Anyone else ever feel like you're a stranger in a strange land but in your own land...

Anyone else ever feel like you're a stranger in a strange land but in your own land? I converted to Islam only a week ago and I feel like a foreigner from another time. I don't appear as one but everything has become foreign to me. The other day I was shopping and heard a country song about drinking and dating, both haram. No halal meat. I had to gingerly accept my change from the cashier since you aren't allowed to touch a woman who isn't family or spouse. Or look her in the eyes. I have stopped listening to music since all music that doesn't have instructive lyrics is haram and all instruments (except the drum in some schools) are haram except on Islamic holidays. I have woken up every day before dawn to pray fajr (mandatory). I have had to make prostrations in the dirt when there was no where else to pray on time. Everything is looking more and more utterly alien, the way women dress looks out of place and anti social, dirty words (altogether forbidden) grate on me whenever I hear them. Arabic resounds in my head regularly from my Salat and morning adhan alarm. I have found the purest inner peace, free from lust or anxiety, but I also feel surrounded by filthy animals behaving repulsively, utterly alone except among Muslims. And none of them women, I do not see one woman as mosque because the men and women must use different rooms

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Other urls found in this thread:ܨܠܘܬܐ#Classical_Syriac

>Converted to islam
what race, religion, and nation do you come from?

ok i'll take the bait
how many children have you raped so far?

Hwight Scandanavian

Not bait and I think rapists should be put to death since the hadith says to

Okay how about you do a quick tour of duty in Palestine against Israel then see how much you really like arabs, and no joke they take volunteers there and in southern syria.

not bad OP but would be better if the character were in a muslim country and feeling a stranger in his own land because of the routines he has gone through for all of life

I would if someone wanted to get me a passport and a plane ticket and arranged my contact and unit. I am a poor student atm

>Islam began as something strange and will go back to being strange, so glad tidings to the strangers.

The people fighting in southern syria are generally poor representatives of Islam. Also, you forget the language barrier user faces. Though he should learn arabic to read the Quran in it's true unadulterated form, learning in said countries is not the best way forward. You also seem to forget that the Islamic religion exists not just in the middle east. There are plenty of places user could visit to get a better understanding of his relationship with the uma and by extension Allah (swt)

Okay easier option, transfer to a college in north detroit, or hell just take summer break there. You want to know who lives there? Not black people, all muslims. It's a couple million muslim city. Bask in it, and see if you still enjoy it. If you do, morocco is probably one of the better islamic countries, qatar is nice too

Not even fiction, my friend

Very true

I think he meant to join in jihad

Transfer to out of state for a non resident tuition cost my aid won't cover?

There are many forms of jihad; fighting with weapons is one of the worst for someone in your position. You do much more for the Uma by fighting with your words, and being a good representative to the non-believers.

So says al-Ghazali

Converted a week ago. Lol.

Filled with peace and free of anxiety while utterly alone, filled with disgust and alienation. Also lol.

You could've equally become a tranny. You're a disaffected loser looking to feel self-righteous and significant. You've got what you wanted. Nobody here feels sorry for you; nobody here thinks you're a hero.


You know how I can tell the really Holy people, like you, apart from say all the pretenders? The REALLY holy ones are egocentric maniacs that need to make themselves these mythic figures of purity and disgust compared to everyone else... Especially when they're brand new to a religion. I prostrate myself before you, mullah.

user, if your niyyah is pure, your reward will be great
Stay strong

bro ur totally not like all those other wypipo congratulations on ur accomplishment. hail mahomet.

This is how the sahaba felt among the Quraysh. We are going to make it inshallah

>Muslim convert: everyone is a filthy animal kuffar except me, may Allah strike them all dead.
>Christian convert: "I am the greatest sinner, God have mercy on me, may all creation be healed and come to know Him."
>Buddhist convert: "All wickedness comes from ignorance and lust, may all beings be free of suffering and ignorance."
>Platonist convert: "Men commit evil because they do not know better, may they all leave the dark cave and see the Sun shining through All."

You could learn some humility and be more patient with other people.

