Yea Forums is 99% pseuds who read convoluted waffle like Hegel because they have a fantasy of reenacting the Good Will Hunting bar scene.
They read for pussy and attention. They're brainlets of the highest order.
Yea Forums is 99% pseuds who read convoluted waffle like Hegel because they have a fantasy of reenacting the Good Will Hunting bar scene.
They read for pussy and attention. They're brainlets of the highest order.
Humility is key. Wills arch is good because he utilizes his potential for greater meaning, being love. The bar scene is Wills lowest point, contrasted by the fact that he gets the girls number.
If Hegel doesn't make at least some sense on the first reading you're poorly read or stupid
Incorrect, Yea Forums reads Fichte so it can reenact this scene
d-delete this
So many jews in one picture
Even if that's one's motivation at first, as long as they do the reading they'll grow out of that mindset yet still have the knowledge at the end of the day.
And how old are you? Do people even watch Good Will Hunting? Why not reference Finding Forester, or Dead Poet's Society lol... Go crack a Monster and refresh.
It's not about whether I or anyone else can grasp some meaning from it, the point is they're only reading for appearances sake. Hegel, even in his own time, was known for being needlessly obtuse in his writing. Which leads to a slew of pathetic poser faggots desperate for attention pretending they're interested in it.
>they'll grow out of that mindset
>And how old are you? lol
I see you've yet to grow out of that mindset, pseud.
Remember when Yea Forums got absolutely btfo by a simple meme. This really showed how many pseuds there are here.
If you really loved me as much as you shill you would talk to me
I can admit to in weaker moments fantasizing I am someone like WIll Hunting. But you seem to be confusing us with pseuds like the Michael Bolton haircut he btfo. As bestposting user said, it's about humility and intent. In fact, his stepping in to defeat a man who was abusing wisdom with sophistry to the end of getting into a tight college very nearly meets Aquinas' criteria for just war. It is a conflict in search of a peace, for the rescue of a friend rather than gaining over the adversary. That Will chooses to educate the pseud with some perspective and then walk away instead of harming the pseud and claiming the girl himself is evidence of this.
you’re one of us, user. :)
I'm just questioning how relevant this made up character who obsesses over enacting scenes from Good Will Hunting is in this day and age. It makes the whole supposition of the post meaningless. What's more pseud than making up a pseud based on a movie nobody has watched in the past 15 years? I mean, are you stuck hating on early 2000s posers? Time to grow up, even if I haven't. But I still have time; you don't.
>nd how old are you? Do people even watch Good Will Hunting? Why not reference Finding Forester, or Dead Poet's Society lol...
As a person who loves great films, don't you dare put Good Will Hunting anywhere near the other two. It's a timeless story, told in a way that actually matters to its audience.
you're the man now, dog.
>I'm just questioning how relevant this made up character who obsesses over enacting scenes from Good Will Hunting is in this day and age
Stop getting hung up on the details, and stop being a passive aggressive woman. I can tell from your writing you're barely containing your rage.
the philosophy circlejerk will keep me out of this board forever
>I can admit to in weaker moments fantasizing I am someone like WIll Hunting. But you seem to be confusing us with pseuds like the Michael Bolton haircut he btfo
You're all the same. Everyone in that scene is a giant tool.
how did you get past the entry requirement of writing a 20 page essay on debord or posting a picture of your sister's feet
>They're brainlets of the highest order.
Wouldn't it make more sense that they are of the lowest order?
>unable to grasp a very simple argument
You don't even rate entry into the bar, and would probably be afraid of talking to a girl much less confronting someone with even half a brain. Delete this thread, it's just an unhealthy exercise of your misanthropy.
I enjoy reading. I even enjoy obscure German idealism. Fuck all these zero attention span zoomers, who refuse to believe anyone actually enjoys reading.
>Love great films
>Shills a movie written by Ben Affleck
pick one dumbo
You are a pseud aswell except that you are in a state of denial
We are all pseuds in the face of God
>N-No you!
no, that scene is very cringey.
Hello, pseud. You passed the test...
