Women can't into philosop-

Women can't into philosop-

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Finish your sentence.

>page 64
There's nothing more depressing than finding a book where the first ~50 pages have been heavily annotated and the rest is completely blank.

I too can highlight sentences with different colors

Go away Kierkegaard, you have no business to be in the presence of people who don’t know what they don’t know.

What the fuck is she doing? Hegel doesn't require nearly that much annotation. The bitch is coloring and pretending to be deep

instead of fucking tweeting about Hegel, she decided to do the low effort woman meme post and whine about her emotions instead. Moron

She made it basically unreadable. If you must annotate, keep it to a minimum or do it in a notebook.

Leave it to women to turn one of the greatest philosophical works of western civilization into a children's coloring book.

The handwriting is shit. Tranny detected.

Why can't burgers into cursive?

Can anyone here name 5 things woman have said or done that is more impressive than being a mother?

>pinned tweet is about transphobia

Nothing tops being a mother.

I've never seen a woman with such terrible handwriting, that's gotta be a tranny

this pic pisses me off

Also explains the interest on Hegel.

It's infuriating when society insists that you have to take their play-pretend seriously.

I thought Kierkegaard was a girl

all trannies are Hegelians and vice versa, they think they're synthesizing the thesis and antithesis of gender

I remember the first time this was posted, just after the whole zizek peterson bullshit. Another user did a follow up on that twit and found what the colors were for: half of them are for, literally, nothing.

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why do women do this?

Are Jungians trannies with their Anima-Animus thing?

Jungians are closeted trannies

it's literally a coloring book to "her" what the fuck

>jordan peterson is a closeted tranny
explains a lot


Attached: 1_G6pGTaBhQGF1R353GAz0pw.jpg (500x375, 75K)

This isn't anything new user..

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She should have started with the Bible

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>666 KB

You're thinking Regine Olsen

The future is female, incels!

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Have you gazed at your soul anons

The Jefferson Bible

ok this thread is officially not fun anymore

"I also do not compare the Here and the Now with themselves."
Lmao. This is him, lit? This is your hero?

>orange is what the fuck is going on
>half the text is orange
Leave it to women.

Modern philosophy is a meme anyways. Anyone who mentions these names is always a dorky pseud, quasi-school shooter incel type who listens to trendy music

>emotional labor
It's shit.

How is this and not-this the same thing >=/

nice dubs

Wow schizoposting in full color!

this is only this through the not-this. without the not-this, there simply is no this.

>Leave it to women to turn one of the greatest philosophical works of western civilization into a children's coloring book.

lol. nice one.

Fuck, lower the Ritalin dosage.

>tfw too lazy and multitasklet to write thoughts while reading


based desu
remember to tell your mom you love her anons

I bet every page except for those two is blank. Just buy some philosophy book, opened it halfway, start drawing all over it like a toddler then post the results on Twatter for attention.
If it is a tranny then it's done a good job of acting like a woman.

No. Flesh isn't mind. Jung wanted spiritual androgynous, not material eunuchs

Nah. Law School user here, girls in my classes often cover every fucking pages with fluorescent markers. Because that's how you draw attention to key concepts in a text.

sola scriptura was a mistake

it's because women have poor spatial and abstract reasoning. men don't need to highlight the whole page in 5 different colors because they can visualize and remember where ideas are in the text; if they mark at all its on a sticky note or minimal underlining and marginal notes

We stopped teaching it because it wasn't relevant to monkeyshines.

Why'd people here always assume only they care for the respective author and deeply ponder on his work, but everyone else is a fake or is doing it for attention, especially if it's a woman in question?

This is what my grannie's Bible looks like, but my grannie actually labeled the whole thing and even explained her coloring process. I forgot most of her labels, but anything that was the direct word of Jesus was highlighted in deep red, to symbolize the Blood of Christ or something like that. I think simple psalms/advice were highlighted in yellow. But she had probably seven colors total.

This broad also explained her MO

Here's your girl bro

Attached: D6UtL_9UIAEqAdi.jpg (708x1117, 131K)

So how do I annotate and study philosophical texts, the Yea Forums way?

i kek’d. here’s your (you)

i fucking hate twitter theorycels who post lengthy ass passages from books with captions like ”okay this shit slaps”

write your thoughts on a notebook or a doc file, reword every chapter the way you understood them
don't fucking write on library books because I don't want to read your brainlet nonsense

>reading some philosophy
>page 1-2
>whoa it's sooo difficult, I have to post a pic on social media to show people how smart I an tehee

I hate people, but God I hate women even more.

The chapter on sense certainty is pretty easy, I don’t think it requires that much annotation

What the fuck

Weren’t you on Yea Forums earlier?


That's not how you spell Soren

I just looked at her twitter, I honestly think she spends more time talking about books online than she does actually reading

So she's Yea Forums's ideal waifu?

>How to kill Hegel a second time


Any animal can be a mother.