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>I converted to Islam only a week ago and I feel like a foreigner from another time.
We no>I converted to Islam only a week ago and I feel like a foreigner from another time.
That would be correct as a Muslim you are essentially from medieval times. If you want to practice your sand religion move to the sandbox, it does not belong in the west.

>since the hadith says to
This is why I despise you. The Quran says that oppression is worse than murder (making it fairly obvious that oppressors are to die, and oppression obviously includes rape) but no, the Quran's not enough, you're not confident in it. Sunni "islam" is such a tiring thing.

20 years ago, the best way to get back at your parents was to tell them you're gay.

10 years ago, the best way to get back at your parents was to tell them you're bi.

5 years ago, the best way to get back at your parents was to tell them you're trans.

Today, the best way to get back at your parents is to tell them you've converted to Islam.

OP hates his parents.

Are you saying killing a rapist for rape is immoral and thus an "oppression"

Only HaShem can take a life except if you have to directly defend yourself or others from aggression.

I don't know what's your IQ, but I sincerely doubt it reaches 100.

Why are you mentioning "HaShem"'s name (whatever it means) while you're clearly denying what the Torah says ?

Why the fuck would you do that OP?

What does the Torah say?

Oh I didn't read your post properly (have a big headache atm), you're a homosexual Quranist? Never understood the appeal of homosexual Quarnism, what are you trying to avoid by rejecting the sunnah? Why does authentic Islam embarrass you? Which vice has taken over your judgment? You reject hadith so you can put your penis in some poopoo? Sorry if I'm mistaken, it's just that 99% of quaranists I encounter are homosexuals or have some wicked vice they are trying desperately to protect
>Never understood the appeal of Quranism
That's because

Quran surah 9 verse 101 utterly destroys sunnism (and by that I mean sunnis, shias, sufis etc...) if the Prophet can't know who's reliable and who's not, you certainly can't even approach such knowledge, you unrepentant, hardened fools.

>my misreading of Quran surah 9 verse 101 absolutely destroys Islam itself.
you're retarded
And you didn't answer my question, why are you gay?

So explain me how it's a misreading, I'm curious...

Peak alienation

Noone ever does that anymore though you doofus

Some people would, gladly.

the Prophet was not omniscient, even if he was a great judge of character he couldn't know every little deed people did in private. Some people became experts in hypocrisy and deceit. But Allah knew them and he would guide the Prophet as he saw fit and give the hypocrites a "double chastisement" .

You know in most Muslim Countries conversion to Islam from another religion is almost unheard of. Like you don’t see Christians in Pakistan converting to Islam even though there are a ton of secret Christians there who have left Islam. It makes me think that there is something going on in Western Countries. Like people are really spiritually desperate for any kind of faith and or authority. Because the same is not true of Muslims living in Christian nations. They have a pretty high rate of conversion out of Islam. Especially the ones that move to places like the USA

But wasn't the OT flawed according to Baphomet?

This does not in any way disprove what I said and what the verse clearly says, try again.
>he couldn't know every little deed people did in private
Yes and it's not just about deeds, but also thoughts, mind you.
>Some people
It's your presumption that they were few.
>and he would guide the Prophet as he saw fit
Yes, and...?
Admit you're wrong, all your hadith collections are based on a false premise (thinking you can give an expert opinion on someone's character when clearly you can't per Quran). You're a bunch of losers who dislike the Quran and do not trust it.


If people were introduced to real islam, not islam based on hadiths, I think you'd see much more converts.

Real Islam is stone age hardliner though user, public beheadings would occur turning all but the nutters away.

>also about thoughts
So you've established the Prophet was not fully psychic, nor omniscient. And this proves? What?

That's what the verse says: As for the bedouin Arabs around you, some are hypocrites; and so are some of the people of Madinah who have become inured to hypocrisy. You do not know them, but We know them.97 We will inflict double chastisement on them,98 and then they shall be returned to an awesome suffering.

>presumption that there were few
I didn't presume few or many, the translation I read says some...

>admit your wrong
about what? Your argument makes no sense. You're trying to disprove the sunnah by showing that Muhammad was not all-knowing?

