Does anyone have the pol/nazi reading list image...

Does anyone have the pol/nazi reading list image? I want to get into becoming more fluent on national socialism and fascism.
Would me much appreciated user.
Thank you

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>Oh boy. What could go wrong.

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dead ideology for social outcasts, grow up

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What's your ideology?

Radical centrism, of course

mussolini deserved better than hitler's autism honestly

>More land for the sustenance of our people
So it's inherently colonialist?

>Nationalization of corporations. Private businesses must be mindful of the environment and the people.
I don't get it, what's the different between corporations and private businesses?

Only got this one.

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>nuh uh what's ur ideology
is this political theory or a console war, little faggot

Add Savitri Devi - the Impeachment of Man as well


>Right to self-determination
Nope, Kashubians were denied that. That's not speaking for all the Slavs living no lebensraum.
>Social programs
Reduced from Weimar years in order to fuel war
>Abolition of unearned/stolen/slave-driven income
Privatization of banks/stealing from Jews/Nazi Germany was the only modern economy with massive utilization of slave labour.
>Personal enrichment of war should be a crime
Tell that to Goering.
>Education must conform to physical life
Does that mean that classical education will be replaced by sewing lessons?
>Youth programs
That steal children from parents and indoctrinate them in inhumane bs.
>Legal opposition to known lies
"known lies" will be defined by the party.

tl;dr Nazism is Communism for retards

>Nazism is Communism for retards

Why not both?

Rebelling teen confirmed, get a job, kid

It's literally a meme that only boomers says that nazism and communism are the same thing, though.

>social programs to help the disabled

Is that what you fascist larpers call gassing them?

I think you forgot the part about industrial scale racial genocide and starting intercontinental wars that result in the complete and utter obliteration of your country and ideology

Horseshoe theory is more than a boomer-only take though, generally people closer to the center believe "both sides are different flavors of the same tea"

I fucking hate Adolf Hitler so much. I just got home after a small gas together where our host made us play a Mein Kampf trivia quiz and all the other guests agreed because they were actual party members. Even my Erika wanted to do that because she's heard all his speeches and braids her hair. Later on she got genuinely upset because I knew no answers, not even to the one very simple jewish question. I knew that there was no point in reminding her that I'm only into Strasserism because I'd instantly get killed in my sleep by those vulgar SS-henchmen.

Things are finally looking up.

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??? fucking sperg

National Socialism is pro-social. Social outcasts and degenerates are not welcome; only the capable and morally upstanding belong in our ranks.

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>only boomers says that nazism and communism
That's what zoomers do silly. Boomers like communism, because back then under bolshevik they were young and their backs weren't hurtin' while zoomers hate it because that's what TV tells them that there were no blue pants back then.

>are the same thing
No one is saying they are the same things. Point is that Nazis try to imitate socialism without actually embracing it fully and combining it with policy that somehow manages to be even more retarded than the Russian one.

Just read Hitlers diary, it's their Bible

Is that copy pasta your OC?

>because back then under bolshevik they were young and their backs weren't hurtin'
Are you Russian or something?

If we're talking about American, boomers don't like communism because the Trotskyists just became neo-cons, so now they like capitalism.

>only the capable and morally upstanding belong in our ranks.
Capable as Goering and morally upstanding as Dirlewanger?


>Boomers like communism,
Ever been to America mate?

>Are you Russian or something?
The second.

>If we're talking about American
Why should we? Communism was never relevant there.

As if Beria lived up to the ideal of the socialist new man, give me a break

>it's another "hitler giving a handshake to a child" picture

I don't doubt that social outcasts had trouble when national socialism was an ideology for adults, but after the absolute failure and destruction of the most prominent national socialist countries, the only individuals who still support it today are the very same rejects who would have been killed at it's zenith. The overwhelming majority of modern nazis (real nazis, not the antifa "everyone i dont like is a nazi" definition) are NSM skinheads, covered in tattoos, drug peddlers, hillbillies, and social rejects. People who couldn't make it in normal society, and need a scapegoat to make them feel better about the reality which they inhabit. It's the same for communists and other retarded leftists. There's a big difference between someone saying "I think we need a wider social safety net" and trying to larp as a 1940's political group because you think the aesthetics are cool.