Pseuds don't exist, we are all intellectuals.
>no, that scene is very cringey.
Devastating. All that's left is for you to say, 'cope.' Please, sir, no more.
not that user but good will hunting is absolute self indulgent pointless crap
the character is basically only caused problems by the rest of the worlds inability to recognize how inherently brilliant he is. no struggle but the false one put in the way by the character to waste time and have robin williams come in a give a half-assed performance with even worse dialogue.
its trash marketed directly to insecure pseuds and color me fucking shocked some idito of Yea Forums bought it hook line and sinker
If you refer to yourself as an "intellectual" you're a pseud.
based ad hominem retard with no argument
no i want to reenact this scene
Yeah. I always found this movie vastly overrated and massively insufferable.
>muh logical fallacy
>muh ad hom
>muh slippery slope
Go talk to a fucking dictionary faggot
>the character is basically only caused problems by the rest of the worlds inability to recognize how inherently brilliant he is.
no, stupid. my goodness how do you people manage to breathe.
Will's problems are not that his brilliance is not recognized, it's that they are a direct result of his childhood trauma. He's a slave to them, to the need for a safe place with his friends. His fears hold him back from participating in his own life. The film is about recognizing them and being brave enough to overcome them. That's a lesson you should learn, and Yea Forums too.
what if you only read to distract yourself from your crumbling life? is that better or worse
Nice downvote and reported meme.
>muh childhood trauma is the conflict
wow so you mean something pointless and irrelevent and iminently subjective is the main conflict? that sounds even worse than my assessment- at least in that understanding the character is remotely tolerable but now you're saying he's vindictive to people because his daddy didn't love him? wow definitely not self-serving non-involved crap. affleck and damn sure are smrt!
>childhood trauma
>something pointless and irrelevent and iminently subjective
rich boy midwit with two intelligent parents detected. holy shit you actually are the michael bolton character in the bar. no wonder you don't get it.
I absolutely agree with you
T. Above-average intelligence orphan
>duh you're just like that mean one-dimensional character in that shitty solipsistic trash I like! I CAN'T be wrong!
so his childhood trauma leads him not to a life of hard drugs, violence or crime, his big fall is being a janitor at an ivy league school where he embarasses paying students by being smarter?
jesus christ, go ahead and keep the pathetic insults coming, if this is your idea of an admirable struggle in a fucking film its clear your problem isjust lack of real world experience. enjoy your shit films, their perfect for your shit existence
but it IS pointless
in the first fucking third of the movie he displays his brilliance and is essentially lauded by all the professors around him. why woud any human in the real world, especially ones who work as janitors, prolong their advancement and putz around wanting to be incontruction sites and shit. you just said "he needs a safe place with friends" thats lame. like that's what everyone needs when they're 11. I don't care if someone super capable has those fears, it's pathetic
now i know you're baiting. because you just summarized the first act of the film: heavy drinking, a drive-by fist fight, and a courtroom scene where a long list of past crimes is read.
you are either baiting or need to watch it again and try to appreciate it now that you're 18.
I have to agree with user above: personal problems are subjective and to apply them intersubjectively is somewhat abhorent. Even the therapist is a bit of a whiney bitch, inflicting his emotional trauma on Damon as an excercise of power and authority. The movie, of course, isn't about that theme--which might make it interesting--but merely indulges those problematics for melodramatic and emotional colouring of characters were meant to uncritically sympathise with. Also, don't worry, Damon and Affleck weren't abused. They are just two well-off kids exploiting abuse for mushy affect in a Rocky movie for autodidacts.
>why woud any human in the real world, especially ones who work as janitors, prolong their advancement and putz around wanting to be incontruction sites and shit.
Not just of moving away from his circle of friends, from his caste, but also (as one character said), he is terrified of what he might become. I.e., like the person who hurt him.
>typical "lel im sooo irresponsible" behaviour akin to a fucking paul feig MC
lol, 18? is that old to you?
jesus fuck, I always forget I'm talking to children on this board.
when you grow out of your narcisism, which is totally natural for people to have into their 20s, this and plenty of other movies will seem embarrassing in this way to you, I can almost guarantee it.
sure it "makes sense" but it's just not worth wasting the time believing enough to care about.