Once again, back to the topic, are you gay? are you a degenerate? ARe you an atheist? What is the main vice you are trying to conceal? Are you a quranist? Your logic is so flimsy.

Can you even read Arabic, O Scholar?

>And this proves? What?
This proves that there's no such thing as being able to give an expert opinion on someone's character, a feat your "scholars" claim to have achieved, so they claim to be more informed than the Prophet, which reminds me a lot of rabbis who also claim to be above prophets. You're all very alike.
>That's what the verse says
That's what your translation says.

My points are crystal-clear and very simple, to judge a hadith you do not judge it by what it says, but by who said it, so you claim to be able to know those people enough to decide if the word is authentic or not, you judge them by their reputation, a child could understand why that's wrong, but you're arguing in bad faith and I doubt you're sincere.

Why are you a hadither ? What is the vice you're trying to conceal ? Do you want to stone people to death ? Do you want to marry little girls ? Do you want to behead apostates ?

I can actually read it, yes, but to understand what it says I'm still learning.

the fact that some people are deceptive doesn't mean all people are deceptive. the fact that some people concealed their nature from the Prophet doesn't mean all people could do so.

That verse never said the Prophet could never distinguish a liar from a truth teller, no matter how hard he tried, as if he were a child or fool. But this is what you're trying to argue.

your argument is non-sequitur, it's a sort of nonsense skepticism that denies all revelation.

>doesn't mean all people are deceptive
No, but it means all of them would be able to if they wanted to and it also means that by definition, you don't know who's deceptive.
>doesn't mean all people could do so.
Means any people could do so.
>That verse never said the Prophet could never distinguish a liar from a truth teller, no matter how hard he tried, as if he were a child or fool.
What ? I didn't say the Prophet could never distinguish a liar from a truth teller, you're grasping at straws. I said he could not be 100% sure of someone's sincerity (because that's what the verse means), yet you treat hadiths like a sacred science, this is laughable. You do not even wonder why zionists and western scholars admire it and praise it a lot. This is all a big joke.

It is haram for a man to prostrate before anyone but Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta'ala)



I repent before Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta'ala), I don't engage in narcissistic self-deprecation before other men like Christians do. Wickedness comes because Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta'ala) sees fit. I do not pretend to emulate Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta'ala) , He has given me Muhammad (ﷺ) as a role model, I am a man, not God

Despise me all you want, it is because you are a modernist looking to practice a religion different than the one the Salaf practiced.

Because it is true

You are not telling the truth, certain Muslim countries like Egypt in fact were less Muslim two hundred years ago.

Are you such a fool as to think beheading is peculiar to the stone age?

Oh by this logic you can read every language that uses Roman script because you're splitting hairs and not including parse in your definition of being able to read something

As if you knew who the Salaf were. As if the practice of the Salaf was always 100% relevant to today's times. As if the Quran is not enough to guide you. It is you who are the real modernists changing true islam into something it never was. Those who invented the fake science of hadith were the "modernists" you're looking for, they imitated the rabbis who also claimed to know more than prophets and invented much falsehood to divert people away from the simplicity of islam.
If you really want to live in the past so much, you should build a time machine and go there.

The Qur'an isn't enough. What is Surah 48 talking about?

I haven't particularly studied it yet.
What is any Quranic story talking about ? It's talking about timeless moral and spiritual lessons, and if you needed to know the details they would have been included (do you think Allah has a limitation on words ?). By the way, I think it is an error to assume there is only one way to understand verses.

The Quran has been completed by Allah, not by men, and whatever misguided desire to complete it on your part will not be sated by ramblings of your scholars who think they can accurately assert whether a person is trustworthy or not.

>I have composed complete inner peace through Islam
>but I am in constant hell because the slightest provocations drive me up the wall

Why are Americans like this? You realise this won't make that Turkish chick in your class like you, yeah?

>I have stopped listening to music since all music that doesn't have instructive lyrics is haram and all instruments (except the drum in some schools) are haram except on Islamic holidays
Made up rules. If you believe your God doesn't allow simple, harmless fun on earth, what makes you believe he'd allow fun in heaven, or that the "fun" in heaven would really be enjoyable ? Do you also believe God hates statues ? Even though Sulayman had them ? What a joke. Forbidding things God hasn't forbidden is evil, you know...

