per book you borrow instead of buying? The numbers just don't add up.

>I can spend 2 hours of my freetime going to a library and gambling whether they have my shit or not.
You seem to be describing this as something of a high-stakes activity, while also claiming you don't have time for it. Maybe we just have different ideas about this and it's fine, but maybe you're selling yourself short as far as time and money management are concerned? Really it won't be such a loss if you go to the library every once in a while, you can handle it.

> there's a reason only stay at home mothers and welfare recipients use libraries

You forgot students and scholars, which are the people who get the most from books. Not all books are that easy to find on the internet, particularly when you work on a niche topic. That's why well-informed librarian and specialized libraries (but all really big public library have specialized aisle) are a thing.

>>anecdotes become irrelevant
>>getting murdered is irrelevant because you’re such a small factor in the system
Lmao, no one is going to murder you, idiot. At worst you end up on "potential mass shooter" list.

>can buy used books for pennies on the dollar
Meanwhile libraries are hives for hobos who shit on the floors and diddle kids.

I use the library since it's close by
I fund it since the State forces me to

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>That's how your body works bubbleboi.
>He believes 1960's medical myths
a libraryfag and a brainlet

Based and redpilled. That shiny plastic covering they put on library books is offensive

...nigger i have a social live and a job. i have a boyfriend, we go on dates on the weekend. i'm not wasting my little freetime browsing old books a hobo masturbated onto just to please you.

i'll continue to download them. you can go stand in lines for fun, or whatever it is you do with your life. if i had enough free time to be waiting at a library hunting for [author they don't have], i'd be writing.

>clinging to inefficiency for the sake of pretension and nostalgia
get your asshole rekt by a bull you fag.

the objects that were stolen represent labour value that you lost, an excess of labour value that was taken from you. we can imagine excess labour value totally outside of a capitalist framework, let alone a Marxist one; it makes literally no sense to say excess labour value doesn't exist and makes you look like handicapped.

This is unironically true. The government really doesn’t care what you do on the internet unless you’re doing something illegal. They don’t have the capacity to care. The private sector will harvest anything they can on you just because

I believe in what I see. Allergies are a thing for sanitized soibois.

>not paying cash

You could go to there website and look if they've got the book you're looking for. If not, they can get it for you for a small fee 99.9% of the time(even stuff that's really hard to get; I once got my hands on originals of agrippa's de occulta philosophia for a couple of eurobucks). The internet is for most things a "better" alternative though, since you can keep your PDFs.

>just because
That's very shallow explanation. They do so, because the data will be use to develop better marketting algorithms or set up personalized ads.

>amazon became the giant it is today by initially selling books

Amazon started off selling books, sure, but it became huge because it ventured into selling things people actually care about.


Writing is already an unprofitable profession for most. If we deter people from buying books how much further will it fall?

>Writing for profit
Disgusting tbeh.

How’s that novel coming along?

I utterly despise libraries and the #SaveOurLibraries shenanigans you find infested in the internet, namely on the site These are mere AstroTurfing campaigns to make people feel good about backing a cause which receives little to no opposition, as "surely", they think, "surely, who could be against libraries?".
This narrative couldn't be as morally wrong as it obsolete.

Libraries are worthless institutions, occupied by beggars, homeless, sex offenders, 'but alas', sayeth the Librarian, "think of the children!" Alright then, let's take a tally of these children, shall we? These snot-nosed little brats are taken to the library by their parents who think their bastard progeny, in their vernacular, 'is the next Einstein'. Wrong Mr. Mom and Ms. Dad, your little Johnny and yourselves included, yes, the whole lot of you, are pseuds.

Indubitably, you could give every child an e-reader loaded with enough books to last their lifetime, for a fraction of the price to maintain community library, yielding much greater dividends, as the depth and scope of the material will far exceed the "My friend has two dads" tier drivel that will infect their minds as maggots a carcass until there is nothing left. Liberté, égalité, fraternité, themes for the children, and pop-books for Mom and Dad, like Michelle Obama's recent book. Young Adult selection abounds too, lest we forget. To what end? The books, are limited to convey tepid neoliberal viewpoints that support the misappropriation of limited societal resources The only libraries of worth are substantially large university/city libraries.


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60h a week max if you're not completely cucked. If you are, work on becoming less cucked
>social life
You can have a very active social life while spending less than 20 hours a week on it
three hours a day on average make 21 hours a week and that a high estimate

Add sleep, commute, food and various errands and you should still have easily 6 hours a week dedicated to reading/going to libraries/whatever. That's with high estimates,in most cases you could free three times as much as that.
Besides, if time is such a pressing concern, how do you even have time to read?