>I don't like the artist therefore the art is shit
wow he's "scared" of change?
so basically it's an episode of Scrubs now?
lol embarrassing
>Yea Forums is 99% pseuds who read convoluted waffle like Hegel because they have a fantasy of reenacting the Good Will Hunting bar scene.
>They read for pussy and attention. They're brainlets of the highest order.
omg HOW DOES OP KNOW THIS ABOUT ME?? Dude, that was awesome I want to buy you a beer like lmao
>having to ignore all other valid points made to isolate on the one you can argue against
No, just saying that if you can't empathize with Will then I don't know what to tell you. Because just about everyone has some degree of trauma. If you don't suffer from it, you're exceptionally lucky or a sociopath. In either case the film just doesn't affect you the way it should, and that's fine but it doesn't make it an objectively bad work like you all claim. It just means you don't get it.
I don't dislike Damon and Affleck, but one of the direct retorts to user above was that he must be well-off with two parents and therefore inherently unable to understand the trauma angle. If that's the case for user it's equally the case for Damon and Affleck. That addendum was merely to appeal to the parameters of an argument already put forth by the person to whom I'm replying (I assumed), it's not in any way inherent to my criticism which is based on something else entirely.
but what I think you're not acknowledging is not that (at least for me personally) I "don't get it" it's that I get it and hate it
I used to like the movie, I could empathize and thought it was a worthwhile story to empathize with
now I see it and I can techincally empathize, but all other parts of my mind and character are ready to laugh at how inane the struggle is
it would be like watching an oscar bait tier film about a three year old who loses their blanky. I get it, Im not impressed
You are so thick-headed
Grow up
>nothing but insults
>tells me to "grow up"
do you have a rebutt or can we agree that the creative merit of GWH is about as worthwhile as any given season finale of scrubs?
like, to be clear, since there's a lot of divertin going around, I take no issue with damn or affleck or ivy leaguers or robin williams performance, I'm just saying the MC is absolute dogshit. I would've rather had him die and focused on affleck- at least he was genuinely retarded and in some sense dealing with hopelessness. does anyone watching GWH think damon was ever going to NOT going to the school in the end?
I tend to go by the dictum that those who like something generally understand it better than people who don't like that thing. The irony here is I like the movie, I just don't think it has a great deal of integrity. It's melodrama, and that can help reconcile people with a cathartic response to it, or it can be alienating for people who don't indulge in the same type of reckoning with personal or interpersonal conflicts. I enjoy the movie like I enjoy a lot of movies I don't deeply respect, and part of that is because I don't think people (including me) are better off being praised endlessly and told nothing's their fault etc. as a form of therapy regardless what's happened to them. (Maybe that actually does help people. Maybe they should do a sequel to see where he's at now to explore it.) That's not to say I haven't been affected by trauma or have been unable to deal with it or can't otherwise understand or identify certain moral problems with Good Will Hunting.
I guess you've just grown into an adult. Maybe forgot how difficult those 18-23 years are. People that age sometimes don't even know who they are yet, much less how to discern a beneficial course.
good post.
>they should do a sequel to see where he's at now to explore it
Nah. I think about this sometimes, but Williams is dead and the film doesn't need it honestly. It would lose its power if we discover that Will Hunting is now a sell-out like every other adult. Working for NSA, paying off a house, unsatisfactory marriage, kids who hate him, and he's in the middle of the other great fight in any man's life. The existential crisis of middle age. Or maybe the problem of what to do with his children who maybe had the perfect upbringings but are still ruining/risking their own lives with all the same shit he did to cope.
But they're all Catholic.
You are the 1% OP, good job, teach us your ways.
Haha that actually sounds pretty interesting/topical, more ambiguous. In a way they've made that movie from the novel Revolutionary Road if they could keep it toned down, American Beauty if the couldn't, Body of Lies is they made it a Bourne/Will Hunting crossover which has to be the best option.
Like Leopald Bloom.