I think it's an error for you to reject Sunnan when the Qur'an says follow them. The Qur'an is revealed with an expectation that you know them, it is a recited work whose written form few could afford in entirety and non Muslims were not even allowed to touch. Now you have the luxury of easily getting a copy of a translation and think you are the world's foremost expert on Islam

If I were interested in a sister I would talk to her wali about marrying her.

Yeah music isn't harmless, it has been the greatest vehicle on earth to make culture filthy and electronic music has killed singing, no one sings they just listen

>Despise me all you want, it is because you are a modernist looking to practice a religion different than the one the Salaf practiced.

salafists are modernists

refute this

reminds me of that sam hyde clip where he tries to bully a muslim american from his car

I am not a Salafi, though to call Ibn Taymiyyah a modernist is ridiculous

Fucking cringe. Spooked faggot.

>clean your room
>that's a SPOOK mom!

>to reject Sunnan when the Qur'an says follow them
Lmao no it says the opposite, Sunnah in the Quran means the Sunnah of Allah, and it is detailed in it. "And you will not find any amendments or alterations regarding Our Sunnah."
>The Qur'an is revealed with an expectation that you know them
100% wrong, what a gross lie, the lengths to which you'll go to distort the truth, it's incredible. Where have you read in the Quran that it expects you to know historical details ?
>non Muslims were not even allowed to touch
So you think that non-muslims should not be allowed to purchase the Quran, or that muslims should not give it to them ? How can you preach a message if you conceal it, instead of showing it ? You resemble the jews who hide their books for some reason.
>it has been the greatest vehicle on earth to make culture filthy
Debatable, many things made culture filthy, movies etc...but the people are responsible for their actions first and foremost.
>electronic music has killed singing
? Now you act like you're the one defending art, which is funny. Do you also think too much people running can kill football because they're not hitting a ball ? I enjoy some electronic music and I also enjoy some songs. To say that music isn't harmless (nothing is harmless depending on how you do it, you know...) isn't the same as to claim it is forbidden by Allah.

If you ban music because it's been used as a vehicle to do great evil, you must also ban religion and ban the human body, you know.

Obviously Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta'ala) has a Sunnah too, every being does. I am talking about verse 33:21, which is about the Prophet's (ﷺ) Sunnah

>Where have you read in the Quran that it expects you to know historical details ?

Where have you read in my posts that I expect you to know English or even know what the Qur'an is? The Qur'an refers to contemporary events as key points of its discourse without explicating them, this is indicative of presuming an audience familiar with said events

>So you think that non-muslims should not be allowed to purchase the Quran, or that muslims should not give it to them ?

Changing the goalposts

>but the people are responsible for their actions first and foremost.

Legally, but they don't live in a vacuum.

>Now you act like you're the one defending art
I said singing, not art. Non professional personal singing is halal

Music is mostly haram because gatherings involving it are mixed. Today it is seen to cause distraction from interior submission. Without it, memorizing Qur'an comes much more easily, so does prayer

You should learn the Arabic language if you haven't and read the Quran only in that language because it is the duty of every Muslim. And the prayers will gain more meaning. Also learn all the rules, to the simplest one, like wiping your ass with the left hand, counting the number of toilet papers you use etc. All the hygiene rules are written.

This website
has video courses which you can download and books for free. The teacher has much understanding and will inspire you. You just have to be consistent with the courses.

If you already know the language, then finding a local community or if there is none, you resort to reading the literature. Arabic philosophy and literature is one of the quality stuff.

And finally remember that jihad is the internal struggle of every Muslim because he has to live in a world where many do not respect the rules, and he is tempted to abandon his way. That is why before doing anything, the Muslim says Allahu Akbar, meaning God is greater. as a reminder that whatever the person may be doing, nothing will ever be greater than God. This teaches humility and humbleness.

That is all. I recommend this lecture for you in two parts.