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Imagine taking Nazism seriously

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Did anyone itt said that the reds only had "capable and morally upstanding" in their ranks?

Times were tough, Dirlewanger was a criminal but I don't blame them for unleashing criminals on their enemies
And Goering was based and did basically nothing wrong

Read Siege

If we aren't talking about Russia or America, then what are we talking about?

>Dirlewanger was a criminal but I don't blame them for unleashing criminals on their enemies
From utilitarian perspective, unleashing such criminals lead to masssive rise in partisan activity disrupting situation in the read and giving massive boost in legitimacy to Stalin.
>did basically nothing wrong
If that was the case, he wouldn't be called Meyer.

If you are going to reject National Socialism because members of the NSDAP didn't live up to it's ideals, then by the same standard you would also have to reject Stalinism. Checkmate, nerd.

You can extend this idea to basically any ideology, I don't even know where I'm going with this anymore.

This is an ad-hominem, don't you think?

Why can't we talk about Russia? Despite change in flag, it's still communist central.

>right to self determination
You mean right to be conscripted in futile wars
>more land for the sustenance of our people
You mean more wars of aggression and over-expansion resulting in imminent collapse
>Laws that protect foreign guests from unjust/inhumane crime
You mean liquidating subhumans
>No foreign lobbyists
You mean no jews
>Social programs to help
You mean euthanasia for cripples and disabled
>prevention of immigration and deportation of illegals
You mean concentration camps
>All citizens have equal rights and obligations
Besides the top leadership who rule like kings
>Abolition of unearned/stolen/slave-driven income
Only to replace take loans from the Swiss
>Personal enrichment from war should be a crime...good of the people
Germany was devastated by the war
>Nationalization of corporations
Ultimately meaningless, German corporations still engaged in international globalist enterprise
>We demand an expansion of large scale of old age welfare
>Indiscriminate punishment for all terrorists
That's the opposite of indiscriminate. And who is a terrorist? You mean anyone who doesn't toe the line
>Education must conform to practical life
You mean subjected to propaganda
>Child labor laws and good youth physical fitness programs
You mean child soldiers and paramilitary youth organizations
>Legal opposition to known lies and their promulgation through the press
You mean censorship
>Freedom of religion as long as it doesn't obstruct
Literally banned an entire religion from existence. National socialism is a state religion

We can, I just didn't think we were.

>If you are going to reject National Socialism because members of the NSDAP didn't live up to it's ideals
Learn2read. I'm rejecting your claim that Nazists didn't welcome "degenerates" and only had "morally upstanding" in their ranks.

Can someone post the other environmental chart I've been seeing posted lately as well?

I would challenge those men to cut the bullshit and embody the NS ideal. What you're describing are products of the same blase defeatism common to most millennials. Only instead of Bernie Sanders giving them free medical weed for life they want Uncle Adolf whipping them into shape and giving them a state-issued gf. Pretty pathetic either way. The absence of a National Socialist government isn't why these kids are out of shape khv's and they know it, they're just too pathetic to do anything about it other than shitpost.

I didn't say that, but you can easily see why the user would have said that, since the National Socialists put those deemed "asocials" into the camps.

Tbh mussolini was the least deserving of this death out of all the major leaders in ww2. Not even a fascist or right wing

>Not even a fascist
Then why did he write "The Doctrine of Fascism?"

>I didn't say that
>Social outcasts and degenerates are not welcome; only the capable and morally upstanding belong in our ranks.

That was Marinetti and Gentile

>Yea Forums is one person

Whatever, you know what I mean, it was published under his name. Mussolini was clearly a fascist if anyone was.

It even says on Wikipedia that Mussolini wrote the second part

No one had adequate tech to stop bombers anywhere during WWII, definitely not Goring's fault, there was basically nothing he could've done differently to alter the outcome of the war post 1942 at least.

Marinetti didn't even work on the Doctrine of Fascism

This ain't reddit, faget, I don't see your ID. When you jump into conversation defending a position, you assume that position unless stated otherwise.

Okay, I've added a name to help you out.

Holy shit, the left really can’t fucking meme

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Almost all European countries (along with America) had eugenics programs in the 1900’s.

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My fellow autiste
The road ahead is you abandoning this ideology. It is a growing pain but you will learn much. Come back here when you are done. Until then, back to /pol/ you go.