Is the Chapo Trap House book worth reading?
Is the Chapo Trap House book worth reading?
Velma looking kinda cute ngl
Also no
Rapist Frat House? Nah.
Hey man I can do it too
Did the upper middle one crush his head in a vice?
This looks shopped
he does in fact look quite nordic, he's just kind of chubby and not that attractive
nope, it's real
i mean the guy literally does look nordic. idk what your point is
Seething chapocucks lol
That it’s not a shop ?
This you can tell by the hair
Point of privilege: can we please stop with the kink shaming.
yeah i wasnt that guy though, i was the guy saying he looked nordic, and the user responded to me as well.
any of sam hyde's jaihoo stuff is infinitely more insightful than the shit chapo puts out
20-60 year old men in drag pitching up their voices and tucking their cocks behind their legs and ruining their lives by mutilating themselves is incomparable to a teenager acting embarrassingly
>20-60 year old men in drag pitching up their voices and tucking their cocks behind their legs and ruining their lives by mutilating themselves is incomparable to a teenager acting embarrassingly
It's pretty bold of them honestly, very few percentage make it out looking not suicide-tier
>20-60 year old men in drag pitching up their voices and tucking their cocks behind their legs and ruining their lives by mutilating themselves is incomparable to a teenager acting embarrassingly
Imaginecthink that this is universal to lefties men there's plenty of Nazi faggots too
Quick point of privilege: stop with the homophobic language. Thanks.
>sam hyde
Literally who.
The second greatest comedian of the decade (right behind Belle Delphine).
How do these people function in real life?
The Jews destroyed real life and replaced it with this
You've been misled. Please read more.
Not really. It's the bog standard communist critique of politics ("they don't address systemic problems, etc.") but laden with boring jokes.
bella thorn hit the wall.
I refuse to believe these are real people, oh my god, what have we come to.
They obviously do not.
don't post unless you have something to say other than "i disagree"
posting here is anonymous so your post has to have some content in it, i can't see your post and go "Okay, now I know StevenThaMan8989 disagrees with this so in the future I know where he stands" like it's 1999. you need to say something in your post otherwise it's just white noise
Why should I try convincing you when the greatest minds of history have already written volumes and volumes that you refuse to engage with? You need to help yourself.
You are just wrong though? Or did you not see
This guy used to be on my tranny discord server. He was a nazi trap so I banned him eventually because he pissed me off with his racism. My god how far as he fallen
do you care about communism and politics?
if yes read kapital then the manifesto then continue from there avoiding all the queer and feminist literature and clubs (only if you live in the west)
if no read dostoevsky and kierkegaard
They're mostly dumbarse embarrassing teenagers, this is how kids rebel nowadays, it's cringe but 99% they grow out of it. A few decades ago these are the same people who would became goths and emos.
Commie trannies are a whole new level of fucked, since most of them are in their 20s to 30s and they permanently mutilate themselves before killing themselves, despite what one buttmad user thinks they really are nothing alike.
Moar pls, its like watching a car crash.
>He broke my religious dogma of equality, thus i got pissed and banned him
If he wanted to hang out with the other discord trannies then he should have behaved himself
god i miss zyzz bros
likewise fren
He was banned for his behavior, not his beliefs. Don't pretend that wasn't clear.
Nordic people can be ugly you know
My bad.
>He was banned for his behavior, not his beliefs.
If you actually stick by this you can be one of the 1% of internet admins/moderators who aren't pieces of shit. Whenever I have to ban or censor someone in any way I see the decision as a massive responsibility and almost a tragedy. Outright tyranny, openly arbitrary and capricious, is actually preferable to the subtle corruption that most admins undergo.
Bless you, sir
Why are they named after a Mexican drug dealer? I don't get it.