Isn't that neoplatonism

op, music isnt haram. you should know this. its like literature, its the reflection of the divine form of god. read the quran for yourself and dont follow what people tell you. this is the ends of times, people are illusioned, even those who claim to embrace islam. find instructions yourself. no passage in the quran says that music without drums and instructive lyrics are bad. dont follows the schools so much, think and absorb the divine knowledge of the quran by yourself.

31:6 And of the mankind (is he) who purchases, idle/distracing hadith to mislead from (the) path (of) Allah without knowledge, and takes it (in) ridicule. Those for them (is) a punishment humiliating.

45:6 These (are the) Verses, (of) Allah We recite them to you in truth. Then in what statement/story/hadith after Allah and His Verses will they believe?

>I am talking about verse 33:21
An excellent example is not a perfect example. The only perfect example is Allah. What remains of the messenger in this world is his message, the message from Allah, not the message from humans.
>The Qur'an refers to contemporary events as key points of its discourse without explicating them
You're claiming the Quran lies when it claims to be complete and without error. You still don't understand that the lessons in it are timeless, you're a materialistic person so you view everything in terms of material events not containing timeless truths. The Quran is a book of history to you.
>Changing the goalposts
Not answering the question.
>Legally, but they don't live in a vacuum.
You don't either, yet you presume you haven't been influenced and contaminated by hadith culture in any way ?
>I said singing, not art.
I use a broad definition of art. In any case, when Allah asks you how you dared to forbid things He never forbade, I'm not sure how you'll be able to respond.

Oh yeah you also believe that men + women = wrong ahahah. What ? What's that ? Moses in the Quran was in the presence of women ? Yusuf and Sulayman too ? Do you think the Quran promotes wrong things then ?
Memorizing the Quran is a very good thing, but not as good as understanding it and reflecting on it.
>all the rules, to the simplest one, like wiping your ass with the left hand, counting the number of toilet papers you use etc.
The most interesting part about your post is the fact that you're probably serious. Which is both funny and depressing.

Talking to women is permitted if you do it respectfully and do not look them in the eyes and you aren't alone. Mixed gatherings as in celebrations or parties or crowds are not allowed, even weddings must adhere to this (separate rooms are used except for the bride and groom) as well as be free of music or dancing

If you don't worship the God who incarnated and saved man, what hope do you have? God entered into history and works with man. God is personal, the trinity, Allah is not personal. He is just another version of the Greek monad, distant and aloof. You reject the living Spirit who is calling for you and trust a pedophile who heard whispers from daemonic spirits in a cave.

music is seperated from the concert. this isnt the middle ages, you dont have to go somewhere to hear music. its like saying book conventions which involve mixed genders makes books haram. if you want to make music haram, at least do it to the music that encourages that type of behaviour. There is a lot of music worth listening by yourself in your house, as art instead of entertainment.

Rules men made up. You try to follow each and every one of these rules until you realize they're a waste of time and don't actually produce a good society. Interesting that Allah says in the Quran that his religion is easy to follow.

I am learning it and enjoying it, and I know knowing enough to at least pray is obligatory

I have learned the basic rules before reverting, akhi. I shaved my pubes and armpits and grew out my beard and keep my mustache trimmed

I have a community, I said my Shahada at a mosque. Thank you for the resources, Jazakallah

Are you a scholar?

It is not possible to emulate Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta'ala), that is like a squirrel trying to be a man except far more ridiculous. The ideal squirrel is the model for squirrels, not a man

Not being able to look a cashier in the eyes because some faggot god in a book which says that Alexander the Great found the place where the sun sets (in a murky pool, apparently!) told you so is the definition of spooked.

If religious people were culled from the population the average IQ would rise by at least 1 standard deviation.

Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta'ala) is one, not three, and I recognize no God but Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta'ala)

Mixed book conventions are haram

I find it very easy, it is meant to be perfect for human nature. It sounds difficult but once you follow it it comes naturally

Lmao here's another one who follows men instead of God.
Two blind men arguing make for a sad spectacle.
Here, watch me obliterate christianity using this simple trick: the very words of Paul:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man

This perfectly describes christianity down to a t.
>muh translation

>God entered into history
What a way to put limits on Him.
To say that God incarnated as a human is to insult him, nothing less.
>God is personal, the trinity
I don't think you understand the word personal.
>He is just another version of the Greek monad, distant and aloof
No, actually you're deeply wrong. Read the Quran once (with a sincere mind I mean).
50:16 And certainly We created man and We know what whispers to him his soul, and We (are) nearer to him than (his) jugular vein.

