Not amerifat

>Not amerifat
>Always ranked top 5
>Renowned for its philosophy departament
>Many great writers attended
>Richer history than that of many countries
Is Oxford the most Yea Forums university?

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Shit thread but has anyone reflected on how irrelevant and invisible Laurie Penny (Oxford alum) became after she crested her thirties

Like hahahaha people used to joke about how she only got attention for being a "young"(ish) woman and she's instantly fade into obscurity as soon as she was all the way over the hill (being mostly over it already at the time) but wow, I didn't expect the prophecy to come true THAT quickly. When was the last time anyone mentioned Penny here? She was a running meme for like 3-5 years and then NOTHING as if Yea Forums reached spontaneous concord on the matter. Mira threads have also dropped to nearly nothing hahahaha she didn't even make it into her thirties before her fifteen minutes ran out hahaha roasties

>Not amerifat

Nigga, Americans compose the most populous part of international students in Oxford.

Based and blackpilled

Nigga, there are more Singaporeans in Oxford than Americans. Twice as many Chinese.

Wow, that’s a cool building.
The “top-tier” American universities are embarrassing these days. You will find far more useful research and development happening in well-funded state universities these days.
I don’t know much about Oxford so I can’t say. Has it become a joke like the selective private schools in America have?

It's very Yea Forums. My local pub in Oxford used to be frequented by Lewis and Tolkien which was kinda cool.

Took my gf to visit for the first time last Xmas. One day we went three pubs that had a combined age of over 1500 years. One was over 800 fuckin years old it's mental.

Fun fact. Part of the reason Oxford is still so well preserved is that Hitler loved it. He had decided Oxford would be his new capital once he conquered England so chose not to bomb it. Imagine he had and we'd lost the Gutenberg Bible or Shakespeare's Folio.

I’ve met a few oxford students through various study programs. They were all unequivocally retards that couldn’t even successfully order at restaurants without fucking it up.

Cambridge is objectively a better school.

Oxford has gone full sjw mode, it is quite shit, the building are old and nice but the teaching and the program is all sjw

Imagine teaching institution where students beliefs and preconceptions are challenged and tested, oxford is not one them.

Cambridge >>>>>> Oxford

I remember when Penny actually came here and she got btfo

Fuck Britain and America both

Now someone post the time Mira came here and got btfo

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>Yea Forums
this is 2019 not 1819

This 100 times

Name a top-tier modern author that didn't go to uni

this is an oxford grad? okay now I'm actually convinced school is a meme.

What did they do? Some of the OWC books have pretty cucked introductions but besides that I haven't heard anything egregious.


>Born in a suburb of Buenos Aires, Borges later moved with his family to Switzerland in 1914, where he studied at the Collège de Genève

Their New Oxford Shakespeare is a total SJW feast with essays about hiphop and feminism. Avoid like the plague.

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>pedophile elite launchpad
Yeah fuck off, faggot. No ivy is Yea Forums either

Any time you see some loudmouthed upper middle class retard on Twitter, it's a 75% chance they went to an expensive and exclusive "liberal arts college," an Ivy, or Oxbridge. When you think of ritzy universities, you should picture a smug champagne socialist cunt who took one survey of "social theory" and read 36 pages of Benjamin (if she did the reading that week). Definitely don't think of some elite fop who actually reads books.

The overfed rich have, unsurprisingly, systematically destroyed even the lingering aristocratic elements of academia and scholarship. In fact, university is basically where the rich send their dud kids, the ones who can't do anything else, to keep up appearances. If one kid became a lawyer, and another became a doctor, and another went into finance or took over the family business, at least one kid is going to be a useless sack of shit, but the latter still needs a patina of sophistication to avoid disgracing the family. A university education and then optional pointless dilatory post-graduate education can be very useful for avoiding embarrassing questions from relatives and coworkers about what the loser of the family is up to. "Oh, he's doing his (second) Master's on Chaucer" is much better than "he lives at home," even though you're paying for the MA and for his living expenses while he gets the MA.

Higher education is a fucking meme. If I could bestow two things on Yea Forumsbros who don't get the opportunity to go to a fancy school, #1 would be that they really shouldn't envy the pieces of shit who do, at least not by default, and #2 would be that eventually you're really going to have to purge the rich pieces of shit.

