Are there any good arguments against suicide?
Are there any good arguments against suicide?
Read Camus
Write a book about it. Emil Cioran used to say that every book is a suicide postponed. By putting down on paper your problems you will detach yourself from them and you will be able to keep on living a bit longer.
I don't want to keep on living just because my ability to search for meaning in a meaningless and uncaring universe is some sort miraculous contradiction.
I'm not suicidal because life is pointless. I'm suicidal because life is pointy, and it insists on poking me in my sad brain and soft body.
I feel you user
I want to kill myself because I removed the pillow that was covering the stick that pokes us all and now I feel the pokes too strongly.
Thanks user. I don't want to just not kill myself though, I want to he successful in life too and probably would not be in a priveleged position where I can spend time writing a book on my own suicidal thoughts
You probably haven't quite suffered enough then.
Once you've suffered a bit you'll know what I mean.
I understand how this feels. My solution was to stop trying entirely and give up. Now I am happy.
My feeling is that you should never kill yourself unless things are at their absolute worst--and they can always get worse.
On the occassion you chance to find yourself at the absolute worst, then there's also no point as things can only get better.
It's possible that we'll reach the Singularity, at which point standards of living may dramatically rise. We may reach a point functionally equivalent to secular heaven.
It's probably more likely that the world will be destroyed, still you lose nothing by waiting around for a high-chance payoff.
This worked well for me. It wasn't even legible either, just apophenic ramblings and quasi-alchemical diagrams.
To accept death is to affirm life.
To complete an honorable life is to attain eternal life.
>Are there any good arguments against suicide?
yes there are
I have accepted death and would welcome it with open arms. But not suicide
Someone gave you life, it's not yours to trash it.
Then you must live as though you would die at any second, because in truth, that is what can happen. Only those willing to die, are truly alive.
True suffering only underscores the value of life, user. I know it serves little point saying to someone who is suffering that it's not really that big of a deal, but really look at what hurts you, and then look at what hurts some poor illiterate asshole living on an actual pile of trash in some third world country.
Also, qua and your reply , you should reread Camus. Your suffering is also meaningless to the uncaring universe, and nothing but your habits stops you from deciding that it is also meaningless to yourself.
This is only relevant if your terminal goal is something other than enjoying life. Since most people are socialized toward hedonism you're speaking to a tendency he probably does not have.
Ah, yes, the Marguerite Duras argument.
Abandon the fallacy of ultimate goals. It's as empty of meaning as the search for meaning itself is. Do not seek goals, seek occupation.
Then is being occupied with suffering equally valuable to being occupied with pleasure?
Dear Yea Forums
This is anons mom. He has indeed left the shigity. Now he is in the digety. That’s right. Shigity digety.
Well, as long as it's an occupation, you dedicating yourself to your suffering is not per say a bad thing. People have made great things out of their suffering. Maybe you'll do to? But dont seek ends, dont think 'soon it'll be over'. Keep your mind on tasks. Whatever form it takes, what you first need to do is lower your self-consciousness to less dangerous levels.
You're just sneaking in terminal goals.
Based and redpilled mom
he said good arguments
Where? Great things? Nah, that's not the aim. Otherwise it wouldn't be worth the try, almost no one gets to do something really great. But it happens and should be recognized as something that puts a bit of balm over the absurdity of it all.
I simply advocate a living regimen or, well, living.
I stopped feeling suicidal when I decided I've got what, maybe 80 years at most. Might as well just see it through and the problem will resolve on its own.
Also since then I once didn't eat for five days. I feel like some of the revelations from that would help too.
I'm not against terminal values. I just don't think you're being consistent. Judging things as good or bad implies a terminal value. Occupying yourself is a sort of terminal value. My simple argument is that human biology is programmed to avoid suffering so it punishes your conscious mind. Unless you can reprogram your body and mind you have to engage with the reality of suffering and pleasure.
There are no good arguments against suicide, because suicide is the ultimate decider if those who’ve suffered to the point that they’d will themselves out of existence.
People who tell you to just “not think about the bad stuff and focus on something else” truly don’t suffer. It’s one thing to be able to distract yourself, and it’s another to continuously fall back onto the feeling of what’s been conditioned into you by society since birth. If you could truly forget all that you’ve wanted or want to be, than yea sure I don’t want to commit suicide. about the truth is that I am always pressured by society to be something that I don’t want to be or conform to, and that forever causes me pain; exhausting pain that pushes me to the point of wondering if it’s worthwhile to continue, or gracefully exit while I still have some sort of dignity.