>trust a pedophile who heard whispers from daemonic spirits
You know who else heards satanic whispers ? Disbelieving men (like you) who transmitted fake hadiths like the one you're using. You know, slander is a serious sin.

based and bread-pilled

Attached: convert.jpg (560x580, 67K)

>It is not possible to emulate Allah
I didn't say it is possible, but to follow him is the real meaning of Salat, which means a horse following the footsteps of another horse, so God feeds people, so you're going to feed them too, God is creative, you'll be creative, God is just, subtle, kind, you'll be these things etc etc etc...

Fear and hate is common early in spirituality but is really only temporary.
My suggestion to you is don't be so proud and reserve judgement until you are much more seated in your practice

>Converted to Islam

Salat comes from ܨ-ܠ-ܐ (bend or bow).

Allah (Subhanahu wa-ta'ala) is All-Mighty, Unquestionable, Lord of Totality. I don't emulate these. I emulate the example given to humans to emulate

>Romans 1
Yes we believe in Paul's letters. Which part is confusing you? Maybe reading the whole verse properly in context would help. Instead of ending it abruptly there.

He is talking about pagans in the past making idols of various things, birds, men, other creatures. If God incarnates then we are obliged to worship him, and Paul does worship Christ calling him his "Lord and God" and saying he is the exact imprint of the nature of God, and many other qualifiers that are only fitting of God. [“while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,"]

>men who transmitted fake hadiths
Muhammad was a pedophile, it's not a matter of debate. Read your history. If you reject it then you're not even a real muslim, just a fringe LARPer.

False translation . And it's not always about emulating, but following. Following the Lord of Totality means you'll be open-minded, for example.

"And among the meanings of a musalli is the horse that comes second in the race, i.e. it trails behind the first horse."
"The Arabic word صلاتہ (Salaat) is normally translated as Prayer in English. But the root meaning of صلاتہ (Salaat) is “to follow someone closely.”"

You're right, thanks to Islam beheading is alive and well even in the advent of the 21st century

>muh context
>He is talking about pagans in the past making idols of [...] men
Hm...really reminds me of someone.
You'll go to Hell, idolator.

>tfw irreligious person in the Middle East
Why did you take the Islampill, user?
It's not up for debate indeed, but you'll be disappointed at the truth, slanderer.

Why are muslims so vengeful

That's not a translation, that's an etymologyܨܠܘܬܐ#Classical_Syriac

>Following the Lord of Totality means you'll be open-minded, for example.
Non sequitur

So? You prefer hanging?

Because it feels natural to follow and the Qur'an is beautiful

They aren't

> So? You prefer hanging?
Lol if you are going to use false dichotomies this early in the argument I know you converted for the wrong reasons. In fact how stupid do you have to be to suggest the other option to Islam is some other cruel thing. Shows a lot about how you people think.

And yes muslims are vengeful. Just like any other large Abrahamic following the texts are full of passages on how the nonbelievers will get their comeuppance.

Aisha was 6 when she was molested. And 9 when Muhammad entered into her.
Stop following him. The fruits of islam are apparent, look at all their countries, and what their immigrants do to normal people. Rape, groom, cheat, steal, bomb, decapitate innocents on the street. And they do this in the name of the Quran + Allah (kill the disbelievers wherever you find them). Sad.

I am just seeing whether or not you object to the death penalty completely.

Yes atheists are hellbound and a good Muslim state will send them there. This is justice because atheists are morality-hating narcissists

This is a literature forum. We will discuss openly without namecalling and libel on innocents thank you.

People of the book aren't covered by that injunction, they are covered by the laws of their own religions

The Quran literally states that Christians aren't polytheists, doesn't stop Muslims from being retarded and thinking otherwise though.

So you're okay with sending people to their death for their beliefs and not their actions?