>i'm not wasting my little freetime browsing old books a hobo masturbated onto just to please you.
Reread the thread. I was specifically saying not all libraries are like in the nightmare place you apparently live in. And it seems what you're saying is you don't have time to read. Which is understandable, but then why not saying it outright? Your problem in this case is obviously not libraries in themselves.
I also wonder how you find the time to shitpost here if you're so busy.

>you can go stand in lines for fun
Never had to stand in line at a library, not in the past twenty years.

>if i had enough free time to be waiting at a library hunting for [author they don't have], i'd be writing.
Nigga you just have to ask them and you're done. Literally 15 min if you're not living in a shitty place. Which, again, seems to be the real problem (that and the fact that you are a literal faggot who prefers sucking dicks to reading - not judging, but that's your situation,not the libraries).

>get your asshole rekt by a bull you fag.
>from the guy who just mentioned his boyfriend
Ironic. And I never mentioned nostalgia or pretension, just pleasure and discovery. Note also that people like you are not the only ones who read (see: students and scholars again) and for them original documents can have a high value. Nothing pretentious about it, just professional interest in their case.

So if I sum up your problems are

>living in a shity place with shitty libraries
>not having the time or willingness to read, being too busy being a wagecuck or a dicksucker
>not being able to represent a simple argument

I stand by my point: when you have nice, specialized or comprehensive enough libraries in your city and you care enough about reading to spend time on it it's actually worth it. Same when your work make you benefit from reading rare books. That enough to justify maintaning some libraries (notice I never said there should be a public library in any city block, indeed I think that's overkill).
When you're a wagecuck living in hoboland it's not worth it, but I'd assume in that situation not many things are.

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Libraries don't seem to understand the importance of editions. At least mine doesn't. They've got a single edition of the Iliad, which is a translation into my country's language from the 19th century. There's no Pope, Lattimore, or Fagles, or anything. Lord of the Rings? How about no original language there. Only translated please. And only one translator to pick from, of course. They don't have Moby Dick at all, neither The Histories. They have nothing at all by Plato, except the Republic, and then only my country's translation by a literal who from 2019. For any other philosopher there is literally nothing, as far as I cared to look.

Still my library is well funded. What is it filled with? Filler, essentially. It feels more like a thrift store than a library, and this seems true of most city libraries I've seen. Like they hoard and display shitty pulp novels just to fill up space.

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It is a shame libraries have fallen out of fashion because it really is wasteful to excessively print books for individual ownership.

I went to the library looking for language learning materials and there was nothing. I tried a few authors meme'd on here and I found nothing. It really is terrible.

How can you say that when we are all paying taxes some level?
Everyone hereis paying for it, including me. They are an invaluable resource for people who don't have space in theit entire buget to blow on a book series or an author's body of work. In hard cover no less. I almost never opt for hardcover books at Barnes and Noble as much as I would like to because they are ao expensive.

If they don't have something you're looking for, you can make a purchase request.

Good libraries only keep your check out history when you specifically ask them to for this exact reason.

>shills for amazon
>proceeds to shill for even more trash companies
And you're doing all of this valuable work on an Ethiopian cartwheeling simulator for FREE. How's it feel to be a consumercuck?

I can't tell if you're either totally ignorant as to how vaccines work, or you're against them on an ethical level because you think they contribute to autism.

>tfw I'll never have a dream job working in a library

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nah, the old hags who got payed to work at my library spent their time talking shit about the people who came to rent books.

Good, they get paid too much.

I'm from Belgium and this describes every town library I've been to so far (about 15). STEM books are nonexistent exept for "le 50 things Elon Musk said" or "Einstein biography" which are probably nice in their own regard, but don't deserve to be considered science books.

The incompetence of libraries to deliver quality material to the reader is accentuated further by the fact that you will only find popular normie meme books but never something that was considered good and popular in the past (no Dickens, RusLit, ...).
It's a damn shame because these libraries have soft seats and free warm drinks which in conjunction with being open until 11PM makes it very cosy.
If libraries actually focused on buying a list of classics/educative works (STEM, psychology, business, ...) you'd see an influx of people which is remunerative in the long run. Nowadays you just get a boomer with a cough reading the newspaper..

should be arrested for shit taste. Hunter is a lot better, but the problem here is Pierce's mentor Revilo Oliver was too cool for the Logos and too busy denouncing socialism to pay attention to the more important sexual degeneracy.
Also The Brigade is probably the best White terrorist fiction, except that it valorizes this total whore character, because Covington was pretty bluepill desu. Honestly I like the GTA games with White heroes more.

pretty based desu

>my mom took me to the shitty local library as a kid and i thought i hated reading for the longest time. turned out i just hated genrefiction.

very based thread

Anyone who doesn't want a Kindle Paperwhite wants a replica of the original printing of the 1611 KJV

I'd rather steal books from Russian servers and let the Russian government know what I'm reading

When the inevitable ecological collapse comes and we lose access to the national grid I'm gonna barricade myself in a library and refuse to let any of you moronic e-readers in to my fortress of knowledge.

