My favorite writer of all time is Haruki Murakami.
My favorite writer of all time is Haruki Murakami
Very cool. Mine is Paul Auster. We should get a coffee or some Heinekens and discuss the Velvet Underground, Miles Davis, Pop Art, the films of Jim Jarmusch, Nabokov... Just really cool intellectual stuff.
I'm actually drinking Heineken right now believe it or not. Although not at the kitchen table.
Seriously, he is not a bad writer. But sometimes his works feel weird at best.
What works? People often single out 1Q84.
Every book written after Kafka on the shore. "Kafka" was fun to read but wtf is the point? To me it felt like a collection of random cool ideas. Each idea could be developed into a short story. But doesn't make sense as a whole.
What is your favorite book from him?
post feet
Me too, user.
I'm not a girl.
he's not even the best author called murakami
>trying to shill your inferior opinion in a different author appreciation thread
get out
Based and Murakamipilled. Is my favourite novelist too.
How are you satisfied with the translations, if you have read him in English or even Japanese? For me, Jay Rubin is 10/10, everything else meh tier. Makes you think about how much a translator actually contributes or destroys the work.
Great choice. Mine is PKD but Murakami is a strong contender. Love you
Is this art from The Wind-up Bird Chronicle?
quali sono i tuoi autori preferiti italiani? Sto cercando di riprendere la lettura di opere italiane visto che mi sono trasferita negli USA prima di poter finire il liceo. Pirandello mi piace tantissimo e voglio provare Umberto Eco fra due mesi.
About to read Underground, the historical context of the book seems interesting.
I have to be honest, I don't give a flying fuck about translation, it's another Yea Forums meme. Unless the translation is really bad it doesn't really matter if the book it's written in your language.
Tits or gtfo.
Scherzi a parte non saprei, non ho letto molti libri di autori italiani. Mi piacerebbe rileggere i libri che ci hanno propinato al liceo (divina commedia, promessi sposi) con occhi da "adulto" (ho finito l'università).
Mi spirerebbe leggere qualcosa di Italo Calvino, avevo letto il visconte dimezzato e non mi era dispiaciuto.
Comunque se guardi nello sticky sulla wikia di Yea Forums ci sono vari consigli sulla letteratura italiana!
Where do I start with Murakami?
Mine too but I can't stand how his main characters are always such beta cucks. I'm already one in real life, but I am also angry so it makes me rage when the protagonist doesn't even rage when getting cucked.
>voglio provare Umberto Eco fra due mesi
Perchè non ora? Comunque è sempre emozionante trovare qualche italiano quì su, specie se è del gentil sesso.
I cannot comprehend why this guy is so popular among foreigners. He belongs to the last generations of Japanese who worshipped and felt a intense love for the now-defunct «White America». If I want to read some works of him, I would head straight to the bookstore and buy American literature written in 20th century since the original sources of inspiration are superior. I don’t say he is mediocre, but I think it is a shame that so many Japanese writers before him don’t get more recognition in the international scene they deserve because of the impenetrable disparity of language and culture etc better Japan and Western nations. Murakami in that regard is probably the easiest author in Japan you can translate in English and combining that with the oriental »ésotérisme» helps his popularity, I
T. a random Jap.
Don't bother. He's trash.
How many books have you read from him? How many bpoks have you even read?
italian has gender specific verbs? I always thought it was weird to gender non-human or animal nouns / verbs
My Japanese foreign exchange student friend lauded him as the best modern literature japan has produced
A Wild Sheep Chase
I like sheep chase and his short stories.
Hard boiled wonderland and sputnik were also good. His work is the better, the shorter.
Not even the best YA writer (that would be Kazuo Ishiguro)