You're not seeing much then, you can name every torturous type of death penalty and still be none the wiser about the other person's view on whether it's okay or not.
But do you actually confess that you want people to die because of their belief?

Trinitarian Christians are although they're still people of the book. The Qur'an says deifying Jesus (peace be upon him) is shirk

I don't consider beheading torturous if the blade is very sharp. It hits the back of the neck immediately, severing the nerves

Atheists should be eradicated. Christians are misguided by mean well and are often righteous

I was going to decry this but IF they can do it, so be it. Might makes right.

>context doesn't matter
I gave you the proper context and you're ignoring it.
Paul worshiped Christ, calling him Lord and God, saying he is the exact imprint of the nature of God and "He is the image of the invisible God", and many other divine qualities (pre-existent) that would contradict your reading of Romans 1. John says he is the Word made flesh, and the Word is God and was with God, etc. The bible can't be understood in small snippets.
Obviously worshiping a man as God prior to the incarnation would be idolatry. Also worshiping false Gods would be idolatry...It's never idolatry to prostrate before the living God or his manifestations, like the burning bush. Christ is the Godman so your silly argument doesn't apply.

You are being disingenuous and know better.
And you ignored my other points, so I will leave you to wallow in your ignorance. No, pearls before swine.

So not only do you condone the killing of innocents, you also wish for it too.
Are you sure Muhammad had this in mind? Since you claimed Islam is a peaceful religion and all..

Either way you don't respect the sanctity of life and I hope you come to that realisation soon.

Muhammad (ﷺ) destroyed idols and executed anyone who refused to submit except people of the book. If they pay their taxes, they are to be protected and judged by their own laws rather than Sharia

Maybe, but you are apparently fine with beheading whoever isn't a Muslim. In other words if we gave you power you'd start slaughtering as many innocents as you could, only and ONLY because of some words in a book.

Do you wonder why Islamic societies are so undeveloped? I hope you accept that if there are enough people with your beliefs a backwards society will arise!

>Trinitarian Christians are although they're still people of the book.

It literally says Christians aren't polytheists.

OP's line of thinking goes to show how hostile and virulent Islamic values are in contrast to Western values. It breeds an arrogance, a holier than thou fury beyond rational comprehension. Islam is fundamentally incompatible with the West, with reason, and with an open society of free thought.

Brother you speak ill of a beautiful (and true, the only true) religion

I speak the truth of the most frightening and organized cult ever to exist.

Please stop, almost everywhere besides the first World is underdeveloped regardless of religion or lack thereof, and most of Gulf States, where Sharia is strongest, are doing well

If you don't read my posts, why should I read yours?

The West is incompatible with the West. If the West were a being, what is now called the West refers to its suicide

That is your opinion. May you be guided to the truth soon.

This. Although I will admit that Islam is appealing and even admirable...until you meet Muslims. Then you see the hypocrisy, the false pride, disunity that Muslims have and you begin to examine its central teachings a bit closer and you realize something is deeply wrong with the religion.

I guess we have Persians and Berbers to thank for making the Arab religion half appealing.

Yeah bjecause islam cant coexist with European values.. Go to Saudi Arabia and practice your sandnigger religion over there you traitor

>The West is incompatible with the West. If the West were a being, what is now called the West refers to its suicide
The West is going through a multicultural identity crisis, akin to a multiple personality disorder. But the foundations are still there waiting to be resuscitated.

Based and redpilled

Shia Islam was established in Persia by the Safavids genocide of Sunni Persians and replacing them with Arab Shia?

Surah Al-Mai'idah 5:82.

Literally states that Christians are not polytheists, but you only want to justify your own prejudices.

Trinitarianism is an exaggeration but not a blasphemy according to the Quran....According to brainlet """"practicing"""" Muslims it's shirk. Really makes you think.

> Thinks the Persian Islamic golden age was Shia

Dude, I literally don't care about your butthurt about Shi'as. The (Sunni) Persians accomplished more than anything Arabs or Turks ever will for Islam. But you'll probably claim Hafez was kuffar.