Yea Forums does not support the Danish ö for som reason

Why do people read Hegel anyway?
Does anyone take idealism seriously?

not me, I'm only on Yea Forums

Pretty sure the person found the pic on the net, uploaded and tweeted some bullshit about Hegel. No reason to assume that any reading took place. Just attention-seeking.

I don't know what you faglords are smoking, that handwriting looks extremely female. Did you never see female handwriting in school?

I'm aware, Yea Forums doesn't allow the *correct spelling*
proving once again that Schopenhauer was indeed correct about the nature of women
someone needs to inform her of Sadler's 30 minute Hegel lecture series
yes and yes, any more questions?

>yellow seems significant
>implying that she can't tell
>pink is the stuff I dwell on
>implying she doesn't understand it and must come back to continue to think on it
>doesn't even know what the other colours mean bust just colours it anyway
Why even make notes if you don't even know what you're doing?

Shit uni anyway. TU Delft is better.

Using Hegel as a colouring book is yet another crime women must answer for.

I'm curious, what are the other crimes they must answer for?

the birth of Incel movement

dude what the fuck

Attempting to seduce you away from your lonely writing desk.

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>one of the greatest philosophical works of western civilization
The west btfo

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btfo'd by some dumb thot with colourful sharpies, no less.

Go ahead and try

I don't understand how her inability to understand hegel is anything to brag about. Couldn't she have accomplished the goal of seeming intelligent better, if she just read something she could understand better(like idk krito, or some other easily understandable platonic dialogue)?

Xenophon’s Memorabilia 2.2, user

Am I the only one who doesn't understand what's wrong with this? I usually take notes summarising my understanding of the chapter I just read, and if it's a really dense work I'll go paragraph-by-paragraph, and I only highlight short snippets and aphorisms which I commit to memory, but surely it's different for everyone; perhaps this girl learns best when she does this level of note-taking, I don't know.
On the other hand it is likely that she did this for the social media credit, but that's no different to you and your stack threads.

If you’ve opened a book you’ve bought second hand and found this type of annotation, you’d know exactly why it annoys people. There’s nothing wrong with taking notes in a separate notebook or on a computer, but it sucks to buy a book and open it to realize someone used it as an easel.
That said, it’s slightly amusing/depressing to see the exact point the excessive annotation stops and being able to tell the exact pages their professor assigned.

If she wanted to take notes to understand it, she wouldn't go on until she understood all of it, instead of just playing around.
True, most people contributing to shelf/stack threads are basically doing the same, which isn't a good thing.

Are you saying she shouldn't take notes in her books on the off chance that her book ends up in a second-hand bookstore?

Don't desecrate the sacred.

I wipe my ass with Hegel, what are you gonna do about it?

>I'm aware, Yea Forums doesn't allow the *correct spelling*


Absolutely, especially given that she’ll inevitably sell it after completing the assigned reading.

>not latin

This is just schizophrenia

>If you must annotate, keep it to a minimum or do it in a notebook

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>damaging a book forever
>filled to the brim with childish scribbles
Why am not surprised?

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There are actually quite a few decent female Hegel scholars. There are more women in this space than probably any other area in philosophy aside from feminist philosophy. That Twitter user however is an absolute retard. Their notes a brainlet tier and using the easiest part of the Phenomenology of Spirit as a coloring book in order to show off on Twitter is idiot.


Is it just me or do only women do this shit? I never see guys highlight or annotate once they get out of highschool and it's no longer mandatory for class or some shit.

yea how dare she ruin a five dollar book instead of passing it down to her grandchildren

she wants a software engineer who wants an intelligent gf to get intelligent babbies

Highlighting is overrated, studies show that it isn't that effective - and is done wrong most of the time anyway. If she ever picks that book one year from now, how will she makes sense of her own notes?

> "The parts I left without colors must not be so important"
> "namely, and, However, or, for, thus"

I wonder how Yea Forums femanons and female philosophy students deal with the fact that he was a misogynist

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What studies nigger

Where do you live where that book costs just $5?

this "woman" has a penis

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care to elaborate on your hot take or are you just going to leave it as a drive-by twitter post?

okay I laughed

When we say that Women can't get into philosophy, we are talking about the majority, just because a small sub-group can do something doesn't cancel the fact that Women can't get into philosophy.

Now, what do you think is the reason behind this phenomenon?
I personally think its because they are "too emotional" that they won't allow suffering of any kind therefore they can't grasp any form of philosophy that might seem unfair or unjust.

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India. No but even in the west it costs max 8 dollars to print a book, the rest is just retail markup.

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"retail markup" isn't a real thing, fuck off with your boomer "economics". you're paying for the wages of the people who shipped the book and brought it into warehouses and stores, as well as the costs of maintenance of the trucks, stores and machinery that makes it possible, and the employers who own the industry to begin with.

If a university specifies that the students have to purchase a particular book for the curriculum then what do you think the university bookstore is going to do?

You people live like degenerates desu. All that waste and pollution just for a book? When you could just hire a boy to transcribe the e-book onto paper.

A meal and 50 rupees for his trouble, and I'm supporting the real economy of people instead of your "economy" of environmental devastation