I’ve wanted to die for the last six years, or at least since my I’ve turned 18. For the better half of that time I’ve been running from things that cause me distress, that bring me misery and drive me towards depression. However, my nature as a human is completely incompatible with what the “political elite” have determined to be the best course for our society. I’ve been doing my all to fight who I am, but really fighting myself has only drawn me further into the person I know I’m meant to be.
Our world truly hates White, especially those who are attractive, athletic, smart, and empathetic to the point I’m willing to do anything to help someone in need. But as it turns out, those in control don’t wish for a happy world and instead have placed a prison of narcissism that drives me to the brink of insanity.
You cannot tell me to simply “let go of desire” and “focus on something”. My human nature is being denied by a force that I have no control over - society is to blame and not me. At this point, I’m either going to kill myself or commit to the complete destruction of the people who have brought this misery and torture upon my life.
>suicidal because le white genocide xD
you aren't actually depressed
If you forgot about politics forever and focused on yourself would you still be unhappy?
KEK... Camus has absolutely nothing to say on that...just some regurgitated rigmarole with muh 'absurd'
Put your faith in Kierkegaard, OP
He asked for reasons NOT to neck himself, user.
>didn’t mention white genocide once
Nice freudian slip you fucking faggot. I’ll clown all over your pathetic ass all day.
Oh yeah, because my town, founded by my grandfathers grandfather, being overrun by a foreign population is something I can just forget about, and if I oppose that, I’m labeled as a hateful and spiteful person. No, I can’t just forget about reality for what it is.
The internet has completely divorced the world from actual reality, and instead created a hyperreality in which the physical world is nothing more than an after thought of affect on human outcome.
And double fuck you for saying focus on myself when the world around me is suffering just as much as I do, but are led blind because of the faggots in the upper echelons of society have manipulated them into self-serving masturbatory faggots who willingly submit themselves to a lifestyle of hedonistic pleasure while everything their ancestors ever worked and died for is taken over and destroyed by a foreign population. Fuck you.
Why do you care so much about other people?
Oh ok fuck that shit then, neck yourself do it do it DO IT
Yeah, it's for pussies.
kek foreign population, where did your gramps gramps come from dipshit
The only airtight argument against suicide only works if you believe in God, in which case, if you commit suicide then you go to hell.
Rather, I might recommend Seneca's observations. Death is as natural as living, if you are truly finished with life, then you are only clinging on to nothing of value.
He holds that it makes no difference to him whether his taking-off be natural or self-inflicted, whether it comes later or earlier. He does not regard it with fear, as if it were a great loss; for no man can lose very much when but a driblet remains. It is not a question of dying earlier or later, but of dying well or ill. And dying well means escape from the danger of living ill. - Letter 70
I have my doubts you are truly finished with life, but I can't know you.
>I'm suicidal because life is pointy, and it insists on poking me in my sad brain and soft body.
And you are just going to let them get away with that?? Don't get suicidal, get angry!
>caring about the west
all civilizations eventually fall. deal with it
the worst possible argument
Because I love these people,and it tears my heart to pieces; seeing my neighbors, community, family and friends suffer while blindly working towards their own destruction, by accepting the outcome as “something that just happens”. They are stupid people, but they are good people and have brought me the greatest memories. Without my people my world is meaningless. They’ve brought me the only feeling of belonging I’ve ever felt, and they are something I will die trying to save.
If you kill yourself you won't be able to sit around mulling over all the things you want but don't have.
>guy cuts off penis
>"IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Its the best argument for a pious person, the worst argument for someone who isn't religious. That is why I supplied 2 arguments
>But as he stands before imminent death, he grasps its nature also, and the cosmic import of the step to come. His creative imagination constructs new, fearful prospects behind the curtain of death, and he sees that even there is no sanctuary found. And now he can discern the outline of his biologicocosmic terms: He is the universe’s helpless captive, kept to fall into nameless possibilities.
>From this moment on, he is in a state of relentless panic.
>Such a ‘feeling of cosmic panic’ is pivotal to every human mind. Indeed, the race appears destined to perish in so far as any effective preservation and continuation of life is ruled out when all of the individual’s attention and energy goes to endure, or relay, the catastrophic high tension within.