>western values
you mean spreading aids worldwide, promoting drug + gang culture in their media, killing babies to liberate women, "picking your gender", uncontrollable consumerism, pornography everywhere, idolizing science/transhumanism, fake media controlling the population + pedophile cults running the gov and billionaires exploiting workers for cheap labour?
there's no western value outside religion, Christianity, and even that has decayed in the west due to protestantism and roman catholicism changing their beliefs and being infiltrated by satanists.

Attached: 1565924042981.jpg (672x658, 80K)

There are no European values, what you call them are in fact imported from America after each world war

The West is a a homosexual gimp being violated by women with strap ons, I'm sure conservatives who want to conservative that are anxious about other cultures

There are some admirable qualities to Islam, a medievalist honor system and air of nobility. An unwavering confidence in itself that stems from unshakable, militant faith.
You see this for instance with Pashtun culture, Pashtunwali. The concept of Nanawatai , in which a guest is to be protected from his enemies bordering on fanatical self-sacrifice. Or Melmastia, a deep hospitality even if it runs up one's costs.

But this is more reflective of a localized culture that happens to be Muslim than Islamic virtues themselves. Islam has curdled into a violent, warlike ideology. I grant that this is partly because the hornet's nest was stirred by Western imperialism, but even if the nest is not stirred, it's still full of hornets.

>due to protestantism and roman catholicism changing their beliefs and being infiltrated by satanists.

What is the house of Saud and Daesh?

> We never have problems, only the Christians! If Muslims shoot up a Sufi mosque and kill hundreds of orthodox Muslims, let's blame the Jews!


Cowardly and intellectually dishonest positions.

So you think worshipping a man is not shirk?

I am not even an Arab or a Turk so what are you getting whiney about?

>but even if the nest is not stirred, it's still full of hornets.

Agreed. This is a religion where its own adherents killed 3 of the 4 rightly guided caliphs.

>So you think worshipping a man is not shirk?

This isn't about what I or you think. It's about what the word of Allah states. If Christians are polytheists, then why does Allah always refer to Christians as a separate category from the polytheists?

> please stop
Why? Because you don't want open and honest discussion? I'll assume the best and suppose you do (even though you called for death against over 50% of the world population).

You postulate that gulf states are successful only and ONLY because of their strict interpretation of Sharia law. Correct?
By doing that you ignore the fact they are sitting atop of near inexhaustible oil resources. I don't know whether to attribute that omission to wilful ignorance or dishonesty, but either way you're wrong. Without said wealth, your society turns into a hellhole for anyone who doesn't harbour hardliner thought.

You think brutally murdering civilians for their beliefs turns society into an utopic paradise merely because of the utterances of a so-called prophet, yet the influx of refugees from Syria and Iraq is one of the largest of the century.
You think you know best for the world, but you prove otherwise in your posts. In fact, have you even any idea of how psychopathic your ideas are?

Winston Churchill

>Indeed it is evident that Christianity, however degraded and distorted by cruelty and intolerance, must always exert a modifying influence on men’s passions, and protect them from the more violent forms of fanatical fever, as we are protected from smallpox by vaccination. But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness. In a moment the fruits of patient toil, the prospects of material prosperity, the fear of death itself, are flung aside. The more emotional Pathans are powerless to resist. All rational considerations are forgotten. Seizing their weapons, they become Ghazis—as dangerous and as sensible as mad dogs: fit only to be treated as such. While the more generous spirits among the tribesmen become convulsed in an ecstasy of religious bloodthirstiness, poorer and more material souls derive additional impulses from the influence of others, the hopes of plunder and the joy of fighting. Thus whole nations are roused to arms. Thus the Turks repel their enemies, the Arabs of the Soudan break the British squares, and the rising on the Indian frontier spreads far and wide. In each case civilisation is confronted with militant Mahommedanism. The forces of progress clash with those of reaction. The religion of blood and war is face to face with that of peace. Luckily the religion of peace is usually the better armed.

Attached: Taliban.png (712x531, 254K)

>Islam has curdled into a violent, warlike ideology.
It has always been a violent, warlike ideology. The whole drive of Islam is to spread itself through tenacious conquest and subjugation.

Threadly reminder this is how Muslims treat other Muslims. Absolutely no unity. No wonder Israel walks all over them.