>Collège de Genève
That's high school, not "college" in the American way. Stupid Angloids.

Given that the only other good schools left are renowned for STEM and not Yea Forums I assume you go to a Top 500 university, and spout "OXFORD BAD" to stop yourself from feeling inadequate

>Dominus illuminatio mea


Hey leave Benjamin out of this, okay?

Ah, I see. Honestly, you can't avoid this shit. Norton, OWC, everyone is in on this fashionable contemporary nonsense.

What I usually do is that I go into the Amazon preview and search for key words like "feminism", "feminist", "patriarchy", "patriarchal", and "gender", and if I see too many of these popping up, I just look for something else. Saved me on many occasions from buying garbage.

A place to meet you ideal mate

>essays about hiphop
that sounds good

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I met my Oxford offer yesterday (A*A*A)

A lot of jelly brainlets and filthy tabs ITT

Anglo Liberal Arts unis are pure SJW cancer

I went to Oxford and did a PPE degree. I have also read a lot of bitter posts about poshness but I did see a grain of truth: that the public school upbringing shielded you from feeling offence. It's true. It's always jarring when I come across a Yea Forums type in real life, one of those fiercely attempting to climb the class ladder through erudition and intellect alone. It is embarrassing on both sides.

On the one hand, this person, so used to being the towering intellect in their Durham-LSE-UCL (oh spare me about English Literature rankings!)-Warwick social circle (Bristol, Edinburgh, and St. Andrews seem to produce only jolly clowns, not these types), is visibly mortified while realising how much the Oxbridge natural brilliance shines through. What's funny is that they are invariably better read than me. Tolstoy's lesser known works and so on. But they are still visibly insecure, in many cases shaking. Sometimes I use my 3-to-1 tutorial hewn bullshitting technique to pretend that I have read as much as them but I always reveal that I am joking and this terrifies them, as if realising I have been boxing with both hands behind my back. Please, you guys, DON'T come across so try hard.

I now float in and out of fashionable South Kensington, Russel Square, and, when I feel like knobbing that hipsterish girl you cooed over in your 30 person English tutorials as a Chinese teaching assistant failed to draw ANY original thoughts from the class, Camden mileus on these autumnal and winter Friday and Saturday nights. It's quite funny really, my friends and I were academically brilliant, on many occasions being invited for individual wine sessions with multiple tutors from Economics, Law, and English Literature, and being begged to continue on with further study- on one occasion my tutor postponed his meeting with the Presidents of the World Bank and IMF where he would advise them of the Venezuela situation, in order to plead with me to develop a Hegelian line of attack on the similarities of English common law and Constantinople law that I had mentioned in a throwaway comment- and yet, in these fashionable parties, the most easily brilliant and witty people were the Oxbridge colleagues among us who had done so academically badly. Lowly Atillas, lazy Desmonds, narcoleptic Douglases: who knew they were so brilliant? But I guess that's Oxbridge for you!

feel like you two aren't the demo


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Is Oxford a good school for philosophy? I'm thinking about getting a PhD that is the intersection of philosophy and machine learning. Was also considering Stanford, and Harvard (mainly for it's seminary)

Brit PhDs are very different from US PhDs, not just in program layout and funding (very important), but in how people perceive/respect them on the job market etc. You should do tons of research and start preparing as early as possible. Go and talk to your professors as a first move maybe

If you like Analytics

>He had decided Oxford would be his new capital once he conquered England so chose not to bomb it.
What might have been!

I’m just so MAD all the TIME


Christopher Langan


The phil department is infected with neokantians and rawlsians

j/k rowling
also universities are totally obsolete now, serious flaws made them nigh useless 30 years ago, and were never a good idea

She's a legend

She studied French and Classics at the University of Exeter.

>Harvard Divinity School
Are you serious?

>universities are totally obsolete
tf you talking about, if you are not a complete normie and want to go into academia, you have to go to university

academia is for retards seriously

>wanting to go into academia
for that reason??

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This is the stupidest thing I have read today, not even joking

>Anglo-Saxon and their Pisa bullshit.

Only in humanities.