I doubt you have the strength or intelligence to pull it off before being shotgunned by white trash.

The Internet is supposed to be the new library.

Also, where I live the librarians are fucking e v i l.

Jokes on you, I don't live in a shithole country where we give guns to people with incredibly substandard IQ. I have a job at my local library and after mapping the place out I have to say it'd be pretty damn difficult to get inside.

you are the reason libraries only have books no one wants to read. Salvation is by faith, relax and only do works that are actually good.

I am sure that any kooky survivalist type bandits are going to give you a run for your money with guns or no guns.

>for bums
In my USA area they harass the shit out of bums and it's in a populated poor area where it's appropriate ironically too. I was told to leave during the day because I was sitting on a bench outside not smoking. They leave notes threatening whoever washes themselves leaving bits of hair in the bathroom too: "we WILL catch you". The library is just free wifi but if you fall asleep they see it on the camera system and walk up to force you awake or call the law over loitering. They tend to have no-loitering signs outside of the buildings and they turn the wifi off fifteen minutes before the place closes to ward off the bums. If they think they hear music coming out of a headphone they tell you to turn it off even if there WAS no music but you just looked not like a college student enough so they decided to target YOU. One day I walked around the isles too much and was accused of stalking a librarian girl that stocks books. She was a belly dancer I'd hear, wore sparkly flats, and I was just not pretty enough to browse in the same isle it seems. Each time a different librarian or library worker harassed me due to being bum tier. I have long hair and wear loose clothing.

Anyway, I hate them too. They generally block the good websites so the wifi is moot for a bum. Proxies don't work pretty much. Bums don't have things to pay for to get around such a thing. It's all so pointless. I gave up on them one time when I noticed they would have only 10 percent of a series then I decided it's capitalist corruption meant to tempt me to buy the other 90%.

The Internet is magic copies, the ultimate library. If not we're in a dystopia and should not even have the Internet. Fuck capitalism and it's primitive feudal system enabling tendencies.

Last I checked the library was so pretentious, the one I'm remembering in a city of 300k, was installing a coffee shop randomly. Last time I visited was during it's construction. Fuck that shit.

They are not for bums if you ask me, they are pointless and need to be burned. Capitalist shitholes full of pretentious government workers.

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I've experienced this in every country I've been to.

Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

This is perhaps the most Reddit thing I have ever seen and probably why this board and site is going to shit. I do not even want to see your face considering how much so.y is needed to produce a comment like this. I was thinking it over and I cannot see how a person can reasonably come to this conclusion. The government’s existence is to accumulate power and the corporation’s existence is to accumulate money. So, the government wants to control your life and the corporations just want to get all of your money in exchange for subpar products. What sounds scarier to you? A government could literally kill you legally, a government makes the law, the government answers to no-one except the people, who they can easily manipulate and only answer them on occasion in elections which could be easily rigged. A government can destroy a corporation. A corporation cannot do the same without illiciting another government’s help. I cannot explain how cringe you are, please return to reddit.

Guns are actually good for nerds. With a gun it's pretty much 50/50, with fists or baseball bats the muscular pleb will almost always win.

Keep posting abrahamic bullshit and the atheist will some day murder you calmly. Insect.

I used to be a nationally ranked fencer. All I need to do is snap the tip off one of my epees and I'm set. That or acquire a sword with an edge

Bring it. People don't realise that books are effective barricades if you have enough of them (and my library is well-stocked). The heavier, hardback ones are also useful for home-alone style traps.

faggots that say "X is my Yth language" as a justification for making obvious and horrible mistakes in grammar/spelling/vocabulary should be expelled from society

literally can't read shit like that in Germany

Congratulations, you simultaneously introduced the concept of excess labor and demonstrated that you don't understand it. Truly, a modern marvel of engineering.

You're right about the specific point you're making, your argument is just fucking retarded.

I literally only go to the library to masturbate to the qt librarians, any actual serious books I want are better found at the campus library, second hand shops, book fairs, or bought off the internet.