Poverty of Feminism

Anyone read it yet? Considering how extremist feminism is now mainstream and involved in government planning of human resources, it's probably time you gave it a look.
>Are rapists male conquerors chasing women through the streets, modern tarzans swinging from balcony to balcony prick in hand and a flower between their teeth? The most reliable statistics state that they are not. Immigrant worker or local family man, the typical rapist does not belong to that species. It is difficult to build them up into an expression of triumphant phallocracy, the image which so exasperates the feminists.
>Rape is basically the sad revenge of a victim, a poor man’s undertaking. It is not a result of bourgeois wealth or phallocratic arrogance, but their sub-product. If only rape could be proved to be above all the act of the privileged thirsting for proletarian flesh. How much easier it would be to latch the just struggle of women to the old class struggle...
>In the United States the average duration of coitus is two minutes. The accuracy of these measurements and records may be doubtful. But they fit in with other information and show what the degree of sexual poverty must be in the United States and not only there. Particularly with men, such behaviour reduces fucking in the first place to a release of tension, “having it off”, or simply scoring. A way of operating which is in fact nothing more than a reluctance to display a loving sensual attitude. The same behaviour which in rape goes with the conviction that there is no need to worry about the way that goal is reached.

Attached: EVERYONE HAVE SEX.png (608x634, 352K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>To the chat-up we must oppose true encounter, to “voyeuristic” stares, the expression of desire and communication. The enemy is not men and their desires. The pickup is an immediate product of the city, anonymity, solitude, the destruction of the possibilities of encounter. The instigator himself uses defensive attitudes, false self-assurance and a false disdain of women.

>The predatory male, and in the extreme the rapist, is a nuisance or a danger. But embarrassment or injury are above all rooted in all the misery and solitude of the victims. They are provocations, injurious responses painfully felt because they cannot fulfill, a caricature of the hope of something else. If the rapist were Tarzan, perhaps he would be forgiven. But the kerb crawler rarely has the appearance or the manners of a Prince Charming. His “prey” sees her own misery reflected in his.

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And some context as to why this is required reading for our times:

>Miley Cyrus' break-up drama reveals heterosexuality's inherent flaws

>Over the past week, an assortment of trending stories — from Jeffrey Epstein to the Dayton and El Paso mass shooters, to Miley Cyrus’s separation and Julianne Hough’s declaration that she’s “not straight” — together have laid bare the strictures of an American patriarchy on the edge of a nervous breakdown. As the status quo, heterosexuality is just not working.

>As a snapshot of 2019 America, these stories present a startling picture: Men continue to coerce, harass, rape and kill girls and women — and go to extreme lengths to avoid responsibility for their actions. On the other side of the issue, girls and women are challenging heterosexuality, and even absconding from it altogether.

>Framed differently, the picture is this: Men need heterosexuality to maintain their societal dominance over women. Women, on the other hand, are increasingly realizing not only that they don’t need heterosexuality, but that it also is often the bedrock of their global oppression.

>Historically, women have been conditioned to believe that heterosexuality is natural or innate, just as they have been conditioned to believe that their main purpose is to make babies — and if they fail to do so, they are condemned as not “real,” or as bad, women.

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The US is on a fast trajectory to pure, disgusting hell and I can't wait to move out next year. Not sure what year sparked the fast decline but we are far past the point of no return.

Have sex, you disgusting incel.

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why do sex starved incels make these memes? does it help you validate your sexless lifestyle?

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There's enough speedrunners here. You don't need to larp as one. Nothing is going to accelerate if it has't already.


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I can only hope for a military coup

>land of the free
>bans all drugs in early 20th century
>by 60s revolution tries to kill it's left winger backlash to that temperance revolution
>ends up arresting so many druggies that largest prison population in world
>during prison boom outsourcing and automation happens

What sparked it he says. it's been a century of dogshit and has been a literal police state since the 80s. From the mafia failing, from the hippies failing, to now, it's been a giant shit-show. People don't realize it and are taught that it's the best due to those shitty things that built it and so now we're fully insane. So is everyone that copies the USA to the point that really the entire world is fucked because only the shittiest of countries DON'T copy the USA. If something happens to it a literal nuclear winter will happen so you can't even run from this.

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>pepe poster
>isn't an enlightened /r9k/er
Predictable. I wish admins would literally ban old Yea Forums memes.

Interesting assessment (particularly the bit about reciprocity of misery), but I'm skeptical of the claim that most rapist are frustrated males. That must surely play a role, but how can you be sure most rapists aren't people already successful with women and unable to take no for an answer? Rapists often know their victims, often they're in a relationship with them. Is it frustration or entitlement, badly understood boundaries, lack of understanding and/or sexual education among both partners that is the prime cause? Nothing says for instance the "local family man" has to be a sexual loser. And there is the problem of selection bias, the ones you'll hear denounced as rapists will often be the more hapless rapists. Meetoo and the like is a relatively recent trend, for the most part having power or authority over the victim is still the safest situation for the rapist.

Ultimately I doubt a phenomenon as ancient, fundamental and widespread as rape is going to have a single major cause and be perpetrated by mostly a single (or two) demographics.

So while I'm willing to take that frustration into account (and not only when it comes to rape, it also strains day-to-day relationships) I'm not sure this is really the most significant explanation here.

Note also that you don't need to have sex to be fulfilled, tenderness and intimacy (not necessarily from a sex partner) + masturbation on your own (or even abstinence) could be enough. The way our culture promotes sex as a form of self-valuation seems to be a huge factor here.

> image

Do these feminists actually have logical rebuttals instead of snarky quips?

there is actually an extremely penetrating logic to her comment, you just can't refute it and feel embarrassed by your inability to respond to it.

It's a strawman and not logical. It's irrelevant. It's inane.

Not him.

Prove it

pick one

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It's a pretty shitty police state then. You'd expect crime to be low.

>you'd expect jews to have been executed
It's just the chain gang faggot. It's the work camp. Laws don't exist, crime doesn't exist, only the feudal system and it's peasants. The knights existing to force the lower class to pay taxes and die as a pawn when shit hits the fan.

Also, did I mention the word insane? Even prisons are for profit. The warden is rich. He pays the law makers to make sure more file in. The city smiles as they do free labor. The criminals are a good thing.

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