What is it ? Is it worth my time?
What is it ? Is it worth my time?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's "Bronze age mindset" by Bronze age pervert
Do you get like $5 everytime you sell one of your books and need to go out for dinner tonight or something? Just wondering why the intense shilling this weekend...
You just posted this yesterday, BAP.
And no.
I'll never buy Twitter books.
If you want an idea of what it's like, here:
Listen to this instead
Fuck the TwatterKult 'authors'.
This author doesn't know much about the Bronze Age and is merely using a period of history as an ideological cudgel to indoctrinate young men.
It's fine to want people to be more alpha or conservative or whatever. Just be honest about it. Don't use the ancient near east bronze age as an aesthetic cover up for your ideology. This author knows next to nothing about the discovery of copper's melting point, the combination of copper and tin into the alloy bronze, the highly centralized and bureaucratic governments of dynastic Egypt, Mycenae, and Sumeria. They know nothing about cuneiforms development out of clay tokens or the hieroglyphic logography's evolution out of noble family seals. They know nothing about the gradual evolution of priestly logographic writing systems into alphabets, abjads, alphasyllabaries, etc. They know nothing about the bronze age collapse and its many potential causes. They know nothing about the military caste of wealthy charioteers who became outmoded due to the fact that their expensive training and equipment got BTFO by the newfound ability to raise large armies with cheaper weapons, and the introduction of wars of attrition. They know nothing about clay tablets and how expensive they were to produce, maintain, store, and transport. They know nothing about the introduction of lampblack ink formed with soot and gelatin. They know nothing about the trade routes and interdependencies of the bronze age.
They're just using the bronze age as a cudgel and the largely uneducated audience is eating it up because they have cultivated a certain aesthetic identity as consumers that relies on identifying with ancient western and near-east civilizations.
what forum is that?
I might be wrong as it's from 2013, but it might be Salo Forum
Faggotry fag forum for ultranuright superfag frens.
Why yes you should. Here is an excellent review of said book.
Please post this again.
Go back to twitter and keep asking Nick Mullen if he has read your book, faggot.
based near-eastern ancient history autist
Reads like a blog post written while he was high as fuck. Wouldn't recommend.
If you can't tell by reading the first few sentences of this book that the author suffers from severe autism you just might have it too
Friendly reminder that this is what BAP has to do to get low-level thots to advertise his book on twatter.
How does any of this contradict or otherwise have anything to do with bronze age mindset
Pretty sure those old posts are from bodybuilding.com
no, there are enough baptards mimicking his syntax as it is