>The tragedy of a species becoming unfit for life by overevolving one ability is not confined to humankind. Thus it is thought, for instance, that certain deer in paleontological times succumbed as they acquired overly-heavy horns. The mutations must be considered blind, they work, are thrown forth, without any contact of interest with their environment.
>In depressive states, the mind may be seen in the image of such an antler, in all its fantastic splendour pinning its bearer to the ground.
Suicide is murder.
You don't have the right, it's irrational and immoral, your body belongs to God ultimately.
Your body is a temple.
The strong seek life, the weak seek death.
Your friends are right. Things just happen. There is no action any individual can take to overthrow the social consensus. You're wasting your thoughts on a doomed project.
Each of you hardens my resolve to destroy what you are: the enemy of my people. I will not rest until I either am killed are finally subdue the last of you faggoty traitors. The condition will be broken, and there will be no mercy to those that stand in our way.
Behold, I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
good luck lol
autistic larping at its finest
>When Xerxes heard of this, he was very angry and commanded that the Hellespont be whipped with three hundred lashes, and a pair of fetters be thrown into the sea. I have even heard that he sent branders with them to brand the Hellespont. He commanded them while they whipped to utter words outlandish and presumptuous, “Bitter water, our master thus punishes you, because you did him wrong though he had done you none. Xerxes the king will pass over you, whether you want it or not; in accordance with justice no one offers you sacrifice, for you are a turbid and briny river.”
Don’t post nick Mullen to make yourself feel cooler on the internet you piece of shit. He’s rich and you’re nothing
lighten up a little pal, the world isn't as harsh as you perceive it to be
Fuck you.
The math on individual revolutionary behavior doesn't work. Let's say you want to be in the thousand most influential people in the world. You have to compete with 8 billion others for the spot. That's a 1 in 8 million chance. Let's say you're 100 times more likely to ascend than the average person. That's a 1 in 80 thousand chance to be the 500th most influential person in the world and enact as much change as you can from that post. It's at most a tiny probability of moderately influencing the world. Do the estimates yourself with any numbers you think are reasonable and decide for yourself.
When I was at my most suicidal, I read Myth of Sisyphus which made me realize if Im gonna just throw my life away, I might as well fuck around with it first. So i decided that I was going to try to become a great poet. Its been a few years since that decision and i went from basically flunking STEM at uni to getting mostly As and double majoring with english. Only real set back was an abusive relationship for a year and a bitchy poetry prof. Now Im off to an MFA program to keep pushing at that absurd dream.
I figure if nothings worth living for, might as well role-play a dream until you make it or reality sets in.
Anyway, read Myth of Sisyphus and maybe Siddhartha, Temptation of St Anthony by Flaubert, or Meditations. Best of luck user, try to keep pushing on.
>Kinsmen die and cattle die, and so to must one die oneself. But there is one thing I know that never dies, and that is the fame of a dead man’s deeds. The very most any man can ask for is a heroic passage through life. Greatness, rather than happiness, is the mark of a good life.
I’ve got one life to give, and I’m willing to risk it all for the slightest chance that it’ll make a difference. We all die anyway, and I’ve made my with death for some time now.
>pic implying they don't already do that
oh yeah, forgot, we don't talk about Charlottesville, sorry
As long as you understand the incredibly small chance of succeeding and truly do not care about your life then it's reasonable behavior. You should know that the math on influence also applies to being remembered after your honorable death though. You're unlikely to be remembered by anyone but your immediate family.
I sentence you to life!
And if I don’t succeed, I will be remembered by them only. What exactly do I have to lose? You’ve been conditioned to fear death and flee from the possibility it might ever occur.
The deontology of the Bhagavad Gita (if one is so inclined to call it that) combined with Pascal's Wager
You can improve, but I'm certain you haven't tried everything yet
You don't know if merely performing the act will actually yield the intended result. I'd wager it doesn't.
the bible
Death will come, no matter what.
If you consider it a relief from worldly pain and suffering, it is coming no matter what.
The end you seek is there, waiting, like a patient lover.
Meditate on that if you can, long for it if it gives hope, and take strength in knowing that your beloved is always there and that your reunion is inevitable, inexorable.
There is beauty in the waiting and the sweet ache of longing.
A beauty that will make the inevitable reunion all the sweeter.