>tenure so no stress
>decent salary, unless you do a shit subject at a shit uni. Fantastic salary if you do CS or Stats.
>the most intellectually stimulating job
>freedom to research mostly whatever you want

do you understand how few people make it to tenure, and how many dicks they have to suck and how long it takes to get there even for the few who make it

American academia is 10000x worse

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James Staples is lowkey redpilled af

Maybe just don't be a retard? Ubermensch don't care about such nonsense.


Elizabeth Harman is an American philosopher and Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University

Gina sounds based, though.

how modern? i don't think i can name a decent author AT ALL born after 1950

Not all tenured profs are ubermensch, but all ubermensch have tenure (expect those who are conquering the world and thus are not in academia)
Learn to read


>decent author born after 1950



good taste

not necessarily a retard but i've got my eye on you

Her resume suggests she doesn't even have tenure

>not necessarily a retard but i've got my eye on you
well he's a decent author, isn't he?

The Accredited Military Colleges in the USA are where the real Agoge takes place. Norwich, VMI, Citadel, Texas A&M, etc.
There is a reason that, when you remove all notion of the cultivation of character and discipline from higher education you have a dyed-hair descent into the most bizarre iterations of Liberalism.

He's a fantastic author with incredible technique and great intellectual depth. And he's still barely in the top 10 of late 20th century/21st century authors.

I think he's barely in the top 10 of late 20th century, but he's definitely in the top 10 of the 21st century. What ten 21st century writers are better than him in your opinion?

lol nice bait

first two are retarded, second two are interesting. If your point is that they are very narrow topics having to do with things like abortion, then i ask you this: don't think someone should be thinking about that stuff? It's not as important as they think but it's still worthy of thought.

liz harmon is an awful example. Her father was a big deal in the 60s-80s in anglo-american philosophy. She's gotten in all off her name. Pretty much everyone thinks she's gotten in through nepotism.

I meant the joint period, rather than considering the periods separately. Though now that I think about it, he is still at the bottom. The authors who have published in 21st century and I think are strictly better are these (may be forgetting someone):

All those are late 20th century in my opinion. Their greatest works were published in the late 20th century, anyway. And they're not even 10 names. I don't think 21st century DeLillo is better than Bolaño. DeLillo is vastly overrated.

A copypasta is born

that's already a copypasta

>Pretty much everyone thinks she's gotten in through nepotism.

Who is everyone? Do people actually gossip about this? It would be gratifying to me if they did. Please share.

Just graduated Oxford with a degree in English lit, quite glad to be finished with it. The teaching itself wasn't bad, but as a whole (particularly in terms of undergraduate culture) the university is succumbing to same illness that's permeating other decent UK universities and the academy here as a whole. Add to that a truly toxic mix of mental illness, politics, the traditional public school idiots (and their even more pathetic counterpart, the public-school idiots who were desperate to pretend they were state-schooled), and a healthy dose of plebeian anti-intellectualism then you'll begin to understand what's it's like there today

I don't regret going, all things considered, but if you have some fantasy that its an oasis of intellectualism and culture etc then you are very much mistaken - Oxford is 'submerged now and obliterated, irrecoverable as Lyonnesse', as Waugh put it

Ask bullshit questions about it if you like

>to the same illness that's permeating other decent UK universities and the academy here as a whole.
which is...?

funny that, since oxford only offer an english language and literature degree.

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What is the illness permeating UK universities?

Commonly referred to as English lit

The 'language' component is essentially nominal; one paper for Prelims in first year, then, unless you choose Course II like an absolute madman, there isn't a great deal of 'linguistics' to be dealt with unless you want to study/utilise it more

The mainstream views of Oxford in the 1960's are identical to mainstream (Overton window) views of Britain in the 2010's. Oxford alters British culture from the top down because all universities in the UK are synchronized with it. You can see this by the complete ideological homogeneity you see throughout the UK education system. This is what is meant by the "Cathedral", the universities are a kind of new-age saecular state church (hyper-protestantism). Not literally protestant, but hyper-protestant, a secular manifestation of Puritan thought.

is that the guy who proved fermat's last theorem or the poincare conjecture? I forget

who calls it english lit? it's commonly referred to as english.

What's your point?

you're making stuff up

>shitty modern languages faculty
is this a joke?

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>not Amerifat
Because its bongfat and ranks below us my bucktooth’d friend